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cinci zoo sniper
Mar 14, 2013

atomicthumbs posted:

ok let me rephrase that. nobody who's not a fuckin nerd has used it in the last 10 years
did someone again let nerds to my computers :manning:


Apr 3, 2013


b0red fucked around with this message at 15:27 on Jul 15, 2016

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

cinci zoo sniper
Mar 14, 2013

has anyone got wine working in wsl?

celeron 300a
Jan 23, 2005

by exmarx
Yam Slacker
Thread, I have a confession.

I paid $200 on NewEgg for a pos amd machine for windows gaming

I may not put linux on it for one, maybe two weeks, at which point it'll probably get centos 7 and turned into an openstack compute server

is this bad enough to turn in my linux superiority badge and complimentary ubuntu linux case stickers or do I get a reprive for now

cinci zoo sniper
Mar 14, 2013

celeron 300a posted:

Thread, I have a confession.

I paid $200 on NewEgg for a pos amd machine for windows gaming

I may not put linux on it for one, maybe two weeks, at which point it'll probably get centos 7 and turned into an openstack compute server

is this bad enough to turn in my linux superiority badge and complimentary ubuntu linux case stickers or do I get a reprive for now
yeah its was p dumb of you to get a $200 newegg machine for gaming unless you target poo poo that was hot around dubya's presidency

Feb 12, 2009

by vyelkin

celeron 300a posted:

Thread, I have a confession.

I paid $200 on NewEgg for a pos amd machine for windows gaming

I may not put linux on it for one, maybe two weeks, at which point it'll probably get centos 7 and turned into an openstack compute server

is this bad enough to turn in my linux superiority badge and complimentary ubuntu linux case stickers or do I get a reprive for now

Using Cent == Good
Using Ubuntu == Bad.

I think you just get a demotion on this one.

celeron 300a
Jan 23, 2005

by exmarx
Yam Slacker

cadenza posted:

thanks for the reply friend

i did a memory test and it was fine. the usb drives all work fine on other machines. they also all work fine if i'm just using them as FAT storage media - if i plug a USB drive into either of the ports on the machine and mount it i have no problems, its literally only when reading the compressed filesystem from installation media that presents problems. the images i've tried (all 4 of them) all have the right md5 checksums too, so its not a problem with my source images.

i would have assumed its just some weird idiosyncrasy of the machine (new thinkpad x1 carbon) but no-one else online seems to be experiencing this, which points towards some hardware problem rather than anything else. are there some magic usb boot settings i might be missing from the bios? that would be nice rather than having to try sending it back to lenovo...

What you have described might point to a driver issue under linux. There has been some new technology coming out and it may need time for the kernels to catch up, particularly those that get included in boot discs. You may be able to blacklist usb 3 drivers on the boot command line and force the use of usb 2. This can make the install take longer but at least it will work.

I still think you should try to look at the kernel logs when you see the decompression issue. IO errors don't usually get caught by programs and they usually manifest later as unusual behavior (in this case, decompression error). The more information we have, the easier it will be to eliminate useless solutions and diagnostic tests.

If you prefer to run tests under windows, try to read a large file from your FAT-formatted drive (on the order of multiple gigabytes), see if you can use an application like Microsoft fciv to verify its sha1 or md5 sum. Ubuntu desktop install isos or fedora live isos are good choices since the checksums are all online. Be sure to copy it there with a different computer and copy it back with your laptop.

Try booting your install disc without UEFI, see if that helps.

celeron 300a
Jan 23, 2005

by exmarx
Yam Slacker

kalstrams posted:

yeah its was p dumb of you to get a $200 newegg machine for gaming unless you target poo poo that was hot around dubya's presidency

It's a refurb with a 3yo hybrid processor (read: integrated ati graphics) and 8gb of ram. It'll be good enough to play overwatch on minimal settings. I have an ssd I can throw in it. At some point, it'll get a discrete graphics card and, if needed, a power supply upgrade (and a new case if I have to).

I used to build my own sick nasty rigs back when discrete graphics was the only solution, simm memory came in whopping 1 mb sticks and computers regularly came with parallel ports, up until maybe sometime in 200X.

Now that I can't split my drat power bill with anyone, I'm not really looking to get a huge rig with a kilowatt power supply. :smith:

ratbert90 posted:

Using Cent == Good
Using Ubuntu == Bad.

I think you just get a demotion on this one.

what's my new rank and will smythe hang out with me

cinci zoo sniper
Mar 14, 2013

celeron 300a posted:

It's a refurb with a 3yo hybrid processor (read: integrated ati graphics) and 8gb of ram. It'll be good enough to play overwatch on minimal settings. I have an ssd I can throw in it. At some point, it'll get a discrete graphics card and, if needed, a power supply upgrade (and a new case if I have to).

I used to build my own sick nasty rigs back when discrete graphics was the only solution, simm memory came in whopping 1 mb sticks and computers regularly came with parallel ports, up until maybe sometime in 200X.

Now that I can't split my drat power bill with anyone, I'm not really looking to get a huge rig with a kilowatt power supply. :smith:
:smith: i feel you, though kilowatt computers are no longer a thing unless you do amd cpu and gpu. modern, high-end intel/nvidia cpu/gpu will total around 250W

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy
My 420W eating 980Ti would like to have a word, but yeah, unless you go into overclocks, staying below 300W is normal these days.

cinci zoo sniper
Mar 14, 2013

Truga posted:

My 420W eating 980Ti would like to have a word, but yeah, unless you go into overclocks, staying below 300W is normal these days.
if you dont oc, i5 and 1070 stay under 240 apparently

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

celeron 300a posted:

Thread, I have a confession.

I paid $200 on NewEgg for a pos amd machine for windows gaming

I may not put linux on it for one, maybe two weeks, at which point it'll probably get centos 7 and turned into an openstack compute server

is this bad enough to turn in my linux superiority badge and complimentary ubuntu linux case stickers or do I get a reprive for now

that'll make a very nice space heater

i don't know how well it will run software though

celeron 300a
Jan 23, 2005

by exmarx
Yam Slacker

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

that'll make a very nice space heater

i don't know how well it will run software though

this new box has a singular hard requirement, which it should accomplish very nicely

if it can run steam OS, even better

I considered computers at twice the price with much more expandability but they would still fall short of doom minimum system requirements without replacing nearly every component besides the ram and motherboard, unless the motherboard didn't have the right expansion slots. So if I wanted to play doom, I'd probably be better off building my own computer, except I now have to explicitly pay the microsoft tax.

So, I guess I am not playing doom for a couple of years, unless it comes out on Linux. I'm not touching console versions since they don't support keyboard and mouse.

celeron 300a
Jan 23, 2005

by exmarx
Yam Slacker
Apparently, PXE boot on CentOS 7 and RHEL 7 is useful enough to generate (and solve) tickets on redhat bugzilla and there are a bunch of tutorials online. Apparently, you can run syslinux as your bootloader which will then pull your kernel and initrd via tftp and use an install method that gets listed on the kernel command line.

Somehow this is a lot easier than I remembered it to be.

Quaint Quail Quilt
Jun 19, 2006

Ask me about that time I told people mixing bleach and vinegar is okay

celeron 300a posted:

Thread, I have a confession.

I paid $200 on NewEgg for a pos amd machine for windows gaming

My case cost more than your computer, :smugdon:
Did you check the pc part picker, intel or gpu threads at all? I have the computer building itch, but I dunno if I can do it before win 10 stops being free (the 29th)

Are the only easy 100% Linux compatible machines macs or those 2 website builders?
Usb 3.0 isn't supported? My nexus charging! :negative:

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
you forgot chrome books

celeron 300a
Jan 23, 2005

by exmarx
Yam Slacker

galahan posted:

My case cost more than your computer, :smugdon:
Did you check the pc part picker, intel or gpu threads at all? I have the computer building itch, but I dunno if I can do it before win 10 stops being free (the 29th)

Are the only easy 100% Linux compatible machines macs or those 2 website builders?
Usb 3.0 isn't supported? My nexus charging! :negative:

Linux compatibility doesn't figure into it. Nigh everything available for the pc, particularly if it's popular, is just about guaranteed to work on Linux now or within the next release of your favored distribution. An interesting exception off the top of my head are print/scan/fax drivers for some all-in-one printers like Brother.

I just need a cheap windows computer for now. What I got, plus a discrete graphics card, will be enough. Budget is gonna be saved for the ps4 neo and the vr headset.

celeron 300a
Jan 23, 2005

by exmarx
Yam Slacker
I came into possession of a Sparc II Ultra 60 (had a friend that wanted to toss it) and I just got serial console working on it via another pc connected to the serial port. Graphics still doesn't work but hopefully it just takes time.

I need to wipe the hard drives and maybe compile and run quake for shits and giggles.

Assuming that I have no access to official Sun physical media, what should I install on it? NetBSD? Open Solaris? If I do Linux, which distribution will probably give me the least number of headaches and actually have SDL development libraries?

Countdown until someone mentions hurd

Apr 3, 2013

galahan posted:

My case cost more than your computer, :smugdon:
Did you check the pc part picker, intel or gpu threads at all? I have the computer building itch, but I dunno if I can do it before win 10 stops being free (the 29th)

Are the only easy 100% Linux compatible machines macs or those 2 website builders?
Usb 3.0 isn't supported? My nexus charging! :negative:

If you're going to build a desktop and want to use linux, Intel/Nvidia is the least amount of hassle. The only other thing you'd have to worry about would be wireless card, onboard ethernet almost never has an issue.

Feb 12, 2009

by vyelkin

galahan posted:

My case cost more than your computer, :smugdon:
Did you check the pc part picker, intel or gpu threads at all? I have the computer building itch, but I dunno if I can do it before win 10 stops being free (the 29th)

Are the only easy 100% Linux compatible machines macs or those 2 website builders?
Usb 3.0 isn't supported? My nexus charging! :negative:

What? Like; everything works for Linux these days. Except for AMD video cards. NEVER get AMD video cards. I mean; they WORK, but not well, and the proprietary drivers suck rear end.

cinci zoo sniper
Mar 14, 2013

i dont even know what for you'd objectively want amd over nvidia/intel nowasays

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.

celeron 300a posted:

I came into possession of a Sparc II Ultra 60 (had a friend that wanted to toss it) and I just got serial console working on it via another pc connected to the serial port. Graphics still doesn't work but hopefully it just takes time.

I need to wipe the hard drives and maybe compile and run quake for shits and giggles.

Assuming that I have no access to official Sun physical media, what should I install on it? NetBSD? Open Solaris? If I do Linux, which distribution will probably give me the least number of headaches and actually have SDL development libraries?

Countdown until someone mentions hurd

install Solaris 7 or 8 if it's supported on that machine so you can use OpenWindows instead of either CDE with Motif or "Java Desktop" with GNOME 2.0

or Solaris 9 so you can use CDE with Motif

Apr 3, 2013

kalstrams posted:

i dont even know what for you'd objectively want amd over nvidia/intel nowasays

more cores!!!!

celeron 300a
Jan 23, 2005

by exmarx
Yam Slacker

eschaton posted:

install Solaris 7 or 8 if it's supported on that machine so you can use OpenWindows instead of either CDE with Motif or "Java Desktop" with GNOME 2.0

or Solaris 9 so you can use CDE with Motif

Thank you for the quick reply but I'm trying not to :filez: it.

I just looked up solaris on wikipedia and solaris 11 removed ultrasparc II support so I assume that opensolaris/illumos/openindiana is probably not gonna support it either... :(

Sep 14, 2000

OpenBSD worked well on SPARC hardware better than NetBSD when I tried a while ago.

Dec 26, 2010

We're in the business of extending man's senses.

celeron 300a posted:

I came into possession of a Sparc II Ultra 60 (had a friend that wanted to toss it) and I just got serial console working on it via another pc connected to the serial port. Graphics still doesn't work but hopefully it just takes time.

I need to wipe the hard drives and maybe compile and run quake for shits and giggles.

Assuming that I have no access to official Sun physical media, what should I install on it? NetBSD? Open Solaris? If I do Linux, which distribution will probably give me the least number of headaches and actually have SDL development libraries?

Countdown until someone mentions hurd

and now that i'm reminded what should I do with my literal four foot high stack of sparcstation classics and lx's and ipx's

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

celeron 300a posted:

Thank you for the quick reply but I'm trying not to :filez: it.

I just looked up solaris on wikipedia and solaris 11 removed ultrasparc II support so I assume that opensolaris/illumos/openindiana is probably not gonna support it either... :(

you really want solaris 8 on that guy

open source operating systems are gonna have really limited support for the graphics options, and of course no third party software expects to find freebsd/sparc64 or linux/sparc64

p.s. the system is called an "ultra 60". the cpu is an "ultrasparc ii". the graphics card slots are "vertical upa." there, i just saved you a shitload of questions.

p.p.s. the best thing to do with an ultra 60 is install ie 5 for solaris. it is the fastest browser and also just pretty lol

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

atomicthumbs posted:

and now that i'm reminded what should I do with my literal four foot high stack of sparcstation classics and lx's and ipx's

plan 9 compute cluster

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.

celeron 300a posted:

Thank you for the quick reply but I'm trying not to :filez: it.

Sun used to make Solaris 7-10 freely available including all the patches, and even let SunSITE mirror them (which isn't to say they're freely available now, alas, but media sets are still plentiful…)

also you might be able to get Solaris 10 free from Oracle and I think it offers CDE in addition to the GNOME horror that is Java Desktop

Jul 25, 2007

ratbert90 posted:

What? Like; everything works for Linux these days. Except for AMD video cards. NEVER get AMD video cards. I mean; they WORK, but not well, and the proprietary drivers suck rear end.

this isn't the case anymore, amd actually has good open sourced drivers for new cards now, and fglrx is a thing of the past (morphed into amdgpu-pro, which is a combination of open source and closed source)

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

Tankakern posted:

this isn't the case anymore, amd actually has good open sourced drivers for new cards now, and fglrx is a thing of the past (morphed into amdgpu-pro, which is a combination of open source and closed source)

I had random screen flickers with a new install two weeks ago. I googled and it is a thing, but gently caress it back to Windows and VMs.

May 7, 2008

Sorry to undo the effort of paying a domestic abuser $10 to own this poster, but I am going to lose my dang mind if I keep seeing multiple posters who appear to be Baloogan.

With love,
a mod

eschaton posted:

Sun used to make Solaris 7-10 freely available including all the patches, and even let SunSITE mirror them (which isn't to say they're freely available now, alas, but media sets are still plentiful…)

also you might be able to get Solaris 10 free from Oracle and I think it offers CDE in addition to the GNOME horror that is Java Desktop

apparently opensolaris was forked and the new project is called openindiana

the latest version has the name "hipster"

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Condiv posted:

apparently opensolaris was forked and the new project is called openindiana

the latest version has the name "hipster"


celeron 300a
Jan 23, 2005

by exmarx
Yam Slacker

MrMoo posted:

OpenBSD worked well on SPARC hardware better than NetBSD when I tried a while ago.

Thanks! I'll see if I can go with this, at least to make sure that the hardware works minimally before doing anything crazy with it.

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

you really want solaris 8 on that guy

open source operating systems are gonna have really limited support for the graphics options, and of course no third party software expects to find freebsd/sparc64 or linux/sparc64

if I happen to come across some discs I'll give it a shot.

It would be nice to have working graphics but I'll be happy enough with a headless box.

eschaton posted:

Sun used to make Solaris 7-10 freely available including all the patches, and even let SunSITE mirror them (which isn't to say they're freely available now, alas, but media sets are still plentiful…)

also you might be able to get Solaris 10 free from Oracle and I think it offers CDE in addition to the GNOME horror that is Java Desktop

I'll see about going on this path when I have more free time.

Mar 21, 2004

Nvidia optimus, wtf. Make it work easy without me having to dick around with lots of poo poo

wait this was upposed to be in reply to the poster whos aid that linux worked out of the box

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

the official response to optimus by some kernel developer:

The MUMPSorceress
Jan 6, 2012


Gary’s Answer

Progressive JPEG posted:

the official response to optimus by some kernel developer:

lol, linus is how peter pan plays out irl

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.
if Linus weren't incompetent Nvidia wouldn't have any problems supporting Linux, because it would have a stable binary driver interface using non-GPL header files

but Linus doesn't really understand operating systems or kernels, he just sort of Kramered into managing one


Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

lol does nvidia even run on macs

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