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  • Locked thread
Apr 26, 2008

John Charity Spring posted:

There are a few characters who are obviously Americans putting on English accents (the Maester and Gwyn in particular) but Gwyn is really bad at it. It goes from English to Australian to having very American pronunciations sprinkled in too (pronouncing 'utter' as 'udder' for instance).

Well it's Laura Bailey and she's good as gently caress so she seems to be doing something niche or taking bad direction.


Dec 24, 2005

Is it... safe?

AdjectiveNoun posted:

What happens in this episode if You got the Glenmore betrothal in episode 2? What excuse do they give for why you can't fight back yet?

You're not actually married

Oct 23, 2008


I wonder how they'll handle the wedding, considering you might not have secured the marriage? Game of Thrones seems to like having big, dramatic weddings so I'm not automatically inclined to believe it'll get broken up but maybe if you don't marry into the Glenmores you'll have some other betrothal opportunity instead? I still wouldn't be surprised if someone marrying Gwyn to create peace between the Whitehills and the Forresters is an option, her being the peace route while marrying Elaena to get her father's army is for war.

Nov 7, 2009

Big PP Energy

Karnegal posted:

But then how does she know Asher is coming back? I felt like she gave you info that would have been confidential.

I feel like that's something that Ryon could have overheard, and I can see Gwyn coaxing something like that out of him. They didn't only talk about Asher in the council room after all, they were talking about him outside near the stables too, and I believe in one other place that wasn't exactly private.

Feb 24, 2011

Smart and cool, handsome, wealthy and so sexy
There's also the fact that if you decide to save Ryon in your game plan with the council earlier, Gwyn will know about that too and tell you that the Whitehills have also been informed, which pretty much confirms that there's a spy.

Oct 16, 2012

Roose is loose.

Another reason why I think the mother would be a traitor is she went for Ashur while Ethan was still alive, before Ramsay and the Whitehills made things even worse. It makes me think that Ashur and whatever sellswords he got were meant to be protection, and before that could happen she had her youngest taken hostage and her second youngest son killed, so she's trying to defuse things in the way she thinks is best.

Dec 24, 2005

Is it... safe?

bobjr posted:

Another reason why I think the mother would be a traitor is she went for Ashur while Ethan was still alive, before Ramsay and the Whitehills made things even worse. It makes me think that Ashur and whatever sellswords he got were meant to be protection, and before that could happen she had her youngest taken hostage and her second youngest son killed, so she's trying to defuse things in the way she thinks is best.

If so, she's making a case for dumbest woman in the seven kingdoms, which is a pretty tense race

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012

Seriously the only way for it not to be totally braindead stupid and contrived is for it to be the Maester

Hipster Occultist
Aug 16, 2008

He's an ancient, obscure god. You probably haven't heard of him.

Are all these Whitehill soldiers fathered by Snidely Whiplash? *jokes about a kid being killed in cold-blood like its the funniest joke ever told, twirls mustache*

Jan 10, 2009

Hipster Occultist posted:

Are all these Whitehill soldiers fathered by Snidely Whiplash? *jokes about a kid being killed in cold-blood like its the funniest joke ever told, twirls mustache*

Its no different from Lanister soldiers attaching the head of Robs wolf to his body and jumping around with it. Seems to be the thing to do in the 7 kingdoms.

Nov 8, 2009


Hipster Occultist posted:

Are all these Whitehill soldiers fathered by Snidely Whiplash? *jokes about a kid being killed in cold-blood like its the funniest joke ever told, twirls mustache*

Because life in the ASoIaF universe is Brutal and Harsh, pretty everyone who isn't a wide-eyed innocent or hung up on honor is into gallows humor. The Whitehills are par for the course.

Hipster Occultist
Aug 16, 2008

He's an ancient, obscure god. You probably haven't heard of him.

Pththya-lyi posted:

Because life in the ASoIaF universe is Brutal and Harsh, pretty everyone who isn't a wide-eyed innocent or hung up on honor is into gallows humor. The Whitehills are par for the course.

That's not even gallows humor though, literally every villain is an insane sociopath. The Whitehills alone are about as subtle as a shotgun blast to the teeth

Nov 16, 2010

Accordion Man posted:

Seriously the only way for it not to be totally braindead stupid and contrived is for it to be the Maester

It also explains why him telling Evil Spazz not to shred the hurt dude's arm in half actually gets the guy to stop. I'd rather it be dumb and be a family member instead of dumb and some schmuck that's had two lines in the last two episodes.

Dec 24, 2005

Is it... safe?
As I've said, I feel like GoT is below average as far as Walking Dead era Telltale games go, but I will feel a lot better about it if it let's me user Asher to murder the gently caress out of everyone not named Forrester. Odds of that seem slim though given GoT's everything sucks always theme.

Nov 7, 2009

Big PP Energy
The Whitehills aren't just sociopaths, they're morons, and I feel like if anyone but Ramsay was in charge of them they'd have been brought in line by now or the Forresters wouldn't have been kept alive in the first place. When you force someone to submit and then keep kicking them, you're begging for an uprising. They're going to get hosed no matter what so there's no reason to hold back.

Red Red Blue
Feb 11, 2007

The Whitehills were a nothing family before the events of the game, they probably don't quite know how to deal with suddenly having power

Oct 23, 2008


I figured Poppa Whitehill probably specially chose Gryff and some of his nastiest, most brutish men to help make sure he gets the provocation he wants. Hell, he's probably hoping you kill Gryff (he's only a 4th-borne) and give him ample excuse to demolish your house and take the Ironwood.

Mar 13, 2013

Ask me about running my country straight into the ground every time I play EU4 multiplayer.
I hope they stay faithful to GRRM/D&D in the way that when the time for the Whitehills bite it comes you question whether or not they truly deserve it. GRRM isn't someone who lets people get away with doing horrible poo poo, even Ned gets what some people may call justice when he gets beheaded by the sword he used to kill that poor deserter,

GRRM likes to give us what we ask for but does it in a way where we are meant to question if they truly have it coming. If they just kill all the Whitehills and paint it as something 100% good they won't be giving the source material justice. Even the Mountain suffers a fate many wouldn't wish on anyone, left to get consumed alive by poisons while getting operated on by a man he tortured in Harrenhal and who's famous for horrible horrible poo poo. Joffrey dies begging for his mother to save him and of course we have Theon becoming Reek. Personally I believe Joffrey and the Mountain deserve what they got but it's clear it's not something GRRM wants to be 100% just.

Edit: Forgot we don't spoiler tag aired show spoilers :v:

BillBear fucked around with this message at 20:07 on Mar 28, 2015

Apr 1, 2011

Ambassador to Moonlandia

BillBear posted:

I hope they stay faithful to GRRM/D&D in the way that when the time for the Whitehills bite it comes you question whether or not they truly deserve it. GRRM isn't someone who lets people get away with doing horrible poo poo, even Ned gets what some people may call justice when he gets beheaded by the sword he used to kill that poor deserter,

GRRM likes to give us what we ask for but does it in a way where we are meant to question if they truly have it coming. If they just kill all the Whitehills and paint it as something 100% good they won't be giving the source material justice. Even the Mountain suffers a fate many wouldn't wish on anyone, left to get consumed alive by poisons while getting operated on by a man he tortured in Harrenhal and who's famous for horrible horrible poo poo. Joffrey dies begging for his mother to save him and of course we have Theon becoming Reek. Personally I believe Joffrey and the Mountain deserve what they got but it's clear it's not something GRRM wants to be 100% just.

Edit: Forgot we don't spoiler tag aired show spoilers :v:

Which is why for next episode With the "you're invited to come to the Whitehill castle", seems like the perfect chance to see the rest of the Whitehill family and show that maybe they aren't all assholes like Ludd and Gryff. Both seem to have massive chips on their shoulders,, but it'd be funny to see if they're the only ones like that in the family, the rest being more like Gwen, who are pretty chill about the whole rivalry thing. It'd certainly make you question if killing their entire family is worth it for the "crimes" of just a couple assholes.

Dec 24, 2005

Is it... safe?

Jimmy4400nav posted:

Which is why for next episode With the "you're invited to come to the Whitehill castle", seems like the perfect chance to see the rest of the Whitehill family and show that maybe they aren't all assholes like Ludd and Gryff. Both seem to have massive chips on their shoulders,, but it'd be funny to see if they're the only ones like that in the family, the rest being more like Gwen, who are pretty chill about the whole rivalry thing. It'd certainly make you question if killing their entire family is worth it for the "crimes" of just a couple assholes.

Can't we just kill the assholes? I know the answer is "no" this is GoT, but at this point do you really just let your murdered brother go? I mean, we KNOW you can't kill Ramsy so it's the Whitehills or nothing. Also it seems like they were in the Bolton pockets ahead of things, which makes them traitors anyway (if you're pro-North).

Hipster Occultist
Aug 16, 2008

He's an ancient, obscure god. You probably haven't heard of him.

Burn their loving castle to the ground, salt the earth, and scatter the Whitehills to all four corners of the earth. :colbert:

Aug 1, 2006

Jimmy4400nav posted:

Which is why for next episode With the "you're invited to come to the Whitehill castle", seems like the perfect chance to see the rest of the Whitehill family and show that maybe they aren't all assholes like Ludd and Gryff. Both seem to have massive chips on their shoulders,, but it'd be funny to see if they're the only ones like that in the family, the rest being more like Gwen, who are pretty chill about the whole rivalry thing. It'd certainly make you question if killing their entire family is worth it for the "crimes" of just a couple assholes.

I told Mother I would kill them all, down to the babes in their beds. A Lord keeps his word...........

Apr 27, 2010

O'er the sea from the north
there sails a ship
With the people of Hel
at the helm stands Loki
After the wolf
do wild men follow

Karnegal posted:

Also it seems like they were in the Bolton pockets ahead of things, which makes them traitors anyway (if you're pro-North).

I mean, they have been vassals of the Boltons for centuries. It's not like lord Whitehill was involved in any way in the betrayal of house Stark at the Red Wedding.

Kainser fucked around with this message at 19:24 on Mar 29, 2015

Dec 24, 2005

Is it... safe?

Kainser posted:

I mean, they have been vassals of the Boltons for centuries. It's not like lord Whitehill was involved in any way in the betrayal of house Stark at the Red Wedding.

Ah, I didn't retain that from the earlier games apparently

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

Hipster Occultist posted:

Burn their loving castle to the ground, salt the earth, and scatter the Whitehills to all four corners of the earth. :colbert:

Basically, this. Gettin' irrationally mad at video games here but seriously, gently caress all those guys.

Georgia Peach
Jan 7, 2005


Sentinel Red posted:

Basically, this. Gettin' irrationally mad at video games here but seriously, gently caress all those guys.

For real, even if everyone back at the Whitehill crib are cool guys, he sent the dick brigade to antagonize Roderick so I hope it works. Just not like Whitehill expected.

veni veni veni
Jun 5, 2005

Apparently I'm in the extreme minority in making Britt suffer I hate to take out my hate for QTE's on someone though.

Antifa Spacemarine
Jan 11, 2011

Tzeentch can suck it.
I hate playing the Ironwrath parts. It's so boring and dull being focused on one place having the same poo poo happen over and over again while being a boring cripple.

Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

Shaman Ooglaboogla posted:

I hate playing the Ironwrath parts. It's so boring and dull being focused on one place having the same poo poo happen over and over again while being a boring cripple.

What bugs me is that I specifically on my second save game told Tyrion that I didn't want his help at first, but it paints you into a loving corner when he catches you bogarting Cersei's wine. There physically isn't a part where you can *avoid* ever having any dealings with Tyrion and upsetting Margaery.

Again, it feels like they minimized the lines of the actual characters so damned much that no matter how much you try to bow out from the straight track, it narrows you back in. Also, did anyone else notice the super-dubbed, almost computer-sounding voice when Jon Snow is talking to Gared? It's like "blah blah script blah GARED."

Jul 30, 2005

NESguerilla posted:

Apparently I'm in the extreme minority in making Britt suffer I hate to take out my hate for QTE's on someone though.

*HIGH FIVE*. I did it too. Because, this is Game of Thrones. And you don't pass up an opportunity to make a bad guy pay. They don't come along often.

Oct 23, 2008


The Ironrath segments are my favourite, to be honest, and Roderick is my favourite character to play as. Then again I liked Robb a lot in the books and the show so it kind of feels like a chance to continue his (style of) story.

As for the Whitehills, the problem in the Feudal system is families are enmeshed in politics, so if Daddy Whitehill is a monster but some of his family aren't, you can't really just take him out and expect even his chillest son and heir to be like "Yeah he was a dick, that's totally fair, let's be friends now". I think his daughter is trying to get things to end in peace without anyone having to kill anyone, but if push came to shove she'd still back her father even if he's not in the right because he's her father. Revenge on the Whitehills will involve killing a lot of people who are blameless, and even if you were to somehow just kill the ones to blame the rest would be angry with you anyway. It's peace or nothing.

I think part of the reason they had Ramsay kill Ethan and not have Ludd do it is because it introduces a small element of ambiguity into the feud - Ludd even looks surprised when Ramsay does it, even if he does approve of it later. If Ludd had killed Ethan by his own hand and his own initiative then basically 100% of players would be out for his blood no matter how many women or children they had to go through, but making it Ramsay who did it slightly alters the direct blame.

Oct 11, 2012
So for me the traitor has to either be Lady Forrester or the Maester, I can't see it being either Duncan or Royland, I'm leaning a little towards the Maester simply because of the badly delivered line "no gryff, not the ARM", but honestly it'll probably be Lady Forrester, Does Gwyn mention the north grove at all if you blab about it to everyone? that would let us know now who it is

Nov 30, 2002

Ekusukariba posted:

So for me the traitor has to either be Lady Forrester or the Maester, I can't see it being either Duncan or Royland, I'm leaning a little towards the Maester simply because of the badly delivered line "no gryff, not the ARM", but honestly it'll probably be Lady Forrester, Does Gwyn mention the north grove at all if you blab about it to everyone? that would let us know now who it is

I chose to save the youngest son first, and the idea of Lady Forrester blabing about that to the people holding him hostage is just so colossally stupid that I can't believe it's even possible. But WD2 had some pretty dumb decisions, so I guess it isn't out of the realm of possibility. I do think it's the Maester, though.

Lady Forrester mentioned something about her house losing status because they backed the Targs until they fell. I'm hoping they make that something you can bring up with Dany when you meet with her.

Apr 12, 2008

So yea I took a flier on playing this on the strength of TellTale's games not really being interested in the book or the tv series and wow I am absolutely hooked. Glad I got into it a bit late as I have two more episodes to play :slick:

It feels like there is SO MUCH WEIGHT behind every decision, even it ends up being the typical story is only slightly different smoke and mirrors

the_american_dream fucked around with this message at 22:52 on Apr 3, 2015

veni veni veni
Jun 5, 2005

Max posted:

I chose to save the youngest son first, and the idea of Lady Forrester blabing about that to the people holding him hostage is just so colossally stupid that I can't believe it's even possible. But WD2 had some pretty dumb decisions, so I guess it isn't out of the realm of possibility. I do think it's the Maester, though.

Lady Forrester mentioned something about her house losing status because they backed the Targs until they fell. I'm hoping they make that something you can bring up with Dany when you meet with her.

Wait, who is the Maester? I'm having trouble even remembering who that is atm.

Mar 1, 2001

Tiny animals under glass... Smaller than sand...

NESguerilla posted:

Wait, who is the Maester? I'm having trouble even remembering who that is atm.
Dude with short, scraggly brown hair and a beard, wears robes and one of those chain things the healer guys seem fond of, dumps some maggots in your arm in episode 1. Nice guy!

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

Did most people really not stand up to Gryff and take the beating? I thought it was obvious that he was a coward acting big and wouldn't actually do anything. Not to mention being a submissive wuss in front of all your people is probably worse than if he actually did have the guts to make good of any of his threats. Especially since the Forresters are basically a really fancy mountain clan. Strength and honour are basically all important. Subterfuge and plots are for soft Southron summer children.

FreudianSlippers fucked around with this message at 04:41 on Apr 5, 2015

Jul 20, 2012

Good ideas generator

Irish Joe posted:

The little bird is the worst because he keeps showing up no matter how many times I leave him to die, blackmail him or tell him to gently caress off.

I really think he's a Whitehill spy, setting you up for a massive fall, not working for Varys.

Nov 4, 2009

CottonWolf posted:

I really think he's a Whitehill spy, setting you up for a massive fall, not working for Varys.

In the books I know that the Little Birds are supposed to be mute, but I don't know about the show.


Oct 23, 2008


CottonWolf posted:

I really think he's a Whitehill spy, setting you up for a massive fall, not working for Varys.

The Whitehills don't come off as nearly that subtle or cunning. Damien was probably their man.

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