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Jul 30, 2005

That was a tense episode. I really wanted to keep my vows but apparently gently caress it.


Nov 16, 2010

This game is absurd. Like, everything about it. I can't even put together much of a cohesive thought about this last episode. It's just so much nonsense. Totally agree with the guy who's just deciding things on how much chaos they sew.

My favorite part is Gary's deadpan 'he's a wildling' confiding in the Brute followed by the latter's immediate freakout and then lonely lonely Charlie Brown torch duty. Just an immediate 'Well that's going to go poorly' moment.

PS the traitor is totally the dude with the scars. He should have died at the end of the episode when I ordered him to attack but didn't. That's because he is a spaehy.

Jul 18, 2008

The traitor is Talia. Girl be bloodthirsty!

Nov 8, 2009

Well now I'm thinking that Elissa is the traitor, but I'm still going to play it as if the maester were my number one suspect. Rodrick loves his family more than anything, so he will trust his mommy 100%.:downs:

Dec 24, 2005

Is it... safe?
The mother as traitor thing would be stupid as gently caress, and not a particularly good parallel to Catelyn. Cate gives up Jamie to get her daughters, she doesn't send Tywin Robb's battle plans and ask him not to hurt Sansa. Also, secretly sending your uncle to get Asher and then immediately telling your enemies that you're secretly bringing him in with a mercenary army is nonsensical. If they go this way, it's just bad writing. I know the maester is probably too obvious of a traitor, but any of your immediate family are terrible choices.

I still feel like this is Telltale's weakest game in this line. The constraints of fitting into game of thrones established story is just brutal. Like, you know what happens at Joff's wedding, so you can immediately see the issue with Tyrion as an ally. I like some of the characters, but I just feel like none of the decisions I make matter even remotely.

Though on that note I'm confused why anyone thinks that the letter is worth a poo poo. It's signed by Tyrion as master of coin. Tyrion is a traitor, why should anyone care what he agreed to. It has zero value unless something wasn't made clear. Cersei won't trust you by virtue of having a connection to Tyrion. So what's your game? Short term it has no value because you have no traction with the Lannisters. Long term, if someone else takes the Iron Throne (obviously not in the scope of this game), then again, why do they care if you had a deal with the Lannisters.

EDIT: Another thing I'm confused on who cares about the knife? Like, coal boy is all -a knife with a dead man's blood! But there is no Westeros CSI. People already think the guy is dead, his knife with blood on it doesn't confirm that the knife was even used to kill him (maybe he stabbed his attacker). Even if you make that leap, how does that even remotely pin it on you?

Karnegal fucked around with this message at 08:56 on Mar 25, 2015

Dec 12, 2013

StopHangingDjs posted:

Does Rodrick actually command any troops? Because I was expecting someone to step in while I was getting the poo poo kicked out of me and my Sentinel charged his troops. It's cool guys I'll just sit here and get kicked in the ribs

I don't know about your playthrough but in mine Royland was threatening to cut everybody down like stacks of hay

1st AD
Dec 3, 2004

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: sometimes passing just isn't an option.

Karnegal posted:

Though on that note I'm confused why anyone thinks that the letter is worth a poo poo. It's signed by Tyrion as master of coin. Tyrion is a traitor, why should anyone care what he agreed to. It has zero value unless something wasn't made clear. Cersei won't trust you by virtue of having a connection to Tyrion. So what's your game? Short term it has no value because you have no traction with the Lannisters. Long term, if someone else takes the Iron Throne (obviously not in the scope of this game), then again, why do they care if you had a deal with the Lannisters.

I'm not sure how laws work in Game of Thrones but if the letter is an actual contract then I'm gonna assume it's legally binding and Tyrion being persona non grata or not, that has to be real valuable to Mira.

Basically it's Mira deciding to take a short term gain that costs her torching relations with Margaery and that dude that is totally good for helping you if you burn this legally binding document that will give you all the money you need to save your family.

Knowing the plot to the story kind of colors all my decision making because I figured that being in Margaery's favor is not viable long-term and the family needs help now. Though for all I know the letter isn't an actual contract and instead a drawing of Tyron's dick.

Dec 24, 2005

Is it... safe?

1st AD posted:

I'm not sure how laws work in Game of Thrones but if the letter is an actual contract then I'm gonna assume it's legally binding and Tyrion being persona non grata or not, that has to be real valuable to Mira.

Basically it's Mira deciding to take a short term gain that costs her torching relations with Margaery and that dude that is totally good for helping you if you burn this legally binding document that will give you all the money you need to save your family.

Knowing the plot to the story kind of colors all my decision making because I figured that being in Margaery's favor is not viable long-term and the family needs help now. Though for all I know the letter isn't an actual contract and instead a drawing of Tyron's dick.

My understanding is the crown does whatever the gently caress it wants. They award titles and strip them as they please when different people take on the role of Hand. I mean, we're working with a system where the value of any document or appointment is only as good as the person who gave it. Targ supporters lost a ton of poo poo that was legally theirs when the Robert won, this is just a smaller instance of the same thing. Essentially, the crown is the law and can supersede anything a member of the small council has done. Obviously doing that erratically will cause problems for you - see the Targs, but it's not like this was a long standing agreement, this is a back room deal with a guy who is convicted of regicide that wasn't even enacted before he was removed from office. No one would bat an eye at the crown ignoring it.

Nov 16, 2010

My logic was that at the very least it's an envelope with the royal seal on it and your name, and you should be able to find some use for that. Burning it seemed dumb. I didn't even know that was what I was trying to do, much less why Tom would care about not.

Oct 23, 2008


Well, in terms of the plot, the lord you talk to at the wedding seems to imply that so long as you have the royal decree in-hand there's something you could actually do with it. He strikes me as a continuation of the "make side-deals to sell Ironwood" plot now that Tyrion's out, so the narrative at least is suggesting the contract could carry real weight.

And let's be clear, while royalty can do what they like, they also don't always like mucking about with trade deals and council business. The contract was not between Mira and Tyrion, it was between House Forrester and the Master of Coin - Tyrion being arrested does not invalidate all of the King's business he conducted. If Mira can fly under the radar a little it'll carry the weight of law, the money will start being exchanged for the lumber and the bigwigs like Cersei will be more than busy enough to not give a poo poo about such trifling matters. The harder job would be a Whitehill interrupting Cersei in the midst of her grief and scheming to bleat about how the contract for Ironwood should go to them.

That's why I thought keeping the letter was obvious. It's not exactly "evidence of your conspiring with Tyrion", loads of people did business with the Crown while he was Master of Coin. Marg might not be happy about your continued dealing, but she's not helping you much either and if the deal actually goes through you won't need her anymore (being a handmaid < securing your family's financial future). Worst comes to worst you throw it in your chest for later.

Plus, while we haven't seen him lately Tywin's still in charge at this point and he won't care about messing up a functional arrangement over Cersei's mad lashing out. The new Master of Coin isn't appointed immediately and he's the forgettable Gyles Rosby, who also won't care.

Ghetto Prince
Sep 11, 2010

got to be mellow, y'all

I wont have time to play this until Saturday, but it's nice to know it doesn't suck... well, going by the 10% of the page that isn't under spoiler tags.

May 31, 2011

Time to join a revolution son, its going to be yooge!
I just kind of assumed it was a royal decree and that meant Tyrion just had Joffrey rubber stamp it along with a ton of other mundane poo poo. So technically Joffrey authorized the deal.

Mar 13, 2013

Ask me about running my country straight into the ground every time I play EU4 multiplayer.

DialTheDude posted:

Did anyone else get a lot of Theon impression from Gryff? Prancing around another House like he owns the place and does everything he can to shame the family? I hope this ends with one of his relatives coming to visit to give him a talking to and his soldiers kicking him out.

Well, I can see some connections but Theon's someone who was pushed into a extremely difficult situation, he's quite tragic and you get the feeling Theon doesn't like what he was doing in WF while Gryff is just 100% poo poo.

Overall great ep, loved all of it.

Also Royland saying you kill a snake by smashing it's head in, great foreshadowing for poor Oberyn.

Nov 4, 2009

I hope the game takes a page from A Clash of Kings in episode 4.

Ferreting out the spy Tyrion style and telling all four parties different poo poo and then see which one reaches Whitehill ears.

"Mom, I'm going to burn their barracks."

"Ser, I'm going to knock a watchmen off the walls."

"Duncan, I'm sneaking Talia out at midnight"

"Maester, I need a poison."

Something like that, hopefully.

Apr 1, 2011

Ambassador to Moonlandia
All in all a decent episodes, I had a good time.

Helped my uncle when it came to the dragon fight, Beska was bad-rear end enough and uncle Malcolm just tool a sword to the leg, I knew who needed help right then and then, though I wish Asher could just say "hey my uncle took a sword, he needed help when Beska is all sad you didn't help.

Man sucking up to Gryff, but I knew that no matter what happened, we weren't in a position to do anything at that moment. When the Whitehills mocked Ethan's death, I showed restraint, when I was kicked down, I showed restraint. Their time will come, when one day our means of vengeance will be delivered to us and then they will know our Iron From Ice!

I didn't tell Finn anything at the Wall, he's a good guy, I don't want him caught up or implicated in anything, so he knows nothing about the North Grove apart from what Cotter dropped and he sure a hell doesn't know Cotter is a wildling. I gave Britt a clean was more than he ever gave my family...

I kept the letter, along with the knife. Way I figure it, if things go south, I'll huck them out my window into the Blackwater, boom, no more evidence. Best case, the knife ends up saving me from some mad assassin/rapist/Kings Landing ne'er-do-well and the letter depending on how its written can help. The trader dude seems alright, but if this paper carries royal weight then it can help in his proposed Ironwood monopoly, or at least give me leverage.

Plus even if I am caught with them, I'm assuming Cersi might swing something, a Lannister knife and a decree signed by the Kings Killer....well if she wants me to make up some kind of tale at Tyrion's trial, I'm all for that then!

Shaman Tank Spec
Dec 26, 2003


Had yet another weird little scripting error.

During that talk with Jon Snow where he recruits guys to go gently caress poo poo up at Craster's, he chides me to be cool with the mofo who murdered my family. Then he adds in a weird voice that sounds like it was from a completely different take, "and no more talk of this Grove of yours, either" when I had never once mentioned it to Jon Snow or anyone else other than my uncle.

Georgia Peach
Jan 7, 2005


Der Shovel posted:

Had yet another weird little scripting error.

During that talk with Jon Snow where he recruits guys to go gently caress poo poo up at Craster's, he chides me to be cool with the mofo who murdered my family. Then he adds in a weird voice that sounds like it was from a completely different take, "and no more talk of this Grove of yours, either" when I had never once mentioned it to Jon Snow or anyone else other than my uncle.

He apparently does know something.

Dec 24, 2005

Is it... safe?

Der Shovel posted:

Had yet another weird little scripting error.

During that talk with Jon Snow where he recruits guys to go gently caress poo poo up at Craster's, he chides me to be cool with the mofo who murdered my family. Then he adds in a weird voice that sounds like it was from a completely different take, "and no more talk of this Grove of yours, either" when I had never once mentioned it to Jon Snow or anyone else other than my uncle.

Yeah, I got that too

Jul 30, 2005

I decided to give that fucker on the Wall what he had coming . You don't get to give the bad guys exactly what they deserve too often in Game of Thrones. Take it when offered.

Generation Internet
Jan 18, 2009

Where angels and generals fear to tread.
That was a good episode. I also realize how hosed I would be in the GoT world because I just couldn't loving submit to Gryff. I promised his sister that I would let him think he was in control, but I just couldn't loving do it. It was so drat satisfying to stand up every time from the mud and watch him get more and more freaked out. "Even broken he is twice the man you are!" :black101: Better to die with a sword in my hand and my honour intact than sniveling in front of that little poo poo. I tried placating the Whitehills as Ethan, and look where that got me. Never again.

1st AD
Dec 3, 2004

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: sometimes passing just isn't an option.
Honestly I'm not sure that you can really trust anyone in GoT. I don't believe whatshername has the Forrester's best interests at heart, so I don't blame anyone for standing up.

Mar 1, 2001

Tiny animals under glass... Smaller than sand...

I mostly liked the episode, but did anyone else think the dialogue is getting a bit too much on the nose lately? Characters saying stuff like "Your CHOICES have CONSEQUENCES" *nudge nudge* constantly. I don't remember if it was this obvious before.

Generation Internet posted:

That was a good episode. I also realize how hosed I would be in the GoT world because I just couldn't loving submit to Gryff. I promised his sister that I would let him think he was in control, but I just couldn't loving do it. It was so drat satisfying to stand up every time from the mud and watch him get more and more freaked out. "Even broken he is twice the man you are!" :black101: Better to die with a sword in my hand and my honour intact than sniveling in front of that little poo poo. I tried placating the Whitehills as Ethan, and look where that got me. Never again.
This is how what I know of Game of Thrones comes into play, I've learned from the TV show that everyone is hosed regardless, so I play this game as recklessly as possible. Might as well have some fun on the way down, better to live on your feet than die on your knees, etc etc.

Also you demoralize Gryff in front of his men by not backing down, that's got to be worth something.

Oct 23, 2008


1st AD posted:

Honestly I'm not sure that you can really trust anyone in GoT. I don't believe whatshername has the Forrester's best interests at heart, so I don't blame anyone for standing up.

I think her motives don't have to be sinister, if she thinks her family is acting like pig-headed fools and getting people hurt or killed for no reason, that could be reason enough for her to go behind her father's back for real - especially if she's leery about the Whitehills riding high on the Boltons' new power and position. After all, if the Boltons should fall in favor then other Houses will remember what the Whitehills got up to when they had the chance. Being bullies and wrecking the forest is short-sighted. Likewise though, she isn't going to want you to make war on the Whitehills since the whole point is she's trying to keep her House from doing something stupid that'll hurt them in the long run.

I think narratively her biggest job is to be a more reasonable Whitehill to contrast against the assholes who make up the rest of the family, otherwise it'd be too easy to see the Whitehills as monsters through and through and joyfully go about slaughtering the lot of them. Game of Thrones often brings up how dynasty politics makes innocent family-members targets, so if you want to act on your mother asking you to kill the Whitehills down to the children then they have to make that morally dubious. Having the one sympathetic family member we've met so far turn out to be another ploy would work against that.

Communist Thoughts
Jan 7, 2008

Our war against free speech cannot end until we silence this bronze beast!

Man I wish this was better. Problem is its so railroady I've lost all sense of consequence so I now mainly make choices out of spite for characters I don't like or to see the game bend over backwards to retcon my strange choice back into what they want.
Its weird, i love GoT and hate Borderlands but Tales from the Borderlands is legit fun and this I just find dull.

I think maybe because I know a lot of GoT lore so I'm frustrated when I can't deal with characters the way I'd like which is every conversation more or less. Its also got the classic telltale choice formula which basically boils down to "which character do you want to bitch at you for the rest of thr game?"

I played GoT ep 3 then Borderlands ep 2 right after and its strikingly obvious how much more effort goes into the latter, better voice acting, better art, better animations. Strange to do it that way round considering how big GoT is.

E: My ep1 plan was to seduce the Boltons and the Lannisters into preferring me over the Whitehills, the game has ignored this though and everyone remembers me "trying to stand up to ramsey" and Cersei hates me cause of the tyrion railroad. Left Varys's obvious little bird to die to the guard and hes back next episode with one line of dialogue and a frowny face about it. If I can't do a cheeky grin and gift Dany some human heads to win her badboy-loving heart next episode I will... continue to be bored I guess.

Also, did anyone else save Beshka(?) from the dragon and have your uncle be a huge baby about it? Even if you tell him that you thought he could handle two generic henchmen but she might need some help with a loving dragon, then you say sorry, hes still a bitchy baby about it. More or less says "Words are wind, the game says I'm mad at you,"

Just a shame, when this first came out I was hoping the larger number of characters would allow for a larger number of outcomes, maybe even by the end you can have all the family alive or just one survivor.

Oh and don't get me started on Mama Forrester, miss, "Whatever you do, don't kneel to these bastards" *10 minutes later* "Good work kneeling to these bastards, son, that was my plan all along,"

Communist Thoughts fucked around with this message at 02:18 on Mar 26, 2015

Mar 1, 2001

Tiny animals under glass... Smaller than sand...

nopantsjack posted:

Also, did anyone else save Beshka(?) from the dragon and have your uncle be a huge baby about it? Even if you tell him that you thought he could handle two generic henchmen but she might need some help with a loving dragon, then you say sorry, hes still a bitchy baby about it. More or less says "Words are wind, the game says I'm mad at you,"
I moved your spoiler tags because it's weird to quote black boxes. Yeah I thought he was a bit whiny about that too, especially considering, and this is the dialogue option I went with to point out to him, Beshka has been with you for the last 4 years, and he and your family exiled you and basically cut you off, now he comes in with the "FAMILY IS EVERYTHING" line which just seems hollow considering the circumstances.

Nov 8, 2009

I didn't even notice the choice, I was just "welp, there's the dragon, I see he's about to eat Beshka, better save her from what must be certain death!" Malcolm was in the middle of the mass of fighty mans, so he didn't register.

Jan 17, 2008

I saw into the alternate realities. We would have lost if Likely were in because Harbaugh's two point conversion would have failed. But in the other alternate reality where I really do become John Harbaugh I would have sent it to overtime and we would have won then on a Nate Wiggins pick 6. :D
I certainly saved Beshka. I try to play each character as if I were them in that situation. And I just can't give too much of a drat about my uncle rather than the person who's actually had my back these last couple years. They sent me away now they want me back when it's convenient to them. Maybe the Forresters are real nice people from what we see in the other ones but if I'm Asher there, well sorry uncle but you're just gonna have to deal with your injuries.

These kinds of games always promise more than they can deliver in terms of consequences. If you really truly made a game like that you'd have to make about a million different episodes to get through all the potential outcomes. So the railroad style stuff it's hard to avoid seeing. Like at the wall you know you're gonna wind up looking for the north grove no matter what and deserting! Even if you swear to protect your vows and mean it. And you can't save Britt no matter what you do in that fight. Yeah he's bad but it's more interesting if he would have lived.

Also at the Ironwrath I stood up to Gryff. It was more fun that way. And also I agree with the other commenters that the mother will turn out to be the traitor. The maester is just too obvious. But the funniest would be Duncan if he's just been completely loving over the house the entire time.

I'm not sure what to make of the King's Landing stuff. Just that I think Sera is so clearly some sort of spy. You just know she's gonna gently caress you over big time.(edited out spoiler cause I don't think it was needed, eh whatever ill put it back better safe than sorry!)

Kawalimus fucked around with this message at 04:12 on Mar 26, 2015

Nov 8, 2009


Kawalimus posted:

I think Sera is so clearly some sort of spy. You just know she's gonna gently caress you over big time.

It is pretty obvious. I hate that she knows stuff about Mira, even though I'm trying my best to keep things from her and not let her get her hooks into me.

Dec 9, 2007

Who wants some waffles?

I like how I have a discussion with my mum that we have to lay low and 30 seconds later she start yelling abuse at soldiers and saying they are going to die for their disrespect and getting upset at me for apparently antagonising them.

Jun 6, 2011


Pththya-lyi posted:

:Sera Talk:

It is pretty obvious. I hate that she knows stuff about Mira, even though I'm trying my best to keep things from her and not let her get her hooks into me.

My impression from Sera was completely different. I didn't help her the first time, but have been pretty helpful and trusting of her since (Not giving her the details but not trying to lie to her either, instead just letting her think whatever she initially assumes and asking her to not tell anyone), and she has been a total sis so far, helping out and confiding in Mira in a way that seems quite genuine. It may come back and haunt me later, but I'm convinced that at this time Sera considers Mira a real friend rather than a pawn in a scheme.

Slashrat fucked around with this message at 08:55 on Mar 26, 2015

Oct 29, 2011
It seems that Gwyn Whitehill went to the Baelish school of acting, her accent varying wildly from line to line. It was a little distracting in an otherwise excellent episode.

Feb 19, 2013


It was really satisfying during the cripple beatdown segment to just get up again and again with a poo poo-eating grin and go "please sir, can I have some more?" I'm sure it'll only compound my troubles, but it's Game of Thrones so we're screwed anyway. Might as well go down with a smile on my face. I was also almost disappointed when Asher doesn't actually lose an eye or a hand to the merc captain but the punchline to that bit made me laugh all the same. This game is so :black101: it's almost at Walking Dead season 1 levels. Hopefully I'll have even more chances of bloody-minded self-mutilation before this sorry saga's through. We'll have our vengeance even if Roderick has to hop about with one arm and one leg and mouth obscenities from a tongueless mouth.

Nov 7, 2009

Big PP Energy
Man, that episode. After the first two episodes I've just about had it with the Whitehills and it's pretty clear to me that no matter what I do they're just going to keep pushing and pushing so I didn't have much of a reason to submit to them this episode. I finally gave in the second time they pushed Rodrik, because I 100% believe that guy was going to kill Talia if I didn't. Apparently that's not true, but they got me to believe it.

I don't completely believe that there is actually a spy in the Council. I believe that Gwyn is a better person than her family, but I also believe that she will do anything to stop the strife between the Houses, including lying to Rodrik to get him to do what she wants. She was basically just telling him the exact same thing the rest of the Whitehills have been saying: Submit. She was just doing it in a less overtly forceful way.

I literally could not bring myself to destroy the letter. I had been intending to be good and stop pissing Margaery off, but I just could not bring myself to do it. I'm fully aware what Telltale games are like with choices, but they at least succeed in getting me invested.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"
All of the problems with this seem to stem most from the fact that they probably could only afford 'x' amount of time with the actual stars, so there's so little loving room for the story to branch off from the rail-like structure that they've constructed. I honestly think they should've only had Gwyn appear if she'd been at Ethan and Gregor's funeral to pave the way. Forcing you to meet her regardless is a bit hosed.

I'm beginning to just want to uninstall the loving thing and wait for people to post playthroughs when it's all said and done.

Dec 24, 2005

Is it... safe?

Viridiant posted:

I don't completely believe that there is actually a spy in the Council. I believe that Gwyn is a better person than her family, but I also believe that she will do anything to stop the strife between the Houses, including lying to Rodrik to get him to do what she wants. She was basically just telling him the exact same thing the rest of the Whitehills have been saying: Submit. She was just doing it in a less overtly forceful way.

But then how does she know Asher is coming back? I felt like she gave you info that would have been confidential.

John Charity Spring
Nov 3, 2009


Aishan posted:

It seems that Gwyn Whitehill went to the Baelish school of acting, her accent varying wildly from line to line. It was a little distracting in an otherwise excellent episode.

There are a few characters who are obviously Americans putting on English accents (the Maester and Gwyn in particular) but Gwyn is really bad at it. It goes from English to Australian to having very American pronunciations sprinkled in too (pronouncing 'utter' as 'udder' for instance).

Apr 27, 2010

O'er the sea from the north
there sails a ship
With the people of Hel
at the helm stands Loki
After the wolf
do wild men follow
I really don't like how you keep interacting with the big players in the setting. It just seems so awfully convenient for the Forresters who are the pretty inconsequential vassals of a vassal of a vassal of the Iron Throne, I was kinda hoping that they'd only do it early on but it seems like they are going all in on it with the ending to this episode.

And the railroading gets pretty brutal in this with the Tyrion and the blatant Varys Bird (you were being drowned by a man twice your size with nothing within reach, you don't just get to brush that off with a loving oneliner) stuff, lord.

Irish Joe
Jul 23, 2007

by Lowtax
The little bird is the worst because he keeps showing up no matter how many times I leave him to die, blackmail him or tell him to gently caress off.

Oct 11, 2012

Everything. Is. Fine.
What happens in this episode if You got the Glenmore betrothal in episode 2? What excuse do they give for why you can't fight back yet?


Jul 18, 2008

AdjectiveNoun posted:

What happens in this episode if You got the Glenmore betrothal in episode 2? What excuse do they give for why you can't fight back yet?

You're not married yet.

  • Locked thread