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  • Locked thread
Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~
I did nothing because I'm a lovely Nazi country incest fic or whatever and it's so horrible it burned my brain of all memories and now I have no clue what I can do. Who are you people? Why am I here? What happened to my pants?


Sep 11, 2003


Rarity posted:

lovely Nazi country incest fic

i dribbled water all over myself, drat you.

Oct 21, 2010

~*4 LIFE*~

chaoslord posted:

Pick someone then and if a few people say that they are a good person for A Thing to happen to I'll do it!

If it's a Good Thing, diqnol.

If it's a Bad Thing, Jake.

Sep 11, 2003

but yes, i was lying all day yesterday. i was TOWN then!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha hahaahah ahaha. now i am scum ##vote poque

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer
I tried to kill diqnol but the voices in my head stopped it from happening.

Sep 11, 2003

my new flavor:

May 20, 2003


Byers2142 posted:

Is your win condition somehow special?

No, I think I still have it. I'm going to ask.

Pinterest Mom
Jun 9, 2009

Poque have you even looked at your role pm

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Puntification posted:

Is this a scumslip byers?

No; I have abilities, they only work at night so far. Pretty straight forward.

Sep 11, 2003


Pinterest Mom posted:

Poque have you even looked at your role pm

hundreds of times

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Magnus Gallant posted:

I tried to kill diqnol but the voices in my head stopped it from happening.

Why Diqnol?

Sep 11, 2003

the other scums don't know that i'm scum. but now they do

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Byers2142 posted:

Why Diqnol?

I don't know you'd have to ask Magnus

Sep 11, 2003


May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Magnus Gallant posted:

I don't know you'd have to ask Magnus


No, really, given yesterday with Meinberg's claim and his reaction, why would you try to kill Diqnol?

##vote Magnus

Sep 11, 2003


May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Poque posted:


Tell you what, help me lynch Magnus, and I'll do what I can to get you lynched or killed tomorrow. Deal?

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy
boy howdy this game sure is a thing

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Poque posted:


I offered you a deal, Poque. Take the deal!

Mar 26, 2003

I'm proud of you, Bender. Sure, you lost. You lost bad. But the important thing is I beat up someone who hurt my feelings in high school.

Byers2142 posted:

Ignoring your case and vote since you retracted it; I think Poque's not-town, and I think he's hiding behind his "I'm scum, totally lynch me!" persona to stay in the game as long as he can due to "too scummy to be scum" and apathy. Doesn't feel like part of a scum team, more like a lyncher or some other role that has a goal to achieve and he's just buying time to do so.

How do you get a 3P feel from Poque's posts? Can you point out some specific posts that give you that impression?

I don't see where you get an idea like that from his posting, and I think scum are more likely to think that way than town, since scum would know that he isn't actually on the scum team.

##vote byers

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Byers2142 posted:

Tell you what, help me lynch Magnus, and I'll do what I can to get you lynched or killed tomorrow. Deal?

What was meinbergs claim? That was like 10 years ago (I missed it)

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Kumbamontu posted:

boy howdy this game sure is a thing

If anyone has a vig, shoot the next person who comments on how worthless the posting's been so far. We know, and now it's being used as a "look at town me, commenting on how bereft of content this game is." Double points if the poster is someone who's not even posting themselves.

Sep 11, 2003


fiery_valkyrie posted:

How do you get a 3P feel from Poque's posts? Can you point out some specific posts that give you that impression?

I don't see where you get an idea like that from his posting, and I think scum are more likely to think that way than town, since scum would know that he isn't actually on the scum team.

##vote byers

NO STOP oh my god

Sep 11, 2003

the funny thing about byers quote is that he was so wrong but it looped all the way around to being right

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

fiery_valkyrie posted:

How do you get a 3P feel from Poque's posts? Can you point out some specific posts that give you that impression?

I don't see where you get an idea like that from his posting, and I think scum are more likely to think that way than town, since scum would know that he isn't actually on the scum team.

##vote byers

Scum on a team wouldn't want to have the crosshairs on a themselves like that; he's never making the endgame, and he might need to if his team gets decimated. Likewise, something like a Survivor wouldn't throw out something that guarantees death. Hence, something like Lyncher, with an achievable goal that doesn't require making it to the end.

Sep 11, 2003


Byers2142 posted:

he's never making the endgame



hahahah ah hahhahaahahaha

i totally am, though.

May 5, 2011

Imagine I said something deep here...

Magnus Gallant posted:

What was meinbergs claim? That was like 10 years ago (I missed it)

Diqnol's town per Meinberg, N0/D1 action.

Apr 26, 2011

No going back
Grimey Drawer

Poque posted:



hahahah ah hahhahaahahaha

i totally am, though.

That's some nice reverse psychology there.

Sep 11, 2003

mods please change my name to Cassandra

Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Byers2142 posted:

Diqnol's town per Meinberg, N0/D1 action.

Oh well I'm glad I didn't kill him then.

Sep 11, 2003

raise your hand if you want to lynch a scum.


Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy

Byers2142 posted:

If anyone has a vig, shoot the next person who comments on how worthless the posting's been so far. We know, and now it's being used as a "look at town me, commenting on how bereft of content this game is." Double points if the poster is someone who's not even posting themselves.

someone sure is cranky!!! :eyepop:

Sep 11, 2003


Poque posted:

raise your hand if you want to lynch a scum.



Magnus Gallant
Mar 9, 2010

by Lowtax
Grimey Drawer

Kumbamontu posted:

someone sure is cranky!!! :eyepop:




Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy
DO IT DO IT DO IT do it i loving DARE YOU :black101:

Sep 11, 2003

don't kill kumba, he might be charles barkley.

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy

Poque posted:

don't kill kumba, he might be charles barkley.

i am still loving pissed i never got to use that

Sep 11, 2003


Kumbamontu posted:

i am still loving pissed i never got to use that

you should vote me.

Nov 8, 2003

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

enjoy the ride

Lipstick Apathy

Poque posted:

you should vote me.

i would never


May 20, 2003


Poque posted:

you should vote me.

I would vote you if I could.

  • Locked thread