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Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty



Pyzza Rouge
Jun 25, 2011

La Mano de Dios

azren posted:

Well, that answers "how" it could happen in the first place. That doesn't answer the "why" part of it, which I feel is a valid question.

Participating in soccer matches is something of a pastime for canines. However, this is normally unsanctioned behavior as they tend to switch teams or create "poop hazards" for other players.

Refereeing matches are also irregular as dogs usually just run around and bark. When you do see a dog calling plays they'll have on a proper uniform so as to not confuse people; which makes the in-game appearance doubly irregular. 4/10 realism, Nintendo cheat code.

"World Pup" would be a more fitting pun if the US had ever actually won a World Cup. :v:

P.N. News
Feb 3, 2009

Birds revere you and consider you one of their own.

You are welcome in their holy places.
:siren: WARNING: This is the chapter with all the attempted rape, attempted suicide, and hobosploitation in it. Thanks, David Cage. :siren:

We're running up on not having any more footage to edit, and I'm not feeling well, so there might be a delay between the next episode and the one after.

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

El Murguista posted:

"World Pup" would be a more fitting pun if the US had ever actually won a World Cup. :v:

Number of times they let a dog on their team: 0
Number of world cups won: 0

The solution is obvious :colbert:

Let's Play Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Episode 7 - Finale

Well uh, this originally started as just us testing a new streaming set up before starting over since I managed to screw up every single episode previously, but then we realized we probably aren't going to do any better than we did with this.

Danaru fucked around with this message at 17:00 on Dec 2, 2014

Mar 4, 2013

Well, take this with a grain of salt, but
More stream stuff, this time with significantly fewer worms, and significantly more dicks.

Part 1a
Part 1b
Part 1c

These videos may be mildly :nws:, cause, you know, dicks.
And also we draw some penises.

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Episode 1 - N64 Chat

In my ongoing and futile quest to not be a generic youtube-tier LPer, I've been testing a better setup that let's me run noise cancellation, so there'll be less of me clearing my throat and less of Grace sounding like a wind tunnel from here on out.

Unfortunately there's no audacity filter that makes the commentary interesting, so we spend 90% of the video talking about every video game except DKC.

Nov 7, 2013

No Pineapple?
No Thank You!

Day 5-3: Chinatown Sewers, pt 2

Past Episodes
Day 1-1: Opera House
Day 1-2: Sewers
Day 2-1: NYPD 17th Precinct
Day 2-2: Central Park, Pt. 1
Day 2-3: Central Park, Pt. 2
Day 3-1: Soho, Museum
Day 3-2: NYPD 17th District
Day 4-1: St. Francis Hospital, pt 1
Day 4-2: St. Francis Hospital, pt 2
Day 5-1: Pier no. 3 Warehouse
Day 5-2: Chinatown Sewers, pt 1

Chapter 3- Headquarters Intro, Cutscenes.....Chapter 3 Combat

Past Episodes
Prologue Cutscenes.....Prologue Mission
Chapter 1 Cutscenes.....Chapter 1 Combat
Chapter 2 Cutscenes.....Chapter 2 Combat

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Chapter 11

All I did was cut out 5 minutes of us just standing in an elevator and now poo poo's all weird :ohdear:

Oct 16, 2012

by Azathoth

Catsworth posted:

Chapter 11

All I did was cut out 5 minutes of us just standing in an elevator and now poo poo's all weird :ohdear:
It was cute how you thought there was going to be an actual puzzle in this game.

Nov 5, 2009

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Episode 1 - N64 Chat

In my ongoing and futile quest to not be a generic youtube-tier LPer, I've been testing a better setup that let's me run noise cancellation, so there'll be less of me clearing my throat and less of Grace sounding like a wind tunnel from here on out.

Unfortunately there's no audacity filter that makes the commentary interesting, so we spend 90% of the video talking about every video game except DKC.

I can do it! *immediately jump into a pit*

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

theblastizard posted:

I can do it! *immediately jump into a pit*

There is a TON of instant karma in this playthrough, even for the two of us. :froggonk:

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Episode 2 - Vulture Culture Forever

Iron Chitlin
Sep 3, 2011

I need to use the bathroom!

Danaru posted:

There is a TON of instant karma in this playthrough, even for the two of us. :froggonk:

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Episode 2 - Vulture Culture Forever

Holy hell I haven't actually laughed that hard in a while, but god drat if the non stop deaths didn't make for a legitimately tense end to the video.

As a side note: I actually just finished watching Jungle Strike earlier today, and was honestly afraid that the jungle dance would be making another comeback. It's not coming back...right? :ohdear:

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

Iron Chitlin posted:

As a side note: I actually just finished watching Jungle Strike earlier today, and was honestly afraid that the jungle dance would be making another comeback. It's not coming back...right? :ohdear:

The jungle dance has never stopped :argh: Grace won't let it no matter how hard I try‎

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?

Forgall posted:

It was cute how you thought there was going to be an actual puzzle in this game.

"What does it want us to doooo-oh it's literally telling us right there. Welp." Felt kind of silly but at least we knew how to pass!

Jun 8, 2013


Iron Chitlin posted:

As a side note: I actually just finished watching Jungle Strike earlier today, and was honestly afraid that the jungle dance would be making another comeback. It's not coming back...right? :ohdear:

Speaking of the Strike series, any plans to play Urban Strike, Danaru? That was one of my favorite games back in the day, despite the fact that the learning curve was so harsh that I have never beaten the third level without cheat codes.

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

gregory posted:

Speaking of the Strike series, any plans to play Urban Strike, Danaru? That was one of my favorite games back in the day, despite the fact that the learning curve was so harsh that I have never beaten the third level without cheat codes.

I'd like to, we planned to do Desert and Urban right after Jungle, but then I played the first level of Urban and game over'd before beating level one. Then we... kinda forgot to be honest.

I'm pretty sure I've proven with every other series we've done that Jungle Strike was 100% a massive fluke :v: At least I figured out how to work the recording software properly in the last six months

Jun 8, 2013


Danaru posted:

I played the first level of Urban and game over'd before beating level one.

Haha, yeah, level two is at LEAST twice as hard as level one, that game's difficulty is exponential.

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

gregory posted:

Haha, yeah, level two is at LEAST twice as hard as level one, that game's difficulty is exponential.

I've honestly never gotten past the first section where you're on foot. That includes when I abused save states. That poo poo was impossible :froggonk:

Let's Play Dankey Kang Episode 3 - Thirty Six Seconds

Slippery ice levels are even worse than water levels. It's even sadder considering I LOVE winter worlds, but in platformers it always means nightmarish slippery bullshit levels :(

Jun 8, 2013


Danaru posted:

I've honestly never gotten past the first section where you're on foot. That includes when I abused save states. That poo poo was impossible :froggonk:

Yeah, gently caress that level. I had the game for like, ten years before I finally beat that part. (There are two more of those later, and they're even worse). There's also an odd moment where the terrorists in the game attack New York City and you have to save civilians from the two buildings that got bombed--the World Trade Center towers--and then you realize that the game is set in the year 2001.

Apr 17, 2011

Reach for the moon!

Danaru posted:

I've honestly never gotten past the first section where you're on foot. That includes when I abused save states. That poo poo was impossible :froggonk:

Let's Play Dankey Kang Episode 3 - Thirty Six Seconds

Slippery ice levels are even worse than water levels. It's even sadder considering I LOVE winter worlds, but in platformers it always means nightmarish slippery bullshit levels :(

I didn't know Donkey Kong Country was a survival horror game until this episode.

Jan 23, 2012

Robots confuse squirrels.

Slipslide Ride is such a bullshit boring level. The rest of that world isn't too bad though.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(

njsykora posted:

Slipslide Ride is such a bullshit boring level. The rest of that world isn't too bad though.

Even the pond? Even the Epilepsy Cave?

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

Shady Amish Terror posted:

Even the pond? Even the Epilepsy Cave?

Speaking of both :(

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country 4- Winter Warfare

Aug 16, 2013

gay elf noises

The video is private.

Don't you want us to see your failures?

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

Pyroi posted:

The video is private.

Don't you want us to see your failures?

Fixed, I somehow manage to do that every single time, but I usually catch it before anyone notices

Jun 8, 2013


I don't think this string of LPs would be nearly as entertaining if they were anything but a train wreck of screwups, technical difficulties and gameplay mishaps alike. (I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not)

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

gregory posted:

I don't think this string of LPs would be nearly as entertaining if they were anything but a train wreck of screwups, technical difficulties and gameplay mishaps alike. (I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not)

No one watches our garbage unironically, not even me

Jan 23, 2012

Robots confuse squirrels.

gregory posted:

I don't think this string of LPs would be nearly as entertaining if they were anything but a train wreck of screwups, technical difficulties and gameplay mishaps alike. (I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not)

Its the authentic Donkey Kong Country experience. Failure and regret.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Oh my GOD the amount of instant karma in this video. Are you somehow playing with wiimotes, because the Hubrimeter seems to be working in full effect.

Sep 30, 2009

Who doesn't wanna be Johnny Cat?


Admiral H. Curtiss
May 11, 2010

I think there are a bunch of people who can create trailing images. I know some who could do this as if they were just going out for a stroll.

If you want precision platforming you should get Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. It's very good.

Shady Amish Terror
Oct 11, 2007
I'm not Amish by choice. 8(
Okay, I've got to say, the two-viewpoint presentation of this segment is proving loving amazing.

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Episode 5 - Memorization

Man I hope you guys like Oil Drum Alley

VVVV: Fixed it :argh: I don't know why that's the one thing I always forget

Danaru fucked around with this message at 15:52 on Dec 15, 2014

Feb 13, 2011

This video is private.

Jun 15, 2012
I quite enjoy your suffering. How many episodes until you run out of lives?

Feb 16, 2007


Those were the best first 1:10 of any LP video ever.

Iron Chitlin
Sep 3, 2011

I need to use the bathroom!

Danaru posted:

Let's Play Donkey Kong Country Episode 5 - Memorization

Man I hope you guys like Oil Drum Alley

VVVV: Fixed it :argh: I don't know why that's the one thing I always forget

Is it strange that I get annoyed at the video whenever you guys actually begin making progress in the level? It's like you have somehow created the anti-LP, where I wish you would edit out all the successful attempts.

On a more serious note: perhaps it would be better to upload the videos as unlisted rather than private, that way if you forget to change it to public, people will at least be able to watch the video when you post the link.

Jul 3, 2012

Started with 108 lives? That's pretty important poo poo, man. You might just be destined for something now.

Jul 7, 2007

I got 30 points!

I'm calling shenanigans on your "we grinded lives" systems as your time played doesn't reflect any substantial grinding time by the end of the last video :colbert: :objection:


Jun 5, 2012

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Roar posted:

I'm calling shenanigans on your "we grinded lives" systems as your time played doesn't reflect any substantial grinding time by the end of the last video :colbert: :objection:

It doesn't take long when you just keep entering the first level, grab the life in DK's house, then start-select back out :v: I might be bad at video games, but I'm pretty drat good at being a cheesing, cheap bastard. Also remember that most of episode 3 didn't happen according to the game

Iron Chitlin posted:

On a more serious note: perhaps it would be better to upload the videos as unlisted rather than private, that way if you forget to change it to public, people will at least be able to watch the video when you post the link.

I'm not actually sure why I didn't already do this, come to think of it.

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