Catsworth posted:I actually considered it not too long ago but figured this far in it doesn't really matter. Next thing I do I definitely will, though. I didn't mean to start a thing but it was kind of disheartening not getting any responses. As long as people are enjoying them then that's all I care about but I do appreciate the response. Throw me in as another guy enjoying your videos and a good number of the others in the thread. Just don't have much to say about them!
# ? Nov 26, 2014 01:45 |
# ? Jan 22, 2025 11:35 |
Niggurath posted:But if you feel more comfortable in the megathread then that's fine, but really don't get stuck in this thought process that people are going to dog pile on you for having fun. It does happen, actually, but I doubt the whining and screaming is going to have any teeth unless your LP is literally unreadable/unwatchable. I mean, between the Minesweeper LP (which is great, by the way), and the million and one sperg-simulator strategy games, and the steady trickle of Japanese dating sim LP's, I'm not sure there's much you can throw at the forums which WILL be a problem, unless it's a very tired gimmick or just straight-up boring, and pretty much all of that is covered in the rules.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 01:48 |
Uh I watch those Dead Space videos too. No-one really talks much in this thread so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 01:49 |
Danaru posted:Pretty much this. I've considered making a thread for an LP before, but between my own technical ineptitude and worrying about ending up 'screaming into a void' as it were, I've stuck to megathreads. I'd say the forum's a bit more open now than it was (partly, I think, because people got to vent on the subject), but I do get where you're coming from. As to the "screaming into the void" thing, sometimes that's just plain bad luck. As far as "technical ineptitude" goes, well... Firstly, that's something that just takes time and practice. I haven't gotten to the level I'm truly happy with in this ol' hobby yet, but I go for it anyhoo because... Well, as Niggurath said, I'm having a blast, it seems like other folks are having a blast, and really? That, and showing off a game I love/hate, is really all that matters to me. Secondly, you've actually got a fairly good chemistry goin' there, and you've played to your strengths by playing games that... Well, don't need much editing. I will mention that I'm an oldgames freak and somewhat biased though, so take what I've said here with a grain of salt. Heh, I think one of the things that needs to be mentioned a lot to new posters here (and isn't so much) is: We all worry about these things to some extent or another. Hell, half my recent conversations with fellow LP folks has ended with the somewhat depressing "Well, poo poo, there's this game I want to LP, it's on my loving list, but I don't have a clue how to do it in an entertaining way!" In my case, it's a metric fuckton of Atari ST and BBC Micro games (For example, there are some boulderdash "clones" on the BBC that genuinely mix up the formula. But how the gently caress do I keep talking during 80 loving "screens"?), some arcade and twinstick games (Alien Breed Trilogy, for example. I ran out of things to say about five minutes in, knowing full well there wouldn't be another weapon or new concept for... Another twenty minutes.), and some strategy games (After Aftermath, I quickly realised that SSLPs are... A thing I need to prepare well in advance of posting the thread.) As leery as I was of the thread when it began (Not my proudest moment, but I'll own up to it), it's definitely a thing that should stick around, because it's a good way to build up your confidence to the point where you can handle those worries. [hits preview] Welp, Shady Amish Terror's hit it on the nose. So there's my own , and I imagine now I'll want to actually make something for the thread to compensate for that.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 01:54 |
I have nothing to add to the discussion save this. Super Luigi Country (Heavy Sigh, TurboC, Eglador, WilliamAnderson)
# ? Nov 26, 2014 02:03 |
What about those of us who want to be commentary buddies? I'd love to guest commentate in things and get more comfortable shooting the poo poo about games, seeing as how I feel I did poor-to-mediocre in the two guest appearances I've done so far.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 03:53 |
Neurion posted:What about those of us who want to be commentary buddies? I'd love to guest commentate in things and get more comfortable shooting the poo poo about games, seeing as how I feel I did poor-to-mediocre in the two guest appearances I've done so far.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 04:48 |
NGDBSS posted:The only real requirement is being around when Heavy Sigh is recording. Pretty much. I've got the wonderful chance to see awful games all from hanging out on Skype too much.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 05:47 |
Come to think, where are the occasional yellow-tinted quoteboxes coming from?
# ? Nov 26, 2014 05:50 |
NGDBSS posted:Come to think, where are the occasional yellow-tinted quoteboxes coming from? I am 90% sure that if you are the one being quoted it is highlighted in yellow.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 05:54 |
Major_JF posted:I am 90% sure that if you are the one being quoted it is highlighted in yellow. Yeah, this is what it is. The boxes are only yellow if it's your own post being quoted.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 06:03 |
WilliamAnderson posted:Pretty much. I've got the wonderful chance to see awful games all from hanging out on Skype too much. I need to get myself some more active goonbuddies on Skype, then.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 06:14 |
Heavy Sigh posted:I have nothing to add to the discussion save this. HeavySigh, how do you find these? More importantly, how do you still have
# ? Nov 26, 2014 07:21 |
Let's Play Jeopardy Episode 2 - Finale gently caress the imperial system #Metric4lyfe
# ? Nov 26, 2014 12:31 |
Danaru posted:
Wow, I never thought AI would ever understand the concept of toying with opponenets, but Jenny had that down pat. She buzzed in dozens of times just to not answer and waste money, threw everything away in Double Jeopardy and still came back to dominate everything. Jenny is stone cold.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 15:10 |
JamieTheD posted:I'd say the forum's a bit more open now than it was (partly, I think, because people got to vent on the subject) But seriously, the forums do seem way more relaxed and more focussed on people having fun with their hobby. There are a number of pretty chill "2007-esque" LP threads on the subforum right now, even if they aren't constantly appearing on the first page, and no one has been banned or probated over them.
# ? Nov 26, 2014 15:45 |
Cordial Minuet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulJMzYUGZyg A buddy and I played Jason Rohrer's new game about gambling. Just a singular video introduction on its quirks. I got super hyper-secret access, and I thought I'd show it off because the articles I've read about it so far don't paint a very clear picture.
# ? Nov 27, 2014 01:34 |
zfleeman posted:Cordial Minuet Huh, that's actually quite a clever lil' game, and if it weren't for the fact it involves realmoneys, I would play the hell out of that. Also, I like that it's "The World" versus "The Abyss". Although it's weird that he adds things up to 111, because that's the Holy Trinity, but... Hell, it's interesting anyhoo!
# ? Nov 27, 2014 01:59 |
JamieTheD posted:Huh, that's actually quite a clever lil' game, and if it weren't for the fact it involves realmoneys, I would play the hell out of that. Also, I like that it's "The World" versus "The Abyss". Although it's weird that he adds things up to 111, because that's the Holy Trinity, but... Hell, it's interesting anyhoo! I'm a Jason Rohrer fanboy. He's a really interesting guy. I'll be the first to admit that his games lack a lot of substance to play for an extended period of time, but they hit pretty heavy with their message while being incredibly unique at the same time. But yeah, a lot of hype around him is just people (like me) going, "This guy is weird!! Did I mention how weird and different he is?!" I saw him at PAX Prime in 2012, and he signed my rare copy of Diamond Trust of London. He's tall. *sigh* Oh, Jason.
# ? Nov 27, 2014 02:59 |
zfleeman posted:Cordial Minuet Okay, that is a really neat game. I like the idea of two completely faceless voids who can't communicate outside of what's on the board combined with the clever game. If there ends up being enough people with low stakes games, I would totally put real moneyz into it.
# ? Nov 27, 2014 04:48 |
Day 5-2: Chinatown Sewers, pt 1 Past Episodes Day 1-1: Opera House Day 1-2: Sewers Day 2-1: NYPD 17th Precinct Day 2-2: Central Park, Pt. 1 Day 2-3: Central Park, Pt. 2 Day 3-1: Soho, Museum Day 3-2: NYPD 17th District Day 4-1: St. Francis Hospital, pt 1 Day 4-2: St. Francis Hospital, pt 2 Day 5-1: Pier no. 3 Warehouse Chapter 2 Cutscenes.....Chapter 2 Combat Past Episodes Prologue Cutscenes.....Prologue Mission Chapter 1 Cutscenes.....Chapter 1 Combat
# ? Nov 27, 2014 05:56 |
zfleeman posted:Cordial Minuet How come when you place 2 lines, the opponent only places one? Or can your opponent only see the red line you set? If so, that's a pretty interesting concept and a neat game, but as confusing as it is (that I needed an explanation on how it works) it seems like a disincentive to spend actual money on it. I suppose everyone's in the same boat right at the start, but without a proper tutorial or something I feel like you could easily hustle somebody or at least clean house when it gets a wider release.
# ? Nov 27, 2014 06:37 |
zfleeman posted:Cordial Minuet This actually seems really neat. Are the colours always on the same side at the start (red on the left, green on the right? Unique symbols?) because the only thing stopping me from trying it out later on is the fact I'm colourblind.
# ? Nov 27, 2014 19:26 |
Danaru posted:
drat RIGHT! Also, you guys are really loving bad at Jeopardy.
# ? Nov 28, 2014 05:50 |
JamieTheD posted:Huh, that's actually quite a clever lil' game, and if it weren't for the fact it involves realmoneys, I would play the hell out of that. Also, I like that it's "The World" versus "The Abyss". Although it's weird that he adds things up to 111, because that's the Holy Trinity, but... Hell, it's interesting anyhoo! Six rows or columns, 111 each. The sum of the integers from 1 to 36 is 666. That's just the mathematics of it.
# ? Nov 28, 2014 16:29 |
Chapters 9 and 10
# ? Nov 29, 2014 05:50 |
Let's Play Family Feud Thanks for nothing, Chitlin And thanks for nothing Gametek
# ? Nov 29, 2014 21:14 |
Gettin' all official, here. Featuring four idiots who don't know any better. Part 1 Part 2* Part 3a Part 3b Part 3c *Part 2 is on hitbox because my video shat itself.
# ? Nov 29, 2014 22:31 |
Your strats are insufficently pro
# ? Nov 29, 2014 22:33 |
Prenton posted:Your strats are insufficently pro That's incredible. I got to look up now what the judging algorithm is.
# ? Nov 29, 2014 22:47 |
Prenton posted:Your strats are insufficently pro This is quite possibly the best speedrun ever made
# ? Nov 29, 2014 22:52 |
Ramos posted:That's incredible. I got to look up now what the judging algorithm is. "Are all the letters in the correct order? Ok then. Let's ignore all the rest of these."
# ? Nov 30, 2014 00:56 |
Danaru posted:This is quite possibly the best speedrun ever made I don't know about that. If you're one of the people in countries where soccer is called "football", you might know the game well enough that this would be more your style.
# ? Nov 30, 2014 00:56 |
Oh no! Own goal?! ... is it bad that I didn't even need to look at that link to know what it was?
# ? Nov 30, 2014 01:11 |
Cheez posted:"Are all the letters in the correct order? Ok then. Let's ignore all the rest of these." There's a few cases where it considers similar words and has compensations for one letter being off. So sock equals sucks among other things. edit: Alternatively, it just looks for a certain set of letters to each appear a certain number of times and then gently caress everything else, order included. Ramos fucked around with this message at 02:21 on Nov 30, 2014 |
# ? Nov 30, 2014 01:14 |
Nidoking posted:I don't know about that. If you're one of the people in countries where soccer is called "football", you might know the game well enough that this would be more your style. Why is there a dog in the playing field?
# ? Nov 30, 2014 06:36 |
Shoeless posted:Why is there a dog in the playing field? You can enter in a code in that game to make the ref into a dog.
# ? Nov 30, 2014 07:20 |
CJacobs posted:You can enter in a code in that game to make the ref into a dog. Well, that answers "how" it could happen in the first place. That doesn't answer the "why" part of it, which I feel is a valid question.
# ? Nov 30, 2014 11:29 |
Why not?
# ? Nov 30, 2014 14:16 |
# ? Jan 22, 2025 11:35 |
azren posted:Well, that answers "how" it could happen in the first place. That doesn't answer the "why" part of it, which I feel is a valid question. Dogs are awesome.
# ? Nov 30, 2014 18:50 |