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Jul 20, 2012

Good ideas generator

Cake Attack posted:

are the kara no kyoukai movies licensed? can't see them on bakabt

also are they licensed by a reasonable company, or is it like fate/zero?

Amazon has them for a reasonable price in the UK. I've had them on pre-order for a while and they were finally released and dispatched yesterday.


Feb 9, 2012
College Slice
Just asking for clarification: When Shirou and Kiritsugu have their little chat on the veranda about being heroes, Kiritsugu just fuckin' dies right there, right? That's what it sounded like from the visual novel, but no animated form has ever really made that clear.

Angry Grimace
Jul 29, 2010


HellCopter posted:

Just asking for clarification: When Shirou and Kiritsugu have their little chat on the veranda about being heroes, Kiritsugu just fuckin' dies right there, right? That's what it sounded like from the visual novel, but no animated form has ever really made that clear.

I don't' know that it was literally right there, but for all intents and purposes.

Dr Pepper
Feb 4, 2012

Don't like it? well...

Yeah he dies right after that conversation.

Nate RFB
Jan 17, 2005

Clapping Larry
I just got to that flashback in Fate, and yeah he literally dies at the moment. Shirou has a line about how he just left him like that overnight because it looked like he was "sleeping".

Sep 30, 2013

Nate RFB posted:

I just got to that flashback in Fate, and yeah he literally dies at the moment. Shirou has a line about how he just left him like that overnight because it looked like he was "sleeping".

Yeah he pretty much dies in his sleep, though when exactly it happened no one will know

Aug 3, 2012
Christmas comes to Fuyuki.

A Christmas or Halloween without more Fate-related fan art just seems incomplete.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

there is a PV for the second cour of ubw

unlimited blade works!!

see you tomorrow
Jun 27, 2009

Lot of changes this episode

Jun 18, 2013

Not looking forward to bride!Saber, straight up :argh: territory for me.

Everything else though, I'm hype.

Jan 3, 2011
I remember Saber getting turned into a damsel in distress and Caster acting rapey towards her as being basically the dumbest thing in the entire VN, H-scenes included. Let's hope this at least tries to handle it better. :smith:

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer
Is anybody else not seeing the new episode on Crunchyroll?

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

Hunt11 posted:

Is anybody else not seeing the new episode on Crunchyroll?


Jun 18, 2013

Oh yeah, and there's some new Fate/Grand Order stuff that's come out.

looks like it's actually gonna be a thing!

EDIT: Gah, that's an old video. New link instead

Lt. Lizard
Apr 28, 2013

Compendium posted:

Oh yeah, and there's some new Fate/Grand Order stuff that's come out.

looks like it's actually gonna be a thing!

EDIT: Gah, that's an old video. New link instead

Ok, how many Saber clones are there in Nasu-verse by now? Five? And thats not even counting alternate versions of Saber like Dark Saber or Saber Lily.

This is getting pretty ridiculous.

Jun 18, 2013

Joan of Arc is Ruler if we're going by Fate/Apocrypha, the other girl in the trailer is Shielder and according to the TM wiki, Red Saber from Fate/Extra might be in the game.

Jul 22, 2009

Lt. Lizard posted:

Ok, how many Saber clones are there in Nasu-verse by now? Five? And thats not even counting alternate versions of Saber like Dark Saber or Saber Lily.

This is getting pretty ridiculous.
Extra Saber and Mordred. That's it.

Jeanne doesn't look much like Saber. They're both blonde and in armor but they look pretty different outside of that.

Lt. Lizard
Apr 28, 2013
To me, Jeanne looks like Saber with a braided ponytail and a slightly different armour. And from that trailer, Shielder looks like Saber with white (pink?) hair and a different outfit. They both share the same overall design as Saber, just with some minor bits changed/added. I guess they are not literally identical to Saber like Nero and Mordred so you could call them Arturias sisters instead of Arutrias clones if you felt charitable, but eh.... :shrug:

Jul 22, 2009

Shielder and Saber look pretty much nothing alike beyond being drawn by the same dude. Like, I mean, they're girls in anime with different hair/outfits/eyes. That's like 90% of the defining features right there.

Nov 19, 2013

Never quacked for this

They're no more similar than any other two blonde characters drawn by the same artist.

Takeuchi's sameface goes beyond Saber, anyways.

(And this is why anime draws characters with wildly improbable hairstyles and colors)

Lt. Lizard
Apr 28, 2013
Uh, I was using exactly those pictures to check if Jeannes and Sabers appearance is really that close, in case my memory was failing me and they look really drat similar to me.

Heck, wasn't that even a minor plot point in Fate/Zero?

Jun 18, 2013

Eh, there's enough differences in terms of armor and hair length where it's not that hard to tell them apart.

And yeah, it was a minor plot point since Zero Caster thought Saber was Jeanne and thought she was just denying it. But you know, he was a crazy motherfucker of course he'd mistake Takeuchi's samefaces. :derp:

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

I think the joke is that 90% of FSN readers would've made that guess at some point. I certainly did.

Incidentally I also guessed Archer was Jesus at some point, which made his monologues about hurting himself while projecting and saving people really funny

Apr 4, 2012
Jeanne definitely counts as a clone, but she's still distinguishable from Arturia if you're not a crazy person like Gilles.

Shielder doesn't look much like Arturia to me, though; she looks like an older and more clothed version of Jack.

Jun 18, 2013

Shielder was an older character design that they were going to use in the original VN, but she was one of many corners cut out of the final product.

Jan 15, 2008

the history of all dead generations,
Along with the Shinji/Rider and Caster routes. RIP to what wonderful clusterfucks those must have been.

Sep 12, 2009

MORT cancels dance: interrupted by MORT
Now I'm imagining Shirou as best man at Kuzuki and Caster's wedding.

Officiated by Kotomine, of course.

Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
I cannot imagine a route where Shinji is a focus.

Jun 18, 2013

I was going to say don't forget about the Illya route, but then I remembered Prisma Illya exists so I guess there's that.

Sep 30, 2013

As I thought we did get the church fight, or least part of it anyway.

Now the UBW thread has to wait four months to find out who archer is.

and yes. I hope they do change the wedding dress part, or least make it some one more saner than 'Caster went costume rapey'

Aug 5, 2004

Hair Elf
Just swap in the scene with Caster's figure workshop from Carnival Phantasm and you're gold.

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

It was in the Deen adaptation so it'll probably be here too.

Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
It's in the preview, so it'll be there. Caster just wanted to marry Saber anyways.

Mar 26, 2010

Guys, find a woman who looks at you the way GhostStalker looks at every bald, obese, single 58 year old accountant from Tulsa who managed to win $4,000 by not wagering on a Final Jeopardy triple stumper.

Stevefin posted:

and yes. I hope they do change the wedding dress part, or least make it some one more saner than 'Caster went costume rapey'

The 2nd cour preview showed Saber in what appeared to be the wedding dress, so that's still there.

Oct 12, 2013

Every species can smell its own extinction.
This Illusion at the end! Yesssss. :allears:

April!? Nooooooooo. :negative:

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

shirou gets to go on a date with rin and doesn't even appreciate it...

hosed up

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Cake Attack posted:

shirou gets to go on a date with rin and doesn't even appreciate it...

hosed up

It makes me mad.

Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
He doesn't know yet guys. Even at the gentle age of 18, Shiro still has not discovered women.

Oct 12, 2013

Every species can smell its own extinction.
The real reason is that Shirou cannot believe anyone could be attracted to thrash like him that should have died that day in the fire, because he has massive issues.

The joke reason is that he's dumb.


Jul 30, 2011

some people just wanna watch the world burn
The real reason this thread can not have joke posts is that the Fate fanbase is full of people who take every opportunity they can to :spergin: out, often ending up as complete non-sequiturs that just make everyone involved feel awkward.

The joke reason is that it's dumb.

Cake Attack posted:

shirou gets to go on a date with rin and doesn't even appreciate it...

hosed up

He just knows he can do better. :smug:

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