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Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl

Tankakern posted:

it's the butter fs, it even says so in the name


Best Bi Geek Squid
Mar 25, 2016
i can't believe its not butter fs

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

i can't believe its not butter fs

ask Hans to spread it for you

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe
butterfs, filesystem bfff (by fats, for fats)

Feb 16, 2007

backwoods compatible
Illegal Hen
yo’ so wack, you format your drives with buster fs, CJ!

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe
bustin makes me feel good

Gun Metal Cray
Apr 27, 2005


Poopernickel posted:

bustin makes me feel good

Feb 12, 2009

by vyelkin
I helped a guy with his BuildRoot initramfs switch_root setup yesterday on IRC. Now my script will be going into Low Earth Orbit. Neat!

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

ratbert90 posted:

I helped a guy with his BuildRoot initramfs switch_root setup yesterday on IRC. Now my script will be going into Low Earth Orbit. Neat!

Congrats! Hope the mission goes well. I feel that embedded Linux still has a way to go before arriving at a place where physical access is literally impossible. It can be argued that firmware should address these issues but I think the OS has a hand in this too.

Anyways, it’s pretty cool that Linux is poised to be the space os of choice.

Best Bi Geek Squid
Mar 25, 2016
it's because you don't need sound in space

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

it's because you don't need sound in space

:wal: :stat:

Mar 7, 2007
Can't post for 14 hours!

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

it's because you don't need sound in space

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

it's because you don't need sound in space

4lokos basilisk
Jul 17, 2008

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

it's because you don't need sound in space

Feb 12, 2009

by vyelkin

el dorito posted:

Congrats! Hope the mission goes well. I feel that embedded Linux still has a way to go before arriving at a place where physical access is literally impossible. It can be argued that firmware should address these issues but I think the OS has a hand in this too.

Anyways, its pretty cool that Linux is poised to be the space os of choice.

He has a whole 3Kb/s upload link. :v: No idea if the mission will go well, it's not SpaceX according to him.

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

it's because you don't need sound in space

Mar 7, 2007
Can't post for 14 hours!
got xsnow built and running :3:

Jul 25, 2007

:o didn't know about xsnow

compiling as we speak

Jul 25, 2007

awesome, christmas is saved!

There Will Be Penalty
May 18, 2002

Makes a great pet!

Tankakern posted:

:o didn't know about xsnow

compiling as we speak

this was forked from xsnow

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."


Jul 25, 2007

i didn't see this coming

FreeBSD ZFS File-System Code To Be Re-Based Over ZFS On Linux

but then again i don't use zfs, i guess it makes sense

this year has been one of the weirdest ever in computing

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

it's because you don't need sound in space


Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Tankakern posted:

i didn't see this coming

FreeBSD ZFS File-System Code To Be Re-Based Over ZFS On Linux

but then again i don't use zfs, i guess it makes sense

this year has been one of the weirdest ever in computing

it's because the last remaining open source solaris vendor switched to linux

zfs on linux is currently a one man project. i assume delphix moving to linux means there will be at least a handful of full time zfs on linux developers?

Feb 12, 2009

by vyelkin
Always in the mood for a good (and 100% justified) Linus rant.

Some idiot decided that breaking userspace for containers was a good thing, which broke several other things in userspace.

For those of you who don't know, the one unbreakable rule for the Linux Kernel development process is "ya don't break userspace."

Eric W. Biederman was notified of his pull request breaking poo poo back in JULY and he responded with:


It has never been the case that mknod on a device node will guarantee
that you even can open the device node. The applications that regress
are broken. It doesn't mean we shouldn't be bug compatible, but we darn
well should document very clearly the bugs we are being bug compatible

Linus was notified yesterday about it and he was very VERY angry.


Yeah, this is complete garbage.

We have very clear rules in the kernel: if some change breaks existing
setups, it is ABSOLUTELY NEVER the application that is broken.

It is the kernel.

There is absolutely zero gray areas here. Eric, your behavior is
entirely out of line, and now we apparently have a regression that
goes back to June that I was not told about because of your incorrect

Eric, I want to make this 1000% clear: there are no user space bugs.
If it used to work, then user space was clearly doing the right thing.
The fact that you tried to several times claim it was buggy user space
is a serious breach of trust. You KNOW this is the case.

Seriously. There are no excuses.

That commit is now reverted in my tree, and furthermore I will not
take any pull requests from you until you have made it clear that you
comprehend this very fundamental issue.

Why did it take so long for this issue to be elevated to me?



FlapYoJacks fucked around with this message at 23:13 on Dec 23, 2018

Aug 8, 2003

that sensitivity training must have worked, because that is way more restrained than his rants of days prior

pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

do you think is emails are ghost written?

Jun 15, 2008

The_Franz posted:

that sensitivity training must have worked, because that is way more restrained than his rants of days prior

Was thinking exactly the same thing.

Jul 1, 2009

Disappointed Linus is much more devastating than Ranty Linus.

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

spankmeister posted:

Was thinking exactly the same thing.


Nomnom Cookie
Aug 30, 2009

ratbert90 posted:

Always in the mood for a good (and 100% justified) Linus rant.

Some idiot decided that breaking userspace for containers was a good thing, which broke several other things in userspace.

For those of you who don't know, the one unbreakable rule for the Linux Kernel development process is "ya don't break userspace."

Eric W. Biederman was notified of his pull request breaking poo poo back in JULY and he responded with:

Linus was notified yesterday about it and he was very VERY angry.


here is the commit message:

no wonder he used to swear so much. the net effect of this change was to replace a failure that makes sense with one that doesn't

ewe2 posted:

Disappointed Linus is much more devastating than Ranty Linus.

if i was this biederman guy i would get a new job and maybe change my name

Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge

ewe2 posted:

Disappointed Linus is much more devastating than Ranty Linus.
linus not swearing is suddenly an equivalent of making my dad upset

Suspicious Dish
Sep 24, 2011

2020 is the year of linux on the desktop, bro
Fun Shoe
> It has never been the case that mknod on a device node will guarantee that you even can open the device node.

Is this even true? lol.

Nomnom Cookie
Aug 30, 2009

Suspicious Dish posted:

> It has never been the case that mknod on a device node will guarantee that you even can open the device node.

Is this even true? lol.

it's fishmech true

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

ewe2 posted:

Disappointed Linus is much more devastating than Ranty Linus.

Phoenixan posted:

linus not swearing is suddenly an equivalent of making my dad upset

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy

Kevin Mitnick P.E. posted:

if i was this biederman guy i would get a new job and maybe change my name

James Baud
May 24, 2015


Suspicious Dish posted:

> It has never been the case that mknod on a device node will guarantee that you even can open the device node.

Is this even true? lol.

Sure, what if the device isn't present or driver support isn't available? (Or is the obvious case excluded by context?)

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

James Baud posted:

Sure, what if the device isn't present or driver support isn't available? (Or is the obvious case excluded by context?)

you can always create the node but the kernel will just throw an error if you try to use it and it doesn’t work

it’s not the filesystem’s job to know if a device at a specific major/minor node exists

probably similar to the case of if you have a device that is only intermittently available but you want the device file anyway for whatever reason

Feb 12, 2009

by vyelkin
Disappointed Linus comes off as a figure of authority.
Ranty Linus comes off as a prudulent child.

That’s why it’s so devastating. He comes off as collected and you know you just pissed off the boss man to a degree that you don’t even want to reply because of the shame you now have (he never replied to the email chain.).

I quite like disappointed Linus and hope he continues to devastate people in this manner.

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
“Firm but not an rear end in a top hat” is a big improvement


Mar 7, 2007
Can't post for 14 hours!
that doesn’t prevent him from being wrong of course; software that flouts API rules shouldn’t be expected to run forever

of course if Linux had a concept of API/ABI epochs, binaries built against an earlier SDK could be kept running while the same code built against a newer SDK could break appropriately (so its developers fix it)

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