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Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.
Part of me is afraid that this show is going to have a really sad ending where no one ever discovers Trey's shady actions, and Daniel ends up re-convicted.

Though maybe they'll gently caress with us and have Daniel lose his re-trial and go back on death row, but then the Sheriff finds Georgie's body which leads to Daniel being exonerated and released again. Happy ending.


May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
My girlfriend was skeptical that old redneck hipsters like Lezlie With A Z and his friends actually exist and thought the show was being very unrealistic. So I just want to assure people that, even if Lezlie and his party were intended to be a fantastical extreme, parties/people like that definitely exist in the South and have for as long as I've been old enough to go to them.

Lezlie is in fact probably what I'll end up being in 20 or 30 years. I don't know if I'm happy about that or not, to be quite honest.

Sep 26, 2010

The most depressing part of this whole show so far is Tawney being pregnant.

Riled Shareef
Dec 19, 2013

Lycus posted:

Part of me is afraid that this show is going to have a really sad ending where no one ever discovers Trey's shady actions, and Daniel ends up re-convicted.

Though maybe they'll gently caress with us and have Daniel lose his re-trial and go back on death row, but then the Sheriff finds Georgie's body which leads to Daniel being exonerated and released again. Happy ending.

I've always viewed the show as pretty depressing yet life affirming at the same time. I could see Rectify ending with Daniel going back to the row but being incredibly grateful for experiencing life one last time and dying happy. Something really bittersweet, you know?

It could really go anywhere though. All I know is, I want to see the goat man again.

Aug 30, 2003


Palestinian genocide this, American complicity that... but have you considered the myriad crimes of the barbarous Celestial?

Fooz posted:

The most depressing part of this whole show so far is Tawney being pregnant.

"We need a plotline for this female character, can't think of much lets just make her pregnant"

Teriyaki Hairpiece
Dec 29, 2006

I'm nae the voice o' the darkened thistle, but th' darkened thistle cannae bear the sight o' our Bonnie Prince Bernie nae mair.

Fooz posted:

The most depressing part of this whole show so far is Tawney being pregnant.
The first scene of Rectify season 4 episode 1 is Tawney, Teddy, and baby Terry living out of their car in a Walmart parking lot.

Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.
I've been waiting for a Daniel/Trey scene.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
That last scene was fantastic. And just the right amount of teasing that this show does vis-a-vis the real events of 19 years ago.

Feb 17, 2002

Don't be sad that I am gone.

Ubiquitous_ posted:

That last scene was fantastic. And just the right amount of teasing that this show does vis-a-vis the real events of 19 years ago.

It broke my loving heart nearly as bad as the last 15-20 minutes of the season 1 finale.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
I'm glad they keep reusing the shot of that river under moonlight, because it's gorgeous.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
Tonight was easily one of my favorite episodes of the show so far. poo poo is getting real.

Feb 17, 2002

Don't be sad that I am gone.

Ubiquitous_ posted:

Tonight was easily one of my favorite episodes of the show so far. poo poo is getting real.

Yeah, it was seriously intense.

blue squares
Sep 28, 2007

Finally. I have not enjoyed season 2 nearly as much, especially Lezlie, who I disliked.

Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.
Again, Trey is totally the real killer. Daniel/Trey scenes were pretty frickin' tense.

Lycus fucked around with this message at 02:53 on Aug 2, 2014

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene

blue squares posted:

Finally. I have not enjoyed season 2 nearly as much, especially Lezlie, who I disliked.

Correlating when season 1 got really good (episodes 5 and 6), this is about the same, proportionately, for season 2 to get good. So it's basically intense stuff from here on out.

Mar 28, 2010

Lycus posted:

Again, Trey is totally the real killer. Daniel/Trey scenes were pretty frickin' tense.

He's pretty crafty too, he could totally have Daniel framed for George's murder if that was his intention.

Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.
I can't imagine any reason why he grabbed George's gun other than he's planning on planting it somehow.

e: He can wait until Daniel conks out, put the gun in his pocket, call the local police to report the disturbance, book it home, and make sure George's body is discovered. gently caress.

Lycus fucked around with this message at 06:18 on Aug 2, 2014

Sep 9, 2011
Can't wait for Teddy to snap.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
This season finally made me cry. God I love this show.

Sep 9, 2011
Can someone tell me what Jake was doing at the end of last night's episode? I was doing some work on my computer and missed it.

I like that Daniel seems to have become more assertive since his trip to Georgie's. Though he should probably have been less of an rear end in a top hat to Tawney. No reason to be messing around with your stepbrother's wife. But I guess that's all part of the new "Bad Person" Daniel.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I wasn't sure either but AV Club tells me he was spying on Bobby Dean.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
This season is firing on every cylinder, and we still have two episodes left. gently caress.

That ending montage left me in tears. The prison conversation was also really magnetic.

"We're not even *the same currency*."

Ubiquitous_ fucked around with this message at 21:37 on Aug 8, 2014

Riled Shareef
Dec 19, 2013
I want Daniel to go back to when he was just full of wonder about life, showering in pillow feathers, and not worrying about his innocence! :cry:

How will Bobby Dean come into the fold again? Last we've seen was the Sheriff saying maybe now he owes Daniel... and this latest episode has just reminded us about his existence.

This show is going down some dark roads now. I wonder how long McKinnon and co are planning to take Rectify?

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
Some discussion over at The AV Club suggests that if a Season 3 is greenlit that it would be about the Re-trial of Daniel Holden. Assuming things don't go really, really dark in the next two episodes.

Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.
If they do a season for Daniel's re-trial, I'd expect the main B-plot to be the Sheriff finding George's body and realizing that things aren't adding up and investigating deeper. If Daniel gets exonerated, I just think it would be cool if the Sheriff is the one to do it.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
It'd be nice for the, "I want to get things right this time" line to be a foreshadowing of a better future for Daniel. This show gets really dark, but is ultimately a little hopeful -- well, not at the moment at least.

Feb 13, 2007

America's Game, the way it's meant to be played.
They better have more seasons of this show. I can't stress how much I love it and I don't think I could handle it ending in 2 episodes. I can see a re-trial in the horizon and I think they would handle it well. I also wonder how the whole road trip to the dead guys house from last episode is going to affect things when his body is found (if it is).

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
This whole season has felt like they've been assuming a third (probably to finish the story up as I think a fourth season would be a stretch). I really doubt they'll accept a plea without any more prison time and a new trial could definitely fill a whole season. I kind of feel like they're focusing too much on the "what really happened" rather than just the raw existential drama that season 1 was, but I'm still entranced by the show and especially the performances. Stoned Amantha and Nice Guy Teddy were a delight.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
That Ted/Tawney scene was by far the darkest this show has gotten. Clayne Crawford gave me serious chills.

CV 64 Fan
Oct 13, 2012

It's pretty dope.
That was Ted's best scene. He delivered and then some. I still feel bad for Ted despite the poo poo he said. It's like I kind of get his thought process but he's still a dick.

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene
I think the second season, while less artsy and quiet has deftly explored how Daniel's mere presence in the town is making everyone else's lives fall apart as Daniel tries to start his own again. That duality between his "resurrection" (and subsequent realization that he's a bad person, a way of atoning) and the downfall of his hometown has made for some really great television.

And he's only been free for less than two weeks or so.

Jun 17, 2003

Nobody move and nobody gets hurt.

Ubiquitous_ posted:

And he's only been free for less than two weeks or so.

Actually, while the first season took place over roughly a week, the second has had much bigger time jumps between episodes. Amantha has had time to start and get comfortable in her new job, Daniel had several days where he disappeared partying with Lezlie, and Tawny had time to learn she was pregnant and lose the baby. I think in this episode the sheriff said Georgie was last seen six weeks earlier, which gives us a rough timeframe.

Aug 5, 2008

Half the posters in this forum have been made up. This website is a goddamn ghost town.
All episode I was expecting Teddy to make a thing out of Tawney not seeming sad enough about the miscarriage, but he kept taking it further and further than I thought he would.

Mar 19, 2007

My name is Oliver Queen...

Lycus posted:

All episode I was expecting Teddy to make a thing out of Tawney not seeming sad enough about the miscarriage, but he kept taking it further and further than I thought he would.

It seemed very apparent to me that the events of the episode would lead to Teddy having an altercation with the guy who wouldn't pay for his rims. I'm guessing this will also lead to the end of discussion regarding assault charges for Daniel, since his credibility will be undermined if word of the fight gets around.

Riled Shareef
Dec 19, 2013
Someone pointed out that the existentialism has taken a step back since the first season in favor of exploring Daniel's guilt and fleshing out the other characters. The show is still god drat amazing but I kinda hope that the events of the murder are definitively explained by the end of this season. It could drag on a bit, right?

Do you folks think the show's getting renewed?

Nov 20, 2013

by Reene

Riled Shareef posted:

Someone pointed out that the existentialism has taken a step back since the first season in favor of exploring Daniel's guilt and fleshing out the other characters. The show is still god drat amazing but I kinda hope that the events of the murder are definitively explained by the end of this season. It could drag on a bit, right?

Do you folks think the show's getting renewed?

I hope so. There's no show on TV like this one, and I think Sundance likes the critical acclaim. Viewership probably isn't a big deal when the channel is already kinda obscure.

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
This latest episode was intense overall but goddamn that last scene set to Mormon band Low's "The Great Destroyer" was absolutely loving soul-destroying. Tawney and Daniel are going to Hell and taking me with them.

Red Red Blue
Feb 11, 2007

This is probably a really dumb question but did Daniel actually assault Ted like he claimed? I remember thinking it came out of nowhere when it first came up but I could just not be remembering something

Jun 17, 2003

Nobody move and nobody gets hurt.

Red Red Blue posted:

This is probably a really dumb question but did Daniel actually assault Ted like he claimed? I remember thinking it came out of nowhere when it first came up but I could just not be remembering something

Yeah, Teddy was running his mouth about Daniel probably enjoying his prison rape, so Daniel choked him out. The rest happened as Teddy said.


Red Red Blue
Feb 11, 2007

Wow, I don't know how I forgot about that

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