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May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy


Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Feb 12, 2009

by vyelkin

A ”swastadick” if you will.

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."


Jan 28, 2008

once again silicon valley the tv show is upstaged by silicon valley the real thing

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy
sorry, i mean to paste that in techbubb thread, i was confused it was missing when i reopened it just now

i guess it's not off-topic here though

Jul 25, 2007

how dare you post here

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Tankakern posted:

plasma 5.15 gettin lots of good stuff

wireguard integration, battery on bluetooth devices and wayland stuff

i had high hopes with the concept art for Breeze and all but KDE still kind of looks like rear end

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Sapozhnik posted:

i had high hopes with the concept art for Breeze and all but KDE still kind of looks like rear end

the first thing i do on a new kde desktop is enable big, fat window borders so i can see poo poo and actually click on it successfully the first time

Silver Alicorn
Mar 30, 2008


get glasses old man

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

kde has always looked bad to me subjectively

gtk is garbage horseshit as a library compared to qt but at least the widgets turn out looking ok

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
"flat featureless slabs of pale gray with imperceptibly darker gray widgets and text" is a loving hideous design and whoever had that idea should never attempt to make a gui again. imho.

Aug 8, 2003

Progressive JPEG posted:

kde has always looked bad to me subjectively

gtk is garbage horseshit as a library compared to qt but at least the widgets turn out looking ok

kde 5 looks 1000x better than 4 though. the default theme of 4 was gradient nightmare garbage that looked like it was designed by a teenager with a warezed copy of photoshop

there are still a lot of little visual annoyances though, like the task bar casting a shadow over abutting windows. any time i try out kde, that bugs me to an irrational degree. people have complained about it, but that usually triggers a long rant by the developers about how it's working as intended before they close the ticket

Jul 30, 2008

Progressive JPEG posted:

kde has always looked bad to me subjectively

gtk is garbage horseshit as a library compared to qt but at least the widgets turn out looking ok

You can choose other themes you know.

Jul 1, 2009

The_Franz posted:

there are still a lot of little visual annoyances though, like the task bar casting a shadow over abutting windows. any time i try out kde, that bugs me to an irrational degree. people have complained about it, but that usually triggers a long rant by the developers about how it's working as intended before they close the ticket

That is classic gui developer behaviour. I use xfce and it's weird how the taskbar seems "above" app windows due to that shading.

carry on then
Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames

(and can't post for 9 years!)

that’s cause it is above them

Jul 25, 2012

Soricidus posted:

"flat featureless slabs of pale gray with imperceptibly darker gray widgets and text" is a loving hideous design and whoever had that idea should never attempt to make a gui again. imho.

low contrast is good

r u ready to WALK
Sep 29, 2001

someone should bring back CairoDock, Beryl and Compiz

it was peak linux desktop

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

hifi posted:

low contrast is good

it's great if you don't want people to be able to read your text. so i can see why you would be in favor

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

r u ready to WALK posted:

someone should bring back CairoDock, Beryl and Compiz

it was peak linux desktop

hell yeah wobbly windows

Nov 24, 2006
cant believe that no one made a 3d desktop cube compositor for vr yet

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

Zlodo posted:

cant believe that no one made a 3d desktop cube compositor for vr yet

i mean, windows 10 does something fo the sort i believe (well, in ar rather), it is just that it is a useless thing that no one wants so no one is aware of it either

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy
i'd literally kill someone if it meant i could have a good window manager in VR.

but nope, the best people have come up with is mirror a monitor into your hmd.

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Truga posted:

i'd literally kill someone if it meant i could have a good window manager in VR.

but nope, the best people have come up with is mirror a monitor into your hmd.

invariably window managers and quality of life type things follow useful business applications

e.g. x11 and unix graphics adoption was driven by CAD and publishing software, but the software came along years and years before there was a decent desktop environment

if you see a good business application for VR, you can expect to see some decent unix software that isn't a business application 3-5 years later :smith:

Jan 28, 2008

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

if you see a good business application for VR, you can expect to see some decent unix software that isn't a business application 3-5 years later :smith:

the best business application for VR so far is active shooter training

pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

architectural prototyping is another good application

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

porn obviously

cinci zoo sniper
Mar 14, 2013

video games surprisingly is bottom tier experience in vr so far, there’s literally just one game out for which people buy vr (instead of desperately looking for ways to justify their isolation contraption)

cinci zoo sniper
Mar 14, 2013

*excluding simulator-tier games where player sits in cockpit of sorts

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

cinci zoo sniper posted:

*excluding simulator-tier games where player sits in cockpit of sorts

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

e.g. x11 and unix graphics adoption was driven by CAD and publishing software, but the software came along years and years before there was a decent desktop environment

so you’re looking forward to the VR equivalent of X11, Motif, and CDE then

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

eschaton posted:

so you’re looking forward to the VR equivalent of X11, Motif, and CDE then

the guy I quoted was looking forward to it

I don’t expect any business applications for VR so I also don’t expect any ease of use enhancements for same

Oct 1, 2002

by Nyc_Tattoo
Floss Finder

Truga posted:

i'd literally kill someone if it meant i could have a good window manager in VR.

but nope, the best people have come up with is mirror a monitor into your hmd.

yeah i really want to be able to code with vr. have no interest in it otherwise until the technology develops significantly.

Nov 24, 2006
ah yes coding in vr would be great

*five minutes later*

gently caress my arms hurt, *rips off vr helmet, picks up mouse & kb*

i still want those vr solutions to be developed to laugh at them tho

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

would obviously at least have to be ar so i can pick up my coffee

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine
I really like the idea of AR, but I’m 100% sure it’ll be more like that one Columbian movie/short than anything good/cool.

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy


yeah i really want to be able to code with vr. have no interest in it otherwise until the technology develops significantly.

i have a vive pro and another resolution bump like this was from OG vive and it'll work ok for desktop usage i think. i can sit comfortably in front of my 2560x1600 30" in VR and even the small font is readable, if blurry. making it a bit larger than IRL and it's fine. then it's just waiting for miniaturization to make it more comfortable, right now it gets annoying to wear all day every day, i generally have to take mine off every few hours for a few minutes.

we're at 320x200 windows 3.0/doom1 level of vr/ar right now and it's gonna be fuckin amazing soon. i figured this poo poo would be like 30 years away still just 5 years ago but no it's getting there in the next 5-10 years i think

r u ready to WALK
Sep 29, 2001

someone really needs to make a vr tracked keyboard and mouse
it wouldn't even be that hard, just add some ir dots around the edge for the oculus cameras to see

i hate having to peek down through the nose hole in the oculus to find my keyboard all the time

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy
this exists


Jul 25, 2012

zfs doesn't work on 4.20. this aint even the year for linux on the server

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