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Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009

MassivelyBuckNegro posted:

I think the dude in my company did it for free as like a casting thing or something. This is all second hand from my driver(who did not jack off on camera).

so your driver was jackin it off camera?


Dec 25, 2003

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

so your driver was jackin it off camera?

driver might have been the fluffer.

Feb 27, 2007

MOS 6969 Combat Fluffer

Lazy Reservist
Nov 30, 2005

"Jerkin' it on cam" might replace "My uncle's got a construction business."

Snowdens Secret
Dec 29, 2008
Someone got you a obnoxiously racist av.

The girls that are hot are usually hotter without makeup and the ones that are gently caress-ugly are still gently caress-ugly with three pounds of paint on, dwi

The ones that look real real bad do so because they're as old as your mother

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
i wonder how much the dudes jerking it on chaturbate make

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

so your driver was jackin it off camera?

I'm pretty sure everyone beats off a lot in SOI.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.
Back in fall 2009 one of the midshipmen at the NROTC got kicked out because she went down to miami with her friend and boyfriend and got into a porn down there. Her friend was a former MIDN and got kicked out for something else already. She did a scene as well, but I don't remember the name all these years later. She ended up getting a grand or so and that was it.

Jun 18, 2004

Only emojis can express my pure, simple stupidity.

Kung Fu Fist Fuck
Aug 9, 2009

MassivelyBuckNegro posted:

I'm pretty sure everyone beats off a lot in SOI.

its a little different when you jackin it in the same room that some gay dude is filming your buddy also jackin it in

Feb 15, 2005

When did Duffelblog switch to reporting real news?

Genocide Tendency
Dec 24, 2009

I get mental health care from the medical equivalent of Skillcraft.

Got a side link to outgoing Company Commander speech. Its a pretty pro read.

Naked Bear
Apr 15, 2007

Boners was recorded before a studio audience that was alive!


When did Duffelblog switch to reporting real news?
Duffel Blog has always been reporting real news. Everybody just thinks it's satire.

Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

Bolow posted:

MOS 6969 Combat Fluffer

In the AF we called these executive officers.

raspy trashfucker
Jul 5, 2014

Booblord Zagats posted:

I already do that. See I'm just as happy as a drunk because all my education and health costs are comped, I get amazing loans on my properties and cars thanks to a military affiliated bank, I have a pretty great job that pays well and when I do drink, it's poo poo that runs over $140 a bottle because life really is that easy if you're willing to sell some time to the gub'ment, manage your finances, and go outside and do something that isn't echoing hashtags off twitter on to poster-board because you're so loving dumb you paid six-loving-figures for a gender studies degree but still trying to find a way to make monthly those payments on your iPhone's data plan.

See man, that's the thing. Most of us aren't as hosed up as people like to portray, we're pretty normal guys who went out, sold a chunk of our youth and reaped dividends in to our middle age. We've actually been given a level of freedom that so many will never truly understand. We spent years being told where to be, how to dress, what to eat and when to poo poo, but that's no worse than signing away literally half a decades worth of income to pay someone back for a sheet of paper, hell, we were all making money while we slaved away. It's not that we're any smarter than you guys were/are, it's that we saw a bigger picture and realized human nature isn't about crying for some idiot who got themselves shot by the cops on an internet forum, it's about making sure your existence continues in a way you can actually find happiness and comfort.

And the guys who end up with some issues after the military, most of those guys had those issues coming in, its just now they have a support system that can actually help them without bankrupting them, people who want to see them get better for no other reason than they think you're a good loving dude and think you deserve the happiness you've earned (shim, AB, GT, love you guys).

you endured the most ancient, stressful rite mankind ever invented. you stared the angel of death in the face for so long it became just another part of the scenery. you may have even watched the light die out of someone's eyes and known that you caused it. and now, the akihabara dj elephant is making ya mad

raspy trashfucker
Jul 5, 2014
you gave up one part of your humanity to better understand another. you visited hell and came back. there is no horror left in this world that can appall you. also, the guy who had drew toothpaste say "orb tane dad" over a hot tokyo beat is making you flash red like a video game enemy

Feb 15, 2005

raspy trashfucker posted:

you gave up one part of your humanity to better understand another. you visited hell and came back. there is no horror left in this world that can appall you. also, the guy who had drew toothpaste say "orb tane dad" over a hot tokyo beat is making you flash red like a video game enemy

You're boring. Put some effort into your grey forum trolls.

raspy trashfucker
Jul 5, 2014


You're boring. Put some effort into your grey forum trolls.

how dare you call me a boring troll

Feb 27, 2007


raspy trashfucker posted:

how dare you call me a boring troll

Ok that's enough.

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

raspy trashfucker posted:

you gave up one part of your humanity to better understand another. you visited hell and came back. there is no horror left in this world that can appall you. also, the guy who had drew toothpaste say "orb tane dad" over a hot tokyo beat is making you flash red like a video game enemy

The only part of that little rant that wasn't lifted from a JNCO wearing kid's community college level philosophy class was a metaphor about videogames.

raspy trashfucker
Jul 5, 2014

Booblord Zagats posted:

The only part of that little rant that wasn't lifted from a JNCO wearing kid's community college level philosophy class was a metaphor about videogames.

well the joke's on you because i'ev never been to college

Feb 15, 2005

So you drop some weak poo poo in here then link it in FYAD. You didn't even link it right, you used lastpost instead of the post ID of where you started. It's been done before. At least do something original and funny. Tell a loving knock knock joke about dead GIs and you'd get a chuckle.

Victor Vermis
Dec 21, 2004


raspy trashfucker posted:

you gave up one part of your humanity to better understand another.

my brain, my penis.

May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners

raspy trashfucker posted:

you endured the most ancient, stressful rite mankind ever invented. you stared the angel of death in the face for so long it became just another part of the scenery. you may have even watched the light die out of someone's eyes and known that you caused it. and now, the akihabara dj elephant is making ya mad


raspy trashfucker
Jul 5, 2014


So you drop some weak poo poo in here then link it in FYAD. You didn't even link it right, you used lastpost instead of the post ID of where you started.

oh poo poo

discount cathouse
Mar 25, 2009

raspy trashfucker posted:

you gave up one part of your humanity to better understand another. you visited hell and came back. there is no horror left in this world that can appall you. also, the guy who had drew toothpaste say "orb tane dad" over a hot tokyo beat is making you flash red like a video game enemy


May 26, 2004

A Big Ten institution offering distance education catering to adult learners


So you drop some weak poo poo in here then link it in FYAD. You didn't even link it right, you used lastpost instead of the post ID of where you started. It's been done before. At least do something original and funny. Tell a loving knock knock joke about dead GIs and you'd get a chuckle.

Off the top turn buckle

Darkman Fanpage
Jul 4, 2012


You're boring. Put some effort into your grey forum trolls.

raspy is actually mentally ill

Helldump Immunity.
Aug 2, 2013

Fuck you
Jus wanna hear a dead GI knock knock joke now :q:

Feb 15, 2005

Darkman Fanpage posted:

raspy is actually mentally ill

So are the most interesting posters in GiP. Shim turned crazy posting into an artform.

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

Helldump Immunity. posted:

Jus wanna hear a dead GI knock knock joke now :q:

Knock knock

Darkman Fanpage
Jul 4, 2012


So are the most interesting posters in GiP. Shim turned crazy posting into an artform.

glad to know my tax dollars support mentally ill desk jockeys lol

Helldump Immunity.
Aug 2, 2013

Fuck you

Who's there????

Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro

The US State Dept. You may want to have a seat, we have some very bad news about your EVE fleet admiral

raspy trashfucker
Jul 5, 2014

Booblord Zagats posted:

The US State Dept. You may want to have a seat, we have some very bad news about your EVE fleet admiral

the us state department you may want to have a seat we have some very bad news about your eve fleet admiral, who

Helldump Immunity.
Aug 2, 2013

Fuck you

Feb 15, 2005

Darkman Fanpage posted:

glad to know my tax dollars support mentally ill desk jockeys lol

Thanks for subsidizing my healthcare! Not paying for meds and doctor visits is great.

Jun 2, 2014


Thanks for subsidizing my healthcare! Not paying for meds and doctor visits is great.

Jun 2, 2014

I broke my hand a year ago because the wall was talking poo poo. cost $0


Booblord Zagats
Oct 30, 2011

Pork Pro
I turned a healthy profit going to college

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