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  • Locked thread
Aug 8, 2007


Kitiara posted:

I don't like posting when I don't feel like I have something to add.

Hasn't stopped anyone else


t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

Agh I'll do this in the morning sorry hurt

love to all my fan ficcers

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

Opopanax posted:

Hasn't stopped anyone else


t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

I got speared in the throat tonight in front of the linesman and he googly-eyed me sprawled out hacking

my friend was mildly concussed lying on the ice and he let a defenseman slap one relatively close

this is REC LEAGUE

Aug 8, 2007


More like wrecked league

May 20, 2003


Opopanax posted:

More like wrecked league

Opo had been F5ing all night, anxiously awaiting any story whatsoever about rec league hockey. He hadn't had a Canada fix in three whole minutes by the time a story came. The easiest joke to make filled his head and within one minute of the story, he posted it.

Aug 8, 2007


Hah, th-that's crazy. What a story, merk, ha ha. :yikes:

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

me irl

goodnight thread

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005


Tremendous Taste posted:

I got speared in the throat tonight in front of the linesman and he googly-eyed me sprawled out hacking

my friend was mildly concussed lying on the ice and he let a defenseman slap one relatively close

this is REC LEAGUE

the one time i ever played was a scrimmage, and the locker room afterwards was all i broke this and injury that and who do you have health insurance with

Apr 21, 2009

Opopanax posted:

Hasn't stopped anyone else

I'm not like anyone else ;)

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Kitiara posted:

I'm not like anyone else ;)

Your opinions still matter though and it would help if you shared them!

Apr 21, 2009
I haven't had any opinions so far though. Almost everyone has been fooling around and having fun. It's hard to form a game opinion on non-game talk.
I have found that accusing people without "concrete" evidence or just pointing fingers is a good way to get yourself killed, so I'm trying to avoid that and wait until I can back up/explains why I feel a certain way.

But to be honest, I haven't felt much of anything so far. Maybe the game will get easier to follow as there are less people and they do less small talk and more game talk. I'm still around and trying to read up on all the posts, so I will give out my opinions as I get them.

Mar 26, 2003

I'm proud of you, Bender. Sure, you lost. You lost bad. But the important thing is I beat up someone who hurt my feelings in high school.

Rarity posted:

Your opinions still matter though and it would help if you shared them!

Your mafia dad'ing feels weird. Given the content of this game, why are you calling one person out for not posting their thoughts?

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

fiery_valkyrie posted:

Your mafia dad'ing feels weird. Given the content of this game, why are you calling one person out for not posting their thoughts?

Because I like Kitiara and I want to play mafia with her :)

Mar 26, 2003

I'm proud of you, Bender. Sure, you lost. You lost bad. But the important thing is I beat up someone who hurt my feelings in high school.

Rarity posted:

Because I like Kitiara and I want to play mafia with her :)

Ah, ok. I didn't know who she was but I'm all for more girls playing mafia.

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...
Is TT still sleeping off his fighthockey game? What a slacker.

Sep 11, 2003


Kitiara posted:

I don't like posting when I don't feel like I have something to add.

every single one of my posts this game has been incredibly useful.

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Poque posted:

every single one of my posts this game has been incredibly useful.

You've made consistent scum cases all game, it's impressive.

May 20, 2003

Is it still night 1?

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

merk posted:

Is it still night 1?

Technically yes, although they're not accepting more night actions. TT's posting the new day start as soon as his lazy rear end gets out of bed.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

Byers2142 posted:

Technically yes, although they're not accepting more night actions. TT's posting the new day start as soon as his lazy rear end gets out of bed.

Stay in bed, TT, I don't want to be dead in this game yet :(

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Rarity posted:

Stay in bed, TT, I don't want to be dead in this game yet :(

No, no, the longer he stays in bed, the longer before I can post

The Mario Saga Fan Fiction

Chapter One: Nurse Toad and the No Good, Very Bad Closet

Sep 11, 2003

i will reveal my vote now.

my vote was for.........................................................hal!

those top three were all wonderful, but Hal combined a wonderful reading with the perfect selection.

Mac got bonus points for a fantastic reading that made the fanfic seem like a reasonable story. like, i could see them making a peanuts movie out of that, kind of the way they made terrible "bradys grown up" movies for the brady bunch.

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

20000ADeezNutz: Guys I don't think I can keep posting here
20000ADeezNutz: This community is just not what it was when I first joined
TossedSaladNScrambleEggs: What's bothering you Nutz?
20000ADeezNutz:Well I've made numerous complaints to mods
20000ADeezNutz: And I feel that they haven't been listened to.
WrathOfMod: Nutz if you have a problem we can talk about this privately
WrathOfMod: No need to bring dirty laundry out in public
20000ADeezNutz: No gently caress you Gary. I've been hounding you about this for weeks.
20000ADeezNutz: It's my stories
20000ADeezNutz: my loving stories
20000ADeezNutz: Do you kno how loving hard I worked on my Dredd/Seinfeld Mashup?
20000ADeezNutz: God dammit I have started to hate this place
WrathofMod: Well if you hate this place so much
WrathofMod: Why don't you leave
WrathOfMod: :smug:

20000ADeezNutz was banned from IRC

Big Nothing, Dredd vs. Seinfeld, Town ????? has been deleted from

Review: I know people on the Potterbeat have been following me for a long time. And you all really know my opinion involving crazy potter fics. There's been some weird ones out there that we've covered over the years. And sure we've all laughed together about the one where Dobby Has a chainsaw crotch (omg) and it was all in good fun.
But this fic, this fic I can't really recommend. Sure if you ever wanted to read about Harry Potter being a huge dick to people sure it might be funny I guess. But really there's only so much you can take of Harry spouting objectivist politics before it gets a little boring.
I get it. You want a sock puppet to spout all of your bullshit notions. But leave our wizards alone. There's no way Harry would team up with Draco and just let Voldemort raise his power without doing anything. I mean seriously, Voldemort's whole spiel is trying to kill you Harry. Wouldn't you give a bit of a magical flip about that?
Ummm excuse me for that outburst, Wizard Fans. I'd have to give Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality a 0 out of 10. Please do not read this fic.

Based on poor reviews (I wish), Mills, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, Town Permadoc has been taken off of the internet.

Mr. Capps is noticeably absent from the internet right now. Friends have tried to PM him but word on the street is he is grounded.

May 20, 2003

Hi everyone

Sep 11, 2003

i killed mills.

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 1

Lynch No One! (18): Poque, Poque, Rarity, Pinterest Mom, Poque, Your Personal Muse, MildManeredManikin, Poque, Poque, Puntification, Magnus Gallant, Asiina, Adus, fiery_valkyrie, Power of Pecota, Kitiara, Byers2142, Big Nothing, DuckHuntDog, winvirus, merk, Byers2142, Kumbamontu, Byers2142, Byers2142, Poque, Byers2142, Poque
JakeP (5): Pinterest Mom, Meinberg, Big Nothing, Poque, Rarity, Rarity, Pinterest Mom, Poque, MildManeredManikin, MildManeredManikin, Asiina, DuckHuntDog, anime gently caress pillow, Mills, yuming, Asiina, Big Nothing, DuckHuntDog, Hal Incandenza
Poque (3): Poque, Poque, Poque, Your Personal Muse, Poque, Poque, mr.capps, Your Personal Muse, Poque, Poque, mr.capps, mr.capps, CapnAndy, Poque, Poque, Poque, JakeP
Pinterest Mom (2): Asiina, Asiina, Asiina, Kumbamontu, Puntification, Rarity, Byers2142, Rarity, Opopanax, chaoslord, Asiina, Poque, Poque, Puntification, Byers2142, Kumbamontu
CapnAndy (1): soscannonballs
merk (0): Big Nothing, Big Nothing
Magnus Gallant (0): Kumbamontu, Kumbamontu
Rarity (0): merk, merk
mr.capps (0): anime gently caress pillow, anime gently caress pillow
Byers2142 (0): Rarity, fiery_valkyrie, Puntification, Pinterest Mom, Asiina, merk, MildManeredManikin, Big Nothing, merk, Asiina, Pinterest Mom, Rarity, soscannonballs, Big Nothing, soscannonballs, Puntification, Puntification, Puntification, MildManeredManikin, fiery_valkyrie
Mills (0): Propaganda Machine, Propaganda Machine
Your Personal Muse (0): Propaganda Machine, Propaganda Machine
anime gently caress pillow (0): Asiina, Pinterest Mom, merk, Asiina, Pinterest Mom, merk
yuming (0): Your Personal Muse, Propaganda Machine, Propaganda Machine, Your Personal Muse
Asiina (0): Pinterest Mom, Pinterest Mom, Rarity, Rarity, Rarity, Pinterest Mom, merk, Mills, anime gently caress pillow, Propaganda Machine, Propaganda Machine, Pinterest Mom, Rarity, anime gently caress pillow, Mills, merk
DuckHuntDog (0): DuckHuntDog, DuckHuntDog, DuckHuntDog, DuckHuntDog
Big Nothing (0): DuckHuntDog, DuckHuntDog

Not Voting (6): Dugong, Ernie., Jefepato, Little Mac, Propaganda Machine, uranus

With 35 alive, it's 18 votes to lynch. The current deadline is September 22nd, 2014 at 11 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 10 hours, 44 minutes.

May 20, 2003

I cannot vote today. :(

Sep 11, 2003

i will vote for you, merk. ##vote poque

i got a result from last night that said i'm even more scum today than i was yesterday

May 20, 2003


Poque posted:

i killed mills.

Good man.

May 20, 2003

My votes today will look like this: :ghost:##vote Poque:siren:

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...
It's a brand new day! which means it's time for:

The Mario Saga Fan Fiction
Chapter One: Nurse Toad and the No Good, Very Bad Closet

It was a bust day at Toad Town General; Bowser's latest attack was a fungicide airburst shot from his flying castle, and had much of the Toad population under the weather. Especially hard hit were the eldery Toads and the young sprouts. Nurse Toad's chief concern, though, was the heroic Mario.

Mario was in the hospital bed after asaulting Bowsers fling castle to end the fungicide attack, and he took a blast of Bowsers fire breaht. Nurse Toad was used to seeing Mario, either reovery from injuries substained from fighting King Koopa and his men or recovering from the side effects of the various reagents he depended on in his fight.

To her, he was the perfect hero. A plumber, he wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty to do what needed to be done. His mustache and stout physique were so attractive, and his bravery and selflessness knew no bounds. For Nurse Toad, nothing was more important in her life than to care for Mario when he needed it, even if he never noticed her.

And how could he notice her? He was Princess Peach's boyfriend! Every time she was in dager, Mario would save her. They were such a perfect couple, so obviously in love but Mario the gentleman never took advantage of that. One day they would be married, and Mario and Peach would know each other fully. Nurse Toad couln't deny that she privately wished he would look at her like he did Peach.

Speaking of Peach, here she was beside Mario's bed, with Luigi as well. Luigi... he had many of the same characteristics of Mario, but strecthed thin. To Nurse Toad, he would always be nothing but a pale imitation to his brother. It must be so sad, living in the shadow of Mario and knowing he could never have, never be anything like his brother.

Nurse Toad cleared her throat. “Mrio, it's time for me to check your injuries.”

Mario smiled at her, and it was like the sun was shining on her. “It's-a ok, I'm-a sure my brother and the Princess must be hungry anyway, they can go get some food and when-a they come baqck, we'll be done.”

Luigi put a hand on Peaches shoulder as she sat by the bedside and smiled at his brother. Even his smile seemed fake, somehow, compared to the glow of the smile Mario had bestowed on Nurse Toad. “Are you-a sure, Mario? We could stay...”

“No, Luigi, you take-a Peach to get her something to eat.”

Luigi nodded, and Peach gave Mario a kiss on the forehad. “We'll back in no time.” Togetehr, she and Luigi left.

Nurse Toad took as much time as she could checking Mario's vitals and changing his bandages, lingering over the burns on his surprisingly muscular chest, but all too soon the exam was over. “Everything looks good, Mario, sir. I'll be back to check on you this evening, but for now you just need rest. Speaking of food, I'm going to head there now. I'll make sure they send you their best pasta for dinner tonight.”

Mario smiled again. “Thank you, pasta is-a just what I need to get my strength back!”

Nurse Toad blushed at being the recipient of two smiles from the heroic Mario, and hurried along to the cafeteria to make sure he got his pasta. She wasn't hungry herself, but had invented something she could do as way to show Mario how much she cared.

After leaving Mario's room, Peach and Luigi walked towards the cafeteria. Noticing the hallway was empty, Luigi asked Peach sudectively, “Are you-a truly hungry, princess?”

Peach grinned wickedly,, and checked to make sure no one was int the hallway. “I'm hungry.. for your cock.” She pushed him into an abandoned janitor closet and kissed him deeply.

Luigi snapped his head back. “No, Princess, you kiss-a my brother.” He dropped his pants, revealing his thin, hard cock. “You suck-a me.” Peach grinned devilishly at him and dropped to her knees, her dainty mouth wrapping around his thin, hard rod.

Luigi moaned and pushed harder into her mouth, the head of his plumber's prick wrapped by her tonsils. Peach raised her dress above her waste she wasn't wearing any underwear and her vaginal cumjuices glistened on her inner thighs.

Luigi saw her glistening peach, and couldn't resist tasting it. He lifted her up and held her upside down, and as she sucked on him he licked on her. “Mmm, it's-a peaches!” He shouted, and the two laughed at their private sex joke.

“Luigi,” the Princess gasped around his thin, hard shaft, “I'm about to cum!”

“It's-a what I want,” he moaned, and the rate of his tongue on her royal clitoris doubled.

“Oh, Luigi!” Peach shouted, and her cumjuices rained onto Luigi's mustache. “Oh loet me taste that!” She stood up and licked herself off of his face.

“Princess, I want-a gently caress you now,” Luigi crooned, and Peach nodded. He bent her over the Janitor's bucket, and plunged his thin, hard dick into her.

“Oh, Luigi, plumb my pussy!” Peach shouted, her rear end gyrating back into him to pull more of his dick into her.

“Princess, your cuint feels so good around my cock! I'm going to fill you up with my seed!”

“I'm about to explode, too! Let's cum together! On three!”

Luigi counted down from three, and one one both of their minds were shattered by the most awesome, mind blowing orgasm either one had ever had.

Nurse Toad turned down the last hallway before the cafeteria when she saw a curious sight: Luigi and the Princess leaving a closet and continuing towards the cafeteria. As she walked, Peach seemed to be straightening her dress, and Luigi's cap was askew. What was...?

A sinking suspicion settled onto Nurse Taod, and she entered the closet. It stank of sex. Here on the floor was what was clearly semen, and next to it a puddle of what was probably vaginal cumjuices. Luigi and Peach were having an affair on Mario, and he didn't even know it! Peach was her ruler, but she had no right, none, to cuck such an honorable, heroic, handsome man as Mario.

Nurse Toad stood in the closet of carnal betrayal, her mind raising and her heart braking for Mario. Should she tel him? Could she tell him? What if he didn't belive her, rejected her? Fear gripped her, and she wanted to pretend that the line of piss trickling down her leg was a side effect of the fungicide attack, and not her nerves.

Jan 21, 2010

i'm the president.
you all voted, here i am.
Lipstick Apathy
i think im religious now or something?

Sep 11, 2003


uranus posted:

i think im religious now or something?

i think i got the same thing as you. i am blessed. who did this to me

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

uranus posted:

i think im religious now or something?

My writing has been known to make people find God.

Sep 11, 2003

Byers there are so many things to love about what you've written. and also so many things to fear. fast luck should let you live to continue it

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Poque posted:

i think i got the same thing as you. i am blessed. who did this to me

Is bless like loved (+1 to needed votes to lynch)?

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

Poque posted:

i killed mills.

Thank you.

##vote byers


Sep 11, 2003


Byers2142 posted:

Is bless like loved (+1 to needed votes to lynch)?

i don't know actually. i will ask

  • Locked thread