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May 9, 2010

Poque gave me an impossible task, btw. I had to not get lynched in a 5 person game with a bunch of fuddy duddies :P


Sep 11, 2003

your task could only be completed on day 1, actually, unless somebody self-voted. For some reason I was thinking it could be done day 3 but then you'd have to be the target. it was a bad role.

Jan 28, 2009

Nature Abhors A Vacuum

Kumbamontu posted:

I would like to yell at someone.

We can yell at each other

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
gently caress YOU

Sep 11, 2003

yell at the scum, who is me. ##vote poque

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
Hello good friend Poque. How are you this fine day?

Sep 11, 2003

i'm covered in phlegm, goop, splorcks, various crusts and juices. someone put a whole bunch of damp ointment on my clammy tummy to try to hide my yeast pustules but it just made them secrete more residue.

you might say i'm..scummy

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

By the way here is the player list. I am capping the list here. any more players will be added to replacements. Also editing this list into my first post page 1.

  1. Adus
  2. anime gently caress pillow
  3. Asiina
  4. Big Nothing
  5. Byers2142
  6. CapnAndy
  7. chaoslord
  8. DuckHuntDog
  9. Dugong
  10. Ernie.
  11. fiery_valkyrie
  12. Hal Incandenza
  13. JakeP
  14. Jefepato
  15. Kitiara
  16. Kumbamontu
  17. Little Mac
  18. Magnus Gallant
  19. Meinberg
  20. merk
  21. MildManeredManikin
  22. Mills
  23. mr.capps
  24. Opopanax
  25. Pinterest Mom
  26. Poque
  27. Power of Pecota
  28. Propaganda Machine
  29. Puntification
  30. Rarity
  31. soscannonballs
  32. uranus
  33. winvirus
  34. Your Personal Muse
  35. yuming

Nov 4, 2009

number one. as it should be.

Sep 11, 2003

in chinese, 26 is a number that represents scum.

also WOW what a random set of happenstancings.

May 9, 2010


Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
I have a setup for another minigame but don't have time to run it before I have to leave for like 4 hours. Who wants to run it I will PM you my genius idea.

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

i'll do it

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

okay i need :siren: five victims :siren:

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Pinterest Mom posted:

okay i need :siren: five victims :siren:

##gross diqnol pics

May 9, 2010

Not a real thing.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

35 players?!

i absolutely cannot wait for this glorious shitshow

godspeed, everyone

and gently caress you, scum

Jun 13, 2003

gently caress you too

Jun 13, 2003

also AIM me

Sep 11, 2003

Mills is one of my scum buddies. there are 5 of us total. i'm the third strongest

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Poque posted:

Mills is one of my scum buddies. there are 5 of us total. i'm the third strongest

I dunno, I figured you were above me

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


Poque posted:

Mills is one of my scum buddies. there are 5 of us total. i'm the third strongest

Mills posted:

gently caress you too

well this certainly makes our jobs easier. go town!

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer
I'll play the game

Jun 13, 2003

Magnus Gallant posted:

I'll play the game


Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

:ironicat: :)

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer
Are we enemies now mills?

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy
:krad: good player list :thumbsup:

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy
that smiley is such a smug son of a bitch

Sep 11, 2003


i assume he meant pinterest mom's minigame

Jun 13, 2003

Magnus Gallant posted:

Are we enemies now mills?

Hatred will never be erased! The only thing you can do... is erase the ones you hate.

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Poque posted:

i assume he meant pinterest mom's minigame

Pinterest Mom posted:

okay i need :siren: five victims :siren:


Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Mills posted:

Hatred will never be erased! The only thing you can do... is erase the ones you hate.

Fear my cromagnus punch!

Jan 28, 2009

Nature Abhors A Vacuum

Make my fan fiction flavor be a whaler on the moon since ixt's game wasn't able to take off at the moment

Sep 11, 2003

i can't join the mini game because Asiina IMed me the setup like a huge douche.

spoilers: i'm the scum

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

my momentum free minigame :negative:

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

Here's a good fanfic: Pinterest Mom's game starts and everyone likes it.

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

Here's another good fanfic: Taste and I kick off this game tonight and we win Mafia Game of the Year award.

Jan 28, 2009

Nature Abhors A Vacuum

Dr. Hurt posted:

Here's another good fanfic: Taste and I kick off this game tonight and we win Mafia Game of the Year award.

I believe in you

May 9, 2010

Dr. Hurt posted:

Here's another good fanfic: Taste and I kick off this game tonight and we win Mafia Game of the Year award.

That's a bad fanfic.


Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer
Everyone know ima win biggest big toe of the year award

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