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Nov 7, 2011

Aumanor posted:

Maybe one of those colors is just very dark brown?:shrug:

Yeah, I think so.


Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice

Kyte posted:

"Seigi no Mikata" means "Ally of Justice". At some point some translator made it into "Hero of Justice" and it stuck.
I couldn't pinpoint how, but it seems to be subtly different from the standard "Hero" (which is "Yuusha") or japan's perception of western heroes, aka superheroes (which are often called simply "Hero").

Yuusha is what they call the protagonist in JRPGs like Dragon Quest and such, btw. Hero is often used in westernized works (Tiger and Bunny, for example). Kamen Riders typically call themselves Seigi no Mikata.

E: I remember somebody explaining it that the core difference is that in japan the focus is in punishing those who have committed evil, whereas a superhero typically works to prevent evil from being committed in first place. The former takes losses and collateral damage as a given, while the latter takes it as a failure.

E2: In general FSN is pretty steeped in japanese subtleties we have no idea about, and they color the things Shirou says or thinks. Somebody bothered to explain it, in case anybody's curious.

I just got to that scene myself at work and had stared in disbelief until I got to Tohsoka verbally strangling Shirou; this explanation makes me feel a lot better now that I understand this context. :D

I can't help but notice how quickly that dude got his Avatar from SAO.



To a certain degree, you’ll see this in normal, everyday interaction. Families and friends will regularly, when speaking to a non-family member or non-clique member, basically boil down to insulting their own family or friends to show that same humility for their in-group to an out-group member. Say Seo tells Akiha “Your brother is so hardworking and loyal.” Akiha immediately responding “No, he’s a lazy-rear end bum that never does what I tell him” is not just her being tsun. It is literally the socially acceptable response. Even if what Seo says is true, if you accepted that kind of out-group (not-family) complement for your in-group (family), it can be perceived as being too arrogant and elevating one’s own in-group. If Shiki was an entirely diligent brother that obeyed every command, Akiha would still be expected to say that he was not. Keigo is a linguistic personification of this sort of attitude. Maybe that has something to do with the fascination behind the idea of tsundere.

These are great, but holy crap this is the opposite to how I've been raised in the West. Here, we pull the Lanniser/Stark Game of Thrones thing where its family first outsiders come gently caress never.

Raenir Salazar fucked around with this message at 00:51 on Dec 7, 2014

Apr 15, 2013

Just how many mistakes have you suffered on the way here?

An uncountable number, to be sure.

Raenir Salazar posted:

These are great, but holy crap this is the opposite to how I've been raised in the West. Here, we pull the Lanniser/Stark Game of Thrones thing where its family first outsiders come gently caress never.

It is family first, but combined with Japanese humility. Essentially the family is being treated as a single unit, and Akiha is accepting the compliment on his behalf. Saying "yeah, I'm really proud of myself" is seen as arrogant, so she instead tried to downplay it by saying 'no, really, I'm not that great". It's way more "family first" than what you're thinking of, since the individuals aren't even seen as individuals, they're merely instances of their family.

Of course, it also applies to coworkers and classmates and whatever other groups you might be a part of.

Rody One Half
Feb 18, 2011

The UBW thread is really bad you guys

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

this show sucks, i liked fate/zero better bad, or let's all post spoilers bad?

or maybe even both?

a kitten
Aug 5, 2006

Cake Attack posted:

this show sucks, i liked fate/zero better bad, or let's all post spoilers bad?

or maybe even both?

Both! It's very exciting.

If by exciting you mean having your eyes glaze over and brain go numb.

e: I think i'm going to just stop following it same as I do for almost every super-popular show/movie on this entire set of forums. :sigh:

tweet my meat
Oct 2, 2013

The worst part of the UBW thread is the condescending remarks from Type Moon thread posters when someone has a negative opinion of the show.

Jun 18, 2013

Wow, it really did get bad. :v:

Feb 26, 2013
Can't post for 33 hours!

Sergeant_Crunch posted:

The worst part of the UBW thread is the condescending remarks from Type Moon thread posters when someone has a negative opinion of the show.

It's mostly because nearly all complaints are "it's not Fate/Zero".

Jun 18, 2013

Fate Unlimited Bitch About How This Isn't Zero Works.

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

People are mostly complaining that the anime so far has been boring, Zero is just the easiest comparison to make because it's set in the same universe.

U-DO Burger
Nov 12, 2007

It's funny. When UBW began I also thought to myself that Zero was better, so I started to watch that again. But holy poo poo Kiritsugu is such an overly dramatic emo protagonist who's hard to care about because it's impossible for him to do something cool without him getting all choked up over it later.

Shirou is so much more enjoyable as a protagonist because even though he's experienced horrible trauma, he's not constantly whining about it.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

in other news, lots of buff dudes in this japanimation:

i'm 'miring

Nate RFB
Jan 17, 2005

Clapping Larry

Rodyle posted:

The UBW thread is really bad you guys
I didn't think it was that bad when you posted this, it was just that one guy misunderstanding Rin's motivations and asking Shirou not to Shirou. But it's gotten really silly at the moment. I mean I understand some of the complaints, some characters are seemingly inconsequential and things occur that seem a bit anticlimactic. I knew that going in but I just sort of figured that people would understand that some things would be glossed over by necessity and they'd enjoy it as it is in a vacuum on its own. Hooooo boy was that a mistake.

Rody One Half
Feb 18, 2011

U-DO Burger posted:

It's funny. When UBW began I also thought to myself that Zero was better, so I started to watch that again. But holy poo poo Kiritsugu is such an overly dramatic emo protagonist who's hard to care about because it's impossible for him to do something cool without him getting all choked up over it later.
Much like how Shirou wants to be a superhero, Butcher wants to be a cool smoking guy in a trench coat, and has chased that ideal for his entire career.

E: re: Beef Waifu in the bad thread, I never really found UBW to be a slow route at all. There's quiet moments, but they are spaced out properly.

That said if people find UBW slow now, let's imagine how HF is going to be.

Rody One Half fucked around with this message at 19:06 on Dec 7, 2014

Jun 18, 2013


Cake Attack posted:

in other news, lots of buff dudes in this japanimation:

i'm 'miring

You're good people Cake Attack.

Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Hot anime teenagers in hot anime situations.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Beef Waifu posted:

Hot anime teenagers in hot anime situations.


Cake Attack fucked around with this message at 19:11 on Dec 7, 2014

Apr 5, 2009

bless this post ~kya

Cake Attack posted:

in other news, lots of buff dudes in this japanimation:

i'm 'miring
All anime guys are on a cut cycle all the time.

Rody One Half
Feb 18, 2011

I wrapped up the main game of Hollow this morning and am dealing with the last few bits for 100% completion (I think it's just eclipse scenes at this point, non of which I've looked at) in-between the all important internet arguments, and I think I've realized the most sinister thing about both this game and FSN:

The music. Like, it's especially noticeable in the case of Hollow because it's almost ALL slice of life nonsense, but that music is specifically designed to just hypnotize you and make you not realize you just spent 50 hours, the length of the average JRPG, reading about teenagers forcing superhumans to participate in their dumb school play.

Feb 26, 2013
Can't post for 33 hours!

Beef Waifu posted:

Hot anime teenagers in hot anime situations.

We'll get this instead of hilarious, awkward, tsundere sex?

What a ripoff.

Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice
In the VN, Rin mentions that when Shirou eventually "grows into being a Magus" she'd come around to visit him to "collect" something, what is she collecting? Circuits?

Feb 17, 2011

Raenir Salazar posted:

In the VN, Rin mentions that when Shirou eventually "grows into being a Magus" she'd come around to visit him to "collect" something, what is she collecting? Circuits?

A wedding ring...?

Rody One Half
Feb 18, 2011

His cast iron skillet.

Feb 17, 2011

Rodyle posted:

His cast iron skillet.

That should have been Archers NP.

Nov 4, 2012

it's a nice day

Cake Attack posted:

in other news, lots of buff dudes in this japanimation:

i'm 'miring

Unlimited BL Works.

Dec 21, 2006

Emperor of Steel

U-DO Burger posted:

It's funny. When UBW began I also thought to myself that Zero was better, so I started to watch that again. But holy poo poo Kiritsugu is such an overly dramatic emo protagonist who's hard to care about because it's impossible for him to do something cool without him getting all choked up over it later.

Shirou is so much more enjoyable as a protagonist because even though he's experienced horrible trauma, he's not constantly whining about it.

Another reason that makes the whole Kiritsugu thing hilrious to me is that UBW as a route is basically saying "gently caress off" with his negative mindset as the main point.

Rody One Half
Feb 18, 2011

Apparently the manga version of that old April Fool's joke, Sensha Otoko, got translated at some point. Go read it and experience the adventure of El Melloi-tan and the hopeless nerd Iskander.

Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice

Xoidanor posted:

A wedding ring...?

It was in reference to how she had no idea another magus was hiding out in her family's territory and that now that she knows the Emiya family is here she'll "do something" at some point.

Jan 7, 2010
Like, Nyaa.


Rodyle posted:

Apparently the manga version of that old April Fool's joke, Sensha Otoko, got translated at some point.
This would have been a good reply to the question on the other thread: "If you remove the fights from Fate Zero, what exactly do you have? "

Too bad it have spoiler for the current caster's face.

Rody One Half
Feb 18, 2011

Nyaa posted:

This would have been a good reply to the question on the other thread: "If you remove the fights from Fate Zero, what exactly do you have? "

Too bad it have spoiler for the current caster's face.

Yeah it was a spoiler, that's why I edited my reply to that statement :v:

Jan 7, 2010
Like, Nyaa.

Oh, that's what you edited out. :ms:

gimme the GOD DAMN candy
Jul 1, 2007
Why is caster's face a spoiler? She has a standard anime face without any noteworthy features.

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

I guess the fact she's an elf would be surprising to a new viewer??

Jan 7, 2010
Like, Nyaa.

Beside people being butthurt about minor spoiler and caster doesn't have a evil face like fate/zero, I guess there might be thematic reasons that ufotable choose to keep hiding it amidst all the purple hair confusion between caster, rider, assasin, and sakura.

Edit: I guess she is suppose to be a surprise humanizing tragic figure in her own route and various scenes with her master.

Nyaa fucked around with this message at 13:37 on Dec 8, 2014

Jul 30, 2011

some people just wanna watch the world burn

Rodyle posted:

I wrapped up the main game of Hollow this morning and am dealing with the last few bits for 100% completion (I think it's just eclipse scenes at this point, non of which I've looked at)

It's mostly porn. I think the only worksafe bits are the one with Rin's classmates and Bazett's?

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

i've decided i'll only post in this thread now, and so only this thread gets my patronage of buff anime guys and pictures of Rin, because other thread making me like:

Jun 18, 2013

I can't wait for the second half of UBW for Lancer to do his big gently caress YOUUUU because that will basically be me in that thread when the time comes.

Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
I'm just waiting... I'm just waiting for Archer betrayal, then everything from there is pure joy.


Rody One Half
Feb 18, 2011

Compendium posted:

I can't wait for the second half of UBW for Lancer to do his big gently caress YOUUUU because that will basically be me in that thread when the time comes.

Then they'll complain that there was no purpose to Kirei and all that buildup was for nothing.

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