Dr. Video Games 0031 posted:I've convinced myself it's best to wait a million years for the remake before playing Tsukihime for the first time. It's not worth it. Tsukihime's really dated and honestly if I didn't read it when I was 16 I would probably have never finished it. It's just so badly paced and meticulous to read. It's got nice characters here and there, but for the most part they don't really love to be anything the stereotypes they betray. From what I recall I do like Ciel and Hisui, Arcueid's kind of grown on me too but that's thanks to spinoff a and crossover games. I gotta tell you though Tsukihime has the best bad ends, like getting attacked in a hotel by a shark. Here's hoping that if that remake ever gets made Nasu can take everything he's learned and apply it there. The new designs are nice too I feel. God knows I probably won't finish it though, visual novels are just too god damned long to sit down and read. Of course I say this as I ha e a copy of FSN on Vita coming in.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 07:40 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 23:49 |
Nate RFB posted:Found this while digging for that pic too; contains spoilers for pretty much everything, and may be kind of out of date at this point (no Mahoyo), but if you ever felt your life was incomplete without a character chart for the Nasuverse then I have you covered: Wili posted:Speaking of which, the second season had a pretty cool fight lasting its three last episodes (08, 09 and 10). So you may want to check them out if you liked first season's fights and/or want to watch Bazzet kick everyone's butts.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 07:43 |
Was the second season of Prisma Ilya really that bad? Season one was watchable at worst (Just skip everything of 1 past the first few minutes and the filler episode) and was mostly made up for by the Caster and Saber Alter episodes.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 15:15 |
legoman727 posted:Was the second season of Prisma Ilya really that bad? Season one was watchable at worst (Just skip everything of 1 past the first few minutes and the filler episode) and was mostly made up for by the Caster and Saber Alter episodes. I found season one watchable, but I found I just couldn't take the fanservice in season two, plus I found the first few episodes dull. I don't know if it's that season two was much worse or that I just ran out of tolerance for it. But if it has some great fights in the last three episodes, maybe I should watch those at least.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 15:30 |
icantfindaname posted:I thought the VN thread was banned forever I'd be very surprised if this thread doesn't get gassed as soon as UBW ends.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 15:39 |
Gotta keep it around for the duration of the Heaven's Feel movie(s)! Anyway it's not like the Fate/Zero thread imploded despite basically serving as a general purpose T-M thread for several years after the last Zero episode aired.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 15:56 |
Tsukihime (the VN) is more interesting than 90% of the Fate content out there. It's really worth making the judgement on it yourself.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 16:14 |
I just couldn't get into Shiki's mindset. As far as I can tell he's just kind of an rear end in a top hat with an extremely laid-back view on life? Thanks to the countless bouts of insanity, Shiki never gets the chance to form a consistent personality like Shirou. While this makes him less annoying to deal with at times, it also makes him incredibly boring. I mean it says something when he's at his most interesting when he's either going absolutely nuts or has cast away all other facets of his personality to kill the gently caress out of something.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 16:20 |
Shiki is at his most interesting when he murders the poo poo out of Arcueid the first time he meets her and the never again.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 16:32 |
I just remember the majority of Tsukihime (the anime at least) being boring as poo poo until the very end. It's like they forgot there was a plot after Shiki murders her.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 16:57 |
I like his interactions with Aoko but yeah he doesn't really have much going for him otherwise. Not even Carnival Phantasm could make him amusing.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 17:00 |
Hey don't forget the midnight coffee run!
# ? Oct 12, 2014 17:14 |
It took a long time for Shiro to grow on me. The Carnival Phantasm date-everyone episode has him acting exactly as I envisioned him for the longest time; constantly whining about making everyone happy. Also, Tsukihime will always be my favorite simply because Arcueid is a much better character than Saber. This is simply fact and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Squallege posted:I just remember the majority of Tsukihime (the anime at least) being boring as poo poo until the very end. It's like they forgot there was a plot after Shiki murders her. Just got to remember the old joke: "What are you talking about? There's no Tsukihime anime."
# ? Oct 12, 2014 17:18 |
That's not really saying much, Saber by pretty much any account is both the least important "main" character in FSN and the least interesting. The curse of the franchise is that despite this she's so popular.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 17:31 |
OH? Other people feel this way? With all the merchandise, I just assumed she was the most beloved character.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 17:35 |
Nate RFB posted:That's not really saying much, Saber by pretty much any account is both the least important "main" character in FSN and the least interesting. The curse of the franchise is that despite this she's so popular. Talvos posted:OH? Other people feel this way? With all the merchandise, I just assumed she was the most beloved character. She is, by a wide margin. This is because people don't understand that the true top 3 are Kotomine, Iskander, and Kohaku. Arc is a better main heroine than Saber it's true (I do like Saber though). I think there's something inherently hysterical about the fact that she just assumes Shiki is actually a serial killer and her main response to this is mild irritation and thinking he's quite rude. You'd still be best off just waiting for the remake. Tsukihime is really, REALLY rough, even as much as I loved it at the time. Rody One Half fucked around with this message at 17:42 on Oct 12, 2014 |
# ? Oct 12, 2014 17:40 |
Talvos posted:OH? Other people feel this way? With all the merchandise, I just assumed she was the most beloved character. In Japan yeah, but I don't think any western fans actually care about her for the most part. Like I loving couldn't stand her when I first played Fate and it's been so many years and it says a lot that my opinion of her has changed from annoyance to like "Meh." It doesn't help that Takeuchi friggin' loves her so she's like the mascot of Fate.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 17:44 |
Beef Waifu posted:It's not worth it. Tsukihime's really dated and honestly if I didn't read it when I was 16 I would probably have never finished it. It's just so badly paced and meticulous to read. It's got nice characters here and there, but for the most part they don't really love to be anything the stereotypes they betray. From what I recall I do like Ciel and Hisui, Arcueid's kind of grown on me too but that's thanks to spinoff a and crossover games. I gotta tell you though Tsukihime has the best bad ends, like getting attacked in a hotel by a shark. The Vita version and the PC play asia realta nu version (not talking about the original cd or DVD version) of FSN are identical if you use the english patch from beast lair, just to mention. Plus you get all sorts of extra options that don't exist in the Vita version. Myurton fucked around with this message at 17:59 on Oct 12, 2014 |
# ? Oct 12, 2014 17:56 |
Yeah, but I can't be assed to sit at my PC and read all these words, which is my big issue with rereading FSN is I will probably not even make it out of the prologue before I stop reading it.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 17:59 |
Beef Waifu posted:Yeah, but I can't be assed to sit at my PC and read all these words, which is my big issue with rereading FSN is I will probably not even make it out of the prologue before I stop reading it. Then do what I did and install it on a tablet.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 17:59 |
Wait, you can do that?
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:00 |
Beef Waifu posted:Wait, you can do that? Yeah if it's a windows 8 tablet. Or a jailbroken ipad.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:00 |
Yeah, that's where the problem's gonna come in. Thanks for telling me that though, that is good to know.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:02 |
Beef Waifu posted:Yeah, that's where the problem's gonna come in. Thanks for telling me that though, that is good to know. If you have either a jailbroken iPad or a win 8 tablet you can pretty much install and play any visual novel in existence just to mention. Android can also do some VN's as well though you need a special program.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:04 |
Saber romance becomes way more fun when you realize you're watching a protagonist/tsundere relationship from the tsundere's perspective. She and Archer are basically the same character (a martyr who has succumb to despair and enters the Holy Grail War in order to change the past) so I don't really understand when people say she isn't thematically relevant to the story. The various Saber-knockoffs from the spin offs are kind of poo poo, but Saber telling stories from Arthurian legend are some of Hollow Atraxia's best 'fluff' scenes so .
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:12 |
I think the best part about Saber is when she becomes a huge foodie. I laughed at the part where Shirou asked her about what food was like back in her era and she's just filled with so much hate at the thought of it.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:16 |
Hey now, I liked RedSaber from Fate/EXTRA
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:19 |
Compendium posted:I think the best part about Saber is when she becomes a huge foodie. I laughed at the part where Shirou asked her about what food was like back in her era and she's just filled with so much hate at the thought of it. If that in FHA? Cause I don't remember that scene at all.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:21 |
Yeah, HA had a lot of fun character scenes like that. It's probably the main reason I actually like Sakura.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:22 |
Myurton posted:If that in FHA? Cause I don't remember that scene at all. There's a scene of it in FSN, I don't quite recall which section it is though.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:23 |
Rodyle posted:You always mix up Sakura and Saber Nate. Scrree posted:She and Archer are basically the same character (a martyr who has succumb to despair and enters the Holy Grail War in order to change the past) so I don't really understand when people say she isn't thematically relevant to the story. Compendium posted:I think the best part about Saber is when she becomes a huge foodie. I laughed at the part where Shirou asked her about what food was like back in her era and she's just filled with so much hate at the thought of it.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:25 |
I've always liked Saber, from the moment I first started getting into Type-Moon stuff in general. She has a simple, straight-forward personality that never hides behind guile (a la Rin) or is hiding a crushing amount of personal issues that desperately need resolving (a la Sakura). She's hung up on her past, of course, but it's not something that's constantly hindering her, and she only really gets depressed about it if the subject is brought up. I would agree she's probably the least interesting of the Fate heroines, but that's a minor issue as far as I'm concerned. She gels well with the other main characters as she tries to keep her head up and believe in her ideals, no matter how much pain she experiences along the way. Her character arc resolves in a nice way, I think, that she did the best job she possibly could have and should be proud of the life she led. Kind of like what Rider Zero told her to do, but achieved on her own terms. Even as Saber Alter she never loses her quiet dignity and has a code of honor she listens to, even if it's directed toward a very bad end.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:25 |
Compendium posted:I think the best part about Saber is when she becomes a huge foodie. I laughed at the part where Shirou asked her about what food was like back in her era and she's just filled with so much hate at the thought of it. It's not a question of era: she's from Britain.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:39 |
MonsieurChoc posted:It's not a question of era: she's from Britain. Technically she's not British, but Welsh. Slightly different food culture but yeah still pretty terrible. The only two foods that the Brits invented that are good is fish and chips, and bacon and eggs. And if you don't believe me on the bacon and eggs thing go look up the history of it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_breakfast Myurton fucked around with this message at 18:53 on Oct 12, 2014 |
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:47 |
There's also tea time.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:52 |
Nate RFB posted:Sakura is not popular! She's also less of a character than a plot device. To that end, I think she serves her role well enough since that led to Heaven's Feel and thus I'm OK with her. Whereas when Saber was given free reign it led to Fate and well yeah. To be fair I think Saber is sleep-inducing but no single character could have saved Fate and the biggest failure of FSN is it needed over 10 hours of mind-numbingly boring setup for the two actually good routes.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:54 |
Compendium posted:There's also tea time. Which wasn't introduced until sometime in the 1700's which is way past the medieval ages. So Saber being a tea drinking Brit is actually historically wrong. I always found that kinda funny when Saber was shown drinking tea as if tea and being british go together. When that is in fact only been going on for about 200-300 years. Myurton fucked around with this message at 19:00 on Oct 12, 2014 |
# ? Oct 12, 2014 18:56 |
Nate RFB posted:Sakura is not popular! Nasu explains Saber's role in the context of Fate being the most about Shirou adhering to his ideals without fail. Fate is the romance not just in terms of relations but in philosophy. Tonfa posted:To be fair I think Saber is sleep-inducing but no single character could have saved Fate and the biggest failure of FSN is it needed over 10 hours of mind-numbingly boring setup for the two actually good routes. I always feel like Fate gets an underserved bad rap. No it's not as good as UBW but isn't that how it should be? You want things to get better and better over time, it's another reason why I give HF such grief, after how fantastic UBW was we just drop down to pure garbage for 3/4 of the route, it's some of the worst pacing this side of MuvLuv. People say HF is "good" but really they're only talking about the final act of it (which, to be fair, is the best final boss rush in any video game).
# ? Oct 12, 2014 19:08 |
Rodyle posted:I always feel like Fate gets an underserved bad rap. No it's not as good as UBW but isn't that how it should be? You want things to get better and better over time, it's another reason why I give HF such grief, after how fantastic UBW was we just drop down to pure garbage for 3/4 of the route, it's some of the worst pacing this side of MuvLuv. People say HF is "good" but really they're only talking about the final act of it (which, to be fair, is the best final boss rush in any video game). Eh, HF does the growing feeling of dread pretty well even though the pacing definitely suffers from unlimited cooking scenes. I can't really excuse Fate as setup for better things given its sheer length. FSN and Type-Moon works in general are pretty hosed on pacing as a whole though. "she pulled out the dagger-" *5 minute break from the plot for a magiphysics lesson on the dagger's power source* this happens in the middle of the climax of a route
# ? Oct 12, 2014 19:21 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 23:49 |
I happen to be a fan of melodrama, so I liked HF's early days.
# ? Oct 12, 2014 19:22 |