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Jan 7, 2010
Like, Nyaa.

Oh drat it, I don't have any rider to fight her in super.


Sep 11, 2010

jellycat posted:

The update will let you choose which battle graphic to use for ascended Servants

This is the only thing I care about. Cyclops Alter is the best Alter.

Mar 8, 2012

"The Foecast today calls for dark clouds, booming thunder and F.O.E.s everywhere!"
Misty Lancelot is back baby. Finally all those St. Marthas on my friend list will get their chance to shine.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Psiwri posted:

Misty Lancelot is back baby. Finally all those St. Marthas on my friend list will get their chance to shine.

I'm definitely looking forward to the influx of FP as everyone uses my lv80, Fou-card-roided-up Martha to smack around some Witchabeths.

Jun 18, 2013

Welp, time to let Kid!Iskander shine for this event. Wish I could ascend him to his second stage so I can level him up more though.

Captain Baal
Oct 23, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Wtf, where is Kintoki? I thought we had a shot at him until the 16th.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Baal posted:

Wtf, where is Kintoki? I thought we had a shot at him until the 16th.

He's gone, but at least now Jeanne has a rate-up! Which is REALLY testing my resolve to save my quartz/tickets for Tamamo/Li Shuwen.

Captain Baal
Oct 23, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
I do not want Jeanne and was 2 Quartz away from another 10 roll, I guess I will be saving mine for the next stuff.

Sep 11, 2010

Just burned all my quartz and hoarded tickets trying to get Gilles. Got Siegfried instead. I swear this game is trying to curb my desire for that terrible Saber.

Nov 5, 2012

it's a nice day
I'm saving my quartz and summoning tickets for Diarmuid/possible new character(s) I might like. Hikaru Midorikawa is listed in the voice actor credits on the official site and he hasn't done anyone introduced so far, so I feel like he has to show up sometime sooner rather than later (or at least I want to believe this).
I'm just going to quietly keep trying to ascend Chevalier D'Eon, Lancer Cu, and Heracles in the meantime.

Jan 7, 2010
Like, Nyaa.

This roll event is pretty bad and obviously a roll trap for halloween and new story servant in two weeks.

Sep 11, 2010

What the gently caress. Another Siegfried and a Carmilla. No, god drat it Japan give me my loving terrible saber. At least toss me a 3 star Archer.

Lord Koth
Jan 8, 2012

To be fair, Jeanne IS really good and some of us would really like to acquire her. That said, you're mostly right since nothing else there is really worth much. So as tempted as I am for that increased chance, I'll be continuing to save as well.

Jan 7, 2010
Like, Nyaa.


Lord Koth posted:

So as tempted as I am for that increased chance,
I have no issue recommending jeanne, but her increased chance are being bumped down by four other increased chance mediocre servants.

Jun 18, 2013

I'm hoarding my gems until they release Diarmuid and/or the other cool Servants that have yet to be released. Jeanne is tempting, but I prefer using her as a support from my friend's list. Chevalier and Siegfried would be cool to have, but I already have Alter and Nero for top tier Sabers.

Apr 27, 2010
I'm glad the increased rates are for unimpressive servants this week. After spending so much quartz yesterday to ascend Vlad for the fourth time, I will need some time to prepare and save quartz for the Halloween event. If there's nothing I want during that event, then I'll wait for Scathach to be released or for Atalanta to be in the spotlight. I've been using an Atalanta support with a level 2 NP and a Kaleidoscope CE for a whole day and it's bonkers. At the moment, Atalanta is the only servant I really want just because she fits into my team so well. Not even the Gils in my friend list has impressed me even if he is the superior archer in many ways.

Nov 19, 2013

Never quacked for this

Nyaa posted:

I have no issue recommending jeanne, but her increased chance are being bumped down by four other increased chance mediocre servants.

The rate up is only within the chance for that particular type & rarity. So the only one getting in the way is Siegfried (as far as I remember).

Sep 13, 2004

So how good are the included subs for the UBW blu ray? Bought the discs but wondering if I should show my friend that version or the UTW subs?

Nov 5, 2012

it's a nice day
My guess is they're probably the same subs that were used on Crunchyroll.

Aug 3, 2012
What are the odds UBW gets a domestic release of both seasons + Good End, preferably in one set? I want to buy the show even though I can watch it any time on Netflix, but I don't want to commit toward anything that'll get outdated 6 months after I buy it.

Captain Baal
Oct 23, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Not very likely and even if it does it will be like half a grand

Mar 8, 2012

"The Foecast today calls for dark clouds, booming thunder and F.O.E.s everywhere!"

BurningDance posted:

I've been using an Atalanta support with a level 2 NP and a Kaleidoscope CE for a whole day and it's bonkers. At the moment, Atalanta is the only servant I really want just because she fits into my team so well. Not even the Gils in my friend list has impressed me even if he is the superior archer in many ways.

I use a level 78 Atalanta with kaleidoscope (and level 3 NP) as a support if you want another. 116161752

Apr 3, 2012

Baal posted:

Not very likely and even if it does it will be like half a grand

Why is that so anyway? tells me that the Kara no Kyoukai box set is 750$, while I bought mine for 120€ on Thats not even remotely close.

taser rates
Mar 30, 2010
Someone released a Mahoyo english patch for chapters 1-5.

Nate RFB
Jan 17, 2005

Clapping Larry
What % of the whole thing is that?

Captain Baal
Oct 23, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022

Wuxi posted:

Why is that so anyway? tells me that the Kara no Kyoukai box set is 750$, while I bought mine for 120€ on Thats not even remotely close.

Because Aniplex of America is basically just the Japanese branch, but fitting domestic release prices closer to something more palatable for Americans, though still crazy.

Sep 13, 2004


jellycat posted:

My guess is they're probably the same subs that were used on Crunchyroll.

Haven't watched the anime yet, only read the VN. How were the subs for crunchyroll?

May 9, 2015

Nate RFB posted:

What % of the whole thing is that?

There's 17 chapter total so 30% ish

taser rates
Mar 30, 2010
It's a little bit more, because chapter 5 is the biggest chapter by script size (though that's balanced out a little bit by 3 being like literally one scene). The end of chapter 5 happens to be a really good break point though.

Captain Baal
Oct 23, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
I finally bothered putting in these Aniplex Blu-Rays and I loving hate Shiro's English VA

Also these blu-rays are super nice

Nov 9, 2012
Are the ascension and skill upgrade materials for Saber in the mana prism section of the shop worth buying or should I save up for the next event?

Nov 5, 2012

it's a nice day

L-O-N posted:

Haven't watched the anime yet, only read the VN. How were the subs for crunchyroll?

I don't remember having any problems with them, but I usually forget stuff like that unless it was super major.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Aumanor posted:

Are the ascension and skill upgrade materials for Saber in the mana prism section of the shop worth buying or should I save up for the next event?

They actually give you one skill/ascension material for each class, not just Saber, so it's worth it. Especially the monuments.

Aug 3, 2012

jellycat posted:

I don't remember having any problems with them, but I usually forget stuff like that unless it was super major.

I seem to recall the biggest thing was Proper Nouns being changed in some cases from what everyone was used to, but that should only be annoying to the absolute extremes of internet culture.

Captain Baal
Oct 23, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Why is Shiro calling her Fujinee in the dub, like come on. How are you doing that but Sakura is calling Shiro by his name? It's not even consistent.

Sep 2, 2004

Sylphid posted:

I seem to recall the biggest thing was Proper Nouns being changed in some cases from what everyone was used to, but that should only be annoying to the absolute extremes of internet culture.

CR has a bad habit of subbing in first / last names inconsistently with what's being said, even though doing what they loving literally say with their mouth words works almost 100% of the time. I mean it's one thing if you don't wanna make things weird and decide to place a name instead of "bro" or something but they just flip flop the names constantly and without consistency.

It's nothing worth having a snit over but if you actually listen to the dialog it is certainly annoying.

Aug 3, 2012

DamnGlitch posted:

CR has a bad habit of subbing in first / last names inconsistently with what's being said, even though doing what they loving literally say with their mouth words works almost 100% of the time. I mean it's one thing if you don't wanna make things weird and decide to place a name instead of "bro" or something but they just flip flop the names constantly and without consistency.

It's nothing worth having a snit over but if you actually listen to the dialog it is certainly annoying.

Now THAT, does annoy me with subs. It's awkward hearing the VAs say the name one way, and the subs going the other.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
Caster Tamamo is coming to the gacha for halloween, ready your quartz and prepare for disappointment

Jan 7, 2010
Like, Nyaa.

Halloween event starts tommorow!

*read info*

This is hell I am walking into.


Nov 26, 2007

People say bigger is better.

But for the first time in my life, I think I've gone too far.
Kinda want this to be a real plushie.

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