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Feb 12, 2009

Truga posted:

i mean, they do exist, they're just trash and i lose a bunch of performance because nvidia's trash and vulkan support on an old geforce is bad so dxvk is slow

Yeah but you should be running the Rx5700 for games and good Linux support.


Aug 8, 2003

Tankakern posted:

hm i don't buy it, what gpu doesn't have linux drivers

everything nvidia fermi and below is relegated to legacy drivers with no vulkan support and on the amd side support for older gcn 1.0 and 1.1 revisions is sketchy

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy

ratbert90 posted:

Yeah but you should be running the Rx5700 for games and good Linux support.

yeah that's what i said. i'm dumping windows when i get my new pc

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
Legit question though what will you do if you need to run some Denuvo poo poo

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy
i haven't ever played a denuvo game, i don't expect to encounter it post 2020

Jul 25, 2007

i guess sooner or later wine will be able to emulate pe binaries or whatever's needed to make eac and crap like that working

i just got a refund on rocket league too. since after epic's buyout they have announced that they will remove mac and linux support

Jul 25, 2007

at least it works fine in proton/wine but gently caress epic

Rufus Ping
Dec 27, 2006

I'm a Friend of Rodney Nano


Jul 25, 2007

Truga posted:

unfortunately, my gamebox runs a windows partition still because the hardware is too old and gpu drivers for linux don't exist

having to reinstall windows and all the bullshit needed to normally use a desktop is a giant pain in the rear end

The_Franz posted:

everything nvidia fermi and below is relegated to legacy drivers with no vulkan support and on the amd side support for older gcn 1.0 and 1.1 revisions is sketchy


if you have a kepler, fermi or earlier, i think you get the best experience in linux by using nouveau and enabling reclocking. you should at least check if it works ..

Notorious b.s.d.
Jan 25, 2003

by Reene

Tankakern posted:

i guess sooner or later wine will be able to emulate pe binaries or whatever's needed to make eac and crap like that working

wine already supports pe binaries, obviously, how else would it execute them?

no it's just that eac and denuvo and friends are all extremely intrusive and do weird stuff. and they're designed to be hard to troubleshoot on purpose

don't hold your breath for anyone's weird homegrown drm setup to work in wine

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy

Tankakern posted:


if you have a kepler, fermi or earlier, i think you get the best experience in linux by using nouveau and enabling reclocking. you should at least check if it works ..

no it's a maxwell, but most games i play just crash with proton while they're listed gold+ on anything newer and/or amd in protondb so :rip:

that's what i get for trusting people online and buying a nvidia that one time i guess

pseudorandom name
May 6, 2007

Tankakern posted:

i guess sooner or later wine will be able to emulate pe binaries or whatever's needed to make eac and crap like that working

i just got a refund on rocket league too. since after epic's buyout they have announced that they will remove mac and linux support

the latest release of Wine replaced all the stub DLLs that load ELF objects with real DLLs because various anti-tampering systems don't like it if the DLL on disk doesn't match the DLL in memory

Jul 25, 2007

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

wine already supports pe binaries, obviously, how else would it execute them?

no it's just that eac and denuvo and friends are all extremely intrusive and do weird stuff. and they're designed to be hard to troubleshoot on purpose

don't hold your breath for anyone's weird homegrown drm setup to work in wine

pseudorandom's post over mine here pinpointed what i tried to convey. there is a lot of work going into getting stuff like this to work, so while i wont hold my breath, i do think it will dawn on us one day.

Nov 18, 2009
Clapping Larry
Linux: one day, maybe, it will be as functional on the desktop as a 10 years old windows computer

Jul 25, 2007

windows is not usable at all anymore, and i cannot fathom that people still are just sitting there, using windows 10, accepting that the computer they're using are not theirs anymore.

everyone loves xbox game bar and candy crush and having every printer manufacturer auto installing their useless spyware apps again and again, no matter how often users uninstall it. and ads.

why the hell is _anyone_ in yospos is using windows at all is beyond me

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

oh no a toolbar for games my freedoms are draining away~~

Jul 14, 2008

"Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I'm not sure we'll ever be able to answer that. It's one of the great mysteries."

the only negative experience so far with windows 10 was update bugging out, meaning it wouldn't update automatically anymore, and I had to manually download that "media creation tool" to unfuck it. but who needs update, right? heh

Jul 25, 2007

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

oh no a toolbar for games my freedoms are draining away~~


Rufus Ping
Dec 27, 2006

I'm a Friend of Rodney Nano

Tankakern posted:

windows is not usable at all anymore, and i cannot fathom that people still are just sitting there, using windows 10, accepting that the computer they're using are not theirs anymore.

everyone loves xbox game bar and candy crush and having every printer manufacturer auto installing their useless spyware apps again and again, no matter how often users uninstall it. and ads.

why the hell is _anyone_ in yospos is using windows at all is beyond me

LTSC is actually quite nice and how all windows should be, shame it can't be bought legitimately by end users

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Tankakern posted:

windows is not usable at all anymore, and i cannot fathom that people still are just sitting there, using windows 10, accepting that the computer they're using are not theirs anymore.

everyone loves xbox game bar and candy crush and having every printer manufacturer auto installing their useless spyware apps again and again, no matter how often users uninstall it. and ads.

why the hell is _anyone_ in yospos is using windows at all is beyond me

I do not get ads in Windows 10, op

Jul 25, 2007

good for you

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

i updated to the new(well not really new anymore) windows 10 feature update and it broke RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 and i had to roll back. continue on brave beta testers

Nov 24, 2006
is wsl2 available yet bc I'm tired of having to reboot to switch between linux to poo poo out some code and windows to play video games and I don't want to janitor either wine or virtualisation

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

Zlodo posted:

is wsl2 available yet bc I'm tired of having to reboot to switch between linux to poo poo out some code and windows to play video games and I don't want to janitor either wine or virtualisation

still only insider afaik, so steer clear

Best Bi Geek Squid
Mar 25, 2016

Tankakern posted:

linux is still not usable at all, and i cannot fathom that people still are just sitting there, using linux accepting that the computer they're using just doesn't work.

everyone loves not having sound, being unable to run actual software, poo poo driver support, ugly fonts, and beta testing release number 0.10274639291 of some nerd's hobby project.

why the hell is _anyone_ in yospos is using linux at all is beyond me

Jun 10, 2001
tankakern is a well known troll just vote 1 and move on people

Nov 24, 2006
trolling the funny computer forum is hosed up imo

Feb 12, 2009

Zlodo posted:

is wsl2 available yet bc I'm tired of having to reboot to switch between linux to poo poo out some code and windows to play video games and I don't want to janitor either wine or virtualisation

I have a 2nd video card and use GPU passthrough for Windows for game playing. It works great.

Lightbulb Out
Apr 28, 2006

slack jawed yokel
i don't have any issues with windows or linux, op. they both work pretty well.

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

i have issues with all the things, really they are all a pos.

but all of this also matters very little, so light comedic is a pretty good level to discuss it at.

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

Tankakern posted:

windows is not usable at all anymore, and i cannot fathom that people still are just sitting there, using windows 10, accepting that the computer they're using are not theirs anymore.

everyone loves xbox game bar and candy crush and having every printer manufacturer auto installing their useless spyware apps again and again, no matter how often users uninstall it. and ads.

why the hell is _anyone_ in yospos is using windows at all is beyond me

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
I would rather have ineptly maintained hobby software that more or less works OK on my work machine than an os with literal actual first party malware, hth

Also bold of you to just pretend modern windows and macos doesn't also have a huge amount of buggy jank

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

windows and macos may be loaded up with bloat but sound and wifi both work and there are graphics drivers that aren't dogshit so that's like 3 easy points in their favor.

then you get to stuff like desktop linux development being a wasteland of terrible ideas and all of the serious (lol) momentum for linux is anroid focused for now.

this will probably all flip around when microsoft finally relents and adopts linux fully

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
sound WiFi and GPU all work great on my laptop try not using $300 trash basket Walmart "computers"

Aug 8, 2003

Last Chance posted:

windows and macos may be loaded up with bloat but sound and wifi both work and there are graphics drivers that aren't dogshit so that's like 3 easy points in their favor.

then you get to stuff like desktop linux development being a wasteland of terrible ideas and all of the serious (lol) momentum for linux is anroid focused for now.

linux probably has the best video drivers of any platform at this point (basically everyone else can do amd drivers better than amd) and windows didn't get workspaces until this last decade*

*that powertools hack poo poo doesn't count since it just launched multiple instances of explorer, was incredibly clunky and caused a modeswitch every time you switched desktops

go play outside Skyler
Nov 7, 2005

The_Franz posted:

linux probably has the best video drivers of any platform at this point (basically everyone else can do amd drivers better than amd) and windows didn't get workspaces until this last decade*

*that powertools hack poo poo doesn't count since it just launched multiple instances of explorer, was incredibly clunky and caused a modeswitch every time you switched desktops

how do you like your vsync? non-existant or laggy as hell?

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

can linux play video in browser without tearing yet?

Private Speech
Mar 30, 2011




Last Chance posted:

can linux play video in browser without tearing yet?

not for me if you're talking 4K; IDK probably for some people it can

I can render some videogames in that resolution just fine it's pretty funny

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

haven’t seen tearing on wayland but haven’t looked that hard either

on the same machine with X11 the tearing is catastrophic


Jul 25, 2007

for me the issue is that in x11 the vsync only synchronizes against the primary monitor or something, so you'll get tearing if you watch videos fullscreen on the second monitor

wayland is the way to go i guess, here's to hoping firefox implements vaapi before the new millenia

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