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  • Locked thread
Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy

Byers2142 posted:

Sure, go get three or four of your friends to make it fair.

I don't think you understand how strong I can become, channeling the power of the one and only Marky Mark.


May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Kumbamontu posted:

I don't think you understand how strong I can become, channeling the power of the one and only Marky Mark.

The Happening Marky Mark, or The Departed? Because one's a little more threatening than the other...

May 20, 2003


Kumbamontu posted:

I don't think you understand how strong I can become, channeling the power of the one and only Marky Mark.

Do you listen to the "Doug Loves Movies" podcast? He has a comedian come on who does an impression of Marky Mark that is amazing.

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy
Are you a plant?

This is an important question.

May 9, 2010

Marky Mark is real poo poo.

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy

merk posted:

Do you listen to the "Doug Loves Movies" podcast? He has a comedian come on who does an impression of Marky Mark that is amazing.

I used to watch Getting Doug with High all the time and I've listened to a few DLM podcasts, which comedian is it

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy
My favorite person from Getting Doug is Ron Funches. His voice and demeanor are the best.

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

anime gently caress pillow posted:

Marky Mark is real poo poo.

I think kids used "dope" during that time. Real "dope."

May 20, 2003


Kumbamontu posted:

My favorite person from Getting Doug is Ron Funches. His voice and demeanor are the best.

Dan Van Kirk, but he's credited as "Mark Wahlberg" on the podcast titles.

Fast Luck
Feb 2, 1988

Byers2142 posted:

Fast Luck, give me my chapter scenario so I can write it this weekend!
You have been assigned to write an entry into the Mario saga fan fiction. You are tasked with writing:
Chapter One
Peach cucks Mario, cheating on him with his brother Luigi! Mario does NOT know.

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post

merk posted:

Dan Van Kirk, but he's credited as "Mark Wahlberg" on the podcast titles.

that guy has been doing that impression for years before he went on DLM, its amazing how much depth he has added to it

Fast Luck
Feb 2, 1988

remember it's just one chapter of a 13-part series so dont go too far off-topic since theres other parts already planned but otherwise youre free to write it as you wish

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Fast Luck posted:

You have been assigned to write an entry into the Mario saga fan fiction. You are tasked with writing:
Chapter One
Peach cucks Mario, cheating on him with his brother Luigi! Mario does NOT know.

Yes. Yes!


Someone remind me what cuck means in this context.

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
can we just talk about podcasts

improv4humans is the best podcast and holy poo poo they have been hitting it out of the park lately

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
Paul F Tompkins finally did an episode with them.

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post
this was their best recent episode

jesus christ, zach woods is amazing. he might be the best improviser in the world.

Fast Luck
Feb 2, 1988

hmmm i will listen to that episode on my drive tomorrow.

Byers2142 posted:

Yes. Yes!


Someone remind me what cuck means in this context.
It means cheating on him, thus making him into a cuckold. Google cuck life

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Fast Luck posted:

hmmm i will listen to that episode on my drive tomorrow.

It means cheating on him, thus making him into a cuckold. Google cuck life

I am not googling anything form this thread while at work.

Nov 4, 2009

Black Orthodontromancy
The most British Magic

Fun Shoe

Byers2142 posted:

I am not googling anything form this thread while at work.

pretty wise.

Fast Luck
Feb 2, 1988

Oh, of course, you want to be in the privacy of your own home while you enjoy these things.

May 9, 2010

Mills, give Merk the unlynchable. Double purpose of upsetting him by preventing his departure and having him around.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

So I guess I am just going to vote no-lynch, you worthless cads

May 9, 2010

Not. Until. My. Dramatic. Reading.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

anime gently caress pillow posted:

Not. Until. My. Dramatic. Reading.

Right, mine too! When are you going to be done?

May 9, 2010

I have to wait until I get home from work around six thirty EST to begin it, so probably around 8.

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

winvirus posted:

##vote no lynch I guess??


Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


Byers2142 posted:

I am not googling anything form this thread while at work.

cuckquest is in comedy purgatory.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

Diqnol already has a recording submitted that is better than everybody else's, end day please

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

Also I just woke up, I had a dream I visited adus' apartment.

Nov 4, 2009


MildManeredManikin posted:

Also I just woke up, I had a dream I visited adus' apartment.

go on

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

MildManeredManikin posted:

Also I just woke up, I had a dream I visited adus' apartment.

Does it have shag carpeting? I picture shag carpet

Aug 8, 2007


:stare: I went hunting for one to read and I went too far down the rabbit hole

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

It was furnished with a lot of red things with ornate gold trimming like stuff in a throne room, but the lighting was really dingy and it gave off a depressing vibe.

You looked like the dude in your avatar and you had a girlfriend. My partner was there too and we all watched a movie. For some reason your apartment was connected to a student housing area and students had to go through your apartment to get to their rooms, so that was irritating.

Not as weird as the dream I had about Asiina/PMach though

Fast Luck
Feb 2, 1988

MildManeredManikin posted:

It was furnished with a lot of red things with ornate gold trimming like stuff in a throne room, but the lighting was really dingy and it gave off a depressing vibe.

You looked like the dude in your avatar and you had a girlfriend. My partner was there too and we all watched a movie. For some reason your apartment was connected to a student housing area and students had to go through your apartment to get to their rooms, so that was irritating.

Not as weird as the dream I had about Asiina/PMach though
I had that dream too.

The first one

May 9, 2010

MildManeredManikin posted:

Diqnol already has a recording submitted that is better than everybody else's, end day please

Kind of you to say but ACTUALLY Byers has the best one right now, mostly because he's Literally loving Sulu. But that won't last very long.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

Mine is pretty good too, but alas, not enough

May 9, 2010

I have only listened to about half of them due to work etc

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer
Do they have to be about loving or can they just be normal fan fic

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Magnus Gallant posted:

Do they have to be about loving or can they just be normal fan fic

Normal fanfics are about loving. Ours just don't hide it in subtext.


May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

anime gently caress pillow posted:

Kind of you to say but ACTUALLY Byers has the best one right now, mostly because he's Literally loving Sulu. But that won't last very long.

Now I want to find a fanfic for the challenge tomorrow that's called Literally loving Sulu.

  • Locked thread