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Nov 4, 2009

poque you know the prize is going to be some sort of special power that further prevents you from leaving this game


Sep 11, 2003


Adus posted:

here's a thing with poor audio quality but blame vocaroo

here's the text:

you said dramatic reading so i took that pretty literally

i haven't listened yet, but you win if you replaced cloud with butt.

Nov 4, 2009


MildManeredManikin posted:

drat Adus you did what I was thinking of doing. It's ok, I have a pretty good trick up my sleeve.

it was the only fanfic i could think of off the top of my head and i really didn't want to go around looking for any

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

Poque posted:

i haven't listened yet, but you win if you replaced cloud with butt.

Yeah I was going to do that but I think Adus beat me to it.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

This will be the last time Adus beats me to something in a challenge.

Sep 11, 2003


Adus posted:

poque you know the prize is going to be some sort of special power that further prevents you from leaving this game

it's a vig, and i'm killing myself with it

Nov 4, 2009


MildManeredManikin posted:

This will be the last time Adus beats me to something in a challenge.

the only way that'll happen is if you kill me

wait are you trying to kill me?

scum spotted

Sep 11, 2003


Poque posted:

i haven't listened yet, but you win if you replaced cloud with butt.

yessssssssssssssss YESSSSSSSSSSSS

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

You guys deliver. There's some really strong competition for challenge 1.

Nov 4, 2009


Poque posted:

yessssssssssssssss YESSSSSSSSSSSS

there was really no other option

Sep 11, 2003


Jefepato posted:

I'm glad you posted this before I did any of the parts of ZOMBIES!!! thing that mentioned you. I would have mispronounced your name.

everybody needs to learn the true pronunciation.

it's kind of funny because nobody can spell my real name right. it is a parallel!

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

Heya poke

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

bahahaha adus i was thinking of doing that, but you've done it much more justice than i'd have been able to.

googles. sighs.

Sep 11, 2003


vote no lynch then me

Sep 11, 2003

mods i won't be around on saturday so please consider that recording as my submission for the challenge.

Sep 11, 2003


Fast Luck posted:

I'm in this game.

i don't believe you.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

Poque posted:

vote no lynch then me

look at what is already happening

Sep 11, 2003


MildManeredManikin posted:

look at what is already happening

you're 50% there! let's turbo

Fast Luck
Feb 2, 1988

Poque posted:

i don't believe you.
I really am. I'm in this game and I'm omnipotent. I'm the alpha and the omega. I'm tumblr. I am I am deviantart. None of you fanfics could exist on the net without me.

Fast Luck
Feb 2, 1988

I am unkillable but I can kill. And each night I get to assign a player with a fanfic idea for them to expand on during the next day. If they succeed they will be rewarded and if they fail I will kill them.

Sep 11, 2003

i accept your offer

Fast Luck
Feb 2, 1988

i havent decided yet to whom i should give chapter one. i was thinking byers.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
me me me!

Also Poque post rolling start one more time and I'll vote no lynch.

Nov 4, 2009


Asiina posted:

me me me!

Also Poque post rolling start one more time and I'll vote no lynch.


Sep 11, 2003


Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
I have been convinced by your superior argument.

##vote no lynch

Nov 4, 2009

that video is deceptive. it is NOT 9 minutes long! instead i listened twice.

##vote no lynch

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer
Stop copying me!

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


Poque posted:

if you vote for jakep:
jakep dies (town)
rarity dies (town)

if you vote for pmom:
pmom dies (town)
rarity gets a thunderdome
rarity uses it on somebody who is not me
either rarity or that person dies (town)

thus anybody voting for any candidate is trying to kill several of the towns. ##vote no lynch

strokes beard

i don't particularly think rarity isn't town, but i'm not sure if i want her getting that stupid thunderdome.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

I tried hard but I don't think I can outdo diqnol.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

Our Time Is Now

Listen to the end.

Mar 26, 2003

I'm proud of you, Bender. Sure, you lost. You lost bad. But the important thing is I beat up someone who hurt my feelings in high school.
##vote no lynch

TT did you somehow design a game that would force a no lynch vote D1, thereby giving us all an opportunity to test your hypothesis about D1 voting?

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Propaganda Machine posted:

strokes beard

i don't particularly think rarity isn't town, but i'm not sure if i want her getting that stupid thunderdome.

Then vote no lynch like the rest of us!

Power of Pecota
Aug 3, 2007

Goodness no, now that wouldn't do at all!

##vote no lynch sure why not

Apr 21, 2009
Sorry I've been MIA guys. Between rl and the genius game, I've been quite busy the last couple of days and this thread is absolutely insane to try and follow. I'll do my best though. For now I'll follow the general consensus and vote no lynch.

##vote no lynch

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Fast Luck posted:

i havent decided yet to whom i should give chapter one. i was thinking byers.

I humbly accept.

##vote no lynch

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...
Also, I hope you all realize that we are all awful human beings. I look forward to an eternity of playing Mafia with all of you in Hell.

give head or get dead
Feb 16, 2010

##vote no lynch

With promises of a better thunderdome later

May 13, 2004

Fine, whatever.

##vote no lynch


Jan 28, 2009

Nature Abhors A Vacuum

I would have believed we might have no lynched due to falling short of the number required for a D1 lynch, but I would have never guessed that the majority of a 35 person game would actively vote no lynch D1, especially after a Thunderdome. You're all making Taste very proud right now. If he weren't probated he would probably be telling us that himself.

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