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Jan 16, 2010

Just Keep Cool-idge
fedora 30 with whatever version of gnome it ships with is perfectly acceptable for the desktop linux experience


Jun 7, 2012

http 418

Phoenixan posted:

fedora 30 with whatever version of gnome it ships with is perfectly acceptable for the desktop linux experience

so its terrible

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

The_Franz posted:

every time i hear someone say that kde is fine now i try it and inevitably find tons of jank within a few minutes. little things like text not lining up right, windows being undersized slightly which causes unnecessary scroll bars to appear, the panel casting a shadow on abutting windows and other things of that nature

this is stuff that could be fixed if they just spent a few months dedicated to polishing things, but that's not fun

welcome to linux enjoy your stay

when i say "it's fine now" i mean it doesn't crash, write garbage to its preference files, or lack obvious features like a clock. which all happened in early versions of kde 4.

un-polished ui is just... kde doing what it does

Jun 7, 2012

http 418

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

welcome to linux enjoy your stay

when i say "it's fine now" i mean it doesn't crash, write garbage to its preference files, or lack obvious features like a clock. which all happened in early versions of kde 4.

un-polished ui is just... kde doing what it does

you can always download themes and poo poo that aren't terrible!

lemme know when you find one, I'm still using a janky one from KDE2 or some poo poo

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.
if you must use something other than macOS, just use CDE

it doesn’t have themes other than “Soviet airbase”

and it’ll work just fine on pretty much any hardware from 1991 or later

Rufus Ping
Dec 27, 2006

I'm a Friend of Rodney Nano
gnome 3 with arc ftw.

Jun 29, 2018

What are yinz doing with zsh that you couldn't do with bash or pretty much any other shell? I feel like I don't really don't use enough fancy shell features to notice much of a difference between the two.

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

HamAdams posted:

What are yinz doing with zsh that you couldn't do with bash or pretty much any other shell? I feel like I don't really don't use enough fancy shell features to notice much of a difference between the two.

tab complete never feels right with bash but always does with zsh

also theming because i never grew past 12

Dec 13, 2011


HamAdams posted:

What are yinz doing with zsh that you couldn't do with bash or pretty much any other shell? I feel like I don't really don't use enough fancy shell features to notice much of a difference between the two.

- better tab complete
- the up arrow will match items based on something you already have typed in which is very neat
- which will tell you if a command is an alias instead of just telling you its not on your path

While not zsh specifically the plugin ecosystem around oh-my-zsh has some cool stuff too like colored man pages and fish style auto-suggestions/syntax highlighting

Also theming cause I too am 12

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.
Genera’s Dynamic Listener beats the pants off any other command line

Feb 12, 2009

by vyelkin
I too like zsh because of:

Better git autocomplete
the Z command
Themes, because I too am 12.

Jul 29, 2003

This post is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan

Tanners posted:

- better tab complete
- the up arrow will match items based on something you already have typed in which is very neat
- which will tell you if a command is an alias instead of just telling you its not on your path

While not zsh specifically the plugin ecosystem around oh-my-zsh has some cool stuff too like colored man pages and fish style auto-suggestions/syntax highlighting

Also theming cause I too am 12

don’t need zsh for colored man pages or any extension. just set your less termcap

Jul 25, 2007

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

xfce doesn't even have a clipboard manager dude

it does though???

clipman has been there forever, you've must done something weird

Jul 25, 2007

The_Franz posted:

every time i hear someone say that kde is fine now i try it and inevitably find tons of jank within a few minutes. little things like text not lining up right, windows being undersized slightly which causes unnecessary scroll bars to appear, the panel casting a shadow on abutting windows and other things of that nature

this is stuff that could be fixed if they just spent a few months dedicated to polishing things, but that's not fun

well that's what they've been doing with plasma 5 for a while now, you should try it again. you will always find jank no matter what de or os, but it gets gradually better all the time

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

eschaton posted:

don’t forget that they also decided that the GNOME UI should be optimized for phones and tablets, not desktop and portable computers

that whole thing was so bizarre, some moron was convinced that anyone would ever want to deal with gnome on a touch interface and that therefore the UI should be rendered completely useless to support their purely theoretical and contrived needs

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

Progressive JPEG posted:

that whole thing was so bizarre, some moron was convinced that anyone would ever want to deal with gnome on a touch interface and that therefore the UI should be rendered completely useless to support their purely theoretical and contrived needs

but isn't that the same thing that happened to windows? looking at the start menu of W10, I'm not sure it wants to be a tablet interface or something for use with a mouse pointer.

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

mike12345 posted:

but isn't that the same thing that happened to windows? looking at the start menu of W10, I'm not sure it wants to be a tablet interface or something for use with a mouse pointer.

oh right i guess it was around the same time as windows 8 was collapsing in its own sea of touch enabled user hostility

forgot the prime directive of linux GUI development: clone whatever windows does, especially the bad stuff

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy
excuse me, linux had multiple control panels first

Sep 14, 2003

eschaton posted:

Genera’s Dynamic Listener beats the pants off any other command line

so you want to work with objects instead of just text.... might I recommend powershell??

Oct 20, 2010
freedom-hating statist shill
touch is clearly the future of user interfaces. why, I use the touchscreen on my surface every day

... to swipe up on the lock screen. that’s literally the only time I ever touch the screen. idk why I even do that

pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

you joke because you've never seen a one year old use an ipad

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

pseudorandom name posted:

you joke because you've never seen a one year old use an ipad

this'd be an argument if the preceding dominant user interface paradigm was entirely based on ineffectually swatting at a baby mobile

Jun 7, 2012

http 418

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

this'd be an argument if the preceding dominant user interface paradigm was entirely based on ineffectually swatting at a baby mobile

thats how most guis make me feel

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

Phoenixan posted:

fedora 30 with whatever version of gnome it ships with is perfectly acceptable for the desktop linux experience


lifetime supply of Pocky
Aug 19, 2003

oh hey, on the topic of GNOME 3's stupid beyond stupid touch-centrism, anyone have any bookmarks to any satisfying rants against gnome 3 design choices?

i 100% agree but my attempts to google for "why is gnome 3 so bad?" and similar have never turned up anything worth reading

Oct 7, 2004

A boombox is not a toy!

i use a ui for a terminal and a browser, and i dont need gnome for that. something like dwm or i3 is more than enough. if i could render html in the console i probably would never leave it (cue someone finding an esoteric project that does exactly this)

Jul 25, 2012

what bugs me more than the gnome style of touch friendly are hot corners, having your taskbar hidden and it jumps up when you're dragging and dropping something to the bottom of the screen, etc that are pretty much ubiquitous among all the desktop environments. gnome's result is actually fine for me on a laptop because reorganizing windows, launching applications, that kind of stuff that shouldn't need a mouse doesn't. kind of like windows when there were extensions to tile windows or at least split the screen with them and you could throw all your windows around with your keyboard fairly easily.

i guess the one thing i can say is that going back when i had icons on my desktop to now, i've become application-centric instead of file-centric.

Pie Colony
Dec 8, 2006

lifetime supply of Pocky posted:

oh hey, on the topic of GNOME 3's stupid beyond stupid touch-centrism, anyone have any bookmarks to any satisfying rants against gnome 3 design choices?

i 100% agree but my attempts to google for "why is gnome 3 so bad?" and similar have never turned up anything worth reading

lol. "i hate this thing but can anyone tell me why i hate it?"

(this post is not an endorsement for gnome)

Dec 13, 2011


Helicity posted:

(cue someone finding an esoteric project that does exactly this)

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

bring back desktop icons please

lifetime supply of Pocky
Aug 19, 2003

Pie Colony posted:

lol. "i hate this thing but can anyone tell me why i hate it?"

(this post is not an endorsement for gnome)

hey, i am a dumb sack of poo poo, but not in that specific way

i know why i hate gnome - the ui is poo poo, settings are useless, the "restore minimal functionality with unsupported extensions" excuse, the air of imperiousness from the devs on all the broken poo poo

i'm asking if anybody else has ran across anyone blogging their gripes that was entertaining enough to share

Dec 13, 2011


el dorito posted:

bring back desktop icons please

boo this man

Oct 7, 2004

A boombox is not a toy!

i was thinking more of like what notty brings to the table:

Sep 14, 2003

Helicity posted:

i was thinking more of like what notty brings to the table:

yet another abandoned next gen terminal project

James Baud
May 24, 2015


lifetime supply of Pocky posted:

hey, i am a dumb sack of poo poo, but not in that specific way

i know why i hate gnome - the ui is poo poo, settings are useless, the "restore minimal functionality with unsupported extensions" excuse, the air of imperiousness from the devs on all the broken poo poo

i'm asking if anybody else has ran across anyone blogging their gripes that was entertaining enough to share

This guy's been blogging about the different ways GNOME 3 has changed for the worse for a decade, though he doesn't appear to have tagged the GNOME posts for linking convenience.

Suspicious Dish
Sep 24, 2011

2020 is the year of linux on the desktop, bro
Fun Shoe
huh i figured allan would have burned out by now

Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde
i wish i could just use almquist shell for everything but every time I try that I end up prototyping with bash to get the script working

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

lifetime supply of Pocky posted:

oh hey, on the topic of GNOME 3's stupid beyond stupid touch-centrism, anyone have any bookmarks to any satisfying rants against gnome 3 design choices?

i 100% agree but my attempts to google for "why is gnome 3 so bad?" and similar have never turned up anything worth reading

it's more of a "where does one start?" kinda problem

  • is it the broken window manager that uses a single event loop for js that consumes 30% of cpu?

  • is it the x11 toolkit that breaks api/abi compatibility with every single release?

  • is it the total absence of a unifying framework to build applications?

  • is it the repeated changes in preferred language, up to and including new homegrown languages only for gnome?

  • is it the lack of an object oriented api? (c, as implemented by gcc, is still the main way to work on gnome and its applications, even though javascript is the shell language)

  • is it the second system effect, in which they re-create all of gnome 2 / bonobo's CORBA problems in new and terrible ways using javascript and dbus?

  • is it the lack of any useful applications built on gnome's ostensible "technologies?"

all of these are, individually, roots of mass dysfunction that prevent a usable environment from ever emerging. arguably, any or all of them could be the cause

for my own part, i point at the second system effect, or the third order, fear thereof, as the main culprit. the java-gnome fiasco, and the failure of eazel, and the total lack of documentation for bonobo or the lower-level ORBit and service registry libraries put the fear into what few, traumatized developers were left for the gnome 3 effort.

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

gnome 2 had a lot of potential that fizzled out

gnome 3 was dogshit from day one, and never had any kind of a plan that made sense


Jun 18, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
Slippery Tilde

el dorito posted:

bring back desktop icons please
wait... are you saying there's another place to put icons?

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