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Oct 1, 2002

by Nyc_Tattoo
Floss Finder
getting the lightsaber in jedi night was very exciting for me


Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

so many games i've come back to as an adult only to discover that child me was a huge moron

counterpoint: so many games i've come back to as an adult only to wonder why the gently caress i thought this was an enjoyable use of my time (see: any final fantasy game)

Jun 10, 2001
thats exactly what he said

Apr 26, 2006
jedi knight had terrible live action cutscenes. it ruled.

I also played a shitload of the expac (mysteries of the sith) on the MICROSOFT GAMING ZONE

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

pram posted:

thats exactly what he said

actually that's not what i meant. but actually you're right and it reads correct in both ways


post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

Tankakern posted:

someone decompiled diablo and put it on github

why do people do this and think it is ok

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Sep 13, 2009

this is a better avatar than what I had before
i bought the crash remaster because I loved it as a kid

that right there is a terrible terrible game

Grassy Knowles
Apr 4, 2003

"The original Terminator was a gritty fucking AMAZING piece of sci-fi. Gritty fucking rock-hard MURDER!"

my bitter bi rival posted:

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delete after 24 hours

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

so many games i've come back to as an adult only to discover that child me was a huge moron

I never had any of the consoles, so playing SNES and NES classics now makes me realise that most of the C64 and Amiga games were quite poo poo.

Jan 8, 2009

mike12345 posted:

I never had any of the consoles, so playing SNES and NES classics now makes me realise that most of the C64 and Amiga games were quite poo poo.

so were the vast majority of NES/SNES games too.

or all video games in general

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
indeed, I’m glad I now spend my time on more worthwhile pursuits such as my posting

Broken Machine
Oct 22, 2010

Soricidus posted:

indeed, I’m glad I now spend my time on more worthwhile pursuits such as my posting

when you think about it, video games are the concentrated postings of other programmers. either way there's no escaping the posts

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.

mike12345 posted:

I never had any of the consoles, so playing SNES and NES classics now makes me realise that most of the C64 and Amiga games were quite poo poo.


The MUMPSorceress
Jan 6, 2012


Gary’s Answer

Elos posted:

so were the vast majority of NES/SNES games too.

or all video games in general

yarp. maybe 5% of video games are any good. of those maybe 1% have any replay value.

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

There are a lot of good nes/snes games but they are more difficult to play on modern systems because tv latency is much higher for lcds than crts.

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

secret of mana, final fantasy 6 (aka final fantasy 3 US) for the snes and chrono trigger are rated very highly because of how cool the gameplay and story were

secret of mana, however, had the best gameplay and probably has the most replay value out of all of them

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
none of the snes rpgs are worth playing they are all such hot garbage

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

none of the snes rpgs are worth playing they are all such hot garbage

Was the good Shadowrun console game the Genesis one then?

Nov 24, 2006

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

none of the snes rpgs are worth playing they are all such hot garbage

all jrpgs are garbage, because they're all basically anime: the game

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

none of the snes rpgs are worth playing they are all such hot garbage

what about the zelda one

Feb 12, 2009

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

none of the snes rpgs are worth playing they are all such hot garbage

SMRPG is amazing gently caress you.

Nov 27, 2012

Thanks for playing Alone in the dark 2.

Now please fuck off

ratbert90 posted:

SMRPG is amazing gently caress you.


Jun 10, 2001
jrpgs are terrible

pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

JRPGs age extremely poorly because they don't offer any gameplay beyond picking options from menus and are entirely dependent on the console's graphical ability for their entertainment value

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

pseudorandom name posted:

JRPGs age extremely poorly because they don't offer any gameplay beyond picking options from menus and are entirely dependent on the console's graphical ability for their entertainment value

Same, but for your mum.

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

good gameplay is timeless

why do you think the nes classic and snes classic sold so well

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
nostalgia is a hell of a drug

pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

el dorito posted:

good gameplay is timeless

why do you think the nes classic and snes classic sold so well

they had good games like Super Mario Bros. 3 and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past which are still fun to play now

the JRPGs they have were just an exercise in box checking

Feb 12, 2009

counterpoint: yes

Oct 1, 2002

by Nyc_Tattoo
Floss Finder

pseudorandom name posted:

they had good games like Super Mario Bros. 3 and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past which are still fun to play now

the JRPGs they have were just an exercise in box checking

yah those games are alright but i think you'll find that curling up with a good book and your imagination is even more fun

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Poopernickel posted:

what about the zelda one

calling the snes zelda an rpg is deeply misleading at best

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Schadenboner posted:

Was the good Shadowrun console game the Genesis one then?

the genesis one was way the gently caress better

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
i can think of some "timeless" games for that generation of consoles but they tend to be action games

super mario world holds up pretty good after all these years

Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
super metroid

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene
i suspect the reason old-as-gently caress pc rpgs hold up better than their wretched console equivalents is just processing power

late 1980s pcs had horrible, horrible graphics, but they typically had 640 kb of ram, and they had a pretty fast processor (e.g. a 286), and they all had persistent storage, even if it was floppies, so savegames were a thing

the snes had excellent graphics, but a horribly slow cpu and only 128 kb of ram. also no persistent storage

you weren't gonna get ssi gold box games, or starflight, or what have you

rpgs just didn't fuckin fit onto the system, unless they were crippled stupid wrecks like jrpgs

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
chrono trigger was a nice experience, just not fun enough as a game to warrant spending an entire day playing through. but it has still aged quite nicely given that it came out about 24 years ago

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Sapozhnik posted:

chrono trigger was a nice experience, just not fun enough as a game to warrant spending an entire day playing through. but it has still aged quite nicely given that it came out about 24 years ago

i tried on chrono trigger about ten years ago because a friend raved about it

i concluded he had a terrible case of nostalgia glasses

that poo poo is horrendously loving dumb, even for children's entertainment. the music is terrible. and it is piss boring.

it's just a really bad game

did not hold up at all

Nov 7, 2011

Omich poluyobok, skazhi ty narkoman? ya prosto tozhe gde to tam zhivu, mogli by vmeste uyobyvat' narkotiki

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

i tried on chrono trigger about ten years ago because a friend raved about it

i concluded he had a terrible case of nostalgia glasses

that poo poo is horrendously loving dumb, even for children's entertainment. the music is terrible. and it is piss boring.

it's just a really bad game

did not hold up at all

im okay with you having bad opinions but what the gently caress does any of this have to do with linux

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill

florida lan posted:

im okay with you having bad opinions but what the gently caress does any of this have to do with linux

i played chrono trigger in an emulator on a linux. i could see how people were impressed with it in the 1990s because it looked and sounded really good for the era but holy poo poo, what for want of a better word I shall term the "plot" was terrible.


May 11, 2004

Soricidus posted:

emulator on a linux. ... and sounded really good ...

how do you know?

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