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Mar 28, 2004
[color=pink]BUCKY DEFENDER[/color]
is anyone using a dell xps 13 with fedora? how is it? do random keys not work? does the fan spin at max constantly? Its really hard to find an honest answer about this stuff, often you'll read a post that says "it's rock solid, absolutely flawless, I couldn't be happier" but then further down the thread the user will reveal that the wifi itermittently disable itself and a bunch of keyboard buttons don't work


Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

linux on the desktop/laptop is fine as long as you don't need sound, wi-fi, or power management

Mar 28, 2004
[color=pink]BUCKY DEFENDER[/color]

Last Chance posted:

linux on the desktop/laptop is fine as long as you don't need sound, wi-fi, or power management

gahahahahahahahahaha this post remains funny every time I read it

Jan 28, 2008

Poopernickel posted:

the cat 1 projects always seem like they have some special snowflake who had to re-invent his own connection manager because ~*ReAsOnS*~,

but all connection managers are garbage

Aug 8, 2003

Kamrat posted:

Is Devuan bad because of no systemd? I thought people hated systemd.

it's bad because of no systemd and the people surrounding it are neckbearded tin foil hat nutcases

it's also good because it acts as a containment zone for the tin foil hat beardlords

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

Kamrat posted:

I want to have a look at some bad distros, so what's the worst distro?

there’s a distro for every requirement, so it’s hard to note a specific distro that’s bad at everything because it’s probably really good for at least one thing that makes its userbase sustainable

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

In linux desktop news, the Linspire and Freespire names were purchased earlier this year and new versions (based on Ubuntu) were released after a hiatus of more than a decade (I think).

Freespire is, as its name suggests, free.

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

Kamrat posted:

Is Devuan bad because of no systemd? I thought people hated systemd.

systemd is hated by morons

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

sure, there are legitimate technical issues with individual components in the toolset collectively labeled 'systemd'. these typically come up in the auxiliary/optional ones that arent widely used yet due to said technical issues

but when someone comes around and says they 'hate systemd' as a concept, 100% moron

Nov 27, 2012

Thanks for playing Alone in the dark 2.

Now please fuck off

el dorito posted:

there’s a distro for every requirement, so it’s hard to note a specific distro that’s bad at everything because it’s probably really good for at least one thing that makes its userbase sustainable

Wow that was a very diplomatic way of putting things. :)

Progressive JPEG posted:

sure, there are legitimate technical issues with individual components in the toolset collectively labeled 'systemd'. these typically come up in the auxiliary/optional ones that arent widely used yet due to said technical issues

but when someone comes around and says they 'hate systemd' as a concept, 100% moron

I see, I never really bothered with the systemd discussion, it's just whenever it came up people started going off on it so I just assumed it was universally hated.

Jul 25, 2007

changing my answer to this

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

just grab a random chinese iso from a torrent tracker

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
systemd is bad, but the alternatives are worse

also the correct linux is red star os, op

Nov 27, 2012

Thanks for playing Alone in the dark 2.

Now please fuck off

Soricidus posted:

systemd is bad, but the alternatives are worse

also the correct linux is red star os, op

How could it possibly be bad, it's used by millions. :P

It's also the only OS that's publicly endorsed by a world leader

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

Amethyst posted:

gahahahahahahahahaha this post remains funny every time I read it

it's not a joke

Jun 7, 2004

cutty cain't hang, say 7-up.
Taco Defender

Kamrat posted:

I see, I never really bothered with the systemd discussion, it's just whenever it came up people started going off on it so I just assumed it was universally hated.


Scrotum Modem
Sep 12, 2014

Kamrat posted:

I want to have a look at some bad distros, so what's the worst distro?

DSL sucks dick

Nov 27, 2012

Thanks for playing Alone in the dark 2.

Now please fuck off

Ah I see, so that's how it is. :)

A distro I can fit on a zip drive, count me in.

Jan 28, 2008

100 entire megabytes? woah what are you wasting with all that space!

Jul 30, 2008

Kamrat posted:

I want to have a look at some bad distros, so what's the worst distro?


Oct 17, 2009

hoog emm xDDD
I know this is an epic self own etc etc but what do y'all use for power management with a laptop and Linux?

Im using a Razer blade stealth (kaby lake) and before I put manjaro on it I looked at other ppl with my laptop and they were getting avg battery life

I'm getting like 3 hours on battery :smith:

Jul 25, 2007

Scionix posted:

I know this is an epic self own etc etc but what do y'all use for power management with a laptop and Linux?

Im using a Razer blade stealth (kaby lake) and before I put manjaro on it I looked at other ppl with my laptop and they were getting avg battery life

I'm getting like 3 hours on battery :smith:

powertop --auto-tune and remembering to turn off the discrete graphics card when not using it

Jul 25, 2007

kaby lake might be new enough that you don't need bbswitch to turn it off, just remember to not load the nvidia module and enable all power saving features you can through powertop

Jul 25, 2007

turn it off when you're not using it, that is.

arch wiki has an example on how you can enable powertop tuning at boot time

Oct 17, 2009

hoog emm xDDD
Ty friend

Still trying not to get roasted every time I mention I own that laptop

It's really good I swear

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe

is that short for dick sucking linux

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe
also lennart bad

systemd good

systemctl bad
systemctl tab completion bad
resolved really bad

overall verdict on systemd package: bad

Doc Hawkins
Jun 15, 2010

Dashing? But I'm not even moving!

Worse is Better.

Mar 28, 2004
[color=pink]BUCKY DEFENDER[/color]

Scionix posted:

I know this is an epic self own etc etc but what do y'all use for power management with a laptop and Linux?

Im using a Razer blade stealth (kaby lake) and before I put manjaro on it I looked at other ppl with my laptop and they were getting avg battery life

I'm getting like 3 hours on battery :smith:

I'm trying to choose between a razer blade and a dell xps

do you still run windows? how is it?

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe

Scionix posted:

I know this is an epic self own etc etc but what do y'all use for power management with a laptop and Linux?

Im using a Razer blade stealth (kaby lake) and before I put manjaro on it I looked at other ppl with my laptop and they were getting avg battery life

I'm getting like 3 hours on battery :smith:

Use windows, run linux in free-as-in-beer vmware player.

My lappy has Linux on the secondary drive, and it boots/works fine. But 99% of the time I just pass the drive through to a VM and run that instead.

honestly the hardware support is actually better/more consistent when it's running in a VM, and virtualization extensions on modern CPUs mean there's almost no slowdown

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

Poopernickel posted:

systemd good
systemctl bad
systemctl tab completion bad
resolved really bad


Jan 3, 2001

I don't know what changed but systemctl tab completion was working fine this week.

I guess what I"m saying is it works for me.

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe
systemd: "I don't know what changed but I guess it's working now??"

words we should all definitely think about the most important process in our entire linux

Best Bi Geek Squid
Mar 25, 2016

i remember running DSL in 2007. I installed it on my sister's 2001-vintage compaq laptop. it had like ~128mb of ram and its keyboard and battery were broken

a true linux rig

Janitor Prime
Jan 22, 2004


What da fuck does that mean

Fun Shoe

Poopernickel posted:

systemd: "I don't know what changed but I guess it's working now??"

words we should all definitely think about the most important process in our entire linux

wtf are you blathering on about

Oct 17, 2009

hoog emm xDDD

Amethyst posted:

I'm trying to choose between a razer blade and a dell xps

do you still run windows? how is it?

it is very good, about 7-8 hrs battery life on windows, windows 10 actually uses high DPI correctly 90% of the time, and the laptop itself is built beautifully and the keyboard/trackpad are above average. Only downside is screen bezel if that's a big turnoff for you.

Tankakern posted:

kaby lake might be new enough that you don't need bbswitch to turn it off, just remember to not load the nvidia module and enable all power saving features you can through powertop

so I installed powertop and did some snooping, and the battery life goes from 7.5 hours estimated to 3 hours estimated when I have a video open in firefox lol. awkard

Aug 6, 2007

fuck that joker

Poopernickel posted:

systemd: "I don't know what changed but I guess it's working now??"

words we should all definitely think about the most important process in our entire linux

systemd is probably the process I care the least about on my Linux.

What is thread consensus on NixOS?

Mar 7, 2007
Can't post for 14 hours!
NetBSD is a nice BSD if for some reason you can’t use macOS

it’s also good if you have some old hardware you’d like to make useful

Mar 7, 2007
Can't post for 14 hours!
I now have a VAX on which to install NetBSD

also VMS and Ultrix, thanks to SCSI2SD

it’s a VAXstation 4000 VLC and it’s adorable


Doc Hawkins
Jun 15, 2010

Dashing? But I'm not even moving!

Athas posted:

systemd is probably the process I care the least about on my Linux.

What is thread consensus on NixOS?

probably not enough people have looked at it to have an opinion

i think its revolutionary

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