Nate RFB posted:I think more than a lot of other characters the comedic stuff has generally always treated Gil very well, whether it's hollow ataraxia or Carnival Phantasm. Like the wacky races episode where he turns out to be motorcycle geek. "I am the rules!" Yeah, I've only just finished F/SN and can't wait to check these out. ![]()
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 19:15 |
Nate RFB posted:I think more than a lot of other characters the comedic stuff has generally always treated Gil very well, whether it's hollow ataraxia or Carnival Phantasm. Like the wacky races episode where he turns out to be motorcycle geek. "I am the rules!" Anyone have that scene where he goes all submissive to French Maid Saber Alter? ![]()
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AlternateNu posted:Anyone have that scene where he goes all submissive to French Maid Saber Alter? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-MrMfx-8a8&t=434s
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Fangz posted:also try and just blitz through as quickly as you can. Good luck doing that when there's like 50 enemies with way too much HP. Hollow Ataraxia finale. ![]()
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BlitzBlast posted:Good luck doing that when there's like 50 enemies with way too much HP. Maybe you are on hard difficulty, or something? I had no trouble at all. The trick is to get one of the Real-type characters (the girl OC is a good example) with that skill that boosts aim/evade, and the skill that boosts damage built up as high as possible. Then just walk her forwards. Because she has the lowest HP, the AI will target her - even though they have a 0% chance to hit. Then she'll just counterattack and oneshot everything.
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I think you and I have very different definitions of "blitz through" if you're considering "the enemy phase lasts forever and a day" as falling under that. And man, let's not even talk about Zouken's underground slideshow.
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Fangz posted:Maybe you are on hard difficulty, or something? I had no trouble at all. The trick is to get one of the Real-type characters (the girl OC is a good example) with that skill that boosts aim/evade, and the skill that boosts damage built up as high as possible. Then just walk her forwards. Because she has the lowest HP, the AI will target her - even though they have a 0% chance to hit. Then she'll just counterattack and oneshot everything. Its been a while since I played it, but I remember this being one of the funner tactics to use. (Tohno) Shiki and the real type MC were both good at it, and Bazette was basically built straight up for it from the start with Fragarach. A high movement group of reals moving ahead to wipe everything out with counters followed by a square of long range characters (Akiha, Rin, Archer, and Sakura, I think?) cleaning up with support attacks was how I usually played it. I personally really liked Battle Moon Wars. For all the dumb original characters and badly hashed plot points, there were others that worked pretty good, and the combat was good enough that it was the first SRW game that got me to stick around for multiple playthroughs. If I had one big bone to pick with it, it would probably be that most of the enemies never seem to bother to actually move forward towards you, instead just hanging back at their starting locations. It made the difficulty feel neutered, made the skill points harder to get (and a couple stages were really hard), and generally made the game feel slower.
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Battle Moon Wars is pretty fun shlock, and it's pretty good at making its big awesome moments big and awesome, which is all I really ask from a SRW game. Take Phantasmoon, for example--Arcueid spends 80% of the game loving around and using her planet powers to pretend to be a magical girl, and at the climax, she takes the gloves off and instantly goes from "okay" to "what the gently caress is that." It's great.
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Bakanogami posted:If I had one big bone to pick with it, it would probably be that most of the enemies never seem to bother to actually move forward towards you, instead just hanging back at their starting locations. It made the difficulty feel neutered, made the skill points harder to get (and a couple stages were really hard), and generally made the game feel slower. This + the combination of every enemy having Support Defense later on didn't help things either.
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Time for more mythology ![]() Notes on the Fifth War's Saber through Caster, incorporating some feedback from other posters: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3671286&userid=185993#post436718370 Feedback is appreciated for these as well, especially regarding Fragarach; I spent a lot of ![]() Sasaki Kojiro (Assassin): • Historical mentions of Tsubame Gaeshi don’t give much detail, but it was most likely just a rapid, angled down-and-up cut. • I think Nasu is too quick to conclude that Kojiro was fictional (the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, at least, discusses him as though he actually existed), but there do seem to be a number of odd contradictions in historical accounts of him. Hassan-i-Sabbah (True Assassin): • The historical Hassan was a Nazari Ismaili who converted a community in northern Persia. He led a rebellion against the Seljuk Turks from his mountain fortress of Alamut, and died in 1124. • The title “Old Man of the Mountain” seems to have been used by some sources to refer to Rashid ad-Din Sinan, a leader of the Assassins in Syria and an enemy of Saladin, who died in 1192. However, Marco Polo used this title to refer to the ruler of the Alamut at the time it fell to the Mongols, who would have been Rukn al-Din Khurshah. Other sources refer to Hassan himself as the “Old Man of the Mountain.” The use of this nickname to refer to multiple people may be part of the source of Nasu’s idea of multiple Hassans. • Of Hassan-i-Sabbah’s successors as Ismaili leaders at the Alamut, which fell to the Mongols in 1256, only three were actually named Hassan, one of whom was Rashid’s boss, and none of whom were called i-Sabbah. Also, including the Da’is, Concealed Imams, and Imams, there were only 11 total rulers of the Alamut, but the number of leaders at Rashid’s fortress at Misyaf seems to be unknown. • But why nineteen specifically? The idea probably derives from the Zabaniya, a group of 19 guards of the Islamic Hell. This is also the name of the Hassans’ Noble Phantasms. • True Assassin’s use of drugs during his fight against Saber refers to the story that the name “Assassin” derives from “Hashishin,” and thus that the Assassins were stoners. ![]() Hercules (Berserker): • Heracles or Hercules? Nasu uses the Roman Hercules over the Greek Heracles, despite otherwise using the Greek names for figures from Greek Mythology. • Hercules has an invincible body in some versions of his legend, although this is less popular than the version in which his invincibility comes from the Nemean Lion’s skin: http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/2299-Your-Author-quirks/page7?p=806279#post806279 • Hercules makes sense as a Berserker, since Hera made him go mad for a time (possibly on two separate occasions). During his madness, he killed his own children; perhaps his regret over this incident is why he’s so protective of Ilya. • Rin asserts that Hercules would know Medea from the Argo expedition, but Hercules actually left the group before they met Medea. I guess Rin goofed up again… Angra Mainyu (Avenger): • The scapegoat ritual that turned the normal human villager into Angra Mainyu was not an actual Zoroastrian practice, but Ilya acknowledges that the village in question practiced a “distorted” form of Zoroastrianism. • Avesta, the Noble Phantasm which Avenger says Verg Avesta is a variation of, is the name of the Zoroastrian holy book. • The concept of a “god of evil” comparable to a benevolent deity in power and importance is, as far as I know, unique to Zoroastrianism and derived religions, such as Manicheanism. However, it should be noted that modern-day Zoroastrians are monotheists who assign the evil Angra Mainyu a much smaller role, and regard the dualist interpretation as a later heresy rather than Zoroaster’s original teaching. Some modern scholars disagree and argue that Zoroastrianism was originally dualistic. • It’s interesting to note that the term “magus” in real life originally referred to a Zoroastrian priest, and that Pliny the Elder claimed that Zoroaster invented magic. However, Nasuverse magi don’t seem to have any particular connection to Zoroastrianism. Bazett Fraga McRemitz (Master): • Although Bazett isn’t a Servant, she uses a Noble Phantasm based on Irish mythology, so she deserves a section here. • A description of Fragarach’s powers from Lady Gregory’s Gods and Fighting Men: “And he [Lugh] had Manannan's sword, the Freagarthach, the Answerer, at his side, and no one that was wounded by it would ever get away alive; and when that sword was bared in a battle, no man that saw it coming against him had any more strength than a woman in child-birth.” • Other sources, such as the Dictionary of Medieval Romance and Romance Writers (1913), by Lewis Spense, say of Fragarach’s powers only that it “could pierce any mail.” • Wikipedia claims, without any actual citations, that “It was said that no one could tell a lie or move, with Fragarach at his or her throat, thus the name 'Answerer'. It was also said to place the wind at the user's command and could cut through any shield or wall, and had a piercing wound from which no man could recover.” • The actual source of Wikipedia’s assertion may be another fictional interpretation of Fragarach, in Kevin Hearne’s Iron Druid series. Hearne’s interpretation of Fragarach has three powers: to freeze enemies and make them answer questions truthfully (the reason for the epithet “Answerer”), to summon winds, and to cut through armor. An unrelated 21st-century urban fantasy story (Diane Duane’s A Wizard Abroad) also mentions Fragarach controlling the wind. The truth power is mentioned in yet another 21st-century fantasy novel (which appears to be a particularly hackish one), The Enchanter Heir by Cinda Williams Chima. Frustratingly, I can’t find a “real” source for the wind or truth powers; it’s possible fantasy authors are just plagiarizing each other. • Bazett’s description of what Lugh’s version of Fragarach did can reasonably be taken as Nasu’s understanding of the original myth: that it launched from its sheath without Lugh physically drawing it and struck enemies before they could draw their own swords. I have no idea where this interpretation comes from. • Bazett’s version of Fragarach, which can be used at full power only in response to attacks and negates the original attack, seems to be inspired by the title “Answerer,” and nicely connects this title with the enemy-weakening property. Bazett’s Fragarach is also good at piercing through armor and other defenses. Silver2195 fucked around with this message at 07:10 on Nov 8, 2014 |
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Silver2195 posted:
Hercules was so famous that Jason kicked his rear end off the ship to keep the adventure focused on him. Everybody in that time knew who Hercules was and they probably all knew he was on the Argo. He was Mythological Superman. There's no way Medea didn't know him.
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Soylentbits posted:Hercules was so famous that Jason kicked his rear end off the ship to keep the adventure focused on him. Everybody in that time knew who Hercules was and they probably all knew he was on the Argo. He was Mythological Superman. There's no way Medea didn't know him. It makes sense that Medea would know who he was, but the way Rin talked about it made it sound like they'd actually met during the Argo adventure at some point, which is just wrong. In fact, she asserts that Hercules would recognize Medea, rather than the other way around; given Hercules's state of mind at the time, this implies to me that Rin thinks he would recognize her by sight rather than by reputation. Silver2195 fucked around with this message at 07:36 on Nov 8, 2014 |
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Finished Pt. 5 of Kara no Kyokai and wow, just wow. 10/10 The way various symbols were weaved into the story was simply perfect. Thinking about the whole thing, the way characters acted and how the visual/story puzzle pieces fit together actually made the whole thing so emotionally rewarding as if the viewer's introspective process was intended from the start. Not sure if the remaining 2 episodes can live up to my glowing adoration and I'm actually a bit scared to find out.
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Paradox Spiral probably the most popular chapter, so you're not alone on that one. In a lot of ways it's the true climax of the story with the rest serving as more of an extremely long epilogue to wrap up loose ends and character arcs. As a little bit of forewarning, the next one (Oblivion Recording) is unfortunately considered the weakest. After that you got the finale which is fine if a bit long in the tooth, an incredibly incomprehensible epilogue movie, Future Gospel which is a lot of fun and the true epilogue in my mind, and Extra Chorus which is fine I suppose but also kind of pointless (just a bunch of side stories).
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Kubla Khan posted:Finished Pt. 5 of Kara no Kyokai and wow, just wow. 10/10 Actually dude there is 4 more episodes after that, the last 2 movies, the epilogue and the extra OVA called Mirai Fuken. Edit: You know I was thinking that the characters I would love to see in a future Nasu work are Altrouge Brunstud along with Primate Murder and Type Mercury. Both would have absolutely insane fights, that and the fight against Crimson Moon. Primate Murder and Altrouge makes the thing that was being created in Heavens Feel, Angra Mainyu to be weak in comparison, and Type Mercury is just really freaking weird and horrifying and very OP. Myurton fucked around with this message at 20:13 on Nov 8, 2014 |
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Isn't the point of Type-Mercury/ORT that any fight involving it would be a curbstomp without ORT even necessarily knowing?
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Myurton posted:Actually dude there is 4 more episodes after that, the last 2 movies, the epilogue and the extra OVA called Mirai Fuken. Hey hey, those guys might be faster when it comes to quality Angra Mainyu's just as good!
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Myurton posted:Actually dude there is 4 more episodes after that, the last 2 movies, the epilogue and the extra OVA called Mirai Fuken. Power inflation is not actually as interesting as you think.
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The next time we'll see Altorouge and Primate Murder is in Tsukihime 2, so never.
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point of return posted:Isn't the point of Type-Mercury/ORT that any fight involving it would be a curbstomp without ORT even necessarily knowing? Yeah but I think it would interesting if someone with actual true magic came and put up an actual fight. Cause in notes the only ones who can actually do poo poo against the Types is essentially the sorcerer sisters, and the black barrel.
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IIRC, ORT is meant to be like a bonus boss in JRPGs, kinda like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zb3nIH7E9Z0
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Crossposted from the UBW thread:Dessel posted:Even having played the VN, I don't really get the line in the first or second episode about Rin saying "Why did it have to be you?" Err, was she supposed to be on friendly terms with him? Because I thought they only were acquaintances? What, she had a crush on him or something? She didn't really have a crush per se on him, but she was aware of him. Firstly there's the thing in HF where she talks about having witnessed him trying over and over again to do that high jump or whatever it was, and she had some interest in him as a person from that. Secondly, she was aware that he was quite close to Sakura and that him dying would make her sad.
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Blhue posted:Crossposted from the UBW thread: Yeah, thanks and sorry for not posting it here originally. Yeah, I know those points, I'm dumb for not remembering. Somehow I place the high jump scene to be taking place earlier. (Well, chronologically it is, just not the part of remembering the scene, I suppose)
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tohsakas anus has fallen on some rough times
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I've been playing through Fate/stay night and I just started Heaven's Feel. I guess it says something that long after seeing people hype up Emiya, I instantly knew what track it was when it started playing. Unlimited Blade Works was great and I really love Tohsaka. I haven't been live-posting or anything because I already know all the big twists, but it's been nice to finally know how everything fits together. I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't seem to find any active torrents for Hollow Ataraxia, though. I don't know when I'm going to be able to spare the money for it, but I'm definitely planning on buying copies of that and FSN.
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jellycat posted:I've been playing through Fate/stay night and I just started Heaven's Feel. I guess it says something that long after seeing people hype up Emiya, I instantly knew what track it was when it started playing. Unlimited Blade Works was great and I really love Tohsaka. You should try a certain website with a pirate ship.
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Kubla Khan posted:You should try a certain website with a pirate ship. Oh, thanks! I'll have to remember to do that when I get off work. I guess I'm just going to keep riding this Fate series train.
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jellycat posted:Oh, thanks! I'll have to remember to do that when I get off work. I guess I'm just going to keep riding this Fate series train. You didn't think of looking at the biggest torrent tracker on the web? ![]()
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Xoidanor posted:You didn't think of looking at the biggest torrent tracker on the web? For whatever reason, I've never had much luck finding stuff I want there. Maybe it's just because I only torrent weird Japanese stuff, but I've mostly stuck to anime-focused tracker sites.
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I finished Fate/Stay Night a few days ago. Every time I think about the Heaven's Feel normal ending enough, I start tearing up again because I'm a crybaby. I'm glad the true ending is mostly pretty happy. I dipped my toe into Hollow Ataraxia, but I think I'm going to watch Fate/Zero first, because I'd rather end the main Fate stuff on a more pleasant note. I also have Carnival Phantasm prepared for this reason. Basically I am going to tear through most of the Fate franchise in one month, I guess.
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jellycat posted:I finished Fate/Stay Night a few days ago. Every time I think about the Heaven's Feel normal ending enough, I start tearing up again because I'm a crybaby. I'm glad the true ending is mostly pretty happy. You are a trooper. You're gonna love Carnival Phantasm after all the Fate stuff considering 80% of it is Fate skits anyways.
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jellycat posted:Madness. You're out of your goddamn mind. Then again, I did the exact same thing after discovering F/SN, so all I can say is: Strap in. Party is gonna get crazy. ![]()
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jellycat posted:I finished Fate/Stay Night a few days ago. Every time I think about the Heaven's Feel normal ending enough, I start tearing up again because I'm a crybaby. I'm glad the true ending is mostly pretty happy. I had that happen with This Illusion ~ Piano Version for a while. Godspeed you crazy fool. Hopefully you don't come out of this adventure talking like Nasu writes. Other possible symptoms of overexposure to Fate may be a sudden increased interest in cooking, swords, and combinations of the two.
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Fate/Stay Night's music is the loving poo poo and one of the major reasons why I'll argue that the VN is still worth reading even with all the adaptions out. Finishing a route and going back to the start screen with a new backround and New Dawn starts playing and fuuuuck. My little sis just finished UBW a couple days ago, and I showed her the Carnival Phantasm Holy Grail Grand Prix section today. She is firmly on the dark path ![]() On that note, for UBW I told her to get True End first and then double-back for Good End since sunny day is kind of lackluster, but for Heaven's Feel I'm thinking the best order is Sparks Liner High, then Cherry Blossom Dreams, and finish with Return to Spring for maximum catharsis.
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Be sure to use an extra projection while you're on the Normal End run so you skip Kotomine vs Shirou. That's something you should really save to the end.
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I have no knowledge of Kara no Kyoukai other than that the main character wears a cool jacket and is also named Shiki for some reason. I decided to take a look at the first movie, and - am I supposed to have even the faintest clue who anybody is or what's going on? Because 20 minutes in and I really, really don't. Was I supposed to read something beforehand or start at movie 4 or some other weird condition?
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You're supposed to be confused. The first movie is not the first chronologically, and it deliberately throws you head-first into the universe without saying how it happens, and then in later movies it fills in the details. It goes 2, 4, 3, 1, 5, 6, 7, all the extras and such.
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BlitzBlast posted:Be sure to use an extra projection while you're on the Normal End run so you skip Kotomine vs Shirou. That's something you should really save to the end. Oh, is that how it works? I must have done it by accident the first time through because that was an awesome surprise.
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 19:15 |
HellCopter posted:I have no knowledge of Kara no Kyoukai other than that the main character wears a cool jacket and is also named Shiki for some reason. I decided to take a look at the first movie, and - am I supposed to have even the faintest clue who anybody is or what's going on? Because 20 minutes in and I really, really don't. Was I supposed to read something beforehand or start at movie 4 or some other weird condition? Keep going, it's worth it. The confusion and non-chronological order is very deliberate since that's how the novels were written too. You're not gonna be left completely hanging since each movie builds off one another as you go forward.
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