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Oct 23, 2008


You say "menacing stare from a burned fucker", I say "loitering cripple". I had Roderick snap at him to "Move, now!" and what made it work was Roderick used a lord's voice - his face might be a ruin, but he still sounds like someone raised from birth for command and the soldier is still someone raised from birth to obey.

Even if the stare might've worked, Talia failed to pick up on the cues and her stepping in for you might even have bailed the soldier out more than you. He gets to claim your sister is protecting you, and that's why he backed down, a face-saving excuse for him. Talia's not really in tune with the requirements of a lord.

Edit - do we know anything at all about House Glenmore? Elaena is a Northerner, she played with Roderick as a child so they probably don't live far away, and they have enough troops to offset the Whitehills. Not much to go on, it'd be nice to know who their liege lord is - and come to think of it, where are the Glovers while all this is going on? You'd think the Boltons would have to go through them, not to mention when Deepwood Motte gets occupied by Ironborn that'd be a big issue!

Dolash fucked around with this message at 23:33 on Feb 5, 2015


Oct 21, 2010

He's Behind you
God Ep2 was definately alot more enjoyable than Ep1 I loved the two new guys and going to The wall and shooting the poo poo with Jon Snow was awesome.

I managed to

Get the arranged marriage by giving half of the forest to them, little do they know that their "half" of the Ironwood is currently the control of Nobby Bollocks and that Fat bastard who I really want to kill.

Also Kings landing is definately potrayed well with all the spys and betrayal's I also do not trust that other handmaiden at all and I killed the rapist Lanister soldier then kept hold of the knife (so I can frame someone else for the murder)

At least I hope thats a loving option

1st AD
Dec 3, 2004

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: sometimes passing just isn't an option.
Eleana knows full well that the Ironwood is basically controlled by Bolton/the Whitehills.

veni veni veni
Jun 5, 2005

VoLaTiLe posted:

Also Kings landing is definately potrayed well with all the spys and betrayal's I also do not trust that other handmaiden at all and I killed the rapist Lanister soldier then kept hold of the knife (so I can frame someone else for the murder)

Rapist? I certainly got the impression he was there to assassinate her not rape her.

Mar 20, 2006

NESguerilla posted:

Rapist? I certainly got the impression he was there to assassinate her not rape her.

He pretty much tells Mira certain people in court have wised up to her schemes and want to knock her off

May 18, 2010

by Lowtax
Before he said that I got a really rapey vibe from that guy

Dec 12, 2013

I really didn't get about this scene is how he starts out all "M'lady" corteous and flirty, in the next second "oh BTW I'm here to kill you, bye"

Jun 6, 2011

A knight has to mind his manners in the presence of a lady, even if he intends to kill her.

Oct 21, 2010

He's Behind you

Sekenr posted:

I really didn't get about this scene is how he starts out all "M'lady" corteous and flirty, in the next second "oh BTW I'm here to kill you, bye"

Yea thats pretty much what I was getting at, I was hoping I could flirt with him and make him my minion

May 31, 2007

I don't care if you're a star, the moon, or the whole damn sky, you need to come back down to earth and remember where you came from

Dolash posted:

Where are the Glovers while all this is going on? You'd think the Boltons would have to go through them, not to mention when Deepwood Motte gets occupied by Ironborn that'd be a big issue!

Book stuff Deepwood Motte is still being held by the Ironborn, and on top of that the Glovers still have their kinsmen held hostage by the freys/boltons to ensure that they don't rebel again.

They aren't going to do poo poo to stop the Boltons while they still need them to retake their homes.

Red Red Blue
Feb 11, 2007

Sekenr posted:

I really didn't get about this scene is how he starts out all "M'lady" corteous and flirty, in the next second "oh BTW I'm here to kill you, bye"

Keeping up appearances until he knows she's alone

Oct 29, 2011
My only real qualm with this episode was the (show trademark) playing ridiculously loose and fast with the geography. I get that they want Asher to be over in Slaver's Bay so they can tie in some stuff with Daenerys' story from the books/show, but there is no way that Malcom should have been able to get over there in any reasonable time-frame. Storywise, he could have easily been over in one of the Free Cities (Braavos, Pentos, etc.) instead, plenty of room for sell-swords there and much more reasonable for Malcom to get to in a way that wouldn't involve months long journeys in both directions.

Mar 11, 2006

All I know is after two episodes a lot of people are going to die.

And if it's to be the Forresters, they're taking as many as they can down with them. My Roderick's staring into the pyre was not the face of a happy man. Hell, most of the family have blood on their hands already anyway.

Hotwire fucked around with this message at 12:36 on Feb 6, 2015

Nov 3, 2009

Aishan posted:

My only real qualm with this episode was the (show trademark) playing ridiculously loose and fast with the geography. I get that they want Asher to be over in Slaver's Bay so they can tie in some stuff with Daenerys' story from the books/show, but there is no way that Malcom should have been able to get over there in any reasonable time-frame. Storywise, he could have easily been over in one of the Free Cities (Braavos, Pentos, etc.) instead, plenty of room for sell-swords there and much more reasonable for Malcom to get to in a way that wouldn't involve months long journeys in both directions.

Yeah, and Rodrik being on the corpse cart still alive surely could not have been more than a day or two from the beginning of episode 1, so unless the timelines are wildly disparate nothing makes any sense. Not that it matters a whole lot, but it is weird that no one seems to have considered it.

Mar 11, 2006

'Ironwood' is simply the Westeros name for 'Carbon-Fiber'

The Forresters have speedboats.

Oct 14, 2010

Eh, why not?
The corpse cart bit specially bothers me because I'm pretty sure on episode 1 they say that it will be a week before Ramsay arrives at the Forrester's place. So the dude was presumably unconscious for a week and a couple days and managed to make it out okay. Geography and time seem to be played pretty loosely here.

Oct 23, 2008


That's one of Telltale's quirks. In the Walking Dead, logistics only ever entered into it for the sake of the plot and would disappear just as easily - you always had just enough bullets, unless you didn't. Likewise, I doubt we'll ever get a firm grasp on how many men the Forresters have, how much the Ironwood is worth, how much a half-share translates to, etc.

The corpse cart could've been easily fixed by having the guy hauling bodies notice Roderick's alive back on the battlefield and decide he's going to sneak him out to get a fat reward from the Forresters, and could've even featured a similar "do something to show you're alive before it's too late" bit. I can gloss over it as a bit of sloppy writing, though, so long as the core character-driven stuff is still good.

Teleporting Malcom isn't so much on Telltale just because if the story was going to tie in Essos at all it was going to have to overcome George's rough grasp of scale when he designed the setting. Hell, even communicating by raven with Mira so freely is a bit of a handwave.

Also, can I ask again if anyone didn't ask Marg for a favor in episode 1 then got her to write the letter willingly in episode 2? Or do you always have to forge it?

Jan 17, 2008

I saw into the alternate realities. We would have lost if Likely were in because Harbaugh's two point conversion would have failed. But in the other alternate reality where I really do become John Harbaugh I would have sent it to overtime and we would have won then on a Nate Wiggins pick 6. :D

Dolash posted:

Also, can I ask again if anyone didn't ask Marg for a favor in episode 1 then got her to write the letter willingly in episode 2? Or do you always have to forge it?

I played a second game and basically she doesn't agree to write the letter but she says she'll go ask lady Olenna for some help. At least I'm pretty sure I didn't ask her for help in that first game. You still get the option to forge.

May 7, 2006

by VideoGames
I bet my decision not to take the strange key is going to bite me in the arse.

Odds on the coal boy actually working for Littlefinger rather than Varys? Or possibly as a double agent?

Oct 5, 2003

Fleet of foot, and all that!

precision posted:

I bet my decision not to take the strange key is going to bite me in the arse.

Odds on the coal boy actually working for Littlefinger rather than Varys? Or possibly as a double agent?

Benjen. It's Benjen. Or Syrio Forel.

Jul 10, 2007

Dolash posted:

Also, can I ask again if anyone didn't ask Marg for a favor in episode 1 then got her to write the letter willingly in episode 2? Or do you always have to forge it?

Yeah, she says something about maybe possibly being able to help when she's queen, but it wouldn't be very subtle for her to write the letter to the betrothed house because they would feel forced to accept, and that she was going to talk to Olenna who might have a better suggestion but nothing comes of it yet.

losonti tokash
Oct 29, 2007

I'm so pretty, oh so pretty.
That's what she said to me as well, and I did ask for her help last time.

Jan 22, 2013

Please be excited.

I'm really starting to enjoy Mira's story. I've started playing her like a young Cersei: selfish and stupid, but thinks she's a cunning genius. I'm amazed that only 8% of people chose to run from Damien.

Talia's song at the end was just loving awful. Ear splittingly bad and some of the worst lyrics imaginable.

Overall episode 2 was quite a bit better than the first. The dialogue improved dramatically (nothing as out of place as northern commoners calling Tyrion by his name) and I'm really liking the Quantic Dream-esque flitting between scenes. It means I never get sick of the character I'm on and decide to take a break, which usually happens two or three times with Telltale episodes.

Asher's story is a bit disappointing so far though. Didn't really give a gently caress about playing him.

And who in the gently caress is Frostfingers? Couldn't they have found a canonical character to fill that role? Thorne was at the wall around this time in the show's canon, he could have done it.

stev fucked around with this message at 15:51 on Feb 7, 2015

Nov 8, 2009


Steve2911 posted:

Talia's song at the end was just loving awful. Ear splittingly bad and some of the worst lyrics imaginable.

Hey, she's fourteen and this is the first song she ever wrote without Ethan helping, you can't expect quality.

I am amazed nobody remarked on the yellow things they put in Lord Forrester's and Ethan's hands before they cremated them. I'm pretty sure those are ironwood seeds and that the secret to growing Forrester ironwood is burning the seeds in a blue flame (at least 1,300° C or 2372° F) and fertilizing them with corpse ashes :black101:

Oct 29, 2011

Steve2911 posted:

And who in the gently caress is Frostfingers? Couldn't they have found a canonical character to fill that role? Thorne was at the wall around this time in the show's canon, he could have done it.
I'm going to assume they just couldn't get the actor in for a voice-session.

Oct 14, 2010

Eh, why not?

Aishan posted:

I'm going to assume they just couldn't get the actor in for a voice-session.

I kind of prefer when they fill in those spots with as many non-canon characters as possible because we know the game won't kill any canonical characters.

Unless it did something really dickish like "Hey, here's Syrio Forell! He was alive the whole ti--OOPS HE'S DEAD FOR REALS NOW"

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

"Syrio died on the way back to his home planetos"

Irish Joe
Jul 23, 2007

by Lowtax

Steve2911 posted:

Talia's song at the end was just loving awful. Ear splittingly bad and some of the worst lyrics imaginable.

She also hums like a 40 year-old man.

Aug 20, 2005

Hopeford posted:

Unless it did something really dickish like "Hey, here's Syrio Forell! He was alive the whole ti--OOPS HE'S DEAD FOR REALS NOW"

Why would you think Jaqen Hgar is dead

veni veni veni
Jun 5, 2005

Steve2911 posted:

Talia's song at the end was just loving awful. Ear splittingly bad and some of the worst lyrics imaginable.

I muted it part way through and erased it from my brain. I actually forgot it existed until your post.

Sep 18, 2007

Everything is in my control
Lipstick Apathy

Steve2911 posted:

Talia's song at the end was just loving awful. Ear splittingly bad and some of the worst lyrics imaginable.

You're probably right that it was unintentionally bad, but I just pretended it was intentional and it made it better. The purpose of a song, both in history and in the GoT universe, was to tell a story. While her lyric choice was pretty hamfisted and about as far from clever as you can get, it did a good job of telling the story of Ethan the Brave (or whatever other versions there are). And like Pththya-lyi said, she's not exactly an experienced songwriter, so I think that played a part as well.

Also, do we have to keep using spoiler tags? imo you'd be stupid to try to read this thread at this point if you haven't played Episode 2...

Jan 17, 2008

I saw into the alternate realities. We would have lost if Likely were in because Harbaugh's two point conversion would have failed. But in the other alternate reality where I really do become John Harbaugh I would have sent it to overtime and we would have won then on a Nate Wiggins pick 6. :D
I was really confused in the song why she would put the part in about cannibals eating the wardens of the north.

Nov 8, 2009


Kawalimus posted:

I was really confused in the song why she would put the part in about cannibals eating the wardens of the north.

She misses her brother so badly that she would be willing to see the Westerosi people and culture destroyed if it meant she could bring him back.

(FYI to other players: that part is from the full version of the song, which plays over the end credits for the episode.)

Jan 25, 2015

Pththya-lyi posted:

She misses her brother so badly that she would be willing to see the Westerosi people and culture destroyed if it meant she could bring him back.

(FYI to other players: that part is from the full version of the song, which plays over the end credits for the episode.)

I was about to ask what choices gave you such insane lyrics. I guess I'm just adding to the chorus of Ep 2 being a strong improvement even though I really enjoyed the first one. I may be imagining it but I felt QTE sword fights with Asher were a lot smoother. Good to see Mira's story developing beyond begging Margery for favours. I agree its odd that Rodrik survived a week+ on a corpse cart at first I thought since you don't see any Whitehill soldiers at the gate with the Ser Shoutsalot maybe it was set before the end of Ep 1 but then I remembered Ser Shouty shouted about Rodrik being alive so there went that theory.

Really looking forward to getting some sweet, sweet revenge on the Whitehills.

Apr 27, 2010

O'er the sea from the north
there sails a ship
With the people of Hel
at the helm stands Loki
After the wolf
do wild men follow
Rodrik surviving unconscious on that cart all the way from the Twins to Ironrath which realistically should have taken weeks was incredibly stupid. Otherwise I enjoyed the episode, I just wish I had a choice to not go to the garden at night and not taking the deal with Tyrion

Dolash posted:

Edit - do we know anything at all about House Glenmore? Elaena is a Northerner, she played with Roderick as a child so they probably don't live far away, and they have enough troops to offset the Whitehills. Not much to go on, it'd be nice to know who their liege lord is - and come to think of it, where are the Glovers while all this is going on? You'd think the Boltons would have to go through them, not to mention when Deepwood Motte gets occupied by Ironborn that'd be a big issue!

I really doubt that the game is going to go into how the Forresters are sworn to the Glovers but it'd be cool if they did since that might mean that we'll get Ironborn :toot:

Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"
I really enjoyed this episode, I'm honestly pleased (ok greatly pleased) that the show's actors are doing such a good job in their roles.

Aug 26, 2003

"I came here to argue with you about a freaking television show!"

1st AD posted:

Eleana knows full well that the Ironwood is basically controlled by Bolton/the Whitehills.

They make it seem as if with the Forresters they can topple the Whitehills but the Boltons are unknown.

This will all play out by episode 4 or 5 I think.

James Trickington
Apr 23, 2008

a cop posted:

Except a menacing stare from a burned fucker who isn't backing down is pretty intimidating.

Yep. Nervousness and hubris make people blabber about drat near anything, given the space to do it. Deliberate silence is more meaningful than passivity, and the lack of distinction between these two is a bit disappointing. Especially when the game's narrative tells a player that silence is always a valid choice. It'd have been neater of them to reword it as "Silence is often mistaken for weakness in times of war," but it's a minor irritation anyway.

Mar 1, 2001

Tiny animals under glass... Smaller than sand...

I kinda wish they'd steal or adapt in some way Dreamfall: Chapters' latest addition to the dialogue system, where mousing over a choice gives you the character's inner monologue about what that choice means to them. It would ruin the timed dialogue aspect though, so they'd really have to rework it.

That's one of the biggest problems in dialogue driven games in general and Telltale's specifically, a choice doesn't always give you what you're expecting, and sometimes the character will outright say something different.


Apr 29, 2013

The very best example of misinterpreting dialogue choices comes from Wolf Among us. I'm drinking at a bar, having a polite conversation. I am asked to respond with three dialogue choices or to "glass" him.

I think "glass him" means to buy him another beer.

I was wrong.

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