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Generation Internet
Jan 18, 2009

Where angels and generals fear to tread.

Der Shovel posted:

I ran into some strangeness.

In episode one I picked the decent, peaceful guy as my Sentinel but when I started this episode, the warmongering bald guy had the glove and was Sentinel. The game didn't remark on the job changing hands in any way, which leads me to believe I may have run into some kind of bug or scripting error.

Anyone else see anything like this?

I made the same choice as you and mine stuck, sounds like something's wrong with your save. Not that it changes anything, anyways. Maybe the specific reason the Whitehill soldiers are assholes? Not like it would matter.


Jul 27, 2003

1st AD posted:

Speaking of Rodrick and Eleana, how the hell does anyone fail this? It's pretty clear from listening to mom Forrester that you just need to flirt her up first, then when you get down to business offer her half the drat Ironwood. Like, if they're going to join houses that poo poo would happen anyways. Choosing any other option seemed really dumb at that point. You didn't need to have Mira forge a letter which probably would have negative consequences down the line.

Of course I'm sure I hosed it all up because I had Rodrick promise the Ironwood to the Glenmores and also to Tyrion vis-a-vis Mira...should be fun figuring out who I'm gonna gently caress over later :v:

Man, the politics of Game of Thrones are so hosed up. There's seemingly no stability at all even in the face of a loving global cooling/zombie menace and it seems like borders shift constantly.

If you can destroy the Whitehills, then you just give the Ironwood they have taken to the Glenmores. Tyrion just wants to secure a steady supply of Ironwood and doesn't seem to really care who he buys it from.

Nov 16, 2010

That was a great episode. Even looked better than Ep 1. Seven loving Hells indeed.

Only complaint is that the game is rather disrespectful to passivity. Me just staring the rear end in a top hat down as he's blocking the steps leads to YOUR SISTER HAD TO PROTECT YOU. Being sane about the betrothal prospects to your supposed inner council was THEY NOTICED YOU LACK CONFIDENCE. I took the beating for the guy who stole the dagger without ratting him out or swinging at the big bastard and still got lectured by Jon.

Favorite part was getting to be horrible to Mira's companion.

May 18, 2010

by Lowtax
Yeah no that other haidmaiden girl is 100% Cersei's spy and her confiding about being an illegitimate daughter is just her trying to get her fangs into you.

Does the brown kid end up dying if you don't kill Damien?

steakmancer fucked around with this message at 09:09 on Feb 4, 2015

Oct 23, 2008


Yeah, this episode was a fair bit stronger than the first. Now that it's had a chance to get underway, it's really feeling like Game of Thrones. I'm quite liking the characters of Roderick and Asher, and looking forward to seeing them meet - I suspect the brothers may have some issues to work out, and if Asher shows up with a mercenary army that might make them worse.

I think there's been mention of plans to make future seasons, but I wonder if they'll all be about the Forresters? If they're free to follow other Houses in the future, it might be possible that if you fail to secure alliances (betrothals, mercenaries, royal contracts, the north grove) the Forresters really can just bite it!

Jan 12, 2014


Lipstick Apathy

steakmancer posted:

Does the brown kid end up dying if you don't kill Damien?
It's not really clear. Mira just ran without looking back, so it's assumed he's dead. But then the preview of the next episode rolls and she's having a conversation with him.


Ghetto Prince
Sep 11, 2010

got to be mellow, y'all
There's one easter egg I really liked with John Snow, I didnt answer when he asked why Tuttle wanted to be a ranger and instead of "He'll remember that" it read "John Snow knows nothing."

Oct 14, 2010

Eh, why not?
Another thing I liked about Jon Snow here is that it kind of let us see him reacting to the Red Wedding and Robb in general a little bit more. I feel like we didn't get enough of that in the books, so I'm actually pretty happy to see this here, small as it was.

Jan 16, 2008
Before she mends must sicken worse

Ghetto Prince posted:

There's one easter egg I really liked with John Snow, I didnt answer when he asked why Tuttle wanted to be a ranger and instead of "He'll remember that" it read "John Snow knows nothing."

That is fantastic

Dec 5, 2006

And I'm happy just to sit here,
At a table with old friends.
And see which one of us can tell the biggest lies

Ghetto Prince posted:

There's one easter egg I really liked with John Snow, I didnt answer when he asked why Tuttle wanted to be a ranger and instead of "He'll remember that" it read "John Snow knows nothing."

:drat: Holy poo poo, the attention to detail in this game.

Jan 8, 2009

Winklebottom posted:

I chucked that poo poo as fast as I could. What're they gonna do? Dust for prints?

That is great I had the same thought for a second...then I was like wait a second that can't happen. I loved this episode and thought they did a great job.

Trash Trick
Apr 17, 2014

Good ep. Was surprised to see that only 37% won the betrothal. Was not surprised to see that only 4.9% of people sold out Cotter. I couldn't resist lol. Was retarded how he still hulks out on you.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

a cop posted:

Good ep. Was surprised to see that only 37% won the betrothal. Was not surprised to see that only 4.9% of people sold out Cotter. I couldn't resist lol. Was retarded how he still hulks out on you.

I was trying to make friends with the big hulking brute rather than the tiny weasel. I was disappointed there was no option to let him beat the poo poo out of Cotter.

Oct 21, 2002

Goddamn the next 2 months can't pass quickly enough. This poo poo is getting epic.

With this, Tales from the Borderlands and Life is Strange, my interactive movie geek self is very happy. Give me a remastered Quantic Dream collection and I'll probably go crazy, even if all their games do turn into complete nonsense in their final acts.

Trash Trick
Apr 17, 2014

Regy Rusty posted:

I was trying to make friends with the big hulking brute rather than the tiny weasel. I was disappointed there was no option to let him beat the poo poo out of Cotter.

Yeah exactly.

Apr 15, 2003

by Fluffdaddy
I was unsure of my opinion of this game after episode one, I liked the ending, loved the parts where you got to be a lord, was lukewarm on the parts in King's Landing. After episode two, I love this game because it's clearly a game about making GBS threads on the player nonstop, and Game of Thrones is the perfect license for that.

Quote-Unquote posted:

Goddamn the next 2 months can't pass quickly enough. This poo poo is getting epic.

With this, Tales from the Borderlands and Life is Strange, my interactive movie geek self is very happy. Give me a remastered Quantic Dream collection and I'll probably go crazy, even if all their games do turn into complete nonsense in their final acts.

I hope you noticed that the HD remaster of Fahrenheit went up on Steam last week.

Oct 23, 2008


Keeping the betrothal sounds like a trap waiting to be sprung. Are the only ways to keep it by forging a letter from Margaery or offering the Ironwood that you can't hold on to or might need to sell to the Imp? Both of those options have risks. Can Marg choose to write you the letter if you didn't ask her for a favor in the last episode? That's the only way I could see this being "safe". It's a pity, though, I quite liked Roderick's former fiance. Hopefully there'll be a second chance later down the line.

I was a big fan of Rob in the books, so I'm glad we get to play as Roderick. The Forresters felt very Stark-like in the first episode but they're evolving a little more into their own thing, and Roderick feels like exploring what it might've been like if Rob had survived.

It's hard not to let book/show knowledge colour perceptions, though. Making a deal with Tyrion feels really dangerous, since it's going so well right now but we know what's going to happen to him soon. Even getting recruited for Varys's spy network is pretty risky considering how the show handles Varys.

Generation Internet
Jan 18, 2009

Where angels and generals fear to tread.

Dolash posted:

It's hard not to let book/show knowledge colour perceptions, though. Making a deal with Tyrion feels really dangerous, since it's going so well right now but we know what's going to happen to him soon. Even getting recruited for Varys's spy network is pretty risky considering how the show handles Varys.

I think anyone who has even the most passing knowledge of the show will realize that any Northerner in Kings Landing will get hosed over sooner or later, barring becoming the focus of some intrigue master's creepy obsession.

Also, if by Roderick's former fiancee, you mean the Whitehill daughter, she was Asher's love interest. Their love is the reason he's exiled, which I'm pretty sure is explained in episode 1. You're right though, it is a shame because she seems like a reasonable sort.

Oct 23, 2008


I was referring to the woman you meet to discuss the betrothal with, although yeah, the Whitehill daughter also seems quite reasonable. I wonder if her and Asher getting married as a way to unite the houses and end their feud might be a way the plot goes?

Generation Internet
Jan 18, 2009

Where angels and generals fear to tread.

Dolash posted:

I was referring to the woman you meet to discuss the betrothal with, although yeah, the Whitehill daughter also seems quite reasonable. I wonder if her and Asher getting married as a way to unite the houses and end their feud might be a way the plot goes?

Ohhh, the 'former' thing threw me because I managed to keep it, my bad. Knowing Telltale the deal betrothal will probably fail no matter what anyways, leaving the house in the same position plot-wise for when Asher comes into play.

Jan 17, 2008

I saw into the alternate realities. We would have lost if Likely were in because Harbaugh's two point conversion would have failed. But in the other alternate reality where I really do become John Harbaugh I would have sent it to overtime and we would have won then on a Nate Wiggins pick 6. :D
The stupidest guy in this is the coach buzzcut guy who you can pick to be sentinel. He told the cart that was carrying the body of the god drat lord of the house to go away without even looking at them!

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Kawalimus posted:

The stupidest guy in this is the coach buzzcut guy who you can pick to be sentinel. He told the cart that was carrying the body of the god drat lord of the house to go away without even looking at them!

Yeah he's an idiot, I'm so glad I had that moron Ethan make him the sentinel.

May 28, 2007

It's a pipe bomb!
I feel bad for failing to maintain the arranged marriage now...

Mar 20, 2006

I liked it a lot more than the pilot episode.

Did a much better job at fleshing out all the new characters, instead of just feeling like well known character cameo galore.

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

Does murdering the Lost Legion dude instead of smashing his knee or letting Baksha kill that random legionnaire change anything?

I hope we eventually get a chance to strike back at the Whitehills with full force because they're basically just pure dicks.

Nov 4, 2009

This was good. Definitely the first telltale episode in a while that didn't reek of inevitability.

Nov 27, 2004

I am a mouth, and I must scream

I really enjoyed that although I did have to raise an eyebrow a little at some things.

I would have liked the option to not go to the midnight garden rendezvous. I mean come on. "Oh hey someone broke into my room, stole my letters and trashed my poo poo. They left me a note asking to meet them alone in a garden in the middle of the night to talk about Tyrion. That guard listening in on the meeting was creepy as gently caress but I'm sure it can't be related. I feel perfectly safe going along with this, what could possibly go wrong?"

Although Asher's fight scenes were fun it felt a little cheesy how the two of you are able to take on so many guys at once and come out without a scratch. Same in ep1 when a farmboy squire beats two grown and presumably experienced soldiers. In other games it would be easier to suspend disbelief but this is Game of Thrones, a setting that tries to portray the harsh realities and brutality of medieval life and the noble, honourable heroes get themselves killed by their more ruthless rivals, the peasants get endlessly poo poo on by the soldiers and nobles, and the strong crush the weak. The TV show has been guilty of it too but I don't recall anything like that in the books. It just feels really out of place.

Wafflecopper fucked around with this message at 02:58 on Feb 5, 2015

Mar 20, 2006

FreudianSlippers posted:

Does murdering the Lost Legion dude instead of smashing his knee or letting Baksha kill that random legionnaire change anything?

I hope we eventually get a chance to strike back at the Whitehills with full force because they're basically just pure dicks.

i imagine it typical telltale fashion it might cause a minor story change in a future episode.

Oct 23, 2008


Wafflecopper posted:

Although Asher's fight scenes were fun it felt a little cheesy how the two of you are able to take on so many guys at once and come out without a scratch. Same in ep1 when a farmboy squire beats two grown and presumably experienced soldiers. In other games it would be easier to suspend disbelief but this is Game of Thrones, a setting that tries to portray the harsh realities and brutality of medieval life and the noble, honourable heroes get themselves killed by their more ruthless rivals, the peasants get endlessly poo poo on by the soldiers and nobles, and the strong crush the weak. The TV show has been guilty of it too but I don't recall anything like that in the books. It just feels really out of place.

I'll give you Asher and friends being unstoppable murder-machines, but Tuttle's not too unbelievable. He's a squire who fought with Rob's army, had a good sword (although it gave him some trouble to use) and got a not-unbelievable-amount of lucky. Besides, not all House soldiers are experienced veterans, some are just local bullies given a helmet and a spear.

Calico Noose
Jun 26, 2010
Book spoilers about

Any soldier in the North worth a poo poo would have already been in the south with Robbs army, the ones left behind at home at the absolute bottom of the barrel. It's one of the plot points of the books when Ramsey is causing poo poo that when Ser Rodderick assembles a host against him it's mostly comprised of youths and old men, since the proper fighting strength of the north has already left

May 1, 2013

Jump into the well...

FreudianSlippers posted:

Does murdering the Lost Legion dude instead of smashing his knee or letting Baksha kill that random legionnaire change anything?

I hope we eventually get a chance to strike back at the Whitehills with full force because they're basically just pure dicks.

i hope if you keep him alive you can just continually cripple him again and again

Mar 20, 2006

Mira is a nice twist since instead of being helpless like Sansa, you at least have a chance to do some minor scheming to hopefully help House Forrester.

I'm taking off points for not having enough Natalie Dorner duckface

Nov 27, 2004

I am a mouth, and I must scream

Calico Noose posted:

Book spoilers about

Any soldier in the North worth a poo poo would have already been in the south with Robbs army, the ones left behind at home at the absolute bottom of the barrel. It's one of the plot points of the books when Ramsey is causing poo poo that when Ser Rodderick assembles a host against him it's mostly comprised of youths and old men, since the proper fighting strength of the north has already left

They were Whitehall men right? I don't recall if ep1 gave us details as to what their troops were doing during the war, but as they're so friendly with the Boltons one might assume they were part of Roose Bolton's command and had seen fighting. Post Red-Wedding I could see the troops of pro-Bolton houses being allowed to go terrorize their local Stark loyalist rivals. The fact that those guys weren't youths or old men could be argued to point to them having seen action. But yeah I'll concede that they could just as easily be local scum. It's still two grown men against a pudgy kid but I guess it's kinda plausible. I'm thinking way too hard about all this now.

May 31, 2007

I don't care if you're a star, the moon, or the whole damn sky, you need to come back down to earth and remember where you came from
Just finished episode 2. Really cool that The song at the end uses your words at the end of episode 1. I wonder if The family members' will start to have conflicting interests that will come into play. Elissa seems to be inclined to take the scorched earth policy against the Whitehills, while Asher would probably disagree with that when poo poo finally hits the fan.

So far I've been ruthless and giving no fucks about the consequences. The North Remembers. I think *if* there are multiple ways for this to pan out, the best way to go about it is to get the help of other northern lords. Everyone else I've been treating like poo poo in one way or another. Although I think that this game would be the best time for telltale to really do branching storylines, the game of thrones setting seems too rigid for them to allow something like that.

Fun game so far, in any case. Looking forward to the next episode (although I have to admit, I'm liking borderlands more.)

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
That was great. Asher and Mira are definitely the best.

Oct 23, 2008


Arrrthritis posted:

Just finished episode 2. Really cool that The song at the end uses your words at the end of episode 1. I wonder if The family members' will start to have conflicting interests that will come into play. Elissa seems to be inclined to take the scorched earth policy against the Whitehills, while Asher would probably disagree with that when poo poo finally hits the fan.

Asher's hardly squeamish, at most he might not want Gwyn dead but otherwise he'll probably be happy to do some killing to help his House out. If anything, Roderick might have the problem that his healthier brother is back in town, possibly with mercenaries, ready to lead from the front and win people's respect - it might undermine Roderick's authority.

Actually, that's a question. How will the game handle multiple perspective characters interacting? I don't think we've seen that yet, and I imagine we won't see it for a while since everyone's pretty spread out, but by the end of the season there's a very good chance some of these characters will cross paths. There are two protagonists in Tales From the Borderlands and that worked fine in the first episode, but it might be more challenging in Game of Thrones when people's motivations and intrigues are a little more nuanced. If there were tensions between Roderick and Asher, it might be a bit frustrating to only be allowed to control one of them while the other one says things you wouldn't have chosen.

Dec 12, 2013

kater posted:

That was a great episode. Even looked better than Ep 1. Seven loving Hells indeed.

Only complaint is that the game is rather disrespectful to passivity. Me just staring the rear end in a top hat down as he's blocking the steps leads to YOUR SISTER HAD TO PROTECT YOU. Being sane about the betrothal prospects to your supposed inner council was THEY NOTICED YOU LACK CONFIDENCE. I took the beating for the guy who stole the dagger without ratting him out or swinging at the big bastard and still got lectured by Jon.

Favorite part was getting to be horrible to Mira's companion.

Why do you expect to be rewarded for passivity? Might as well have stayed in bed if you don't want to get involved. You failed to accept the challenge when confronted by a guard, somebody had to step in and it happened to be your little sister. Instead of being a lord you acted like a wimp. When expected to take charge in the council you act indecisive.

1st AD
Dec 3, 2004

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: sometimes passing just isn't an option.

kater posted:

Only complaint is that the game is rather disrespectful to passivity

When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

Henrik Zetterberg
Dec 7, 2007

Finished ep 2 in 1h45m, up from the hour or so it took me to finish ep 1. I was glad to see it was longer. While it was a good episode, the Mira stuff bores me to death. In hindsight, I should have just tried to gently caress her over. Murdering everyone with Asher and being a dick to the Whitehills with Roderick was pretty awesome though.


Trash Trick
Apr 17, 2014

Sekenr posted:

Why do you expect to be rewarded for passivity? Might as well have stayed in bed if you don't want to get involved. You failed to accept the challenge when confronted by a guard, somebody had to step in and it happened to be your little sister. Instead of being a lord you acted like a wimp. When expected to take charge in the council you act indecisive.

Except a menacing stare from a burned fucker who isn't backing down is pretty intimidating. The guard even seems to be like "oh poo poo what have I done" until your sister speaks up. It should have been "your sister decided to stick up for you" rather than "had to".

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