Clearly Danaru was the intended audience for Sonic 2006 all along.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 04:40 |
Danaru posted:
I was gonna say that the Silver fight's not very hard, you just have to NOT get put into the death cycle, and that first-timing the Mach Speed section was more impressive, but then you S-Ranked everything, and you should honestly be concerned about how your life brought you to this point. Also, Danaru, PLEASE go find one of the metal crates in New City, jump on top of it, and do your kick attack repeatedly on top of it. You will not regret it. gregory fucked around with this message at 13:08 on Jan 10, 2015 |
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I honestly never considered that a skillful blind run was a thing that could exist but, well here we are. You may have to accept that you are some kind of Sonic 2006 savant.
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You never disappoint, Dan. ![]()
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Iron Chitlin posted:I honestly never considered that a skillful blind run was a thing that could exist but, well here we are. You may have to accept that you are some kind of Sonic 2006 savant. More or less likely than a miracle AK-Sniping Blind Hitman savant?
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Your degree of competence at Sonic 06 is... disturbing. That being said, this is probably the one game I'm willing to watch just about any number of playthroughs of.
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gregory posted:I was gonna say that the Silver fight's not very hard, you just have to NOT get put into the death cycle, and that first-timing the Mach Speed section was more impressive, but then you S-Ranked everything, and you should honestly be concerned about how your life brought you to this point. I genuinely think that my key to victory was the camera. It's so poo poo that you basically HAVE to determine where silver is by sound, and he only says stuff when he opens himself to attack. I refuse to believe sonic team MEANT to do that, though.
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Danaru posted:I refuse to believe sonic team MEANT to do that, though. To be honest, pretty much everything in this game feels like it just accidentally happened while they were trying tó program something else and they just went with it.
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Neruz posted:Clearly Danaru was the intended audience for Sonic 2006 all along. So, what you are saying is that Danaru is the One True Sanic of 2006?
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At last, it returns! Also, the reason there's stuff like Kingslime being male/female is because all the monsters for the Dragon Warrior Monster games were the enemies from the Dragon Warrior games. Of course those didn't make any distinction about male/female, that was added for the breeding system in DWM.
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Shoeless posted:At last, it returns! Besides, they're monsters, humans probably named them with no regard for what they might actually want to be called. STUMP CHUMP
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![]() Lets Play SMT Nocturne episode 11 – 20 Million Macca Bill
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Shoeless posted:At last, it returns! Later Dragon Quest Monsters games would replace genders with some sort of polarity system. Monsters would be +, -, or ±, the latter being a wildcard which cannot be bred/fused with itself.
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![]() Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 3 - Hold X to Why How the gently caress does this ranking system work. Seriously.
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Okay, Danaru, there is hope for you yet. Had you actually completed White Acropolis deathless, you'd have had no choice but to end your gaming career, but it looks like you're not inherently amazing at the ENTIRETY of the game, just some of it. I think you got the S-Rank mainly for your time bonus, because you did skip quite a bit in that last section, plus you did take out a pretty large amount of robots, so you ended up with the 50000 points required for the S-rank. gregory fucked around with this message at 13:06 on Jan 12, 2015 |
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I'm really enjoying this Sonic 06 LP. It somehow gives a unique perspective from pokecapn's, MassRafTer and slowbeef's lps/playthroughs.gregory posted:I think you got the S-Rank mainly for your time bonus, because you did skip quite a bit in that last section
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Danaru posted:
Having recently read a pretty interesting behind the scenes post mortem of the sub standard FPS Homefront, I actually went looking to see if there was something similar for Sonic 06. While I couldn't find anything comprehensive I did find a number of interesting details about the games development. The game was initially meant to be a straight up reboot of the series, with the goal being to take sonic and pals to a more realistic setting. Supposedly the game was going to be structured with a somewhat open world design, complete with day/night cycles and levels that were filled with optional objectives. The main director on the project left the company during development. Shortly afterwards sega got Wii dev kits and realized that not only did the Wii not have the horsepower of the other two consoles but the controller itself made it impossible to port the game to the Wii as well. Rather than scrap the planned Wii version, they instead cut the dev team in half so that one team could make the main game and the other half could make a Wii exclusive, The Secret Rings if memory serves. Essentially these issues, combined with sega being unwilling to delay the game for fear of missing that "15th anniversary of Sonic" window, caused the devs to ignore a lot of QA reports and axe a number of planned features in an attempt to cobble together something that they could ship out the door. I really feel for the devs who work on projects like this. On another note: I really don't understand the hate for Sonic Boom. While I chalk a lot of it up to standard internet hyperbole, saying that it compares in any way to Sonic 06 is beyond my understanding. Admittedly I've only seen the LP by the Men Drinkin Coffee but it didn't look terrible. The platforming looked decent and the story was Saturday morning cartoon levels of harmless fun; sure the combat was boring and there was zero challenge, but for being a game pretty clearly aimed at little kids you could really do a lot worse.
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Iron Chitlin posted:The platforming looked decent and the story was Saturday morning cartoon levels of harmless fun; sure the combat was boring and there was zero challenge, but for being a game pretty clearly aimed at little kids you could really do a lot worse.
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In fairness, Boom seems to be quite glitchy and has major pacing issues (in gameplay, where it matters; if you're paying much attention to the plot of a Sonic game, you're probably doing things wrong). It's certainly not 2006, but if someone's not familiar with the many, MANY other questionable 3d Sonic games, you could see how they might jump to the comparison even though it's hyperbole. I would say Boom is somewhere around the level of Shadow or Heroes, in that it's not well-made, major glitches can and will impede your progress from time to time, and that it is very poorly-designed. Full disclosure, I haven't played Boom myself yet, but even speedruns of it have difficulty not freezing on level-loads or falling through the terrain periodically, or getting ejected incorrectly from scripted actions outside of their control, which are all issues that plagued Heroes to varying degrees. Actually, thinking on it, with the pacing problems and general gameplay mechanics, Boom really is Heroes 2 in at least spirit. What is important to note is that, yes, Boom is NOT 2006, and quite frankly NONE of the Sonic games come very close to being the blackhole of development hell and unfinished ideas that 2006 is. Even Spinball is at least fully-realized as a game, even if it's difficult to control, screechy, and full of its own glitches. 2006 looks like something abortive that was kicked out the door with some minor tweaks halfway through development, which is consistent with everything I've heard about its development process.
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Well from a gameplay perspective, it's not really a Sonic game, it's just a generic PS2 era platformer.
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Benach posted:Keep in mind that he still took OVER 10 MINUTES on that level. And yet he got over 23,000 points for the time bonus, his highest source of points for the level and almost fully half of the requisite for the S-Rank. I wonder how long you have to take to get a zero on that time bonus...
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Iron Chitlin posted:I really feel for the devs who work on projects like this. This is the stuff that really gets to me, because you know anyone who was not management did not want to associate with this product at all. I think finding out how many managers and executives got shitcanned for this game would make my day though, as the quality of Sonic games have really turned around. But god, being in the meeting of "hey we are going to cut your time in half for the remainder of this project" would be insane. This is something that deserved some sort of treatment, possibly a book.
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Yeah, and bear in mind, Sonic games tend to vary schizophrenically from one title to the next. Colors, Generations, and Lost World (while very different gameplay-wise and perhaps not to everyone's taste), those are all quite good! And then they turned around and made Sonic Boom, which could charitably be described as lackluster based on everything I've seen. SA2 is not an awful game for all its faults, but in many regards Heroes, coming out later, was still a huge step backwards, and of course 2006 itself happened. There are probably many, MANY talented people who work on these games and care very much about producing a fun, playable product, but if it's largely the same team from one game to the next I can only assume the overhead management is aimless at best, because the quality and design of gameplay is just over all the loving place over time.
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Danaru posted:
The part where Grace lost it and started laughing ALMOST made me spit gumbo all over my desk...
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Shady Amish Terror posted:Yeah, and bear in mind, Sonic games tend to vary schizophrenically from one title to the next. Colors, Generations, and Lost World (while very different gameplay-wise and perhaps not to everyone's taste), those are all quite good! And then they turned around and made Sonic Boom, which could charitably be described as lackluster based on everything I've seen. SA2 is not an awful game for all its faults, but in many regards Heroes, coming out later, was still a huge step backwards, and of course 2006 itself happened. I think Sonic Boom was actually made by a totally different team which would explain its roughness and why certain things are either missing or wrong (like no sound when you lose rings.) That said the new drowning noise is pretty amazing.
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Danaru posted:
Silver is just an awful boss fight.
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N.N. Ashe posted:
I gotta agree, the whole library section just seems weird. How does Artyom know exactly where in the Archives the files he needs will be? Why was he going up for the first half if he needed to be in the basement? He couldn't have known the elevator would be there, and even if he did it certainly wouldn't be working! Then, why is the last room the only one with files, how does he know which one to look for? Oh, D6. How nice of them to have labeled the drawer for us. Why open the other drawers if you know they're not right because they're not the right label? I know it's nit picky, but you gotta work with the player to keep the suspension of disbelief going. And can we take a second to talk about the monsters? I'm starting to feel kinda defeatist here. I mean those first ones you fight early in the game and up till now have been bad enough, but now we're seeing monsters that you can empty entire magazines of ammo into, into their chest, skull, throat, and they just keep going like it's nothing! The Hellsing "only" take 3 solid metal rods through the skull to kill a Librarian, and that crazy flying bat thing we don't even know! That cool tank train car we saw at Polis is looking less and less impressive in the face of this kind of thing. I'm struggling to see how humanity really has a chance here. And, why exactly are we getting missiles in the first place? Did I miss a bit where they said the monsters are held together by a command and control center, a concrete position that can be destroyed? Cause I don't remember that, I'm not sure how missiles are going to do much against the dispersed but numerous mutant hordes. Oh, right, and this is what I intended to start with but got carried away- I'm really enjoying the LP so far, I think you're doing a good job at the commentary and keeping it interesting. I can't wait to see the conclusion! Edit: Oh, okay, can take 40+ bullets and keep going but being hit by an armored car just instantly kill a Librarian. Well that just raises a whole 'nother sticking point about gameplay/story segregation, oy vey...
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gregory posted:And yet he got over 23,000 points for the time bonus, his highest source of points for the level and almost fully half of the requisite for the S-Rank. I think they were really designed to take a while though. If you think about it, there are only 9 levels and the final story making 10, compared to SA2's 31 stages. But as an intended reboot, maybe it's more accurate to compare it to the original Sonic's 6 zones and final boss. And the stages themselves are kind of split into a few 4-5 minute sections, often with different player characters, which could I guess be considered the "Acts" as in the Genesis games. It is weird that you only get ranked at the end of the zone, as an average of the "acts" instead of individually. So total lengthwise it makes sense, it's just split up in an odd way. Also, as far as Sonic Boom goes, I only watched someone else play it, but it does look pretty boring and painfully simple. Not because it's easy, easy I can take, after all I'm a HUGE fan of Kirby games. Sonic Boom is just so simple and uninteresting. The story is fine enough, I mean it's a Sonic game so whatever, as long as Eggman's awesome, which he is. Whereas Sonic '06 is laughably bad, Sonic Boom seems like it's just kind of on the bottom end of "Eh".
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Shoeless posted:I'm struggling to see how humanity really has a chance here. And, why exactly are we getting missiles in the first place? Did I miss a bit where they said the monsters are held together by a command and control center, a concrete position that can be destroyed? Cause I don't remember that, I'm not sure how missiles are going to do much against the dispersed but numerous mutant hordes. Metro 2033 is pretty fatalist, humans are now basically powerless and completely subject to the destroyed future and its inhabitants and the game does a really good job at conveying that. So the missiles aren't even going to do anything about the mutant problems, all of our actions, even if successful, will do nothing to help that existential threat. We are getting the missiles to launch at the Dark Ones, which are a sentient race that have shown up and are only attacking one remote station (Exhibition) from one direction. The game hasn't gone into it yet, and really they should have, but the Dark Ones are centralized in one location and the Rangers have scouted the surface enough to know it's location. You may be thinking, 'but the Dark Ones haves been helping us through out the game and the dream sequences show they are non-hostile so why would Artyom nuke them?' And that's definitely something I'm gonna try to go into more detail in the final chapter. Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoy it !
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![]() We're finally at the end of the game! You thought my team was absurdly overpowered before? You're gonna love how I finish this motherfucker off. Time to beat (And I mean BEAT) the Starry Night Tournament with KillerEmcee and Highwang! ![]() ![]()
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![]() Update Chapter 6 Previous Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2a Chapter 2b Chapter 3a Chapter 3b Chapter 4a Chapter 4b Chapter 4c Chapter 5 Future Status: Discovering new species! They are not exactly friendly!
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N.N. Ashe posted:Metro 2033 is pretty fatalist, humans are now basically powerless and completely subject to the destroyed future and its inhabitants and the game does a really good job at conveying that. So the missiles aren't even going to do anything about the mutant problems, all of our actions, even if successful, will do nothing to help that existential threat. We are getting the missiles to launch at the Dark Ones, which are a sentient race that have shown up and are only attacking one remote station (Exhibition) from one direction. The game hasn't gone into it yet, and really they should have, but the Dark Ones are centralized in one location and the Rangers have scouted the surface enough to know it's location. You may be thinking, 'but the Dark Ones haves been helping us through out the game and the dream sequences show they are non-hostile so why would Artyom nuke them?' And that's definitely something I'm gonna try to go into more detail in the final chapter. Ohhhh, okay. I thought the Dark Ones were just a term for the mutants in general. Yeah, the game hasn't been going much into that, hence my confusion. And yeah, Dark Ones, guys, you keep saying you're totally not evil.... and then you go and drive people literally insane, if I'm remembering stuff that was said back at Artyom's home station, if not killing them outright. I'm getting mixed messages here! Definitely can't wait to see what's next and thanks for saying you'll get into it. And the fatalist bit, to get back to that... I think it says something that my first thought on seeing Polis was "Oh wow, this looks so cool!" My next thought was "gently caress, the mutants are totally going to come in and destroy it, aren't they?" I think it's a fine line to tread with fatalism in games, because if you make it feel like there's no point to your actions, then the player can end up thinking "Well then why should I play?" which is generally not what you as a developer want your players to be thinking! And oooh, new episode, time to check that out!
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![]() Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 12 – Matador My first death wasn't to Matador, I don't know how I should feel about that.
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Orrfieldmedic posted:My first death wasn't to Matador, I don't know how I should feel about that. First off he's a bitch. Secondly, there's always those freak "nothing you do matters anyway so die fast and get it over" encounters in every RPG, J or otherwise.
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![]() Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 4 - Edgehog the Hedgehog I'm not very good at Crisis City, but at least it looks neat. Flame Core is just miserable. ![]() Also we'll be starting our second recording session sometime in the next day or so, you'll be able to tell because I fixed the recorder so it properly records at 720p and 60 fps ![]()
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Yeah, that Crisis City running section kills everyone. Congrats on no longer being immaculate at this game though! ![]() Ramos fucked around with this message at 19:02 on Jan 14, 2015 |
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I just noticed something about Sonic 06--the game tries to go for these more realistic settings and does away with a lot of the vibrant colors of the old games, but (especially noticeable in Crisis City) they kept the same big bright red buttons with yellow stars just sitting around in this otherwise burned and charred out city, and it really doesn't work.
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N.N. Ashe posted:
Because you kept pointing out the breakers I couldn't help to notice that most of them were computer logically backwards. All of them started connected and you unconnected them to turn things on. The ones that controlled the doors sort of are ok if you look at them in a connected closes and locks it type of way.
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![]() Final Update Chapter 7 Previous Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2a Chapter 2b Chapter 3a Chapter 3b Chapter 4a Chapter 4b Chapter 4c Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Future Status: An endless metro tunnel
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 04:40 |
Danaru posted:
You know, the number of 1up opportunities should be a warning.
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