I don't particularly understand Gia's runway look this week. Is the eye thing deliberate? It seems like it keeps going on and nobody picked up on it. It's even weirder, because in the Untucked exit interview, her other eye is blinking constantly. Is she channeling this kind of realness:
# ? Mar 25, 2014 15:22 |
# ? Jan 16, 2025 01:14 |
Joslyn has been impressing me with her consistency; she always pulls something out and never complains that it's not what she does. I want to hang out with Courtney at a bar and drink pink cocktails with umbrellas in them. Like everyone else, I am so over Laganja. I'm not sure how she can make herself look worse, but I'm sure she'll manage it.
# ? Mar 25, 2014 18:27 |
I've only caught a few random episodes of this show over the years, but always enjoyed it. Last night I met a friend at Micky's in West Hollywood, where they have an official screening party, complete with performances from current and former Drag Race queens. It was pretty spectacular. Raven really loved showing off her crotchal region, and was hilarious in general. Laganja's performances were really energetic and consisted of so many falling splits it made me hurt. When you're so close and you can hear the THUD each time it really adds to that pain. Kelly Mantle and Trinity (doing a nice Beyonce) were there as well as a couple others. Oh yeah, and Jessica Wild sat on me during her Britney Spears routine. For a first drag show I think I chose well. I also can't get over how slick this show is edited. drat it moves fast.
# ? Mar 25, 2014 18:30 |
I don't think this has been posted here yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzoncUZDX1I
# ? Mar 25, 2014 21:33 |
Super loving kudos to the genuis who made sure the drinks in Untucked were (I'm assuming) Vodka and Citrus.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 00:57 |
The editing staff on this show are just amazing - the tiny tiny pause for the shade noise after the "fashion week/weak" comment - just to be clear that you got it.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 01:02 |
Trinity had the funniest line on the show. "Does Rachel Zoe really sound like that? No?.......That's unfortunate." I died.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 01:23 |
Actually, on second thought I'm wondering if Milk is smarter than I give her credit for. If she's trying to get people to talk about what Drag is, she's definitely succeeded.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 01:59 |
I'm getting old, I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and I've been out for two days Thank goodness for snatch game to pick me up! Ben and Bianca BROUGHT IT. And Adore finally proved why she's here. Joslyn has more skills than anyone gave her credit for, and I love her a little more every week. Her bit about "Giudice" was GOLD. Darienne got the job done, Courtney and Trinity weren't abysmal. But Gia was every bit as bad as I thought she would be; not that that was a surprise -- did she even know there was a Selena before Gomez? There's a possibility she didn't. And LaGanja had only the faintest germ of how to do Rachel Zoe, which is better than Gia, but that's not a high bar to clear. But Milk confirmed all my concerns about her limitations. Julia Child can be very funny (Mario Cantone did it quite well), but Milk was so genuinely befuddled when Ru asked her point blank "how are you gonna make her funny?" That's only the point of the challenge, dearie! Gia and Ben were also stumped, but Gia was clearly doomed and Ben's a pro who figured it out; Milk's the only one whose fuzzy concept really disappointed me. And that's what it boils down to for me: Milk doesn't have a focused vision. Also, she's afraid to make a sincere effort. And so if Milk can't bring it when she was more or less free to be goofy (or at least the chance to take a risk) in the challenge, then I don't think she's got it in her. And being boy Ru, while totally a viable take on 'drag' , was not what the judges wanted and she knew it. Also, it looked bad, what with the visible wig seam and all. Milk shoulda gone Starrbooty. Bianca being take-no-poo poo drag mama to Adore and LaGanja was the second best part of the episode. It was refreshing to watch her let down the sassy facade a bit and reach out to a younger queen. And I am happy to watch her and Adore shut down LaGanja, who needs to be next to go. But the best moment: Capsaicin posted:Trinity had the funniest line on the show. I got my wish! A Gia and LaGanja LSFYL! Except the song was a mid-tempo ditty that neither of them knew how to werq, and so it wasn't as lively as I had hoped. LaGanja pulled out a bunch of tricks that had nothing to do with the song, and Gia looked lost. Aaah, well. Also, Gia: better to be a dude than a oval office. Good Riddance. Finally, a funny Rachel Zoe impersonation video. It's an oldie but goodie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YTUirqfOa8
# ? Mar 26, 2014 02:42 |
I honestly could not see anything other than the Six Flags commercial guy in Milk's runway appearance. I also wish we could have seen more of Darienne as Paula Deen. The few shots she was in were excellent.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 03:22 |
Stroop There It Is posted:I honestly could not see anything other than the Six Flags commercial guy in Milk's runway appearance. Exactly what I said, and the other people watching went "HOLY poo poo YES!"
# ? Mar 26, 2014 03:45 |
Adore's "omg are you serious" glance at the camera during Untucked when Laganja started her belly aching almost got a spit take out of me.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 04:41 |
Always wondered if the judges zingers during the runway were being said aloud at the time or post-added later. Was thinking it was latter but good to know its the former. Laganja is such a contradiction. For someone who is trying so hard to be "loud and out there", she sure is ridiculously sensitive and not at all emotionally mature enough to handle what the persona she tries to project. Pity. Finally liked Adore this episode. Before she came off as slacker bratty, but now she looks to be putting in more effort to her betterment. Good job. Milk's schtick is getting old fast. Players who don't bend a little end up breaking eventually. Daring and risky can be fun, but a lot of her looks are just sloppy in execution. Ben, Bianca, and Courtney have this thing in the bag. Darrienne, TKB, Josylyn, Adore, Milk, and Laganja are just cannon fodder at this point.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 05:15 |
MilicentPottywinkle posted:Adore's "omg are you serious" glance at the camera during Untucked when Laganja started her belly aching almost got a spit take out of me. All of the reactions to Laganja and Gia's hugbox were amazing. I thought Bianca's attempt to get Langanja to shake it off was sweet, in its own way. "Just treat like gas and leave it in the hall." She's getting all den mother on us.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 05:38 |
Looking back at past seasons, I had thought that the winner of the snatch game had always gone on to be the winner of the entire season, since Jinkx won, and Chad won All Stars. Turns out I was wrong about Raja winning, and Tyra didn't even get high marks. That said, doing bad in the Snatch Game is an indicator of who's getting eliminated, simply because Ru looks for someone quick and funny as a winner.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 06:41 |
Pinwiz11 posted:Milk I think my gut is busted. I laughed so drat hard. Edit: I too noticed the immediate resemblance to the Six Flags man. We need a video of Milk prancing around to http://youtu.be/6Zbi0XmGtMw Bina fucked around with this message at 08:27 on Mar 26, 2014 |
# ? Mar 26, 2014 08:05 |
# ? Mar 26, 2014 19:50 |
This is a terrific look. I'm confidant that April will go far based on the goodwill of this show.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 20:55 |
I have a feeling that if they bring back a queen late in the season it will be April.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 21:39 |
drat, that is perfect. Got the couch fabric and everything. Really wish she had stayed on the show, just for that outfit. Thank Jeebus Gia is gone. I just couldn't deal with her voice anymore, on top of her stank attitude. That "you're all still dudes" line was real lovely. Laganja and her "I don't know when you hurt me, but I know you did" can go next. Where the hell did that come from? Does not being high make you that paranoid or something? I'm officially on the "Milk is on borrowed time" train. Granted, that boy Ru look was totally different and it left me dumbfounded, but I got done posting about how "this is my drag" was an excuse to not push herself, and here she was doing the exact thing. If there's anything I dislike more than a boring queen, it's a stubborn queen.
# ? Mar 26, 2014 21:40 |
Pinwiz11 posted:I have a feeling that if they bring back a queen late in the season it will be April. I'd be happy to see her or Kelly come back. I feel like Kelly could have be interesting. This was the BEST Snatch game ever! There was a lot less jokes sailing right over the queens head, and from what they showed in the episode it looks like it went well for most of them. Bianca's Judge Judy was great, as was Ben's Maggie Smith. I would have liked to see Bianca win that one, but Ben also did amazing, so I have no complaints. I kinda wish Laganja had gone home. 'Let me pull out all of the tricks in my dancing book to win this!' Yes, that looked well composed. But I'm not said to see Gia go, especially after her goodbye message. Also, I liked Milk's look. However, I feel if she plays the 'way too out there' card again though, it's going to blow back on her. Good Work Room RuPaul, though (outside of the skin cap) Also, totally having a change of heart about Adore. She's shaping up to be decent. Dunno if she'll make top 3 unless she does something really special, but I don't hate her now, and after Untucked, actually like her a bit. Loved how she wasn't going to play Laganja's game. Bremma fucked around with this message at 21:47 on Mar 26, 2014 |
# ? Mar 26, 2014 21:45 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4pIBCH-hEE And who said Milk can't do glam? (I missed this show. I'm so furious)
# ? Mar 27, 2014 01:59 |
In typical Milk fashion all the effort seems to have gone into the concept of this joyless spectacle. Yawn.
# ? Mar 27, 2014 02:20 |
caligulamprey posted:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4pIBCH-hEE This just cemented that I don't really like Milk. Ugh.
# ? Mar 27, 2014 03:44 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8APwIWMQSc "I am famous on the internet!" Mathu
# ? Mar 28, 2014 20:09 |
PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:I'm getting old, I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and I've been out for two days Thank goodness for snatch game to pick me up! Had some family come in to visit from Utah earlier this week including my 12 year-old grandniece who I've only seen for the second time. Turned out that she and my also watch Drag Race and we ended up talking about the show for an hour. Drag Race: Bringing Families Together. She did spoil Gia's elimination for me, but as long as Gia's gone, I'm okay. I'm feeling a bit relieved that people are starting to see through Milk's shtick, because I felt like I had been taking crazy pills in how my opinion of her contrasted so greatly with everybody else. I agree with what PostsYouCanDanceTo said: Milk doesn't seem to be putting forth a sincere effort. All the weird little touches she'll put to her looks seem like afterthoughts. Vivacious' accoutrements were an important part to her drag and, more importantly, there was a reason behind them: they were representations of classic drag. Milk's additions feel like a security blanket: something to distract from her shortcomings as well as a convenient excuse for herself when she fails. I'm finally coming around to Adore. I think that with refinement that she can be great, but it may be perhaps too early for her to be on Drag Race. Having someone like Bianca around would do well to temper those rough edges. Trinity's segment about Zoe was a wonderful bit of unintentional hilarity. That got a good belly laugh out of me. That said, if the Snatch Game was an indication, her days are numbered. Today's going to be an interesting day: going with two of my older sisters, a niece, nephew, grandniece and my sister's partner to a Gender Bender Pub Crawl!
# ? Mar 30, 2014 14:08 |
Ghostpilot posted:Vivacious' accoutrements were an important part to her drag and, more importantly, there was a reason behind them: they were representations of classic drag. See, this is what I really disagree about Vivacious. She is messy. Really messy. She claims she's a club kid, and represents old school drag. RuPaul was a club kid 25 years ago. And then RuPaul got sober. Vivacious, to me, seems like she was simply around the club kids. The club kids moved on, and Vivacious is still here nearly 30 years later claiming to be one. We saw it with her poor attempt at schooling the girls in vogueing in Untucked. Her runway looks were atrocious, and were a classic case of just a man in a dress. She never stood a chance on the show. She knew it, and RuPaul knew it, and frankly I'm surprised that so many people have become such fans of such a messy queen simply because she has some years in the bag. I get that she certainly has a respect for a certain era of drag. I just don't think she does it well. RuPaul and Michelle Visage were there. They get the aesthetic that Vivacious was going for. It still didn't help her. Nihonniboku fucked around with this message at 12:55 on Mar 31, 2014 |
# ? Mar 31, 2014 12:21 |
Nihonniboku posted:See, this is what I really disagree about Vivacious. She is messy. Really messy. She claims she's a club kid, and represents old school drag. RuPaul was a club kid 25 years ago. And then RuPaul got sober. Vivacious, to me, seems like she was simply around the club kids. The club kids moved on, and Vivacious is still here nearly 30 years later claiming to be one. We saw it with her poor attempt at schooling the girls in vogueing in Untucked. Her runway looks were atrocious, and were a classic case of just a man in a dress. She never stood a chance on the show. She knew it, and RuPaul knew it, and frankly I'm surprised that so many people have become such fans of such a messy queen simply because she has some years in the bag. I get that she certainly has a respect for a certain era of drag. I just don't think she does it well. RuPaul and Michelle Visage were there. They get the aesthetic that Vivacious was going for. It still didn't help her. I think a lot of people, myself included, loved her personality a lot, so that combined with the "club drag is more about weird costumes than polish and glamor" sentiment made up for her less than perfect looks. I agree that she never really stood a chance. I was hoping she would show a bit more polish but yeah, she was pretty underwhelming by the end.
# ? Mar 31, 2014 14:27 |
QuickbreathFinisher posted:I think a lot of people, myself included, loved her personality a lot, so that combined with the "club drag is more about weird costumes than polish and glamor" sentiment made up for her less than perfect looks. I agree that she never really stood a chance. I was hoping she would show a bit more polish but yeah, she was pretty underwhelming by the end. Like so many before her, and at least some after her (hello, Milk!), she thought trying to win the competition meant compromising who they were, and that attitude leads only to a LSFYL.
# ? Mar 31, 2014 14:40 |
Nihonniboku posted:See, this is what I really disagree about Vivacious. She is messy. Really messy. She claims she's a club kid, and represents old school drag. RuPaul was a club kid 25 years ago. And then RuPaul got sober. Vivacious, to me, seems like she was simply around the club kids. The club kids moved on, and Vivacious is still here nearly 30 years later claiming to be one. We saw it with her poor attempt at schooling the girls in vogueing in Untucked. Her runway looks were atrocious, and were a classic case of just a man in a dress. She never stood a chance on the show. She knew it, and RuPaul knew it, and frankly I'm surprised that so many people have become such fans of such a messy queen simply because she has some years in the bag. I get that she certainly has a respect for a certain era of drag. I just don't think she does it well. RuPaul and Michelle Visage were there. They get the aesthetic that Vivacious was going for. It still didn't help her. I should probably preface my posts with that I don't watch Untucked. And I certainly agree that Vivacious deserved to go home (I'm not crazy), but Vivacious had purpose behind her look that both RuPaul and Michelle could recognize and appreciate. I appreciate what the intent of what Vivacious was trying to accomplish with her drag, rather or not she did it well. I agree, she did read male much of the time. Milk will come up with a look that's perfectly acceptable for the runway, and then up and decide to slap a beard on it, or a baby belly, etc. And when asked about it, she'll just have the non-answer of wanting to do something different without any further explanation. If Ru and Visage can recognize what Vivacious, Sharon and Alaska were doing but are left scratching their head with Milk, then the question becomes: "why do it?"
# ? Mar 31, 2014 15:22 |
I think the problem with Vivacious was complete lack of innovation. She mimicked the drag she admires but I didn't feel like she put a personal touch on it or even brought anything new. I think it says a lot that Ornacia became more popular than her. I was never particularly enthusiastic about Milk and she didn't wow me even once. Somehow her attempts at innovation feel empty to me. Her weirdness is tacked on in the end for the sake of being different instead of being a part of the concept or even having the concept built around it. It's just lame and mediocre
# ? Mar 31, 2014 16:31 |
however, Milk is a rather cute boy so my feelings are torn about how far I want them to go LaGanga needs to get the gently caress off this train tonight
# ? Mar 31, 2014 17:23 |
Bewildrbeast posted:however, Milk is a rather cute boy so my feelings are torn about how far I want them to go But it's her time to spread her wings, how dare you?? I'm also in the same boat about milk. Cute but nothing to her looks.
# ? Mar 31, 2014 17:34 |
If Laganga got booted off tonight I'd have no qualms about anyone else staying or leaving, barring abysmal future performances.
# ? Mar 31, 2014 18:40 |
The LIIIIII-brary is OPEN. Ohmygod Darienne
# ? Apr 1, 2014 01:06 |
It's been said before, but Joslyn Fox continues to impress me with each episode, and is a surprising solid lock for the top five. Also, what is Trinity's forte exactly? Edit: Milk is likely going home soon, but her runway look tonight was her best so far. At least he can go home to his even hotter boyfriend. Nihonniboku fucked around with this message at 01:44 on Apr 1, 2014 |
# ? Apr 1, 2014 01:35 |
Oh man, living for Dela and Courtney's looks in Untucked while Laganja is saying all this dumb poo poo again. "If I can't win, I want it to be Adore." e: TWO episodes next week?!?! And one of them looks to be a cooking show challenge!?!?! QuickbreathFinisher fucked around with this message at 02:08 on Apr 1, 2014 |
# ? Apr 1, 2014 02:05 |
I don't understand why the winner of Season 1 is competing in Drag Race again.
# ? Apr 1, 2014 06:28 |
afterhours posted:I don't understand why the winner of Season 1 is competing in Drag Race again. TKB? As for the episode tonight- Welp, that was a sad ending. If you're not good enough to be a freak, and not good enough to be pretty, than what ARE you? Team Milk forever! LOLZ at Gia's letter. I love Bianca~ Little Rolodex O' Hate. Joslyn is really growing on me. Girl's hair is THIRSTY, though. I'd like to see Darienne, or TKB go home next. Maybe even Courtney if she can't show some vulnerability. As for Ben- I'd like to see more interesting things. I wanna see that girl WERK. I think we'll see that soon. Lagana is a snooze fest. Super whiny, and really shady with the passive-aggressive behavior. If you can't say exactly when someone hurt you, then shut up. It's hella rude. Not surprising that Gia was continuing to hugbox Laganja through that letter. Adore is stepping her game up- All the girl needs to do is get that runway look DOWN. THE HOUSE DOWN. At least Ben and Courtney are still in for my top three. I'll stick Joslyn in there to take Milk's place. Sad that my favorite freaky Dairy Queen had to sashay.
# ? Apr 1, 2014 08:13 |
# ? Jan 16, 2025 01:14 |
I got serious girl crush on Bianca, she's hilarious and biting but has really been constructive with the other queens. Would have liked for her to win this week, but Adore's growing on me too, so it's cool. I want to like Trinity, too, because she can be funny in her talking head bits, but jeez she's a negative Nancy everywhere else. It's like she remembered she needed to know how to sew and forgot literally everything else the competition entails. afterhours posted:I don't understand why the winner of Season 1 is competing in Drag Race again.
# ? Apr 1, 2014 09:25 |