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Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

lancer makes diarmud look like such a chump, lol


Oct 12, 2013

Every species can smell its own extinction.
What I'm looking forward to the most is Kirei eating Mapo Tofu.

(more seriously, Kirei vs True Assassin is also a good fight)

Mar 26, 2010

Guys, find a woman who looks at you the way GhostStalker looks at every bald, obese, single 58 year old accountant from Tulsa who managed to win $4,000 by not wagering on a Final Jeopardy triple stumper.

Cake Attack posted:

lancer makes diarmud look like such a chump, lol

Yeah, he does. And it's great.

Jun 18, 2013


Cake Attack posted:

lancer makes diarmud look like such a chump, lol

I was rereading End of a Hero in the VN today and yeah, you're right. As much as I love Zero Lancer, all he does is say gently caress you to Saber and everything else, Lancer just goes an extra mile with gently caress YOU and actually takes everything else down with him.

What I'm saying is that the guy goes down like a true hero. :irelandflagsingletear:

May 17, 2008

To the man who loves art for its own sake, it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived.

Compendium posted:

What I'm saying is that the guy goes down like a true hero. :irelandflagsingletear:
I mean of course he does. Cu Chulainn's legend is that he tied himself to a rock while he was dying so that he could die on his feet, and his enemies didn't even believe it until a raven landed on him. A big part of his legend is going down like a goddamn badass, it would be terrible if that wasn't reflected at all in Fate.

Seriously though Lancer and Fake Assassin are great characters that just get the shortest end of the stick no matter what route they're in.

Mar 26, 2010

Guys, find a woman who looks at you the way GhostStalker looks at every bald, obese, single 58 year old accountant from Tulsa who managed to win $4,000 by not wagering on a Final Jeopardy triple stumper.

Twiddy posted:

Seriously though Lancer and Fake Assassin are great characters that just get the shortest end of the stick no matter what route they're in.

There's a valid reason why "Being Lancer is suffering" has become such a large meme in the fanbase...

Dr Pepper
Feb 4, 2012

Don't like it? well...

Twiddy posted:

I mean of course he does. Cu Chulainn's legend is that he tied himself to a rock while he was dying so that he could die on his feet, and his enemies didn't even believe it until a raven landed on him. A big part of his legend is going down like a goddamn badass, it would be terrible if that wasn't reflected at all in Fate.

You forgot the best part is that once they thought it was safe one solider approached his dead body and bam his sword arm comes down and cuts off the guy's head.

Nate RFB
Jan 17, 2005

Clapping Larry

Cake Attack posted:

lancer makes diarmud look like such a chump, lol

May 5, 2005


This is my favorite F/Z gif edit, second only to Kiritsugu's dickbutt geass scroll.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

are the kara no kyoukai movies licensed? can't see them on bakabt

also are they licensed by a reasonable company, or is it like fate/zero?

Jun 18, 2013


Cake Attack posted:

are the kara no kyoukai movies licensed? can't see them on bakabt

also are they licensed by a reasonable company, or is it like fate/zero?

As far as I remember, no. You can find subs of it easily through Google though.

VVV EDIT: or that

Compendium fucked around with this message at 22:07 on Dec 19, 2014

Nate RFB
Jan 17, 2005

Clapping Larry
I think it is indeed like Fate/Zero, i.e. through Aniplex but it was the Japanese release with English subs. For a while one had the privilege of spending something like $400 on a lovely upscaled Blu-ray set on righstuf.

Nate RFB fucked around with this message at 20:38 on Dec 19, 2014

U-DO Burger
Nov 12, 2007

AlternateNu posted:

This is my favorite F/Z gif edit, second only to Kiritsugu's dickbutt geass scroll.

Don't keep me in suspense here. Post the gif

Apr 8, 2008

I joined the #RXT REVOLUTION.
he knows...

MonsieurChoc posted:

What I'm looking forward to the most is Kirei eating Mapo Tofu.

This but unironically.

Oct 12, 2013

Every species can smell its own extinction.

Tonfa posted:

This but unironically.

Why do you think I was ironic?

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

you can preorder the english UBW blu-rays now

20% off even!

that's right, for only $400 you can own all 13 episodes of the first half of UBW, lol

Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
To be fair those are just an import of the JP Blu-Rays, but jesus. I imagine it'll be around the same price as the Fate/Zero ones when the dub finally drops, but that's still 150 bones for like the first half of UBW.

Mar 2, 2012


Bonus Inserts: Exclusively written novel by Kinoko Nasu (illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi)

I wonder what this is.

Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice

Cake Attack posted:

you can preorder the english UBW blu-rays now

20% off even!

that's right, for only $400 you can own all 13 episodes of the first half of UBW, lol

How do parents have this much money?

Sep 30, 2013

Cake Attack posted:

you can preorder the english UBW blu-rays now

20% off even!

that's right, for only $400 you can own all 13 episodes of the first half of UBW, lol

So I wonder what got cut for the airing version

Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Shiro cooking scenes.

Nate RFB
Jan 17, 2005

Clapping Larry
At the very least there will be a scene in episode 2 where Rin repairs the broken glass in Shirou's house.

Nov 9, 2012
So. It looks like the last episode of this cour will indeed end with that roof scene.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

i lost track of time due to finals being over and it turns out it's saturday

time to watch some anime

Feb 26, 2013

Aumanor posted:

So. It looks like the last episode of this cour will indeed end with that roof scene.

Hopefully with the 1 hour lenght we might get some bonus scenes with Kotomine and Caster.

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer
Does anybody else find it kind of funny that episode 11 of UBW and episode 11 of Fate/Zero are so very similar?

Nov 9, 2012

Bholder posted:

Hopefully with the 1 hour lenght we might get some bonus scenes with Kotomine and Caster.

Seeing as you can hear Joji Nakata's dulcet tones in the preview, that seems highly likely.

Mar 26, 2010

Guys, find a woman who looks at you the way GhostStalker looks at every bald, obese, single 58 year old accountant from Tulsa who managed to win $4,000 by not wagering on a Final Jeopardy triple stumper.

Aumanor posted:

So. It looks like the last episode of this cour will indeed end with that roof scene.

Yeah, that preview all but confirmed it.

Apr 2, 2007

im worried that theyre setting her up to be jotaros future wife or something.

GhostStalker posted:

Yeah, that preview all but confirmed it.

Which scene was that again? It's been a while.

Mar 26, 2010

Guys, find a woman who looks at you the way GhostStalker looks at every bald, obese, single 58 year old accountant from Tulsa who managed to win $4,000 by not wagering on a Final Jeopardy triple stumper.

Soylentbits posted:

Which scene was that again? It's been a while.

This one. Where Rin effectively tells Shirou he's not a Master anymore and that he should give up trying to get Saber back.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

that was a really good episode, drat

also someone needs to tell shirou that rin is supposed to be the tsundere!



Jun 18, 2013

Nthing about how this was a good episode despite all the talky talk. Taiga going "SHUT UP" was great and the scene between Rin and Shirou conversing in the evening was actually really nice.

Nov 13, 2005

Cake Attack posted:

you can preorder the english UBW blu-rays now

20% off even!

that's right, for only $400 you can own all 13 episodes of the first half of UBW, lol

Holy poo poo, I thought people were exaggerating about the 400 dollar blu-rays. What in the gently caress is wrong with the people who actually buy those and aren't millionaires? Do they think that a spirit version of Saber will visit them in their sleep and shake their hand if they spend enough money on F/SN products?

Jul 30, 2011

some people just wanna watch the world burn
They have parents who will buy them anything.

Kids: the gift that keeps on taking.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Ytlaya posted:

Holy poo poo, I thought people were exaggerating about the 400 dollar blu-rays. What in the gently caress is wrong with the people who actually buy those and aren't millionaires? Do they think that a spirit version of Saber will visit them in their sleep and shake their hand if they spend enough money on F/SN products?

for 400 dollars she better do more than shake my hand

Mar 26, 2010

Guys, find a woman who looks at you the way GhostStalker looks at every bald, obese, single 58 year old accountant from Tulsa who managed to win $4,000 by not wagering on a Final Jeopardy triple stumper.

Ytlaya posted:

Holy poo poo, I thought people were exaggerating about the 400 dollar blu-rays. What in the gently caress is wrong with the people who actually buy those and aren't millionaires? Do they think that a spirit version of Saber will visit them in their sleep and shake their hand if they spend enough money on F/SN products?

Otaku will buy anything related to their favorite series, regardless of price. They have more money than sense.

Jun 18, 2013

On the one hand, the cost of the nice animation probably has to be compensated somehow.

On the other hand, loving 400 bucks....

Apr 8, 2008

I joined the #RXT REVOLUTION.
he knows...


May 5, 2005


U-DO Burger posted:

Don't keep me in suspense here. Post the gif

I can't find the gif anywhere (and never saved it). Here's a frame by frame of it, though. :obon:


Jan 13, 2008

Eight shots... no kills. FIGHT!

Compendium posted:

On the one hand, the cost of the nice animation probably has to be compensated somehow.

On the other hand, loving 400 bucks....

Haha, as if the animators are paid well for these.

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