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May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride

AdjectiveNoun posted:

Honestly, I get the opposite impression. She's wheeling and dealing with the people that control the whole country, just by association - making deals with Tyrion matters so much more than any action you take at Ironrath.

Yeah but it feels like nothing she has done so far has changed her family's situation, I guess. Sure she is hanging with Tyrion but just because maybe he finds her amusing and can use her to his own ends.


May 28, 2007

It's a pipe bomb!

Mar 17, 2009

Hallowed posted:


It's already out.

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012

Okay this game has officially gotten great and I have to say this has to be the most actually reactive game of theirs yet. I was flying by the seat of my pants really hard over hard I actually managed to almost completely gently caress up in Mira's section and it was actually thrilling but I saved my rear end because I knew it was smart to have one of the castle spies on my side. TWD Season 2 and TWAU must really have been a rough patch because this game is some real good poo poo.

Accordion Man fucked around with this message at 21:11 on Mar 24, 2015

John Charity Spring
Nov 3, 2009

I still feel like I'm making all the wrong decisions. Especially that very last one in the episode.

Dec 12, 2013

John Charity Spring posted:

I still feel like I'm making all the wrong decisions. Especially that very last one in the episode.

I chose to burn decree and stay down those actually felt very right afterwards

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

I kicked the guy off the wall and stood up repeatedly after punching every Whitehall possible in the face. It's great.

Dec 12, 2013

Regy Rusty posted:

I kicked the guy off the wall and stood up repeatedly after punching every Whitehall possible in the face. It's great.

I stood up once and than just said gently caress it I'm gonna be relaxing here in the mud

Oct 23, 2008


A whole lot of fun, I'm left trying to figure out what possible outcomes/solutions will be available and whether it's better to commit to one early or try and keep your options open.

Allying with the Glenmores seems more like the "fight the Whitehills" solution, but I think if you bide your time and work with Gwyn you might be able to end things peacefully. Maybe Roderick can marry her to unite the Houses, or Asher could when he returns.

The whole "plan" started to click when it was laid out that Mira needed to find a buyer so the Forresters can get some money and Asher needs to bring an army they can pay with that money. After that, I can't imagine why anyone would burn the decree - there's no future in staying Margaery's handmaid, might as well try and make things interesting.

It's looking like Gared and Cotter'll be out of the Night's Watch next episode regardless, since he's a Wildling and you'll be wanted for murdering a brother no matter what you do. I guess that might resolve the "Find the North Grove/Stick to your vows" problem, a bit easier than I expected.

As for the traitor, I'm pretty sure it has to be the Maester - it's not about to be your mother and I think they're trying to play up how Duncan and Royland will feel cheated if they're not made Sentinel, but if Royland's Sentinel then Duncan'll still be trying to get Gared to find the North Grove, not something he'd try to do if he was selling the House out.

Jan 9, 2013

Sekenr posted:

I stood up once and than just said gently caress it I'm gonna be relaxing here in the mud

Does Rodrick actually command any troops? Because I was expecting someone to step in while I was getting the poo poo kicked out of me and my Sentinel charged his troops. It's cool guys I'll just sit here and get kicked in the ribs

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Dolash posted:

As for the traitor, I'm pretty sure it has to be the Maester - it's not about to be your mother and I think they're trying to play up how Duncan and Royland will feel cheated if they're not made Sentinel, but if Royland's Sentinel then Duncan'll still be trying to get Gared to find the North Grove, not something he'd try to do if he was selling the House out.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. If Duncan was the traitor he'd be trying to get the North Grove for the Whitehalls, and that's the one thing they don't know about. Plus the Maester is the only one who is still in the same position regardless of the choices you've made. It's gotta be him.

Apr 20, 2006

Hold on tight!

Regy Rusty posted:

Yeah that's what I was thinking. If Duncan was the traitor he'd be trying to get the North Grove for the Whitehalls, and that's the one thing they don't know about. Plus the Maester is the only one who is still in the same position regardless of the choices you've made. It's gotta be him.

Chapter 3 spoilers. And besides, remember that Lord Forrester said to only tell Duncan about the grove and nobody else; then when Gared is getting fixed up by the Maester you have the option to tell him about the grove. Seems to me that he's the most obvious choice.

Watch though. It will be the mother just to gently caress with us.

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012

Also it can't be Royland either because if he was really a traitor he could have easily murdered Rodrick on the corpse cart and no one would ever know. It's totally the maester.

John Charity Spring
Nov 3, 2009


Sekenr posted:

I chose to burn decree and stay down those actually felt very right afterwards

I burned it (and felt very wrong about it) but I got up every time (though I didn't hit Gryff). That was a loving good scene - every time I made Rodrik get up I was convinced everything was a hair's breadth from going to poo poo.

Mar 17, 2009

John Charity Spring posted:

I burned it (and felt very wrong about it) but I got up every time (though I didn't hit Gryff). That was a loving good scene - every time I made Rodrik get up I was convinced everything was a hair's breadth from going to poo poo.

Yeah I did that too. During that scene I actually expected Gryff to kill Talia.

Oct 23, 2008


Why would you ever burn the decree? I don't understand how that'd help at all.

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012


Dolash posted:

Why would you ever burn the decree? I don't understand how that'd help at all.
Because Tyrion wrote it/potentially has his name on it so everyone would think Mira was potentially involved with Joffrey's assassination.

Jan 9, 2013

Accordion Man posted:

Because Tyrion wrote it/potentially has his name on it so everyone would think Mira was potentially involved with Joffrey's assassination.

But people already saw her associate with Tyrion. Why would the letter be necessary?

Red Red Blue
Feb 11, 2007

I'm more or less picking choices based on what I think would be more interesting to see happen, and man, everything is so hosed right now :allears:

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012


StopHangingDjs posted:

But people already saw her associate with Tyrion. Why would the letter be necessary?
Concrete evidence that they had a deal going. Maybe I'm wrong though and I wouldn't mind, another round of barely avoiding crashing and burning with Mira would be fun.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Red Red Blue posted:

I'm more or less picking choices based on what I think would be more interesting to see happen, and man, everything is so hosed right now :allears:

Hell yeah. I figure it's going to be a clusterfuck and everything is going to go horribly anyway, so why not try and make sure it's the most horrible it can possibly be?

Georgia Peach
Jan 7, 2005


I didn't see it on screen but I heard Joffrey dying again and it made me happy again.

Georgia Peach
Jan 7, 2005


Also I didn't burn it because I don't know the first thing about this dude trying to sell me on an ironwood price fixing scheme and I'm not sure why I should destroy the one thing we've actually gotten over on his family. For all I know he'd just say, cool, you burned it, now we're taking your poo poo.

Georgia Peach fucked around with this message at 01:09 on Mar 25, 2015

Jul 21, 2014

Haven't read any posts, just finished the newest episode. This game loving rules.

Jul 5, 2007

Welp, that was loving infuriating. I played the submissive role with Rodrick every time there was the option to lose his poo poo or defy the Whitehills, just to get Gryff off his guard. I really hope I will be turning Gryff into food for his daddy a la Titus Andronicus. Sorry, Gwen, I appreciate the help, but i'm honorbound to kill your family in the messiest way possible.

It was immensely satisfying though after getting the poo poo consistently kicked out of me to lay a proper smackdown on Britt. "Don't piss yourself on the way down" :frogc00l:

Also, I'm having second thoughts about Ortengryn being a double agent; he's outwardly shifty enough to make a good red herring. Mama Forrester's reaction to a potential ally within the Whitehills, on the other hand, was a little suspicious to me...

Oct 23, 2008


beefart posted:

Also, I'm having second thoughts about Ortengryn being a double agent; he's outwardly shifty enough to make a good red herring. Mama Forrester's reaction to a potential ally within the Whitehills, on the other hand, was a little suspicious to me...

I suppose it could make sense, since she's one of the people you can tell about the North Grove, and you can also choose to keep quiet about getting help from Gwyn and that there's allegedly a traitor on the council - all information she could use against you, if she was inclined. No idea why she'd be the traitor, though, unless they'd been threatening to kill Ryon unless she leaks stuff to them without telling you.

Georgia Peach
Jan 7, 2005


Dolash posted:

I suppose it could make sense, since she's one of the people you can tell about the North Grove, and you can also choose to keep quiet about getting help from Gwyn and that there's allegedly a traitor on the council - all information she could use against you, if she was inclined. No idea why she'd be the traitor, though, unless they'd been threatening to kill Ryon unless she leaks stuff to them without telling you.

Ugh, didn't think about that. So glad I opened up.

Jul 5, 2007


Dolash posted:

I suppose it could make sense, since she's one of the people you can tell about the North Grove, and you can also choose to keep quiet about getting help from Gwyn and that there's allegedly a traitor on the council - all information she could use against you, if she was inclined. No idea why she'd be the traitor, though, unless they'd been threatening to kill Ryon unless she leaks stuff to them without telling you.

Bingo. Seeing a lot of potential parallels with Catelyn here. She's a well-meaning mother and wife who's tired of losing family who just wants to bring everyone back together, even if it fucks up all of her son's plans. Plus, her quarrel isn't really with the Whitehills anyway, Ramsay and Roose are the real targets in her eyes..

Oct 16, 2012

Roose is loose.

Yeah, I'll be surprised if the mother isn't the traitor. I thought it was her just because she's the one who went for Ashur right at the beginning without telling Ethan. I figure she's less of a traitor than someone who's just trying to do what she thinks is the right thing to do though.

I figure episode 4 will be the last "Let's keep kicking you while you're down" episode though, since they're making most of the Whitehills massive dicks they'll start getting killed off then.

bobjr fucked around with this message at 02:38 on Mar 25, 2015

Jan 12, 2014


Lipstick Apathy
Did anyone else get a lot of Theon impression from Gryff? Prancing around another House like he owns the place and does everything he can to shame the family? I hope this ends with one of his relatives coming to visit to give him a talking to and his soldiers kicking him out.

May 21, 2004

Was it just me or was that episode way way longer than standard Telltale fare? Not complaining, I'm just surprised how long it was. Very very good episode though.

I hope we're now going to get Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones alternating months. It was nice having them on week after the other, but I prefer alternating months.

No more long waits Telltale! :argh:

TWAU's delay was likely due to the killer being figured out after the first episode and a mad scramble to rewrite.

Oct 23, 2008


Actually I heard authorial meddling had a significant impact on TWAU's delay, supposedly the mundane police were going to play a larger role in the story at first and Willingham didn't like that direction.

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012

There's been no official word on why but Willingham nixing the police plot-line is the more plausible scenario taking the content that got cut and was left in the game into account.

Shimrra Jamaane
Aug 9, 2007

Obscure to all except those well-versed in Yuuzhan Vong lore.
What was the original plot going to be for TWAU?

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012


Shimrra Jamaane posted:

What was the original plot going to be for TWAU?
The police, namely the female detective in the beginning of Episode 2, were going to have a far more prominent role. They would start to get suspicious of the Fables due to Lily's murder and the detective would have headed the investigation into the Fables. Its most likely why the Tweedles have a file on her in their office in Episode 3 for apparently little reason, originally they were keeping tabs on her due to her investigation. Said female detective also featured in the early teasers for Episode 2 as well. There's not much beyond that and as I said there's been no official word on it, but there's enough evidence that stuff did get cut.

Shimrra Jamaane
Aug 9, 2007

Obscure to all except those well-versed in Yuuzhan Vong lore.
But there's no evidence that they changed the killer though?

Feb 14, 2012

Regy Rusty posted:

I kicked the guy off the wall and stood up repeatedly after punching every Whitehall possible in the face. It's great.

I took my time with britt, he didnt die well. I was gave the whitehalls alot of poo poo and punched gryff but I backed down after a while. If the forresters are going down, they are gonna take the whitehalls to hell with them.

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012


Shimrra Jamaane posted:

But there's no evidence that they changed the killer though?
Not very. The red-headed guy who people predicted was The Boy Who Cried Wolf due to his tie with shepherd's crooks on them did stop appearing after Episode 1 where he appeared several times, but if he was the original killer (Which there's very little evidence of, unlike the cop plotline) he was most likely a casualty of Willingham stopping the original plotline and not because people came to the conclusion of his possible identity early. If Telltale worried so much about the latter they wouldn't have him pop up so much in Episode 1.

Jul 18, 2008

Great episode. I like how everyone's more or less split in the middle decision wise, too. Political scheming be complicated, yo!


Feb 14, 2012

Doctor Reynolds posted:

Great episode. I like how everyone's more or less split in the middle decision wise, too. Political scheming be complicated, yo!

My choices screen never showed, and it isnt in the choices menu. but my saves are intact. gently caress.

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