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  • Locked thread
Aug 24, 2002

Sharkie posted:

Interestingly, this is all that the AMPs that were purchased will be spent on. At least until Synereo is subpoenaed by ICE.

the gently caress does immigration and customs enforcement have to do with this?


Sep 11, 2008

Anytime I need to see your face I just close my eyes
And I am taken to a place
Where your crystal minds and magenta feelings
Take up shelter in the base of my spine
Sweet like a chica cherry cola

-Cheap Trick

Nap Ghost

evilweasel posted:

the gently caress does immigration and customs enforcement have to do with this?

Why would customs enforcement be interested in international drug trafficking under the guise of legitimate imports? :iiam:

Jun 16, 2013

Do you think we could get radium's enemy on board with AMP support for SomethingAwful? I think we need to throw together a patch as soon as possible.

Feb 4, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

evilweasel posted:

the gently caress does immigration and customs enforcement have to do with this?

Reddit recently got subpoenaed by ICE for user information because of "darknet" related stuff. Like ayn said, ICE is involved in prosecuting things ranging from drug importation, online drug markets, child pornography, etc.

Sep 2, 2011

To the cloud ?


It wasn’t an easy decision, but we have resolved to make a change to the rules of the crowdsale.

Although we have received contributions from over 100 backers in less than two days, we are hearing from many, many more that they are sitting on the fence waiting to see if others go in first. It seems that the crypto-community is accustomed to the sliding rate mechanism by now, and it’s hard to break the habit: people are - and who can blame them? - trying to get as much information as possible before making a decision about what to do with their money.


Here are the exact details:

The first dollar contributed is worth 185 AMPs. The six hundred thousand and first (600,001) dollar, the middle point of the sale, will be worth 154 AMPs. The last dollar contributed in the crowdsale will be worth 123 AMPs.

The second dollar is worth 185 - (185-154)/600,000 AMPs, or 184.99994833 AMPs. The one hundred thousandth dollar is going to be worth 179.8333 AMPs. And so on.

The sooner you buy, the more AMPs you receive

What does this mean for people who have already contributed? Well, you’re in luck! Your early support means you will receive a greater AMP reward than what was previously promised to you. People who jump in now will also enjoy a higher reward than before.

Another change we are making is that all coins allocated for this crowdsale and not sold will be destroyed rather than returned to their wallet pool.

Bonus :catdrugs:


Social networks are the most important tool we have right now for getting an insight into the collective stream of consciousness and we need to be able to read it - as well as focus our collective attention - without the process being subject to the kind of manipulation that is inevitable when that consciousness is slaved to the financial goals of external shareholders. There absolutely cannot exist a social network that achieves this without the grassroots support of a community dedicated to making this a reality.

How many autism kroners did they give Eripsa for shilling this I wonder ?

suck my woke dick
Oct 10, 2012


Put this cum-loving slave on ignore immediately!

jre posted:

Bonus :catdrugs:

How many autism kroners did they give Eripsa for shilling this I wonder ?

^Too many. Eripsa should be paid to shut up.

May 14, 2008

Presented without commentary:

Who What Now
Sep 10, 2006

by Azathoth

Ignoring all other problems with it that GUI is ugly as poo poo.

May 14, 2008

Who What Now posted:

Ignoring all other problems with it that GUI is ugly as poo poo.

I do wonder if they'll ever stop using other people's IP and/or names and likenesses to hock their snake oil.

As a reminder this is what the US was 'supposed' to look like.

Caros fucked around with this message at 18:30 on Apr 4, 2015

Feb 4, 2013

by Fluffdaddy

So Dylan gets paid amps when someone shares his post, and the person sharing it gets a percentage? But you can also spend amps to...make it show up first on someone's dashboard?

So first, everyone's dashboard is spammed advertisements that they scroll past to get to "Aunt Jane had a baby friday" (because this is a social network afterall), unless they get in the habit of reflexively blocking everyone they don't know. And can you even tell what messages have been paid for with amps?

Secondly, nothing in this supports Eripsa's thesis that this will change online behaviors. Wouldn't sexyassgifs and Mt.Dew will quickly accumulate an overwhelming majority of amps?

And why should people bother with a decentralized network when they can do all of this with facebook/tumblr/etc. They're re-inventing the wheel while studiously ignoring how people use wheels.

Muscle Tracer
Feb 23, 2007

Medals only weigh one down.

"The next generation of social networking... ONLINE!!"

May 14, 2008

jre posted:

[Another change we are making is that all coins allocated for this crowdsale and not sold will be destroyed rather than returned to their wallet pool.

Doesn't this just scream 'decentralized'? A central group deciding by fiat to obliterate roughly 17% of a currency from existence. A central group who also is apprently keeping 10% of said currency for themselves.

Jun 12, 2003

*chomp chomp chomp*

Well... uhhh.. :psypop::psypop::psypop:

Doktor Avalanche
Dec 30, 2008

I bet he took the girl and turned her into coins. What a creepy loving robot.

Best Friends
Nov 4, 2011

Sharkie posted:

Secondly, nothing in this supports Eripsa's thesis that this will change online behaviors. Wouldn't sexyassgifs and Mt.Dew will quickly accumulate an overwhelming majority of amps?

As I understand it, the fundamental theory is that our social networks are broken because sexyassgifs is insufficiently powerful.

Sep 30, 2001

Every moment that I'm alive, I pray for death!

Best Friends posted:

As I understand it, the fundamental theory is that our social networks are broken because sexyassgifs is insufficiently powerful.

Well actually, as it turns out-
*five hundred word post comprised of a single run-on sentence in which the very beating heart of madness can be glimpsed*

Precambrian Video Games
Aug 19, 2002

You guys missed the part where you can opt out of AMP'd advertising. Because it's decentralized you see.

Dec 26, 2012

Mercury_Storm posted:

Well... uhhh.. :psypop::psypop::psypop:

Man, that looks like some weird political sci-fi foto-op. The leader of The Free Collective of Netrunners shakes hands with Robo-Putin at the 3041 Neo-York data summit. Unironically loving it.

Doctor Spaceman
Jul 6, 2010

"Everyone's entitled to their point of view, but that's seriously a weird one."

eXXon posted:

You guys missed the part where you can opt out of AMP'd advertising. Because it's decentralized you see.

How many merits does that cost me?

Sep 30, 2001

Every moment that I'm alive, I pray for death!

Doctor Spaceman posted:

How many merits does that cost me?

Beats me, I wasn't paying attention.

May 14, 2008

So its been a week since I last checked on Synereo's crowdsale. Lets see how they are doing!

Yeah... not so great. Looking at their sliding scaling and doing some back of napkin math this puts them at or around about $50,000 which is pretty embarrassing. At this point it is pretty fair to assume that initial $30,000 was an investment from the developers themselves, a fraudulent entry to try and spur demand, or something else because they've pulled in less than $20,000 over the entire remainder of the project.

Its also some good old fashioned internet comedy to see that they've redesigned their crowdfunding page for a second time in the last nineteen days. Whether it was to remove the timer (likely) or to include the stupid AMP conversion thing I suppose we will never know.

But I don't just come to you with such grave news about their failing crowdfunding. No, I also bring news of just what it will mean when they fail to hit those goals!


The Synereo crowdsale is capped at $1.2m. Here is what we’re planning on doing with the funds we raise over the next 6 to 12 months, depending on the final amount.

All milestones contain the previous ones.

$115k: Alpha release; distributed node software available to play with (PoC). 6 months.

$330k: Implementation of extensible APIs, allowing our developer community to grow and for development to proceed at a great pace. 6 months.

$650k: Beta application; improved user experience. 9 months.

$900k: Extend APIs to non-JVM environments. Greater ability to support both dev and user community. 9 months.

$1.2m: Allow the in-house app and 3rd party apps developed on top of the mature Synereo platform to host its first million users. 9-12 months.

A platform allowing devs to play with Synereo distributed software will be available in 6 months if we reach the first milestone in all cases. A beta application will be available within 9 months if we reach $650K in all cases.

We hope this provides a clear picture of what Synereo’s plan are - both in terms of the platform and in terms of the social networking application we wish to build - with the funds you’re supporting us with.

We appreciate each and every dollar contributed!

Now it is important to note they aren't going to come close to even 115k. Barring John Galtian style investment (did he invest or just make things?) they are never going to come close to $115k. Extrapolating their progress pegs them at roughly $60,000 if they are lucky and donations continue at trend, which they will not.

So it looks like it is going to take longer than six months for them to get anywhere at this rate. The real question is what they are going to do with $60,000 $30,000 given to them by the loving morons they charitably refer to as a userbase.

Sep 2, 2011

To the cloud ?

Even the true believers on their forum are realising its dead in the water


respectfully, i offer the following idea to this forum for input:

math dont sell....and what we have now is a non-manifesto wrapped in numbers. dare i say people dont get it? further, with the crowdsell slow moving the premise of the business is now being called into question.

suggestion: create a working model and post it to the site so people can see how it works. and im not talking about a mini-version of the network, rather a model that offers a series of interacitons that allows people to see how their activity can be monetized.

personally, as a sales and marketing guy i think you have a perception problem not an idea problem. you have vested so much time into the idea that you have not nessecarliy walked in the shoes of the investors and recognized the fundemtental issue in bringing this to life: we must be shown not told to believe.

again, respectfully just my pov. jd


Hey Guys,

I've purchased some AMPs, but honestly I think you've overpriced them, and the ramping for the valuation is too shallow. You need to harness people's speculative sense of urgency! I think you would have been better going for a lower initial price and ramping-up more sharply to a high price. In the end, AMPs sold later are worth more, since it is known that you have achieved funding.

Creating your 'stock' with 1 Billion units, and then pricing them at 183 to the $ means you are valuing your 'company', with no completed product, no users, no network effect, and at this point little funding, (it's basically just a set of [very good] ideas), at $5.5M. Wow.

I also think that taking 10% for founders is rather 'Ripple Labs-esque'

Anyway, I realise it's probably too late to change it now, but you may have a slow start.


What do you think about the option of lowering the valuation - lets say to a third - giving everyone who's contributed so far triple the AMPs, and lowering the total cap? Effectively, this cuts the price we set to 33%, making the offer more lucrative, and provide everyone who's invested so far with a greater stake.

Also, 10% is the norm for these projects. The currently ongoing Factom sale leaves 30% to its core developers.

Oct 20, 2005

I don't understand how you can be so mistaken.

jre posted:

Even the true believers on their forum are realising its dead in the water
I think that you bolded the wrong part.

The marketing guy made a long post about strategy - focusing on the fact that the available material didn't effectively cater to any particular group.
  • tech nerds with disposable income? You need to provide a working demo. Publish the API. Let people sign up on the test server and earn imaginary AMPs by posting lorem ipsum and Dick Butt. Run a contest to see who can design the best attention-arbitrage bot. Promise to somehow integrate the whole thing with Raspberry Pi.
  • financiers willing to make a multi-million investment? You need patents, a working product (which is much more than just a working tech demo), customers, and evidence of ongoing development.
  • mom and pop micro-investors? You need a thirty-second elevator pitch, preferably in the form of a professional-looking video. If someone is planning to invest less than $50, then the opportunity cost of reading through the 65-page whitepaper outweighs the profit that they expect to earn.
  • a major advertiser? You're going to have trouble finding someone reputable, since cryptocurrencies are tarnished by their association with narcotics, fraud, and child pornography.
CEO's response to the question of "who did you expect to buy AMPs?"


Our main target audience for this crowdfunding campaign are people who already possess bitcoin
Unfortunately, with the price of bitcoin falling and with the general disillusionment from many of these projects - even the mega-funded ones like Ethereum and MaidSafe haven't delivered anything to date - the crowd that used to enthusiastically support these projects is now keeping their bitcoins close and waiting to see if anything changes before putting any more of them on the table.
We came out at a bad time, and the project suffers from it.
We'll simply have to make do with what we have and push forward, hoping we have enough gas in the tank until we reach a point in time where the crowds are interested in taking financial part in crypto-projects again
Anyone dumb enough to hold bitcoin in 2015 probably isn't very smart, so we figured it would be a waste of effort to inform or persuade the audience. We opted for hype instead.

We were hoping to sell some premined coins to a mixture of starry-eyed futurists and bubble-enthusiast gamblers. Unfortunately both of those groups have been burned recently. The completely unforeseeable failure of poorly-planned vaporware projects has left our get-rich-quick vaporware project in considerable peril!

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006
Can't post for 5 hours!
Well, that really explains why they thought Eripsa would make a good consultant.

woke wedding drone
Jun 1, 2003

by exmarx
Fun Shoe
Who says "it was a bad time" when they fail? Fool it's the time you're living in.

"We'll just have to twiddle our thumbs until we luck into your interest!" --Signed, the intrepid river pilots of the attention economy

May 14, 2008

:siren:Attention all doubters!:siren:

So Synereo's crowdsale may have only pulled in about $60,000 over the first month, or 5% of its intended goal, roughly of which came from an initial investment from the developers themselves, but fear not! Apparently Synereo has reached an agreement to partner with an equally stupidly named company called Factom. At this point I honestly can't exactly tell you what Fucktom does other than somethingsomethingblockchaintechnicalrevolutionsomething but I will keep you posted with further information once I've read their whitepaper enough to give even a single gently caress.

The really good news is that Fucktom actually succeeded in their initial grifting of idiot bitcoiners, so it is possible that they will invest some of that money in Synereo to keep the laughchain going for the foreseeable future. Good times.

Discendo Vox
Mar 21, 2013

I've begun to wonder if the entire bitcoin phenomenon is a behavioral economics experiment- the prisoner's dilemma writ large. A network of thousands of neckbeards and sociopaths in a staring contest, spanning the entire globe.

Jun 19, 2004

Caros posted:

:siren:Attention all doubters!:siren:

So Synereo's crowdsale may have only pulled in about $60,000 over the first month, or 5% of its intended goal, roughly of which came from an initial investment from the developers themselves, but fear not! Apparently Synereo has reached an agreement to partner with an equally stupidly named company called Factom. At this point I honestly can't exactly tell you what Fucktom does other than somethingsomethingblockchaintechnicalrevolutionsomething but I will keep you posted with further information once I've read their whitepaper enough to give even a single gently caress.

The really good news is that Fucktom actually succeeded in their initial grifting of idiot bitcoiners, so it is possible that they will invest some of that money in Synereo to keep the laughchain going for the foreseeable future. Good times.

I read Factom as Fatcom.

Jun 12, 2003

*chomp chomp chomp*
Hey Reality Apologist come back! I demand you apologize for the reality of the horrible failure of the attempted application for your theories and the hundreds of pages in this and previous threads people wasted in failed attempts to help you realize that you're a completely out of touch moron who doesn't have anything to offer the world other than sub-worthless conjecture and condescension.

Mercury_Storm fucked around with this message at 07:39 on Apr 19, 2015

Muscle Tracer
Feb 23, 2007

Medals only weigh one down.

Caros posted:

:siren:Attention all doubters!:siren:

So Synereo's crowdsale may have only pulled in about $60,000 over the first month, or 5% of its intended goal, roughly of which came from an initial investment from the developers themselves, but fear not! Apparently Synereo has reached an agreement to partner with an equally stupidly named company called Factom. At this point I honestly can't exactly tell you what Fucktom does other than somethingsomethingblockchaintechnicalrevolutionsomething but I will keep you posted with further information once I've read their whitepaper enough to give even a single gently caress.

The really good news is that Fucktom actually succeeded in their initial grifting of idiot bitcoiners, so it is possible that they will invest some of that money in Synereo to keep the laughchain going for the foreseeable future. Good times.

according to reliable sources, fatcom will:

1. take a file that you send them and create a hash of it
2. take that hash and add it to the hashes of all other files received in a given period
3. hash all of those hashes and store it in the blockchain

that way, later, you can send the same file to fatcom and they can prove it existed at a certain time. or something.


woke wedding drone
Jun 1, 2003

by exmarx
Fun Shoe

Oh my god it's literally Factom...combined with the power of Synereo

Ernie Muppari
Aug 4, 2012

Keep this up G'Bert, and soon you won't have a pigeon to protect!
man i can't wait until it's 1998 and we can get our hands on all this future tech

wheez the roux
Aug 2, 2004

Death to the Seahawks. Death to Seahawks posters.
Eripsa: the movie

Jan 27, 2015

by FactsAreUseless
I have a friend whos thinking about bitcoins. I told him that i vaguely heard it doesnt solve anything different from standard currency. That its unstable, prone to scams, stealing, hacking. And that it could disappear at any time. But overall Im mostly talking out my rear end any or all of that could be wrong and the real problem is something completely different. what should i tell my friend?

also i tried to post a topic in the diet section of the forum but couldnt find a button for starting a topic do I need to be a member longer or something?

A Fancy 400 lbs
Jul 24, 2008
There's also the fact that it's actually what bitcoiners erroneously accuse fiat currency of being: backed in value by nothing but the hopes and dreams of the people using it.

suck my woke dick
Oct 10, 2012


Put this cum-loving slave on ignore immediately!

logosanatic posted:

I have a friend whos thinking about bitcoins. I told him that i vaguely heard it doesnt solve anything different from standard currency. That its unstable, prone to scams, stealing, hacking. And that it could disappear at any time. But overall Im mostly talking out my rear end any or all of that could be wrong and the real problem is something completely different. what should i tell my friend?

also i tried to post a topic in the diet section of the forum but couldnt find a button for starting a topic do I need to be a member longer or something?

Tell he him should buy buttcoins the same way he buys lottery tickets. The value fluctuates wildly depending on the time of day, the phase of the moon, and which large bitcoin op just got busted for laundering money/selling drugs/hiring internet hitmen. It may be hard to cash out a large amount when you really need to because chances are the Magic: The Gathering: Online Exchange (that is what Mt Gox originally stood for :eng101:) or whatever the current bitcoin exchange of choice is is involved with the nerd drama that made you want to cash out right now, before the value drops like a stone. Oh and did I mention that bitcoin exchanges tend to blatantly steal accidentally misplace your bitcoins. Bitcoin is full of scams, in good part because the user base is full of retards who think they are smarter than they actually are (if you think that doesn't apply to you, you are thinking you are smarter than you actually are). Mining bitcoin will become worth it some time after the heat death of the universe so don't do it.

Or maybe your friend is a lolbertarian captain of industry motivated by ideology who wishes to ~*~disrupt traditional banking~*~ or something in which case he should definitely buy a room full of mining rigs so we can laugh at him setting his house on fire with shoddy electronics and having no money because he spent it all on said shoddy electronics.

e: just googled the current status of ~Mount Gocks~, they completely shut down after losing all most, since some mysteriously ~got found~ of their users' buttcoins :laffo:

suck my woke dick fucked around with this message at 20:35 on Apr 23, 2015

Sep 30, 2001

Every moment that I'm alive, I pray for death!

logosanatic posted:

I have a friend whos thinking about bitcoins. I told him that i vaguely heard it doesnt solve anything different from standard currency. That its unstable, prone to scams, stealing, hacking. And that it could disappear at any time. But overall Im mostly talking out my rear end any or all of that could be wrong and the real problem is something completely different. what should i tell my friend?

also i tried to post a topic in the diet section of the forum but couldnt find a button for starting a topic do I need to be a member longer or something?

No, that's a decent overview of the screaming madness that it bitcoin and by extension every other crypto-currency I've encountered. You might give the buttcoinfoundation a look if you want more specifics about why no one with even an ounce of sense should want anything to do with bitcoin.

suck my woke dick
Oct 10, 2012


Put this cum-loving slave on ignore immediately!

Captain_Maclaine posted:

no one with even an ounce of sense should want anything to do with bitcoin.

This is good advice. However, it is always fun to watch fools be parted from their money :toot:

Jun 12, 2003

*chomp chomp chomp*

Eripsa posted:

Imagine that every human being alive straps a little box of marbles on their foreheads. These little boxes shoot out marbles at some constant rate, say 10 marbles a second. It shoots these marbles out at the objects you happen to be looking at. These marbles are a crude approximation of the marbles you pay. Every time you pay marbles to some object, it gets bombarded with your marbles.

Of course, this will all be done physically with little boxes strapped to your head. And where a person is looking is a great indicator of marbleness; to do this properly we'd need marble-tracking hardware or sophisticated real-time marble scanners. But leave these technical details aside for the moment. I want to give you the big picture of what the Marble Economy looks like. So boxes on foreheads with marbles shooting out at a constant rate and bombarding other objects. Still with me?


suck my woke dick
Oct 10, 2012


Put this cum-loving slave on ignore immediately!

  • Locked thread