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Jul 27, 2004

Roman Reigns posted:

Between that and the fact that you're playing as five people in a franchise known for brutally killing off characters it's not really a good sign...

Every episode ends with your decapitation, now with Oculus Rift support so you can really live out those final seconds.


Jan 5, 2009
:siren:Release Date Announced:siren:

korrandark fucked around with this message at 19:12 on Nov 27, 2014

Jan 12, 2014


Lipstick Apathy
Since this takes place right after the end of Season 3, I really hope it doesn't spoil anything in Season 4, which I haven't and cannot watch until its physical release next year (no HBO subscription). It has the main cast from the show in it, and that's what has me worried because details of the main show plot could leak in. Still, I'm really glad Telltale is releasing something to tide over the wait until Season 5 (or in my case, Season 4).

Roman Reigns
Aug 23, 2007

It starts AT the end of Season 3 and ends right before Season 5, so chances are events in season 4 are going to get spoiled.

emanresu tnuocca
Sep 2, 2011

by Athanatos
It's definitely going to spoil events from season 4, I mean even if it's completely disconnected from events related to the series characters are still likely to talk about big events that happen elsewhere.

If you really can't acquire the show and don't want to wait there's this summary of the show written by this dude, George something Martin, it's ok.

Jan 5, 2013
Oh boy oh boy, I really like the Telltale concept but TWD 2 and Wolf Among Us sucked so bad. They had great moments but as a whole I found them extremely dissappointing. Just gonna buy this at a sale after it's all released.

Oct 23, 2008


The parallels between the Forresters and the Starks are pretty heavy. I guess I'll spoiler this just in case, since it involves discussion of both the series and preview material.

We have a stern northern patriarch father, a southron mother who saw marriage as a sort of prison but grew to love her husband and puts family first, a dutiful eldest son who's ridden south with Rob to war, a black sheep second son who's off to find his place in the world (admittedly not a bastard this time), a meek eldest daughter who's a handmaid at King's Landing and is basically a prisoner due to the civil war, a clever third son, a second daughter [not actually a good match for Arya it seems, so I guess this fails] and finally a fourth son who's still very young and is just an excitable child.

I mean, that's basically just the Stark family. I can understand wanting to model their side-story off of popular parts of the original and the Starks are the most widely popular House, but this is almost too dead-on. A Stark-like family in the South or a Northern family with a family dynamic closer to the Lannisters or Martells would at least obscure matters a little.

As for what it's going to be about, if it's starting around the end of season 3 then the Red Wedding's just happened, which is bad news for the eldest son Forrester and maybe his father since that almost certainly means escaping the Twins, unless we're going to play as them once before they get killed, prologue-character style - which might be the case, since the description for the third son mentions him being thrust unexpectedly into the limelight, which makes it sound like the first son will die or go missing and with the second son exiled he'd be the new heir.

I'm guessing the Boltons making their play for the North is going to be a large part of the plot. If the Forresters serve the Glovers, they're going to have trouble with Ironborn too.

Jun 13, 2005

I was on the fence and a Stark-derivative character design is enough to play wait and see until the whole story's complete.

Feb 9, 2004

hey ya'll!


In It For The Tank
Feb 17, 2011

But I've yet to figure out a better way to spend my time.
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game Series - Episode 1: Iron From Ice - Launch Trailer

Nnnnnnngh it looks so good. Telltale make good trailers.

Since it is coming out tomorrow (for some people... not me with my ratty old PS3), I am in the mood for some speculation. If I had to guess who will be the five playable POVs, I would say:

Mira - all but confirmed I think, she is the only character in King's Landing so she has to be a POV.
Asher - as the sole character in Essos, I think he is a safe bet as a POV. Then again, I could see him being an antagonist that threatens the unity of the family and will reappear at an opportunity moment to reclaim his birthright (AKA Dany stand-in). Maybe he won't be.
Gregor - it was a toss up between the 'Ned' and the 'Robb' of the Forresters, so I chose the 'Ned'.
Ethan - I think we will play as one of the twins, and, since presumably the other male Forresters will be going around fighting, it is important to have a POV back at Ironrath. Plus, he seems more likely to die than his twin, and there is no way we get through the series without one POV death.
Elissa - Catelyn stand-in, so I think she's a definite because she has the interesting dilemma of having two families to save.

Not that I think about it, I will say replace Asher with one of the family's retainers. Probably Maester Ortengryn or Duncan, who seem like Luwin and Davos stand-ins, respectively. To play as someone outside the family will provide an interesting angle to the overlying goal of protecting the family.

In It For The Tank fucked around with this message at 21:10 on Dec 1, 2014

Sep 26, 2010

by FactsAreUseless
Tales from the Borderlands got me hyped by it's first episode, but checking out the trailer for this series I'm really wary of how many characters from the show are making an appearance. Hopefully it's just typical trailer bait and switch bullshit, but I was kinda hoping the series would stand on it's own, tying in to the show just by tangential politics. It'd be kinda annoying to be playing a spin-off game that has Cersei show up every episode or have Ramsay as the main antagonist.

But again, that's just the trailer, which has no bearing on how the actual first episode will turn out. So hopefully I'm wrong and the series is just a backdrop to the story they want to tell here.

Jul 22, 2009

The Walking Dead games had a few characters from the comics/TV show show up, but the biggest role given to one of them was being a major supporting character for one episode before peacing out.

Mar 13, 2013

Ask me about running my country straight into the ground every time I play EU4 multiplayer.

SatansBestBuddy posted:

Tales from the Borderlands got me hyped by it's first episode, but checking out the trailer for this series I'm really wary of how many characters from the show are making an appearance. Hopefully it's just typical trailer bait and switch bullshit, but I was kinda hoping the series would stand on it's own, tying in to the show just by tangential politics. It'd be kinda annoying to be playing a spin-off game that has Cersei show up every episode or have Ramsay as the main antagonist.

But again, that's just the trailer, which has no bearing on how the actual first episode will turn out. So hopefully I'm wrong and the series is just a backdrop to the story they want to tell here.

Ramsay won't be the main bad guy, the family he's backing for the land will be I think.

Oct 11, 2007

who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
Tales From the Borderlands was REALLY good so I'm optimistic for this. Are they being developed by almost entirely different teams or is there a lot of overlap?

Roman Reigns
Aug 23, 2007

Everything looks awesome so far, although the facial animations seem a little...stiff to me.

In It For The Tank posted:

To play as someone outside the family will provide an interesting angle to the overlying goal of protecting the family.

I think it was mentioned that playable characters will include people connected to but outside the Forrester family.

Oct 23, 2008


Of course this is coming the day before my life-or-death Algorithms exam. And of course I will be playing it anyway.

Jan 17, 2008

I saw into the alternate realities. We would have lost if Likely were in because Harbaugh's two point conversion would have failed. But in the other alternate reality where I really do become John Harbaugh I would have sent it to overtime and we would have won then on a Nate Wiggins pick 6. :D
Hmm, I think I'll give this one a whirl.

Oct 23, 2008


The trailer's a little weird, since it prominently features so many show characters. The Forresters are an exceedingly minor House in the North, it's hard to imagine people of note in King's Landing sparing them a moment of thought. Hell, even (show-talk)Ramsay showing up in person seems like him taking too much interest in the minutia of his father's bannermen and what they get up to. One family of many sworn to the Boltons is hoping the fall of the Starks and the rise of the Boltons will give them a better claim on a rival neighbour's turf? Roose probably has a small mountain of such paperwork to handle.

In It For The Tank
Feb 17, 2011

But I've yet to figure out a better way to spend my time.
I would assume that the heavy focus on show characters in the trailer is for promotional purposes. I wouldn't count on them playing massive roles in the overall story. In the Walking Dead game series, the first episode featured three majorish characters from the comics: Glenn, Herschel, and Lily. Glenn and Herschel did not appear again in the series, and Lily stuck around but was reconceived as a different character to prevent conflict with the comic book canon. I'm imagining a similar trend in Game of Thrones: they'll splurge the budget to secure cameos in the first episode to draw people in and then build the story independently in subsequent episodes.

I would suspect Ramsay might hang around, just because he is such a convenient antagonist and the Bolton's coup of the North is a clear issue for the longevity of House Forrester, but I'm inclined to agree with others that the Whitehills will be the primary threat.

And c'mon, they're just taking cues from the show's own loose understanding of geography with Ramsay at Ironrath. Ramsay teleporting from Dreadfort on the east coast to Ironrath on the west coast is no more egregious than some of the spectacular distances Littlefinger covered in Season 2.

In It For The Tank fucked around with this message at 02:45 on Dec 2, 2014

Oct 23, 2014

"It's okay. There are other Terminators! Just give us this one!"

In It For The Tank posted:

And c'mon, they're just taking cues from the show's own loose understanding of geography with Ramsay at Ironrath. Ramsay teleporting from Dreadfort on the east coast to Ironrath on the west coast is no more egregious than some of the spectacular distances Littlefinger covered in Season 2.

Litterfinger's chariot of literal golden dragons is still one of my favorite ASOIAF theories.

Mar 6, 2007

Tenth Street Reds, representing
So is this game out somewhere? Or does Telltale not do midnight releases?

Generation Internet
Jan 18, 2009

Where angels and generals fear to tread.
According to the Steam forums it's going to be a Valve standard 10am PST release for PC, not sure about other platforms.

Mar 13, 2013

Ask me about running my country straight into the ground every time I play EU4 multiplayer.
30 minutes until it's out. I really it's longer than TWD S2's first ep.

Edit: Whelp, meant 40 minutes.

BillBear fucked around with this message at 17:32 on Dec 2, 2014

Nov 3, 2009

It probably won't be! They tend follow a very similar structure.

Nov 1, 2008
Any idea on a release time for PS4?

e; Nevermind. It's released in the UK tomorrow

Meliv fucked around with this message at 18:33 on Dec 2, 2014

Feb 16, 2011

hon hon hon


Tales From the Borderlands was REALLY good so I'm optimistic for this. Are they being developed by almost entirely different teams or is there a lot of overlap?

Is it good even if you don't care about the franchise?

Kurtofan fucked around with this message at 18:35 on Dec 2, 2014

emanresu tnuocca
Sep 2, 2011

by Athanatos
Just finished downloading on Steam.

By the way, given the different release dates and the such I assume same spoiler policy as TWD games? (that is, all black bars all the time?)

Aug 2, 2002




For somebody who has never played a game like this (but has played other video games) what is the gameplay like?

is it mostly narrative that my wife and I could watch together or is it hacking and slashing?

I don't play video games anymore, but we like the game of thrones world, so I thought maybe this would be fun to do together. But that's only if it's more story and less video gamey.

Oct 23, 2014

"It's okay. There are other Terminators! Just give us this one!"

Kurtofan posted:

Is it good even if you don't give two shits about the franchise?
I think the general consensus is "yes". Earlier in the thread there's this. edit: hey, why did you edit?

Dolash posted:

I enjoyed Tales from the Borderlands despite not being a fan of Borderlands, which has helped hype me up for this game and its approaching release date. Here's hoping it's a good one. The family reminds me quite a bit of the Starks.

crabrock posted:

For somebody who has never played a game like this (but has played other video games) what is the gameplay like?

is it mostly narrative that my wife and I could watch together or is it hacking and slashing?

I don't play video games anymore, but we like the game of thrones world, so I thought maybe this would be fun to do together. But that's only if it's more story and less video gamey.
These games are the definition of narrative over gameplay; it's 100% talking and sometimes looking at things.

May 19, 2006

It feels like I was standing my entire life and I just sat down

crabrock posted:

For somebody who has never played a game like this (but has played other video games) what is the gameplay like?

is it mostly narrative that my wife and I could watch together or is it hacking and slashing?

I don't play video games anymore, but we like the game of thrones world, so I thought maybe this would be fun to do together. But that's only if it's more story and less video gamey.

Assuming it's like other telltale games it's 90% narrative and an occasional button mashing action sequence that lasts 15 seconds. It's conducive to spectators for sure.

Dec 31, 2008

"I thought we had something, Shepard. Something real."

mycot posted:

These games are the definition of narrative over gameplay; it's 100% talking and sometimes looking at things.

How much replay value do they have?

Nov 24, 2011

Crax daubentoni

crabrock posted:

For somebody who has never played a game like this (but has played other video games) what is the gameplay like?

is it mostly narrative that my wife and I could watch together or is it hacking and slashing?

I don't play video games anymore, but we like the game of thrones world, so I thought maybe this would be fun to do together. But that's only if it's more story and less video gamey.

You will occassionally move your character and look around, but Telltale games are pretty much just narrative with the occasional "press X button!" event.

Sam. posted:

How much replay value do they have?

You'll have several choices that modify outcomes throughout the game, if it follows the other game's formula, but honestly I just watch Let's plays of other choices if I'm curious rather than create multiple saves or replay the game.

Jun 27, 2006

Sam. posted:

How much replay value do they have?


The illusion is destroyed if you replay.

monster on a stick
Apr 29, 2013

Sam. posted:

How much replay value do they have?

The problem with replaying Telltale games is that you realize that your choices don't matter as much as you think.

EDIT: the only exception is if you want to see how the illusion is constructed, and the ends of TWD season 2/TWAU which can be different depending on late-game choices.

Oct 23, 2014

"It's okay. There are other Terminators! Just give us this one!"

Sam. posted:

How much replay value do they have?

Almost none. Sure there's the idea that you might want to look at alternate dialogue options for kicks, but most of it stays the same so people lose interest. It's like trying to replay Phoenix Wright, you'd only really get joy out of it if several years passed and you forgot most of the plot.

Oct 23, 2008


Playing right now. About 2/3 of the way through I think, and it's good, but blurgh please don't make me play as Not-Sansa. Those bits were tough enough to watch in the show.

Oct 23, 2010

Nap Ghost

Dolash posted:

Playing right now. About 2/3 of the way through I think, and it's good, but blurgh please don't make me play as Not-Sansa. Those bits were tough enough to watch in the show.

Isn't she a handmaiden for Margary? Bad poo poo could still go on, but that's not "Doomed to end up chopped to bits in Quyburn's laboratory"-bad.

Oct 28, 2011

The first episode is up on PS4.

Red Red Blue
Feb 11, 2007

I just finished the episode, I really enjoyed it and and super excited for the agonizing months of wait to see what happens next


Feb 16, 2011

hon hon hon

mycot posted:

I think the general consensus is "yes". Earlier in the thread there's this. edit: hey, why did you edit?

I thought my sentence wasn't well phrased. It's a thing I do

Good to know, keeping an eye on it and GOT.

Kurtofan fucked around with this message at 20:27 on Dec 2, 2014

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