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Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice

Aumanor posted:

So where exactly do you think next episode will end? My guess is that the last thing we'll her is the final "hint" to Archer's identity ("Trace on") before it's expicitly spelt out. I wonder if the people who STILL havent figured out that Archer is Shirou (I know one such person) will at least catch on that.

It'd be amazing despite some people's best efforts to spoil it.


Jan 2, 2013

Prodigy of Victor von Doom
We have like 7 or 8 episodes left? I feel like they need at least two anime original episodes to fill out the season.

Honest Ray
Feb 10, 2007

Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.
I mean, I'm more curious as to what Lance based abilities Enkidu would have. He doesn't have a lance or anything I recall from the story.

Apr 4, 2012

Stall_19 posted:

We have like 7 or 8 episodes left? I feel like they need at least two anime original episodes to fill out the season.

I basically agree, but a full episode of Archer's backstory would make sense.

Nate RFB
Jan 17, 2005

Clapping Larry
I don't think we're actually going to get the confrontation in the castle next episode, so probably two for that with the reveal at the end of the second. Third ep for the fight itself, four the prep to fight Gil, maybe two more after that for the Assassin and Gil fights? And one more for the ending.

Jul 22, 2009

Honest Ray posted:

I mean, I'm more curious as to what Lance based abilities Enkidu would have. He doesn't have a lance or anything I recall from the story.
Fate/Strange Fake goes with the idea that since he was made from clay, he can reform himself as needed - including a spear.

Mar 26, 2010

Guys, find a woman who looks at you the way GhostStalker looks at every bald, obese, single 58 year old accountant from Tulsa who managed to win $4,000 by not wagering on a Final Jeopardy triple stumper.

Nate RFB posted:

I don't think we're actually going to get the confrontation in the castle next episode, so probably two for that with the reveal at the end of the second. Third ep for the fight itself, four the prep to fight Gil, maybe two more after that for the Assassin and Gil fights? And one more for the ending.

Well, we're definitely getting the title drop next episode, then probably a setup episode where Rin monologues about Archer's backstory via what she's seen and figured out from her dreams and the leadup to the castle fight. One episode for the fight, one for Lancer's rescue of Rin and everything involving the scene in the basement, possibly before the fight itself. Then one episode for the aftermath plus leadup to the last day, prepping for the Gil fight. One to do the Gil Shirou fight, one with Rin and Saber dealing with the Lesser Grail, and then an aftermath episode to close it out? I dunno.

Jun 18, 2013


Endorph posted:

Fate/Strange Fake goes with the idea that since he was made from clay, he can reform himself as needed - including a spear.

From what I read on Strange Fake, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and maybe Assassin are the most interesting Servants. The rest, the ball kind of drops on because out of all the mythical figures and heroes the guy could have made up, they're all mostly vague and not notable to me which is disappointing.

Apr 4, 2012

Compendium posted:

From what I read on Strange Fake, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and maybe Assassin are the most interesting Servants. The rest, the ball kind of drops on because out of all the mythical figures and heroes the guy could have made up, they're all mostly vague and not notable to me which is disappointing.

I think they're all deliberately open-ended in terms of powers. Gilgamesh has every Noble Phantasm from Earth that's a physical object (even though he can't fully use most of them), Unspoken Hassan has every version of Zabaniya, Enkidu can turn his body into a wide variety of objects that can match Gil's Noble Phantasms, the Player can temporarily summon any Servant, Jack can turn into anyone or anything ever suspected of being Jack the Ripper, Dumas can make copies of most Noble Phantasm that are physical objects (given sufficient time), and I have no idea what Pale Rider does.

In terms of identities, I agree that Dumas was a somewhat disappointing choice (I don't really like people who never used magecraft when they were alive as Casters), and Pale Rider doesn't really make sense as a Heroic Spirit.

Silver2195 fucked around with this message at 05:06 on May 4, 2015

tweet my meat
Oct 2, 2013

Wasn't there a servant in one of the spinoffs that was insane in his life in a way that made him come off as sane and lucid when summoned as berserker?

Apr 4, 2012

Sergeant_Crunch posted:

Wasn't there a servant in one of the spinoffs that was insane in his life in a way that made him come off as sane and lucid when summoned as berserker?

That was Strange Fake!Jack, actually. It doesn't really make sense, since Jack had to have been lucid enough to remain undetected.

Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice

Honest Ray posted:

I mean, I'm more curious as to what Lance based abilities Enkidu would have. He doesn't have a lance or anything I recall from the story.

It's also personality. "Lancers" are also fitting the characterization trope and Enkidu is thus the oldest lancer! :eng101:

Jun 18, 2013


Silver2195 posted:

In terms of identities, I agree that Dumas was a somewhat disappointing choice (I don't really like people who never used magecraft when they were alive as Casters), and Pale Rider doesn't really make sense as a Heroic Spirit.

I guess the open-ended powers thing might mean interesting battles, but the thing is that I like Servants because there's a lot of potential to make up interesting personalities, not just crazy Nasu-power BS. I would have loved to see other Master/Servant relationships because already Gil and Tine look like they're shaping up to having an interesting dynamic (but then again, Gil is always the life of the party no matter what Master he has)

Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice
Watching Age of Ultron and a question occurred to me, could Shirou both project and wield Thor's Hammer assuming it was technically a Noble Phantasm for cross over purposes?

From what I seem to recall regarding HF:

1) Shirou might not actually be able to wield Berserker's Axe-Sword without Archer's Arm; so its probably that there are NP's he simply can use even if he could project them.

2) On the other hand the Hammer probably can be lifted if Shirou were "sufficiently worthy", which is possible that he beats even Cpt. America for selfless altruism, but this is one of those 100% plot things that Nasu also pull's out, but who knows, might be interesting to talk about but I'm not familiar with the comics so I can't judge what the criteria canonically is.

3) Shirou would get the skills but would probably kill him to use? Unless he can Strengthen his body?

Compendium posted:

I guess the open-ended powers thing might mean interesting battles, but the thing is that I like Servants because there's a lot of potential to make up interesting personalities, not just crazy Nasu-power BS. I would have loved to see other Master/Servant relationships because already Gil and Tine look like they're shaping up to having an interesting dynamic (but then again, Gil is always the life of the party no matter what Master he has)

The bit in the LN for F/Z about Alexander going out of his way to pick up a copy of the Iliad is I think a pretty solid example as to how well this is written generally in the FSN VN in general.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

could tohno shiki kill avengers?

May 31, 2011
Fallen Rib

Raenir Salazar posted:

Watching Age of Ultron and a question occurred to me, could Shirou both project and wield Thor's Hammer assuming it was technically a Noble Phantasm for cross over purposes?

From what I seem to recall regarding HF:

1) Shirou might not actually be able to wield Berserker's Axe-Sword without Archer's Arm; so its probably that there are NP's he simply can use even if he could project them.

2) On the other hand the Hammer probably can be lifted if Shirou were "sufficiently worthy", which is possible that he beats even Cpt. America for selfless altruism, but this is one of those 100% plot things that Nasu also pull's out, but who knows, might be interesting to talk about but I'm not familiar with the comics so I can't judge what the criteria canonically is.

3) Shirou would get the skills but would probably kill him to use? Unless he can Strengthen his body?

The bit in the LN for F/Z about Alexander going out of his way to pick up a copy of the Iliad is I think a pretty solid example as to how well this is written generally in the FSN VN in general.

Mjolnir is a divine mystery, so it can't be traced. Sorry.

Jun 18, 2013

Mjolnir would also think that Shirou has issues.

Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice

Effectronica posted:

Mjolnir is a divine mystery, so it can't be traced. Sorry.

This isn't true on two levels, Mjolnir was forged by Dwarves, as was Gungnir and we know Shirou can trace Gungnir because Archer likely could. Secondly, even 'divine' weapons can be traced under specific circumstances (Caliburn), throughout the entirety of FSN only Ea could Shirou absolutely not trace because he couldn't even do more than a basic reading.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009


Nate RFB
Jan 17, 2005

Clapping Larry
The thing with Ea was something like because it was made from a meteorite and thus doesn't feature any materials from Earth.

Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice

Nate RFB posted:

The thing with Ea was something like because it was made from a meteorite and thus doesn't feature any materials from Earth.

Well, more that it's made from materials from the primordial chaos from which 'the world' comes from and no longer even exists but yeah.

Jul 22, 2009

hey guys what's going on in this thread

Raenir Salazar posted:

Watching Age of Ultron and a question occurred to me, could Shirou both project and wield Thor's Hammer assuming it was technically a Noble Phantasm for cross over purposes?

From what I seem to recall regarding HF:

1) Shirou might not actually be able to wield Berserker's Axe-Sword without Archer's Arm; so its probably that there are NP's he simply can use even if he could project them.

2) On the other hand the Hammer probably can be lifted if Shirou were "sufficiently worthy", which is possible that he beats even Cpt. America for selfless altruism, but this is one of those 100% plot things that Nasu also pull's out, but who knows, might be interesting to talk about but I'm not familiar with the comics so I can't judge what the criteria canonically is.

3) Shirou would get the skills but would probably kill him to use? Unless he can Strengthen his body?

The bit in the LN for F/Z about Alexander going out of his way to pick up a copy of the Iliad is I think a pretty solid example as to how well this is written generally in the FSN VN in general.

Effectronica posted:

Mjolnir is a divine mystery, so it can't be traced. Sorry.

Raenir Salazar posted:

This isn't true on two levels, Mjolnir was forged by Dwarves, as was Gungnir and we know Shirou can trace Gungnir because Archer likely could. Secondly, even 'divine' weapons can be traced under specific circumstances (Caliburn), throughout the entirety of FSN only Ea could Shirou absolutely not trace because he couldn't even do more than a basic reading.

Nate RFB posted:

The thing with Ea was something like because it was made from a meteorite and thus doesn't feature any materials from Earth.

Rody One Half
Feb 18, 2011

I'll have you know we talk more about old racist loony tunes on bl than powerlevels

May 31, 2011
Fallen Rib

Raenir Salazar posted:

This isn't true on two levels, Mjolnir was forged by Dwarves, as was Gungnir and we know Shirou can trace Gungnir because Archer likely could. Secondly, even 'divine' weapons can be traced under specific circumstances (Caliburn), throughout the entirety of FSN only Ea could Shirou absolutely not trace because he couldn't even do more than a basic reading.

Whoops, forgot to capitalize it. It's a Divine Mystery, not a divine mystery. I hope this answers your questions.

Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice

Effectronica posted:

Whoops, forgot to capitalize it. It's a Divine Mystery, not a divine mystery. I hope this answers your questions.

Endorph posted:

hey guys what's going on in this thread


Apr 8, 2008

I joined the #RXT REVOLUTION.
he knows...

How on earth are they going to squeeze 8 more episodes out of the UBW route? They shouldn't have done the episode 0 gimmick.

Jul 30, 2011

some people just wanna watch the world burn
Obviously they'll do the Good Ending, zoom back to the beginning, animate all the slight differences needed to reach the True Ending, and then do that.

Mar 25, 2011

Mjolnir is a NP on Prysm-ahahahahahhah nevermind

Silver2195 posted:

That was Strange Fake!Jack, actually. It doesn't really make sense, since Jack had to have been lucid enough to remain undetected.

Explanation is that he was remembered in legend as a crazy person though. Also Flatt/Jack are cool.

Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice

BlitzBlast posted:

Obviously they'll do the Good Ending, zoom back to the beginning, animate all the slight differences needed to reach the True Ending, and then do that.

The Good Ending is purely a matter of juggling Saber's and Rin's affection scores right? Thus far have they done that? It seems like it's two really specific conversations you need.

Feb 11, 2015

by Cyrano4747
Honestly I can't see any reason for them to go with the True Ending over the Good Ending. Literally the only difference is that in the True Ending, Rin doesn't keep Saber around.

Especially since they kinda have to go with the good ending for HF and not the normal ending, because the latter skips one of the best fights.

Apr 15, 2013

Just how many mistakes have you suffered on the way here?

An uncountable number, to be sure.
Saber deserves to die. Thus, the True Ending.

Jul 5, 2007

Oh I see! This must be the Bad Opinion Zone!
Good ending is way too happy and ruins the moment Rin and Archer have, I think. (Does it omit it entirely? I don't remember.)

Though I guess Good Ending might make sense if they are adapting HF, to quell the mad hordes of Saber fans....

Rody One Half
Feb 18, 2011

Fangz posted:

Good ending is way too happy and ruins the moment Rin and Archer have, I think. (Does it omit it entirely? I don't remember.)

The Rin/Archer scene is in both.

Raenir Salazar
Nov 5, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
College Slice

LORD OF BUTT posted:

Honestly I can't see any reason for them to go with the True Ending over the Good Ending. Literally the only difference is that in the True Ending, Rin doesn't keep Saber around.

Especially since they kinda have to go with the good ending for HF and not the normal ending, because the latter skips one of the best fights.

I really wish UFO would animate that fight as a "Bad End" for the BD; if there was ever a justified reason for gouging people it'd be alternate endings like that, plus Mind of Steel.

Jul 22, 2009

please don't give the mind of steel cult any validation

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Endorph posted:

please don't give the mind of steel cult any validation

Mar 25, 2011

Endorph posted:

please don't give the mind of steel cult any validation

Mar 25, 2011

hurr sure Shirou can win with his dad's style of thinking even though he lacks a Servant and his dad's anti-mage guns and a lot of his resources

Irony Be My Shield
Jul 29, 2012

Also Kiritsugu's path led to everyone he ever cared about dying


Jul 22, 2009

TheLovablePlutonis posted:

hurr sure Shirou can win with his dad's style of thinking even though he lacks a Servant and his dad's anti-mage guns and a lot of his resources
also kiritsugu's entire plan revolved around there being masters for him to own and by that point in heaven's feel the only real 'master' left is the literal antichrist

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