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Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer
Nobody wants to play with me :qq:


Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
uhh sorry calvinball is already the best game of the year

Your Personal Muse
Oct 5, 2010

what a cool dude
Put me in whatever stupid mini game is going on

Jan 28, 2009

Nature Abhors A Vacuum

Magnus Gallant posted:

Nobody wants to play with me :qq:

I can play if this is going to be a thing that doesn't require a lot of thought!

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

chaoslord posted:

I can play if this is going to be a thing that doesn't require a lot of thought!

It most definitely will be

May 13, 2004

mr.capps posted:

uhh sorry calvinball is already the best game of the year

Pretty much.

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

Your Personal Muse posted:

Put me in whatever stupid mini game is going on

rarity probably went to bed so we need three more


Jan 28, 2009

Nature Abhors A Vacuum

Pinterest Mom posted:

rarity probably went to bed so we need three more

Me, if you're not counting me already

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

two more!

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

All the additional player roles have been written and are ready. We will be sending role pms out soon!

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


Dr. Hurt posted:

Here's another good fanfic: Taste and I kick off this game tonight and we win Mafia Game of the Year award.

did you unexpectedly share a moment and begin to question your sexuality and assumptions in life?


Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

Nah, but if that is your personal headcanon I can't stop you from imagining it. My story does end with Lowtax giving us a key to the city though.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


Dr. Hurt posted:

Nah, but if that is your personal headcanon I can't stop you from imagining it. My story does end with Lowtax giving us a key to the city though.


Mar 26, 2003

I'm proud of you, Bender. Sure, you lost. You lost bad. But the important thing is I beat up someone who hurt my feelings in high school.

Dr. Hurt posted:

All the additional player roles have been written and are ready. We will be sending role pms out soon!

I need to know my role NOOOOOW

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

You are a POOP aligned Big Butt Face. Every night you select three players to poop on to unknown effect. You smell bad.

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

fiery_valkyrie posted:

I need to know my role NOOOOOW

Me too. I need to know f_v's role now

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

Magnus Gallant posted:

Me too. I need to know f_v's role now

Dr. Hurt posted:

You are a POOP aligned Big Butt Face. Every night you select three players to poop on to unknown effect. You smell bad.

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Dr. Hurt posted:

You are a POOP aligned Big Butt Face. Every night you select three players to poop on to unknown effect. You smell bad.

Wow well now I know

Mar 26, 2003

I'm proud of you, Bender. Sure, you lost. You lost bad. But the important thing is I beat up someone who hurt my feelings in high school.

Dr. Hurt posted:

You are a POOP aligned Big Butt Face. Every night you select three players to poop on to unknown effect. You smell bad.

##poop Dr Hurt

Sep 11, 2003

poop on me

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

my role is toast-giver. each night, i give toast.

do not ask what the toast does.

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Pinterest Mom posted:

my role is toast-giver. each night, i give toast.

do not ask what the toast does.

Can I have toast?

Sep 11, 2003

i'm scum.

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
confirming my badass role

Sep 11, 2003

i got my role PM. it said that I am "evil boss" from full life consequences

here is the image in my role PM

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

Salutations fans of fiction. Or in some cases fiction of fans of fiction. This is how it all began. My mother always told me there was a great prophecy. A prophecy that would require true heroes to rise up. And that weapon that the true hero welt, was love itself. Well love and poorly written smut. This was before the days of the great war. Before fics began being deleted for seemingly no reason because of "moral problems" or "being poorly written and if it actually happened in real life illegal in most states." No, now is a time for plans. A time for plans and OC's.

This is my first fic. Please treat kindly and don't flame.

As of right now it is Night 0. If you have any preactions please send them in to either myself or to Tremendous Taste. When all Night 0 actions have been sent in, we shall begin Day 1.

The first challenge will begin tomorrow.

To clarify, town wins when all threats to town are eliminated.
Scum wins with unassailable control of the vote.

Also MMM clear your PMs.

Sep 11, 2003

##vote poque

Mar 26, 2003

I'm proud of you, Bender. Sure, you lost. You lost bad. But the important thing is I beat up someone who hurt my feelings in high school.
My fanfic has no sex scene. Disappointed.

Sep 11, 2003

gently caress YOU AND YOUR NIGHT 0

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
Hi confirmed!

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010


Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

Confirmed that I am ready to step into the fan-fiction arena.

May 9, 2010

Confirming I have the most loving boring role and fanfic there is

Sep 11, 2003

i bet dumb ol MMM has a night 0 action too.

Oct 9, 2011

inspired by but legally distinct from CATS (2019)
Howdy gents. How's it going?

May 9, 2010

I would like a reroll. This is horseshit.

Jan 28, 2009

Nature Abhors A Vacuum

Wait since it's Night 0 can we still play Pinterest Mom's minigame?

Mar 26, 2003

I'm proud of you, Bender. Sure, you lost. You lost bad. But the important thing is I beat up someone who hurt my feelings in high school.

anime gently caress pillow posted:

Confirming I have the most loving boring role and fanfic there is

Dunno, my fanfic involves Linkin Park.

Jan 28, 2009

Nature Abhors A Vacuum

anime gently caress pillow posted:

Confirming I have the most loving boring role and fanfic there is

I dunno, mine is pretty bad


Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

chaoslord posted:

Wait since it's Night 0 can we still play Pinterest Mom's minigame?

Yes and now it's my minigame because I'm home and it's my setup.

I need 5 volunteers.

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