![]() Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 13 – Amala Lets Play SMT Nocturne Episode 14 – Even more Amala So, first off this area... took me two hours to do. And of that two hours there is like, 15 mins of plot or so. If you don't want to watch me fight a ton of encounters, fall trough a bunch of pit traps, and things like that for a long time. Feel free to click here to just see the plot stuff. Second, went to record/play more and my capture card started acting up. Couldn't get it to display properly when hooked up to record to the pc, and even PC-free more it decided it didn't want to record even when it was behaving correctly. So if I can't get it to work correctly before I get trough the rest of the stuff I have recorded, probably going to have to call it quits unless I want to spend a bunch to replace the capture card, or replay 15 hours and deal with getting a non PSN copy of the game and a ps2 emulator. ...Or pretend it really is 2007 and use the webcam on this laptop to record the TV. But that seems like a really horrible idea.
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 21:03 |
gregory posted:I just noticed something about Sonic 06--the game tries to go for these more realistic settings and does away with a lot of the vibrant colors of the old games, but (especially noticeable in Crisis City) they kept the same big bright red buttons with yellow stars just sitting around in this otherwise burned and charred out city, and it really doesn't work. It's kind of a crapshoot anyway since you're always going to be playing as brightly colored manimals.
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![]() Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 5 - Gotta Wait Fast Tips on how to make the best boss fight: 1) Make it so the boss has to do a very specific thing in order to take damage. 2) Have the boss NEVER DO IT. EDIT: VVV Fixed it, not even sure how it happened this time ![]() Danaru fucked around with this message at 16:11 on Jan 16, 2015 |
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Danaru posted:
Video's private. ![]()
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Orrfieldmedic posted:Second, went to record/play more and my capture card started acting up. Couldn't get it to display properly when hooked up to record to the pc, and even PC-free more it decided it didn't want to record even when it was behaving correctly. So if I can't get it to work correctly before I get trough the rest of the stuff I have recorded, probably going to have to call it quits unless I want to spend a bunch to replace the capture card, or replay 15 hours and deal with getting a non PSN copy of the game and a ps2 emulator. Well, crap. I was really getting into this (even if I did cheat and end up watching the plot only video after getting about halfway through the first update). Thanks for what we got up to at least.
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Danaru posted:
If the game was worth a drat, it wouldn't be a D&G Production. Also, really disappointed on the lack of information on the DoomShake.
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Best part about this boss is that you're actually supposed to break it if you want to get a good ranking as far as I could tell. Haven't seen anyone get above a C waiting for the pattern to do its thing normally.
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N.N. Ashe posted:
I really shouldn't do this. Writing a post or at least starting one before the end of the video but there's about 4 minutes left and I quite frankly cannot hold myself back. "...We want peace..." Really, Dark Ones? You have an odd way of showing it. You attack and kill people, those who don't die being left insane. You have made no efforts to communicate with us through our journey until now, at the very end. Even during the mindscape, you didn't try to open a dialogue, or talk with us. Not until the very end when we shot you do you even address us as if we're there, until then talking like we're not there. I'm guessing the end will reveal that they didn't know we could understand or something else completely unsatisfying, which still is BS because you don't need to be able to speak with us to convey things. Maybe help us out more along the way, try writing or something, actually coming to us in more than just fugue visions and saying small snippets of words at best. Maybe actually try to convey that you want peace, you're sorry about killing us... you know, maybe try not attacking our home station. That sorta thing. I'm sorry N.N. Ash but so far, I cannot agree with the video's synopsis comment- I don't feel the game conveys its message very well at all, partly because it feels like it doesn't even really have one that it's trying to show until maybe halfway or more through it, but mostly because, to me at least, it feels hamfisted and forced. Again, the Dark Ones haven't made any other overtures of peace or even base diplomacy. This message of "War is bad so don't do war, kids" falls kinda flat when we're not presented any other option. To let them live is to let deaths continue, ours instead of theirs. It's hard for me to go with the message when we're not given an alternative- even "Give up and die" isn't really supported in game, at least not in a way that continues or at least wraps up the story. And that's another thing. This whole game has been about violence. Down to the core mechanics. I mean, there've been very few and far between situations where you can try to be diplomatic to avoid fighting; the overwhelming majority of the game, you're either fighting, or sneaking to avoid fighting and generally at some point you get caught and have to fight anyway. The game doesn't really allow a non-violent approach aside from stealth, and that still can fail quite easily. Heck, you can't even really go non-violent with the Librarians, since you say they will almost always attack anyway, that this run was the first time you've ever seen them go away if you look at them. And even that was after trying to claw you to death four or so times! There's precious few, if any, opportunity to talk, notably because Artyom is a Silent Protagonist (TM). And I think the game really shoots itself in the foot in that regard. And, um.... why did you shoot the Dark One in the vision if you were going to stop the nuking anyway? That seemed like a generic Morale Decision Point to me- either shoot the Ranger (was that Hunter?) or the Dark One. Or do you have to shoot the Dark One to move on? Phew, well, that's off my chest. Now to finish the episode and probably be proven entirely wrong about all my points. Huh. Well, surprisingly not it would seem. They don't explain jack poo poo. Again, what proof do we have that these Dark Ones want peace? Funny how they say that now, in the face of annihilation, how before they were content to slaughter civilians and drive them to madness, but when the shoe's on the other foot they plead for mercy. Now yes, they'd been helping us a bit on our travels but, again. I don't feel that makes up for everything, not even close. Yes, we're the first they managed to communicate with... but... I mean when you see your methods aren't working and are rendering the targets insane, it's probably a good time to stop and try another method! Again, I recommend writing instead of mindfucking. Much less risk of insanity. Just.... ugh. I have to disagree with you N.N. Ashe, I don't think the final enemy of this game was fear. It was a boss(ish) enemy. It was the Dark One in the vision. You shot it. Like, four times. Heck, you even shot the laser designator and it smashed on the ground! That's pretty violent too. And, again, what's going to happen now? That's such an abrupt ending. Do the Dark Ones indeed stop their uncalled for attacks? Do they help against the mutant threat, aid humanity? How do we get down from the tower? What do the remaining Rangers have to say about this? Little good, I'd imagine. I feel like the game's message suffers from being introduced too late, not being integrated at all with the mechanics, but also with the sheer lack of giving us anything to go on to believe it. We're basically asked to blindly believe that the Dark Ones are totally not bad and just want peace. Yes, having them come in and talk with us earlier and lay everything on the table and make everything crystal clear would be a bit anticlimactic, but I'm not suggesting that. Merely that their side of the story get brought up sooner. Have their vision-talks come more often, last longer, be more coherent. Show an alternate path to compare with the nuclear option. Because if the only viable plan is "Nuke the Dark Ones" (again, I'm assuming "all of humanity lays down and dies" isn't considered a viable plan) it's hard to listen to someone saying we shouldn't do the only viable plan. All that being said.... I really enjoyed this LP, even if this last video was very frustrating towards the end. Thank you very much for the experience, it was overall quite enjoyable.
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This is exactly why I like this game. There are actual points that require interpretation and it's reasonable to come to either conclusion. You have a lot of good points, let me try to go through what you're saying. So firstly, to our knowledge the Dark Ones were intermittently attacking Exhibition. We don't know why they know it was Dark Ones, and we don't get any information about the 'attacks' beyond the bodies left behind. We don't know the intent or purpose. Here is what we do know: 1 These attacks have been going for a period of time. 2 They've never gone further than forward guard positions. 3 They've never taken casualties and our loses have always been catastrophic. With that, we can see that taking Exhibition and killing everyone there probably isn't there goal, as they apparently have power to dwarf our own and they would have had no trouble doing so. As far as them trying to communicate, it's pretty unreasonable to put the onus of clear communication on them. Any attempt to communicate shows they are a highly intelligent species and possibly seeking a diplomatic solution. I think that's a reasonable enough premise not to kill their race. Where you see a hamfisted way to force this plot point through the story, I see a game that in it's design is trying to actively obscure relevant information and to put more inertia towards nuking the Dark Ones, in service of making the ending action less cut/dry and more meaningful. To go back my previous point, we don't know why they are attacking Exhibition now, and after establishing 100% Artyom can understand them, it's unfair to say a diplomatic solution wouldn't be able to be manifest. So as far as this being a game where the core mechanics are violence. I'd say above most game FPS games, this game has more stages where pacifism is an option. Just about every section where you face humans (minus the first encounter with bandits) can be done without interacting with any enemy humans. I chose not to LP the game that way because it wouldn't show off the levels and videos super short with no action. A fair bit of the achievements for this game are for pacifist running the levels. As far as Librarians go, you have 3, really 4 options: 1. Kill them. This is what I did, but this is 100% unnecessary. If you look at Pannycakes LP of this game, she did not kill a single librarian because Miller says they are unkillable. I wanted to show it was something that could be done and done effectively, contrary to what the game informs you. 2. Slowly back away while maintaining eye contact. This is how Pannycakes did it and how I normally do it. This way you don't have to kill any of them, minus the cutscene one. 3. Maintain eye contact until they walk away, then move. Through most of my runs I always try to stare down one, and this is the first time it ever actually worked and I have no idea why. In Last Light this is how to most effectively deal with them so that's why I sometimes try it on 2033 4. Run and pray. That Dark One is notable as it's the only hostile Dark One the player can and must fight. It's also probably the same Dark one the player is running from in the last level. It's the only hostile Dark One, so we killed that one. Also without killing that one, we'd get a game over so I was indeed forced. The ranger was a hallucination of Hunter and disappears immediately after throwing us the gun. Beyond a few small points of fact, which really comes down to me not doing the best job LPing this game, your interpretation is valid. We don't have proof that they want peace beyond their word. And some of their actions disagree with that statement. I definitely agree they could have tried to give the player more information, more characters that would disagree with the consesus, however I wonder how much more than could put in before making it to obvious? The fact that it is nuanced is what drives me to this game. All your questions about what happens now is, well, for another story. As far as I know, the books don't cover it. Infact, Last Light starts with Artyom having destroyed the Dark Ones so Artyom can find redemption from killing all the Dark Ones. Thanks for watching and thanks for giving me a chance to expand on it in the thread!
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N.N. Ashe posted:All your questions about what happens now is, well, for another story. As far as I know, the books don't cover it. Infact, Last Light starts with Artyom having destroyed the Dark Ones so Artyom can find redemption from killing all the Dark Ones. As I understand it, this is the narrative the books themselves followed, so the morality system/end choice was probably an attempt to make it more palatable to gamers.
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Keeshhound posted:As I understand it, this is the narrative the books themselves followed, so the morality system/end choice was probably an attempt to make it more palatable to gamers. After reading an interview from the author, it looks like the multi-ending came from the game dev side, so they could have easily been just following that morale choice craze that was popping up in games at the time. Also just read the a synopsis of the event in the novel - basically as soon as the missiles are the in air Artyom is like 'oh poo poo I hosed up' and kills them all. They could have just cut that realization if they wanted to be more palatable. I wish there was a specific interview to find out about this, but that does sound pretty plausible.
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N.N. Ashe posted:Totally valid and well constructed counterpoints Hmm, I think then that we see things differently. I will however still contend that the game could have done with having more options for non-stealth nonviolent solutions. You're definitely right, Metro 2033 has far more ability to not kill stuff than most FPS games. However, if it's going to try to give the message of breaking a cycle of violence, I think to really do that well it would have behooved it to allow that in the mechanics themselves. Now one could certainly argue that the stealth is a good mirror of the problem of trying to end the cycle- it's all on you, you're the one having to be non-violent even though you know the others will be violent and if you fail then you're going to have to fight. Which is a nasty sticking point about trying to not be war-like and whatnot in real life too, I think. However, I'm not sure that relying solely on that is a good idea, and that sort of thing always puts a bad taste in my mouth at least, being the only guy trying for non-violence when no one else would give you the same benefit. But, that's getting sidetracked, right. I think having more options where you non-stealthily manage to come to agreements/cooperation with others when you also have the option, quite possibly the easier option even, of violence would have served the game well. I'm definitely not saying anything that's currently in it should have been removed, but rather more options added. For instance, when you get to the station where the Reds put it under stricter control, I forget the name, and you got in just in time to avoid having to deal with the stricter entry procedures- Maybe change that a bit so you don't make it in time. You then have 3 options: kill the guards (without raising the alarm since you can't fight the entire red army by yourself), stealthily sneak to find a way in, or try to talk your way through. The third potentially having two outcomes depending on how you do it or maybe not. If so, maybe one being you can't convince the guards so you're subject to the searches and whatnot, when you finally are allowed through you find some of your bullets are missing. The more successful one avoids that. I do love discussion of game design, thanks for indulging me. Are you going to do Last Light next?
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![]() Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 6 - Jungle Strike I really don't expect much of this game, but at the bare minimum I ask that it doesn't straight up try to kill me when it takes control away from me. Or better yet, just don't take control away from me.
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Danaru posted:
Then I am afraid you have chosen to play the wrong game good sir.
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Oh man Radical Train did not disappoint.
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Danaru posted:
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Shoeless posted:words That all sounds good, are there any games that go that try to go that far into those options? I think Fallout/Shadowrun returns do that, though I'm hard pressed to think of any others. I'm looking to do last light, however it would be in March at the earliest.
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Not really a Let's Play, but I did talk through the entirety of McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure if anybody wants to watch... that.![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPc1E-XKPD0
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N.N. Ashe posted:That all sounds good, are there any games that go that try to go that far into those options? I think Fallout/Shadowrun returns do that, though I'm hard pressed to think of any others. In the realm of first person stuff, all I can really think of is Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Which isn't quite the same kind of game, but it does offer the whole deal of letting you gun your way through things, sneak and be non-lethal with tranque darts/stun guns, and occasionally let you talk your way through things. There's also Dishonored which was a ton of fun, though that doesn't really have much in the diplomacy side of things, though it does follow the similar trend of "Violence breeds violence" as the game goes on, things being more dark and chaotic the more kill-y you are throughout the game.
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Danaru posted:
It occurs to me that every Sonic 06 LP seems to have moments where the player just pleads with the game to function correctly. Is hope and prayer an actual mechanic in this game?
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zfleeman posted:Not really a Let's Play, but I did talk through the entirety of McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure if anybody wants to watch... that. It's like somebody animated a fever dream they had after eating some bad McDonald's.
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I was right in the middle of a loving reptile zoo. And somebody was giving booze to these goddamn things! It won't be long before they tear us to shreds!
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Iron Chitlin posted:It occurs to me that every Sonic 06 LP seems to have moments where the player just pleads with the game to function correctly. Is hope and prayer an actual mechanic in this game? Practically.
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Sonic 06 confirmed spiritual successor to Earthbound
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Personally, I'm just impressed you beat the train speed section in one go. loving wow.
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It's...interesting, isn't it? The Mach Speed sections have COMPLETELY STONEWALLED many other playthroughs I've seen of the game, yet, somehow...
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Y'know, a couple deaths here and there doesn't mean he and the game weren't made for each other. This is really probably the most consistent run I've seen.
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![]() Let's Play Sonic 2006 Episode 7 - Sonicman's Lament This game is honestly fascinating in that a ton of poo poo happens in this episode, but at the same time, loving nothing happened in this episode. Also you're welcome. You'll understand for what.
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Danaru posted:
"Is this going to get super anime? Like are they going to [literally EXACTLY what happens]?" gracelaugh.jpg Also, I can't remember if Sonic goes back to New City or not, but if not, I don't want people to miss this amazing glitch. gregory fucked around with this message at 13:32 on Jan 20, 2015 |
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You equip the gems by pressing left/right on the d-pad, then use them with R1, I think?
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Admiral H. Curtiss posted:You equip the gems by pressing left/right on the d-pad, then use them with R1, I think? Is there a reason to use the gems? What do they even do? Does one of them fix the camera?
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Iron Chitlin posted:Is there a reason to use the gems? What do they even do? Does one of them fix the camera? No, but you can buy superhard mode from the PSN store!
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Iron Chitlin posted:Is there a reason to use the gems? What do they even do? Does one of them fix the camera? Well, as I was taught by MassRafTer and his LP, they're basically untested gameplay mechanics that essentially allow Sonic to break the game in half. More so than already.
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Ramos posted:Well, as I was taught by MassRafTer and his LP, they're basically untested gameplay mechanics that essentially allow Sonic to break the game in half. More so than already. Yep! The purple one makes you tiny and gives you infinite jumps. The wind one gives you like a whirlwind attack I think. That's all I remember though. They all kind of suck except the purple one, as that's the only one that really does anything like break the game.
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chocolatekake posted:Yep! The purple one makes you tiny and gives you infinite jumps. The wind one gives you like a whirlwind attack I think. That's all I remember though. They all kind of suck except the purple one, as that's the only one that really does anything like break the game. the... blue gem, i think, is also great because it lets you throw a gem and then teleport to it, no matter where it is or how far away it landed you can magically phase through through doors, or into the sky
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Danaru posted:
But, see, we want to see Danaru get all pissed off at crappy gameplay, and Grace contribute information that is possibly useful, then bust up laughing, then sass Dan...
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corn in the bible posted:the... blue gem, i think, is also great because it lets you throw a gem and then teleport to it, no matter where it is or how far away it landed Yeap. Dan, if you're going to get a gem, I recommend saving up for the very, very last one and grabbing that.
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Danaru posted:
What the gently caress. At about 2:40 Elise is 'kneeling', but either her shins are six inches long so they don't poke out of her dress or she's driven them straight into the ground and is now standing in a hole in front of Sonic. ![]()
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# ? Feb 7, 2025 21:03 |
Never lose sight of the primary responsibility. Cover the story. But what was the story? Nobody had bothered to say.
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