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Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

it's too late
i-i'm not long for this world poque-sama


Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

let's play truth or dare about my role i'll go first truth

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Poque posted:

Even I, the confirmed scum, won't self modkill. I'm sure hurt will add you in, I remember your submission post.

Poque, definitely not scum, has toilet paper in their bum

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Little Mac posted:

let's play truth or dare about my role i'll go first truth

Ok, would you eat a bug?

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

What the hell Mac.

Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

Magnus Gallant posted:

Ok, would you eat a bug?


Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

You know I could have just added your fanfic to the vote list but uhhh....

Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

Dr. Hurt posted:

What the hell Mac.

considering making toxx clause

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Ok your turn to ask truth or dare.

Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

Dr. Hurt posted:

You know I could have just added your fanfic to the vote list but uhhh....

it's too late
i-i'm not long for this world hurt-sama

Sep 11, 2003

Capps one of my friends just made fun of goober burgers. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

Magnus Gallant posted:

Ok your turn to ask truth or dare.


Sep 11, 2003

Little Mac is town.

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Eat a bug

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Poque posted:

Little Mac is town.

Uhhh didn't you see his flip? He's a dumbass

Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

Dr. Hurt posted:

You know I could have just added your fanfic to the vote list but uhhh....

I left my trip eight hours early so I'd get home in time to make important fanfic recording about Schroeder from Peanuts dealing with breast cancer but apparently IT WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH

i'll have your job for this, hurt

Sep 11, 2003

Town-aligned honormaster

Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3


Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Video or it doesn't count

Sep 11, 2003

We just determined that the opposite of NPR would be a Danny Bonaduce talk show

Snooze Cruise
Feb 16, 2013

hey look,
a post

Poque posted:

Capps one of my friends just made fun of goober burgers. Ha ha ha ha ha.

this is quickly becoming the worst day of my life

Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

Magnus Gallant posted:

Video or it doesn't count

Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

Check my sick dreds

Sep 11, 2003


mr.capps posted:

this is quickly becoming the worst day of my life

I had chicken wings with peanut sauce and were calling them goober wings now

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

I'm not watching that. That's terrible

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer
Tarantulas are pets. I'm calling PETA over that Mac. You better be careful

Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

Magnus Gallant posted:

Tarantulas are pets. I'm calling PETA over that Mac. You better be careful

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

What is wrong with you?!?!?!!! Those bugs are cool.

Eat a roach. Those are gross and disgusting

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

I cannot close the thread right now, but if everyone would please stop talking while I come to a decision with Taste.

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Dr. Hurt posted:

I cannot close the thread right now, but if everyone would please stop talking while I come to a decision with Taste.


Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

Magnus Gallant posted:

What is wrong with you?!?!?!!! Those bugs are cool.

Eat a roach. Those are gross and disgusting

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer
Ok that's better.

Aug 8, 2007


Dr. Hurt posted:

I cannot close the thread right now, but if everyone would please stop talking while I come to a decision with Taste.


Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

After a brief discussion, Little Mac will stay in the game. His fanfic will be added to the judge's choice lists. However Mac will not be allowed to compete in Challenge #2 as punishment for the weird outburst. Don't do it again, man.

Still waiting on Night Actions.

Oct 20, 2006

i dont like to see innocent creatures eaten for the benefit of youtube views

Oct 20, 2006

mac has most certainly earned the ire of john the unsightable cena

Jan 3, 2006

Super Mario Bros 3

i am immortable and unkillable

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy
my submission is not in the list. what an outrage.

Dr. Hurt
Oct 23, 2010

Dr. Hurt posted:

Here are your choices for the player vote. Please send me a pm about which fanfic you will be voting for.

Your Personal Muse: From Under the Bed Part 1
Uranus: Forbidden Fruit: The Temptation of Edward Cullen
Adus: Until the End of Time
MMM: Our Time is Now
Poque the Scum: Alexandre Turni
Jefepato: 30 H's
Prop Machine: Sexrassic Park
Diqnol: Untitled - Penee
Dugong Sherlock got the D
Asiina: Chaos Darkness Punk Twilight Love and Moshing
Hal: Melvin the Jerk
Kumba: 50 Shades of Christian Grey
Little Mac: Cancer of the Pee-peanuts

The following fics will be available for Special guest Judgement:
Byers: Gotta poke 'em all
Puntification: Snake in the Grass
Mr. Capps: Airplane ride :getin:

Updated Dramatic Reading Entry List.


Apr 21, 2009

fiery_valkyrie posted:


Mills, Gaz, Baz and Shaz all say hi.

I always get left out :(

  • Locked thread