Mr Dog posted:linux's credibility as a platform ![]()
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 04:08 |
how's Microsoft's long-term commitment to Silverlight and WinRT working out for u shags
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im not using either, but Silverlight will continue to work for decades and winrt is still the future of windows.
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prefect posted:why would you have a product where the name is abbreviated as "wince"? http://www.microsoft.com/windowsembedded/en-us/windows-embedded-posready-7.aspx
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Shaggar posted:im not using either, but Silverlight will continue to work for decades and winrt is still the future of windows. this is sadder than any linux talk in this thread
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Shaggar posted:im not using either, but Silverlight will continue to work for decades and winrt is still the future of windows.
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Suspicious Dish posted:I mean, if you want systemd conspiracy, why not try today's LKML? https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/8/12/459 They still think systemd is only developed by Poettering too it looks. Not much of a mention of Apple's launchd either.
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Soricidus posted:translation: windows is stagnant and it's future is being beaten by apple and android and microsoft's strategy to stop this isn't to stop throwing darts to come out with 'innovations' nor even to aim more precisely, but to just throw the darts harder
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Boner Slam posted:- The poo poo you need to go through to add an icon to the activities menu shows that Linux will never be a desktop OS. Well you can install this app of course, but out of the box it's either "don't do it" or "try a lot of console poo poo"
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Boner Slam posted:Like if you have the audacity to set python3 as default then half the poo poo doesn't work anymore. Good! good man ![]() i opt out of python 2 stuff too
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Shaggar posted:winrt is still the future of windows. haha
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now is that the windows runtime or windows rt???? careful branding itt
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windows runtime averages about 5 days to a week in my experience before it becomes unusable. real server machines like unix/linux or desktops like linux or macs however, with a unix base, often have runtimes of years without need for reboot except for kernel upgrades, which realistically takes that down to months of runtime unless you just don't choose to reboot. really no limit; they don't just "start acting shady and slow to respond like a cheating boyfriend" how windows does, or worse and more common, just commit suicide with a blue screen of death because they can't manage memory
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Mr Dog posted:linux's credibility as a platform for doing any sort of serious work on. yea they already have absolutely none of that so nowerhere to go but up
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i see i was late to the shaggaring ![]()
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can somebody please explain to me why people use ubuntu on a server? let's take debian and then incompetently gently caress a bunch of poo poo up, then replace a bunch of stuff that's standardised on every other linux distro with our own home brew garbage for no good reason
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Because developers use Ubuntu Desktop for a dev machine, and then realize that you can't sanely deploy it on anything else other than an Ubuntu Server. This is why Red Hat's putting money into Fedora Workstation now, even if that's a really broken idea from the get-go.
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well yeah and every butt provider out there always seem to provide Ubuntu Server images for some reason surely the people responsible for architecting their butt service know better also the only people who do their day-to-day development work on a linux workstation are the people who work for suse or red hat. everyone else uses the operating system given to us by His Holiness Steve Jobs (pbuh)
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there's a lot of linux on my desk right now
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god loving forbid you ever have to do anything with x on gnome 2 with compiz.![]() this is how it is supposed to look like, even the take screenshot app works better without compiz. ![]()
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more like cumpiss
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Origin posted:god loving forbid you ever have to do anything with x on gnome 2 with compiz. What GPU / driver are you using? If it's Intel, try disabling SNA.
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Suspicious Dish posted:What GPU / driver are you using? If it's Intel, try disabling SNA. I use the nvidia 304 drivers but compiz and r have never worked well together: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2008-August/170886.html
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in gnome 3 if you turn on matiral scrolling the lock screen tells you to swipe up but you actually have to swipe down. and why the gently caress is there no sensitivity setting for two finger scrolling? jfc.
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computer toucher posted:in gnome 3 if you turn on matiral scrolling the lock screen tells you to swipe up but you actually have to swipe down. welcome to reenix here is your commandline fix $ synclient VertScrollDelta=n mine defaults to 99, lower = faster apparently good luck getting it to reapply each time you reboot
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Progressive JPEG posted:welcome to reenix here is your commandline fix you can put synaptics options in xorg.conf. it's easiest if you use a pattern match to just handle all input devices code:
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computer toucher posted:in gnome 3 if you turn on matiral scrolling the lock screen tells you to swipe up but you actually have to swipe down. We should accept swipes either way. I remember writing patches for this, but perhaps they didn't land.
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Suspicious Dish posted:Most codecs are patent-encumbered, and SuSE doesn't license them to ship them out of the box, and they consider it a legal risk to ship them as packages. This is something I desperately want to fix, but legal refused. This is one of the reasons I'm leaving Red Hat: an inability to fix broken poo poo like this. Suspicious Dish posted:What is your hardware? I just hotplugged a bluetooth USB dongle over here fine. Is there anything in the journal? Do it, make it fail, and then run journalctl -b -e. The journalctl says "No journal files were found" and "Skipping" and "~" a lot. Suspicious Dish posted:What's your GPU, and what monitor sizes are you outputting to? We're always looking at performance, but need to know what equipment to test with. Suspicious Dish posted:I don't like the paging either. I don't work on that part of the UI, though. Suspicious Dish posted:Software is how you install apps. Suspicious Dish posted:This is something I broke, sorry. If it's any consolation, I fixed it in the latest stable release. What is SuSE shipping with? Also, once I log in with Gnome the option to chose a different window manager disappears when I log off. I have to restart the machine. This is annoying for testing window managers. KDE to gnome works tho. Suspicious Dish posted:Works for me here. Anything in the journal? Suspicious Dish posted:Again, works for me here. Anything in the journal? Notorious b.s.d. posted:also lol at choosing a desktop environment based on how the initial screen looks, then complaining that your choice sucks Well I actually installed many window managers. I think design wise the Gnome is the only one which isn't full of mistakes that make someone who knows just a tag about design go "nnnghghg" constantly. In KDE specifically the font sizes are totally off compared to the UI which contains them, the window buttons look like a three year old drew them, the desktop is cluttered, the icons on the task bar are all different sizes (as are the fonts of clock and taskbar). Also the clock has a different height than the other items in the task bar. NHGHGHGH. WHYYYY. The taskbar items have this ugly drop shadow and are far too small for the font and the icon. Looks like total crap sorry. The items are really bad and a bad fit with the shinyness and stuff. Maybe it's a SUSE issue here. The start menu is a mess, nothing lines up on a raster and so it is immediately unpleasant to look at. And this butt-ugly grey for the UI with this white gradient on the least important part is really just a sad thing. It's a like a sad version of Apple. Any other window managers I should try?
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Keep in mind that I work on Fedora, not SuSE. It has a different set of problems about patents and legality, but at least on Fedora you can install rpmfusion to get your codecs. They don't come out of the box because, again, patents and licensing. I know you don't give a poo poo. No user gives a poo poo, they just want to play their MP3 files. I tried and pushed really hard to get Red Hat management to allow us to ship it. They didn't budge, for legal and philosophy reasons. As a direct result of this and plenty of other things where we just aren't allowed to ship a good user experience out of the box, I left Red Hat. The journal being missing sounds like a bad SuSE bug. I'm not sure what to say to that, since I've never used SuSE. The apps being missing is a result of SuSE having a smaller community of packagers. Fedora might have more apps. Unfortunately, both of them aren't the sane model of "the apps are shipped by the developers themselves", and will likely never be because doing that means killing our large community of human robots who write shell scripts all day, and that's a no-no. I didn't know about the Windows 8 partition hibernate feature. Unfortunately, the NTFS specifications aren't public, which means a lot of this stuff has to be reverse engineered, which takes time.
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Shaggar posted:im not using either, but Silverlight will continue to work for decades and winrt is still the future of windows. in the grimdark future, silverlight and winrt are all that remains of
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Boner Slam posted:Well I actually installed many window managers. I think design wise the Gnome is the only one which isn't full of mistakes that make someone who knows just a tag about design go "nnnghghg" constantly. desktop software for unix is mostly made by extremely beardy volunteers, and they do it to scratch their own itch. looking cool usually means the software is bloody loving useless. i suspect this is because the itch they were scratching was "my desktop should look cool!!!!" and not "i use my desktop at work" making a choice about a desktop based on graphic design principles was pretty well doomed to failure Notorious b.s.d. fucked around with this message at 22:20 on Aug 15, 2014 |
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:desktop software for unix nah most os x developers seem fine op
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theadder posted:nah most os x developers seem fine op coincidentally os x is the worst unix what have we learned here? i'll just spell it out for you Notorious b.s.d. posted:making a choice about a desktop based on graphic design principles was pretty well doomed to failure
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:what have we learned here? i'll just spell it out for you a lecture from on high lol
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theadder posted:a lecture from on high lol would be better high probably
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Captain Foo posted:would be better high probably i dunno its p good to think he sat and typed that in any state
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Suspicious Dish posted:I tried and pushed really hard to get Red Hat management to allow us to ship it. They didn't budge, for legal and philosophy reasons. As a direct result of this and plenty of other things where we just aren't allowed to ship a good user experience out of the box, I left Red Hat. I'm confused, did you want them to just ignore the patent and risk the lawsuit or eat the royalty fee on behalf of your users?
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Notorious b.s.d. posted:desktop software for unix is mostly made by extremely beardy volunteers, and they do it to scratch their own itch. blesssed are the beard scratchers, for they will inherit the girth
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 04:08 |
pseudorandom name posted:I'm confused, did you want them to just ignore the patent and risk the lawsuit or eat the royalty fee on behalf of your users? I wanted them to allow users to install things at their own legal risk. This is what other distributions like Debian do.
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