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Dec 19, 2007

A Very Special Hell

Lycus posted:

Yeah, I like that the sheriff is getting more complex. Other than harassing Amantha on the road, he didn't really give much of a poo poo about the mailbox explosion. He's still shady-as-gently caress-Trey's friend, so I'm waiting for some conflict there down the road.

His motivations are pretty obscure at the moment but I look forward to them becoming more apparent. I doubt he genuinely cares about the law in and of itself, but the social order it stands for might be another thing.


May 7, 2006

by VideoGames

Loomer posted:

His motivations are pretty obscure at the moment but I look forward to them becoming more apparent. I doubt he genuinely cares about the law in and of itself, but the social order it stands for might be another thing.

"You can't just murder someone because you want to, even if you think they deserve it" seemed like a pretty clear cut line in the sand.

Also, "Amantha" = "Samantha - S". You're welcome.

Dec 19, 2007

A Very Special Hell

precision posted:

"You can't just murder someone because you want to, even if you think they deserve it" seemed like a pretty clear cut line in the sand.

Also, "Amantha" = "Samantha - S". You're welcome.

See, I'm not sure it's that clear cut. It might be but I expect more to come out.

Dec 18, 2007

Love Is Not Enough
Man the end of the season opener in the garden with his buddy was heartbreaking. Only other show I can think of that has ever come close to hit the same kind of inspiring but gut wrenching/tear jerking stuff for me was the best bits of Friday Night Lights. The actor they got to play his friend just absolutely nailed this sad optimism.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
A lot of people have been drawing connections between Rectify and FNL recently. I can definitely see them, but I think I prefer Rectify's extremely weighty melodrama more.

Ubiquitous_ fucked around with this message at 09:25 on Jun 30, 2014

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
Someone better at the internet than me should make a youtube video consisting of nothing but Kerwin's scenes. I think it would hold up as a monumentally awesome short film.

Riled Shareef
Dec 19, 2013
Many Rectify episodes have me holding back tears at the most surprising things sometimes. I'm so grateful to know about this show and to be watching it with you folks.

The final scene of the S2 premiere just destroyed me, man.

Dec 18, 2007

Love Is Not Enough

Ubiquitous_ posted:

A lot of people have been drawing connections between Rectify and FNL recently. I can definitely see them, but I think I prefer Rectify's extremely weighty melodrama more.

They're definitely different, and Rectify is more weighty for sure but they both nail this "everything is poo poo, people are poo poo but don't give up, never give up" tone often.

el oso
Feb 18, 2005

phew, for a minute there i lost myself
Just caught up on this with Netflix after having it on my list for quite a while and it absolutely lives up to everything I'd heard about it. What a haunting, affecting series. It brings up intense, yearning, melancholic emotions in me I don't think I've ever felt while experiencing a media outside of maybe some my favourite songs or books of mine - a true accomplishment for a TV show, to me. The scene with Kerwin and the statue at the end of this season's first episode was an incredibly beautiful sequence. I hope we get to see more of Kerwin - the chemistry between the actors was so palpable.

I've seen a bit of the Friday Night Lights series but in tone I think the closest thing to the feel of Rectify are Terrence Malick movies, more specifically Tree of Life.

I find it a very brave and difficult choice for them to never actually show us the crime or Daniel's version of events from that night - or on a larger scale how frustrating Daniel is as a character. You, just like everybody close to him on the show, want to shake him and tell him to snap out of it, just talk like a normal person for a while. But he's not, never was, and certainly never will be anything like a normal person. He's more alive on the row facing death than he is outside those walls.

I've enjoyed the first two episodes of the season but definitely glad to have Daniel back in the mix. It's a fantastic supporting cast but Aden Young really holds the show together for me. It will be interesting to see if they ever "solve" the crime during the series and allow it to continue on past that, or if a resolution of the murder is the endpoint. I hope it will be the former.

el oso fucked around with this message at 06:57 on Jul 2, 2014

Dec 10, 2012


Zaggitz posted:

Goddamn, that scene at the end with Kerwin was both super depressing and uplifting at the same time. This show is disgustingly good.

I cried like a motherfucker during/after that scene. Some of the most powerful poo poo I've ever seen on tv.

blue squares
Sep 28, 2007

Loomer posted:

See, I'm not sure it's that clear cut. It might be but I expect more to come out.

I thought this was in reference to Amantha's name, which was pretty hilarious until I realized what you were actually referring to.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
Good episode last night. Though I agree with some of the AVClub reviews of late that talk about how the season feels a little more restrained, but it might be deliberate. Most of the character's lives are unraveling so fast that things are about to get really bad really fast.

Sep 26, 2010

Teddy jr. continues to be horrible.

Apr 2, 2010
Even in this show with very good acting the potato loving death row inmate is fascinating.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
We're definitely still in setup mode right now, but I'm finding it generally fascinating. I'm not really digging the Ted Jr. storyline, but his scene with Daniel this week was excellent. The thing with Amantha's boyfriend and the death row inmate he represents was excellent. And of course the Daniel stuff is as sublime as ever.

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames

Ubiquitous_ posted:

Good episode last night. Though I agree with some of the AVClub reviews of late that talk about how the season feels a little more restrained, but it might be deliberate. Most of the character's lives are unraveling so fast that things are about to get really bad really fast.

The preview for this season showed some really, really crazy poo poo so I think you're right.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene

Bown posted:

We're definitely still in setup mode right now, but I'm finding it generally fascinating. I'm not really digging the Ted Jr. storyline, but his scene with Daniel this week was excellent. The thing with Amantha's boyfriend and the death row inmate he represents was excellent. And of course the Daniel stuff is as sublime as ever.

I think the main problem with the Ted Jr. storyline is that the further it moves outside of the orbit of Daniel, the more generic it comes across. I think with his constant disappointment and emasculation by Daniel's continued existence that it will bring him back into the fold a little.

What I'm saying is we really need Daniel/Tawney scenes again.

Mar 19, 2007

My name is Oliver Queen...
RIP Daniel's Genesis :(

Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.

Ubiquitous_ posted:

What I'm saying is we really need Daniel/Tawney scenes again.
Yeah, Tawney's been really isolated these past two episodes. Only having scenes at home with Ted Jr.

Sep 26, 2010

Is the younger guy Daniel's brother, or half-brother (ted sr.'s son)?

Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.

Fooz posted:

Is the younger guy Daniel's brother, or half-brother (ted sr.'s son)?


Mar 19, 2007

My name is Oliver Queen...
Yeah, he's the only biological child of both Ted Sr. and Janet.

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
That last shot of Ted was a great touch; he was sitting on the bench the exact same way Daniel was in season 1 episode 2. I'm not sure where his story's going, but I'm inclined to think that it won't just be more antagonism with Daniel. I think that he's coming to terms with the fact that his situation is not much different than Daniel's.

There's a storm building inside Daniel, and I think the rest of the season is going to be chaotic.

Also, at the store today, I saw frozen pre-made Monkey Bread. I'm from the South and I never heard of it until this show.

Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.
Is it Southern? I'm Californian and my mom made monkey bread from time to time.

Mar 19, 2007

My name is Oliver Queen...
You can buy monkey bread in the supermarket up here in Massachusetts. Fresh though, don't know about frozen.

Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.
It's a big difference in the eyes of the law if an object, in this case coffee grounds, have been forced into your anal cavity rather than some have just matriculated into your general crack area.

Mar 19, 2007

My name is Oliver Queen...
Argh... I'm a quarter of the way through last night's episode and kind of want to stop watching because Daniel keeps stacking this lie about who he is and the feeling that it's gonna blow up in his face is hella uncomfortable.

wide stance
Jan 28, 2011

If there's more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will result in disaster, then he will do it that way.

Lycus posted:

It's a big difference in the eyes of the law if an object, in this case coffee grounds, have been forced into your anal cavity rather than some have just matriculated into your general crack area.

He may have patted them down OK.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene


That was the subtlest little joke there, Rectify.

Riled Shareef
Dec 19, 2013
Having a ten episode order vs another six has made it a little awkward sometimes, since the show now has to expand into the other characters a bit more. What is up with the redheaded son though? He is just never home, and is given nothing to do.

But I enjoyed the coffee rape conversations as much as everyone else, it seems. Still think this is an excellent show and needs so much more love. Daniel interacting with random people usually gives me my favorite scenes.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
He's likely never at home because most of the scenes in the show take place during the day, and he's in high school going to class (see: the "blog" they have of Jared's as an ongoing feature on Sundance's Rectify page). During the weekends it seems like he's probably off skateboarding like we saw in season 1.

I have a feeling he'll have some role to play as we get further along in the season. We're only four eps in.

Ubiquitous_ fucked around with this message at 07:16 on Jul 13, 2014

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Rectify S2: "You know, medium grind or whatever."

another awesome episode. So is the sheriff still convinced Daniel is guilty? Did we know that already?

Escobarbarian fucked around with this message at 09:33 on Jul 13, 2014

Jun 17, 2003

Nobody move and nobody gets hurt.

Bown posted:

Rectify S2: "You know, medium grind or whatever."

another awesome episode. So is the sheriff still convinced Daniel is guilty? Did we know that already?

Whenever he's talked privately with the DA/Senator/whatever that guy is, the sense has definitely been that the whole law enforcement apparatus feels like they got their man. The sheriff is more interested than others in learning the whole truth, and the DNA evidence threw a wrench into the established narrative, but in his heart he believes that Daniel is guilty. After 20 years of accepting it as fact, it's going to take a smoking gun to convince him anybody else was the killer.

Mar 19, 2007

My name is Oliver Queen...
The Sheriff was present in some capacity the night Daniel's girlfriend was raped and murdered (I think he was a classmate of Daniel's?), and saw something that has him convinced with certainty that Daniel was guilty. But we don't know what, or that his conclusion is really correct.

hcreight fucked around with this message at 22:12 on Jul 13, 2014

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
All we know is that Daniel confessed. The most obvious explanation that the show seems to be heading toward is that he confessed because he felt that he was responsible because he gave her the 'shrooms they were both on. I believe Trey and Georgie are the ones who raped and killed her; that seems so obvious it'd be weird if it didn't turn out true (why the hell else would Georgie kill himself?) The guy in episode 1 (the retired DA) was the one who found him, though strangely seemed to be one of the few people not really convinced of his guilt.

The slow pace so far this season makes me really think they're planning on a season 3, especially what with setting up new plots like Amantha's job, and being 4 episodes in and still dealing with fallout; Daniel's field trip is almost the only forward momentum the plot has had, other than Bobby Dean getting arrested and released and Teddy going increasingly nuts.

Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.
I think Trey and George raped her, but I don't think George was involved in her death. He seemed very sincere when he asked Trey if he killed her (Trey seemed far less sincere when he returned the question, not to mention the suspicious stuff Trey's done since then).

I think the guilt from the rape and guilt from framing Daniel by lying on the stand is enough for George to kill himself.

Lycus fucked around with this message at 03:17 on Jul 14, 2014

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
This season is really getting into the meat of its plot now and feels very justified. Last night was awesome. Aden Young really knocked it out of the park and next week looks explosive.

Riled Shareef
Dec 19, 2013
This show's got a helluva cast. Many of the characters have been sat in the corner for awhile now (Ted Sr and Jared for example, the latter I sometimes forget even exists)but if they're ever called upon for more material they knock it out of the park.

I always enjoy the strange characters they have Daniel bump into. The party scenes in the last chunk of the hour were pretty tense and, as is often the case when Daniel is by himself, somewhat hallucinatory. I'm glad the show didn't have Daniel accidentally shoot someone or something.

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames

Riled Shareef posted:

I'm glad the show didn't have Daniel accidentally shoot someone or something.

We aren't sure what those last two shots that Trey heard were, though. :ohdear:


Riled Shareef
Dec 19, 2013

precision posted:

We aren't sure what those last two shots that Trey heard were, though. :ohdear:

Trey is a shady mother fucker. He's not gonna go and investigate the shots, is he?

Also, the intense side of Daniel kind of scares me and I miss when all we saw was him gently musing over seeing a thunderstorm again with Tawney. Now he's snorting coke.

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