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Feb 22, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
They are not true canon waifus, though


May 17, 2008

To the man who loves art for its own sake, it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived.

Namtab posted:

They are not true canon waifus, though
Short hair Sakura is canon to me! (I know nothing else about this game)

Jan 7, 2010
Like, Nyaa.

We could have some interesting lore chat if the story is translated. Caster Lancer is still smug as hell and i am dying to know what cool things he said.

Nov 25, 2007

People say bigger is better.

But for the first time in my life, I think I've gone too far.
"I wish I had my spear."

Nov 13, 2005

Schubalts posted:

"I wish I had my spear."

He says something about wanting to be Lancer next time near the end of the Fuyuki storyline. The next plotline seems to involve Jeanne Alter as the main enemy with a set of servants (including caster Gilles) under her.

Jun 18, 2013

You get to fight the Phantom of the Opera.

I am thankful that I get to write that sentence because of this Fate, thank you GO.

Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Shut the gently caress up, Namtab

Feb 22, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution

Beef Chief posted:

Shut the gently caress up, Namtab


Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but if people want to discuss the phone game with Fat Caesar then they should be allowed to.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Beef Chief posted:

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but if people want to discuss the phone game with Fat Caesar then they should be allowed to.

Thank you.

Feb 22, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution

Beef Chief posted:

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but if people want to discuss the phone game with Fat Caesar then they should be allowed to.

I'm just jealous I can't play it

Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
I'm excited to play it when it becomes available on IOS devices.

Feb 22, 2010

Failed 2024 ADTRW Resolution
I don't have one of those

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Beef Chief posted:

I'm excited to play it when it becomes available on IOS devices.

I thought it did

Captain Baal
Oct 22, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
It's only available for Android right now

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Oh, thought the maintence ended with the IOS version releasing, RIP.

Dr Pepper
Feb 4, 2012

Don't like it? well...

Namtab posted:

I'm just jealous I can't play it

Beef Chief posted:

I'm excited to play it when it becomes available on IOS devices.
Seeing your avatars in sequence is like watching you both power up.

Mar 25, 2011

Namtab posted:

I'm just jealous I can't play it

There are guides to emulate it here you tard

Nov 13, 2005

It is blasphemy that Cu Chulainn is only 3 stars and that dumb Lancer from Fate/Extra CCC (Elizabeth Bathory) is 4.

Feb 13, 2011

I'll wait for the SEA malaysian invasion ver

Mar 25, 2011

Namtab posted:

They are not true canon waifus, though

Tamamo Cat is definitely canon

Jun 18, 2013

I added a person who has Tamamo as their leader and she is crazy powerful. Also her NP is pretty :stare:

Speaking of which, some of the Noble Phantasms for this game are cool, some look really lame.

Mar 25, 2011

blackbeard looks lame as hell but his np is badass... shame they didn't just put big titty onee-san edward drake!!! gently caress!!!

Nov 13, 2005

Compendium posted:

I added a person who has Tamamo as their leader and she is crazy powerful. Also her NP is pretty :stare:

Speaking of which, some of the Noble Phantasms for this game are cool, some look really lame.

Yeah, the Noble Phantasms seem like the biggest difference between the characters. Jeanne has this thing that blocks all damage for the next turn, gives a 1000 HP regen for 2 turns, increases the party's defense for a couple turns, and stuns her for the next turn. It's really good at helping you recover from a bad situation. Archer's UBW plays an EMIYA remix and does AoE damage + reduces the enemy's attack (though it seems like the AoE NPs are generally worse than the single target ones, since most of the harder fights will probably involve a single boss enemy).

Does anyone know how Heracles' NP works? It doesn't seem like you can activate it once it fills up. If I had to guess, maybe he revives if he dies while his NP gauge is at 100%? That seems like it would make sense given the way his ability is supposed to work.

Mar 25, 2011

Ytlaya posted:

Yeah, the Noble Phantasms seem like the biggest difference between the characters. Jeanne has this thing that blocks all damage for the next turn, gives a 1000 HP regen for 2 turns, increases the party's defense for a couple turns, and stuns her for the next turn. It's really good at helping you recover from a bad situation. Archer's UBW plays an EMIYA remix and does AoE damage + reduces the enemy's attack (though it seems like the AoE NPs are generally worse than the single target ones, since most of the harder fights will probably involve a single boss enemy).

Does anyone know how Heracles' NP works? It doesn't seem like you can activate it once it fills up. If I had to guess, maybe he revives if he dies while his NP gauge is at 100%? That seems like it would make sense given the way his ability is supposed to work.

He uses 9 lives to deal a shitton of damage.

Jun 18, 2013

Some NPs are kamikazes, like Arash Archer and Bloodaxe Berserker, so they'll be K.O.ed like the doofuses they are.

Caster Cu's NP is pretty amazing.

Just Andi Now
Nov 8, 2009

Compendium posted:

Caster Cu's NP is pretty amazing.

WIKKAAAMAN!! *cue stomping straw man*

Feb 13, 2011

i've discovered how to embed videos into posts

ugh its Troika
May 2, 2009

by FactsAreUseless

Namtab posted:

I'm just jealous I can't play it

You can play it. Just download Bluestacks or another Android emulator onto your computer, then download qooapp and then use that to get the F/GO application.

ugh its Troika
May 2, 2009

by FactsAreUseless

Compendium posted:

Some NPs are kamikazes, like Arash Archer and Bloodaxe Berserker, so they'll be K.O.ed like the doofuses they are.

Caster Cu's NP is pretty amazing.

On the other hand, Arash does cost only 3. He's also the only Archer I've ever rolled, and the first character I've ascended :negative:

van fem
Oct 22, 2010

If you can't be right, be confusing.

-Troika- posted:

On the other hand, Arash does cost only 3. He's also the only Archer I've ever rolled, and the first character I've ascended :negative:

Arash akbar.

ugh its Troika
May 2, 2009

by FactsAreUseless

van fem posted:

Arash akbar.

Yeah that's pretty much how it went for me too :v:

Dec 8, 2009

I got 9 equips and Fat Saber(who I already had) out of the 10 pulls I got with the free stones, but I least I got a 4-star Sakura equip that I put on Purple Rider. Current front two servants are just Purple Rider and Lu Bu, who hits like a loving truck.

May 12, 2014

Did you read that sister?
Yes, truly a shitposter's post. I read it, Rem.
I got my account reset, with all my progress deleted, lost best girl, and didn't even get the free stones. Rank E luck really kicking in here.

So how was your post maintenance log in?

Nov 13, 2005

Stats seem to vary wildly in this and not be entirely related to how many stars a servant is or even what level they are. Like, my 4 star level 9 EMIYA has less HP and less attack than my 3 star level 7 Assassin Jing Ke (1808/2143 vs 2124/2403). Normally I would think the difference would be made up for in skills, but it seems like skills (at least at this point in the game) don't make a huge difference.

I just had my first hard fight with Carmilla in Orlean. Her NP would always one shot all my characters, including Jeanne who has super high HP. I only won because I used a level 21 Cu Chulainn friend that had super high attack and dealt really good damage (plus Caster Cu Chulainn which was strong against the Assassin Carmilla).

Which dailies give the xp items? I just did the first 20AP daily and it just gave a bunch of crystals, not xp.

Budget Prefuse
Sep 26, 2011


Mar 25, 2011

I'm gonna show Rider Saint Martha to my hard core Catholic granny.

Postal Parcel
Aug 2, 2013

Ibram Gaunt posted:

I thought it did

Lol no. Delight is hilariously bad at this stuff, why do you think there was a 24hr+ maintenance after a 10hr+ maintenance on the first day. People have even gotten refunds from rolls.

Nyaa posted:

We could have some interesting lore chat if the story is translated. Caster Lancer is still smug as hell and i am dying to know what cool things he said.

Caster Lancer, from what I remember, was partially lamenting over the fact that he was summoned as a Caster and not as Lancer. He also wants to bring an end to this grail war in Fuyuki so he partners up with the MC under a temporary contract. He informs you that Saber Alter is basically the one to beat in this entire contest and has been guarding the grail for a while now. When your party arrives at Alter, Lancer is surprised to hear her speak
Skip to the post fight Alter
Alter tells you this war is far from over and leaves you with the words "Grand Order", which shocks Olga-Marie. Then Caster Lancer disappears as well as the holy grail war is over.

This is from memory, so I probably got some stuff wrong that won't be corrected unless I trudge through the mountain of text that is a Type-Moon game. There's also a training montage segment when he helps Marsh(?) get her NP.
e:I guess I can add that the "point" of the game is to fix historical errors caused by the main bad guys who want to get rid of humanity. So you start in 2004 Fuyuki, then start going to other "turning points" in human history, e.g. 100 Years War in France with Joan Dark.

Ytlaya posted:

Which dailies give the xp items? I just did the first 20AP daily and it just gave a bunch of crystals, not xp.


Monday 月
種火集め ‹三騎士編› - Ember Gathering (Three Knights Edition) – Saber, Lancer, and Archer EXP cards
宝物庫の扉を開け – Open the Door of the Treasure Vault – QP

Tuesday 火
種火集め ‹四騎編› - Ember Gathering (Four Horsemen Edition) – Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker EXP cards
三騎士と対決 – Showdown with Three Knights – Saber, Lancer, and Archer Ascension items

Wednesday 水
宝物庫の扉を開け – Open the Door of the Treasure Vault – QP
四騎と対決 – Showdown with Four Horsemen – Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker Ascension items

Thursday 木
種火集め ‹三騎士編› - Ember Gathering (Three Knights Edition) – Saber, Lancer, and Archer EXP cards
モンスター狩り ‹三騎士編› - Monster Hunt (Three Knights Edition) – Saber, Lancer, and Archer Skill Reinforcement Items

Friday 金
種火集め ‹四騎編› - Ember Gathering (Four Horsemen Edition) – Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker EXP cards
モンスター狩り ‹四騎編› - Monster Hunt (Four Horsemen Edition) – Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker Skill Reinforcement Items

Saturday 土
宝物庫の扉を開け – Open the Door of the Treasure Vault – QP
黎明の手狩り ‹オール編› - Gathering at Daybreak – all seven classes’ EXP cards

Sunday 日
絆の戦い – Bond Battle – easier to increase Bond EXP
マスター訓練 – Master Training – can gain large amounts of Master EXP

Postal Parcel fucked around with this message at 18:21 on Aug 7, 2015

Jan 7, 2010
Like, Nyaa.

Thanks for the summary. just beaten Alter last night. Buster combo with two berserkers took half her life in one or two turns, but she wipe them out pretty quickly and the battle become really intense using my left over servants. :black101:

Nyaa fucked around with this message at 18:35 on Aug 7, 2015


Jul 15, 2007

Look into my eyes...
So I've started recording and uploading bunch of different Noble Phantasms as I go through the game

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