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RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Max posted:

I think the reason for this is that he is the least restrained by Canon out of all the playable characters, and is free to actually do things. Also, Beshka is actually an interesting character to interact with.

If the game had offered the option for Asher to go the other way and just hang with Beshka and pitfight or something I'd have taken it.


Dec 24, 2005

Is it... safe?

Jimmy4400nav posted:

I second that, I could have been a fun Tales from the Borderlands like adventure of him and Beshka bro-ing around the Free Cities, kicking rear end, taking names and trying to make a little gold here or there whenever they could.

I wish we had that game WAY WAY loving more than the game we actually have.

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012

Yeah, seriously Asher and Beskha were pretty much the best part and you totally could just have them gallivanting around Essos, always trying to be two steps ahead of those mercenaries that were after them but just got forgotten about.

Oct 19, 2011

Lovely night, no?
Grimey Drawer
Asher's plot was basically the Beskha Power Hour framing device anyway.

Mar 20, 2006

Not to mention trying to ape the book and do multiple plotlines at once meant each individual plotline is pretty threadbare.

Dec 28, 2005

Just finished episode 5. I generally like this game even though I can understand a lot of the complaints. I don't think the POVs are too janky, they just make it so the story shifts ahead suddenly here and there. The general gist is fine. Railroading sucks but it would be really hard to make a game where every choice branches off into its own cut scene and story arc. Like that would be an 80 hour game or something nuts like that. They could do better with cutting some lines if it doesn't relate to the what I just said though. Like for instance I told Cersei I did whatever was possible to get into that party, then she says a line to respond, there's a pause, then you can tell it obviously flipped to the response of if I lied or ratted out the other handmaiden. Just cut that second part and everything would be gravy.

It's also pretty obvious that this is only Game of Thrones part 1, and that there will be more Game of Thrones Telltale games coming out later as the book progresses.

Anyway, the traitor thing wasn't that bad. I had Duncan be the traitor, which made sense. I can see how people who picked Duncan as the sentinel would be disappointed though. What I'm really pissed off about is how fast Rodrik/Asher died. Ethan made sense, but Rodrik/Asher was an unnecessary choice considering how much effort was put into both of their story lines. Like you spend all this time rebuilding Rodrik only to have him die again, which makes everything else kind of empty, or you have Asher come all the way to Essos just to die in port. There comes a point where it just sucks to watch Omnipotent Bad Guy destroy every plan. The GoT books are full of great causality. Characters bring their own death upon them through their own flaws, or characters succeed due to well laid, well thought out, well worked for plans. The last season of the TV show and this game shows that other writers can't quite grasp that concept and just want to kill the good guy to cash in on the shock value.

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Doltos posted:

Anyway, the traitor thing wasn't that bad. I had Duncan be the traitor, which made sense. I can see how people who picked Duncan as the sentinel would be disappointed though. What I'm really pissed off about is how fast Rodrik/Asher died. Ethan made sense, but Rodrik/Asher was an unnecessary choice considering how much effort was put into both of their story lines. Like you spend all this time rebuilding Rodrik only to have him die again, which makes everything else kind of empty, or you have Asher come all the way to Essos just to die in port. There comes a point where it just sucks to watch Omnipotent Bad Guy destroy every plan. The GoT books are full of great causality. Characters bring their own death upon them through their own flaws, or characters succeed due to well laid, well thought out, well worked for plans. The last season of the TV show and this game shows that other writers can't quite grasp that concept and just want to kill the good guy to cash in on the shock value.

The traitor is always the person you do not pick for Sentinel, that's why it's retarded.

Oct 21, 2002

Asher got shot in the leg so they can use the exact same limping animation in the next episode regardless of who died.

Nov 30, 2002

Quote-Unquote posted:

Asher got shot in the leg so they can use the exact same limping animation in the next episode regardless of who died.

That was the very first thing I thought when that happened.

Jul 30, 2005

So after this what do you want more of, TT taking licenses that allow for more freedom and being less chained to established cannon, or developing their own IP where they can do whatever they want.

Nov 2, 2010

Shaped like a friend

Wait, people didn't like this episode? :psyduck:

Like it was hilarious all the way through but what killed me was the traitor scene. You have the option to kill him or get secrets to help save Asher. If you go for the secrets the traitor just goes. "Iunno they're planning on ambushing you I guess?" and THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL. I was expecting a prompt for "good enough" or "kill anyway" but that's good enough apparently and that's HILARIOUS.

Then Asher finally arrives and exclaims "boy I was on that boat for WEEKS!" only to get ambushed anyway! Rodrick didn't even try apparently! It then came to a head when Gryff came out with his eye healed up fully somehow and capped when he gave Rodrick a hosed up eye after killing him.

This game is great you guys.

Jul 20, 2012

Good ideas generator

I don't care as long as the game/story is good. Tales of the Borderlands is fantastic, this is mediocre. I'm not sure they need to get their own IP, they probably sell a huge number of these games on licence recognition.

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

telltales game is pretty obvious since everybody replayed walking dead but it has never been as transparent as its been in this ep. every single big choice that didnt involve asher was contrived as gently caress

Oct 11, 2012

Blue Raider posted:

telltales game is pretty obvious since everybody replayed walking dead but it has never been as transparent as its been in this ep. every single big choice that didnt involve asher was contrived as gently caress

Even with Asher killing the slave master or not doesn't matter because Danerys was never going to give you the Second Sons, and the only thing you get for not killing him is gold for the pit fighters, which you don't even need or use, and you can still kill him and get the gold if you tattle on Beshka and say she was a slave, which still leads to not needing the gold

I think the worst part is this will probably get a second season or set up for one which means Survivor Asher/Rodrick is deader than dead for sure

Oct 23, 2008


They might not be dead, I could see a second season focusing less on Ironrath and Highpoint. The cast for those areas has been whittled down and will probably be whittled further in the next episode, so if the ending option is something like Crush Whitehills/Marry Gwen to Unite Houses they can just talk about what went down between the Houses in passing next season and focus on new characters or plotlines.

Mira's probably not long for King's Landing, if she survives. I could see her bugging out with her (single!) merchant pal or heading for home. Gared's thing probably has the biggest next-season potential since it's part of the ~mystery~ of going North of the Wall. A second season with a different cast and just passing references/cameos to the events and people of the previous season is what people said they could've tried with the Walking Dead, and it'd definitely fit with the style of Game of Thrones.

Apr 27, 2010

O'er the sea from the north
there sails a ship
With the people of Hel
at the helm stands Loki
After the wolf
do wild men follow

Snuffman posted:

I mean, its the best GoT Game, but that's not really saying much cause I feel like its the worst thing Telltale has done post Walking Dead season 1 (yeah, I said it...GoT is worse than Walking Dead season 2).

The Game of Thrones RPG is better than this.

yo mamma a Horus
Apr 7, 2008

Nap Ghost
Like 30% chose to stab ramsay, how can it be that low? :lol:

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Munsun posted:

Like 30% chose to stab ramsay, how can it be that low? :lol:

Probably because they all knew it would be pointless.

I still tried though

Oct 16, 2012

Roose is loose.

It doesn't help that before that choice we get a keep sword/give sword option, and regardless what you pick Ramsay just takes the sword, so it was probably a "Why bother?" choice

The Ninth Layer
Jun 19, 2007

My enthusiasm for this game died back around ep 3 when I watched a friend play through and make completely different decisions than I made and still end up with the exact same story. I'll wait until the last episode is released before I play through it, but imo this is the most heavily railroaded game Telltale has ever produced and that's including TWD Season 2. At least in that game you had the compelling game of defining Clem's personality by the choices you made. In this one the only difference I've seen any of the choices made is in determining who you piss off first.

Oct 11, 2012

Everything. Is. Fine.

Munsun posted:

Like 30% chose to stab ramsay, how can it be that low? :lol:

It's Ramsay loving Bolton. As if you could ever even inconvenience that shitfucker of a character. I tried to stab him anyway, just because I play Rodrik to be violent and antagonistic whenever possible, but I'm sure most people just went 'ugh why even bother'.

Feb 16, 2008

Some say that his politics are terrifying, and that he once punched a horse to the ground...

Isn't that very game of throneish? You're just choosing who gets to die first essentially. Or who gets hosed over first.

Nov 30, 2002

AdjectiveNoun posted:

It's Ramsay loving Bolton. As if you could ever even inconvenience that shitfucker of a character. I tried to stab him anyway, just because I play Rodrik to be violent and antagonistic whenever possible, but I'm sure most people just went 'ugh why even bother'.

That was literally my thought process. What's the point?

Aug 10, 2011

Dear God is this game boring. Like everyone else, Asher and Rodrick are the only two characters I found remotely interesting. Roderick has an intriguing arc of putting his house back together and finding his inner strength, while Asher gets to gently caress around and be fun. Meanwhile, Mira gets pushed around by everyone in King's Landing, and Gared just sits in the snow looking for the North Grove. Dear God, I can see so many ways this game could be better, but it's just not. I feel more apathy for this game than TWD Season 2, and at this point I'm playing it through just so I have something to complain about with you guys.

Mar 1, 2001

Tiny animals under glass... Smaller than sand...

Why do they still go through the charade of having inventory items, it's like they're rubbing the lack of actual interactions in your face, aghhh. They've managed to strip the episodes down to one or two "exploration" scenes where you can move a couple feet in a set direction and examine a blood spot or a spear, all while the forced camera angle shoves you along, it just feels so awkward and clumsy to control that it would actually be better at this point to get rid of them entirely. They really highlight how stiff the animation is too, especially when you run into any of their invisible boundaries and the character model just kinda slides along it while walking in place.

Android Blues
Nov 22, 2008

I was enjoying the game up to now but this episode was sooooo baaaaad. I love Ramsay gallivanting around in the show, but the opening scene with him was just aggravatingly pointless. "Illusion of choice" is a bit dubious on its own, but throughout that scene there's not even an illusion of choice. The game almost taunts you with how manifestly nothing you say or do matters.

It also makes no sense - if you take the Glenmore soldiers with you to Highpoint, they're returning back with you to Ironrath without a gap in continuity. The whole thing is that they're garrisoned at Ironrath to act as your house guard - so what happened, did Arthur fall down a secret trapdoor while he was walking behind Rodrik a la Scooby Doo? They obviously wrote a scene for what happens if you left the Glenmores behind and then just shrugged and made it the resolution for the other choice too, a la Griff's miraculously healed eye.

In general I was kind of interested in how many choices the game seemed to let you make in the past couple of episodes re: the Forrester's plans, but all those loose ends got mopped up and ignored in this one. Combine that with the game presenting you false dilemmas about the show characters - the Tyrion and Ramsay scenes are just utterly devoid of tension because of this - and this was super inert, super disappointing, and enough to more or less kill my faith in Telltale.

I think it would be way better if they were just comfortable with letting the game diverge from canon. This doesn't need to line up perfectly with what happens in the show: demonstrate that early on, and let the player harm or kill Ramsay at a cost, let them actually screw things up for Tyrion or save his life, and suddenly you can use those show characters in an interesting way again.

Oh, jeez, not to even mention the traitor thing. It was Royland for me and he doesn't even explain his motivations, just yells incoherently at you for a while and makes vague allusions to "your CHOICES caused this. Eh? Eh? Choices!" that don't really hold water. There's a bit where he says, "I did it for what I believe in!" but it's totally unclear as to what he believes in and the script is more interested in having him bluster at you melodramatically than having him be a coherent character.

Terrible trash. Real bad. Super dull. At least Beshka is still in it.

May 23, 2007

"Go for it!"

Android Blues posted:

I was enjoying the game up to now but this episode was sooooo baaaaad. I love Ramsay gallivanting around in the show, but the opening scene with him was just aggravatingly pointless. "Illusion of choice" is a bit dubious on its own, but throughout that scene there's not even an illusion of choice. The game almost taunts you with how manifestly nothing you say or do matters.

It also makes no sense - if you take the Glenmore soldiers with you to Highpoint, they're returning back with you to Ironrath without a gap in continuity. The whole thing is that they're garrisoned at Ironrath to act as your house guard - so what happened, did Arthur fall down a secret trapdoor while he was walking behind Rodrik a la Scooby Doo? They obviously wrote a scene for what happens if you left the Glenmores behind and then just shrugged and made it the resolution for the other choice too, a la Griff's miraculously healed eye.

In general I was kind of interested in how many choices the game seemed to let you make in the past couple of episodes re: the Forrester's plans, but all those loose ends got mopped up and ignored in this one. Combine that with the game presenting you false dilemmas about the show characters - the Tyrion and Ramsay scenes are just utterly devoid of tension because of this - and this was super inert, super disappointing, and enough to more or less kill my faith in Telltale.

I think it would be way better if they were just comfortable with letting the game diverge from canon. This doesn't need to line up perfectly with what happens in the show: demonstrate that early on, and let the player harm or kill Ramsay at a cost, let them actually screw things up for Tyrion or save his life, and suddenly you can use those show characters in an interesting way again.

Oh, jeez, not to even mention the traitor thing. It was Royland for me and he doesn't even explain his motivations, just yells incoherently at you for a while and makes vague allusions to "your CHOICES caused this. Eh? Eh? Choices!" that don't really hold water. There's a bit where he says, "I did it for what I believe in!" but it's totally unclear as to what he believes in and the script is more interested in having him bluster at you melodramatically than having him be a coherent character.

Terrible trash. Real bad. Super dull. At least Beshka is still in it.

Oh jeez. I seem to have made choices opposite to yours, so everything lined up pretty well in my game. My gut feeling is the game will end on some big cliffhangers to tease a sequel/second season.

Mar 1, 2001

Tiny animals under glass... Smaller than sand...

Maarak posted:

Oh jeez. I seem to have made choices opposite to yours, so everything lined up pretty well in my game. My gut feeling is the game will end on some big cliffhangers to tease a sequel/second season.
I have a feeling you're right... I'd imagine this is a money train for them that they'll want to keep rolling as long as possible.

I wonder how much of it is them being constrained by having some of the voice actors from the show on, and having to write them into the plot. The game is really at it's best when it's dealing with Asher and Beshka, those parts are actually fun and fit in with the game play style much better. Like was already talked about, just making the game The Adventures of Asher and Beshka could be way more engaging.

BillBear posted:

This game would have been completely awesome if it was just Asher, he's cool as gently caress and is always entertaining, he also has way more interesting characters around him.

RightClickSaveAs fucked around with this message at 00:54 on Jul 30, 2015

Android Blues
Nov 22, 2008

Yeah, Asher and Beshka rule and Asher's friendship with Beshka seems to be one of the more reactive bits of the story conversation wise, even if it is just Beshka being annoyed at you/pleased with you at a given point in time. It lands more because their bond is strongly expressed and you wind up genuinely wanting to protect it.

e: I think it works much better because, unlike a lot of Telltale characters who can be pleased or annoyed at you based on your actions, Beshka is willing to cut Asher some slack when he does something she doesn't like, because at the end of the day they're really good friends. She can be pissed or pleased with him but it doesn't manifest in such a polarised way as say, Kenny in Walking Dead s1, and that really sells the underlying trust there.

Android Blues fucked around with this message at 01:11 on Jul 30, 2015

Mar 20, 2006

RightClickSaveAs posted:

I have a feeling you're right... I'd imagine this is a money train for them that they'll want to keep rolling as long as possible.

I wonder how much of it is them being constrained by having some of the voice actors from the show on, and having to write them into the plot. The game is really at it's best when it's dealing with Asher and Beshka, those parts are actually fun and fit in with the game play style much better. Like was already talked about, just making the game The Adventures of Asher and Beshka could be way more engaging.

Yeah plus cutting it down to a single main plotline would flesh out each episode much better, instead of trying to tell 3 different storylines in 6 episodes.

It also has all the cheesy bits in which the game reminds you how yes they got actors from the show to do a few bits of voice acting.

etalian fucked around with this message at 01:10 on Jul 30, 2015

Trash Trick
Apr 17, 2014

Walking Dead season 1 hooked me on telltale games and every single one has subsequently been poo poo. What ahppened to those writers.

Mar 1, 2001

Tiny animals under glass... Smaller than sand...

a cop posted:

Walking Dead season 1 hooked me on telltale games and every single one has subsequently been poo poo. What ahppened to those writers.
They snagged a few cool people from Double Fine, formed Campo Santo, and are working on Firewatch which looks pretty awesome. Won't be out for a while though.

Apr 1, 2011

Ambassador to Moonlandia
While I'll hold my opinion until the last episode, as I think more about this game an how it could have been improved, I keep coming back to several ideas, mostly to people's story lines, I'll probably make a long post at the end of all this about what would have worked better IMHO.

Also as to the traitor: I just had a though, you know what would have been a interesting choice for the traitor? Talia! Think about it, she had to watch her twin die in front of her because according to Ramsey and the Whitehill "he got uppity" or something like that. Once Rodrick comes to, one way or another, he's planning on taking the Whitehills down a peg or two either by lashing out or playing the waiting game, but either way, the Foresters are preparing to rise up, but he baby brother is being held hostage and could likely die if they rise. Talia, still being a child and maybe lacking some of the nuanced understandings about the political game, might have been recruited by Gryff or someone else to be their eyes "be a good girl and we'll not harm Ryon or Rodrick, we'll stop and violence before it really gets going". That would cast every time Gryff threatened her in a new light, suddenly, its not him being a random dick, but calculatingly threatening Talia so that Rodrick and the others instinctively pull her closer. Think of how many times she hears valuable plans and such too. Then once the identity is revealed, the choice Rodrick has to face is harder since its his baby sister who basically screwed their family without really knowing it, which is also something that tends to happen in GOT and ASOIF a lot too.

I don't know, I'm likely rambling, but seriously, I'm still salty about that traitor reveal, it was just so...blegh.

Nov 16, 2010

ThisIsACoolGuy posted:

This game is great you guys.

Yes this.

I laughed my way through most of it. Bro Crow dying is the cheapest thing in the world. OH HEY THERE WAS A CHOICE NOT TO TAKE HIM LAST EPISODE BETTER TIE A BOW ON THAT poo poo REAL FAST. Cersei's walk animation was hilarious. So was Asher jumping. So was convincing the fighters to come with by promising them ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Also antagonizing uncle for staying with Queen Dumb Dumb. Everything about this episode was hilarious.

Ramsey pinky promising not to show up in the last episode annoyed me because all the times when he shows up and kills people I don't remember who are and then lets me choose to continue the cutscene are hilarious.

On one hand I seriously loving hate this game. But on the other it is really loving fun and there is no part of it I don't like. A++ would seduce lady after skirting blame for getting her brother(???) killed again.

Shaman Tank Spec
Dec 26, 2003


Accordion Man posted:

Telltale, you're really poo poo at this whole writing thing.

What really pisses me off is that (SPY SPOILERS) in episode 1 I actually picked Duncan as my sentinel. Then episode 2 rolled around and Royland was my sentinel. I replayed the relevant bits from episode 1 to retry and still got the guy I didn't pick forced on me as my sentinel. I picked him because his philosophy appealed more to me, and I've played according to that philosophy since, trying to be conciliatory when possible and avoiding escalation.


Eat a dick, video game.

EDIT: you know what I've got more.

Jimmy4400nav posted:

Alright finally sat down and played the episode...

Right, your post was a GREAT example of why I think Game of Thrones is the worst modern Telltale series (from TWD onwards). We all know that The Walking Dead actually didn't offer the player much choice in how the actual plot turned out, and what your choices mostly affected were how the other characters reacted to you, what kind of man your Lee was and what kind of impact you made on Clementine.

The Walking Dead succeeded in creating immersion through illusion. You FELT like your choices mattered. You FELT like you were an active participant. Sure, if you'd go back and replayed the games with different choices, the illusion would be shattered, but if you play the game the way it's meant to be played, it's one of the best experiences.

Of course they can't fool us again, so now that we know what the trick is, it's going to be less effective, but it can still work. Tales from the Borderlands is hilarious and again feels like I'm making choices and playing an active part, instead of just being a passenger on a carnival ride.

Game of Thrones didn't have that illusion or feeling for a second, and it's largely because the player is a fly among giants. What's the loving point in making a choice between killing Ramsey Bolton or not, when you know he's not going to die in a loving video game? What the gently caress does it matter if you choose to ally with Tyrion Lannister or not when we know he's going away in an episode or two? Who gives a flying gently caress about how you interact with Cersei Lannister when it's been written in stone that she's a villain because that's how it is in the TV show?

The Walking Dead succeeded because despite being in a licensed game world it dealt with original characters. The few exceptions were mostly cameos. Game of Thrones COULD have succeeded if they'd stuck to original characters and events as well, but nope, they had to try and copy the Starks 1:1. We have to have a character in King's Landing so we can see the Lannisters! Someone HAS to go to the wall so we can see John Snow! Everyone and their loving uncle from the TV show has to pop in for their Jesus moment and lord it over the player, highlighting how insignificant and meaningless they are and how little agency they have!

Honestly, playing the Game of Thrones games feels like bad RPG experiences from my youth, when our game master was this abusive rear end in a top hat who filled the games with his Mary Sue characters (all with plot armor of course) and flaunted his omnipotence in our faces. We'd devise a daring and inventive plan to get us out of the evil duke's prison only for the GM to pull some rabbit out of his hat to magically foil our plot. Rinse and repeat for two years. That's what this loving game feels like.

Shaman Tank Spec fucked around with this message at 08:50 on Jul 30, 2015

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
I agree, and in the case of Tales From The Borderlands also would add the tone of the relationship between the Hyperion dudes and con women I feel like is within player control, and also how Rhyszzz treats Vaughn and how Fiona deals with Felix. It's closer to the level of choice in Walking Dead.

Jul 30, 2005

This has felt like the first true stumble for me from TellTale. WD season 1 hooked me, probably for life. I'll have to check out Firewatch as well because of it's connection to the production. I was really into Wolf Among Us and didn't have any of the problems with Season 2 of WD that others had. I'm generally easy to please because these types of games scratch an itch. But this game just isn't doing for me. If I had to guess it's because of too many storylines stalling and not sticking with the ones that are actually interesting.

Jul 18, 2008

I'll play Episode 6 when it comes out seeing as how I've already paid for it, but unless it's super great I am done with this company. Wolf Among Us was stupid as well, but I gave them credit since they had to do a bunch of rewrites. Now I'm thinking maybe they actually just plain suck at this.

Jul 27, 2010

These episodes are taking too long to come out. Up till now I've been careful with my choices and considered the outcomes, this time around I didn't really care and just went for what I felt would give maximum entertainment because whatever.

Really didn't care when I left Asher to die, just no attachment there whatsoever

I think in the future I'll wait for all episodes to be released before buying the game.


Blazing Ownager
Jun 2, 2007

by FactsAreUseless
You know, given Ramsey "Plot Armor" Snow is is dating in and out of the game trolling the Forresters, I just hope the finale is that they win, Ramsey gets annoyed anyway, and the whole last 10 minutes is every single loving one dying in slowmo. Game of Thrones: A Ramsey Snow Trolling Series.

Actually can you imagine what a huge "WHAT THE gently caress?" it'd be if Ramsey comes back in the finale episode and you can actually kill him? They could write it off as a "possible outcome" but the sudden breaking with adherence to canon would be the one way a character death could truly shock the hell out of me.

kater posted:

I laughed my way through most of it. Bro Crow dying is the cheapest thing in the world. OH HEY THERE WAS A CHOICE NOT TO TAKE HIM LAST EPISODE BETTER TIE A BOW ON THAT poo poo REAL FAST. Cersei's walk animation was hilarious. So was Asher jumping. So was convincing the fighters to come with by promising them ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Also antagonizing uncle for staying with Queen Dumb Dumb. Everything about this episode was hilarious.

Ramsey pinky promising not to show up in the last episode annoyed me because all the times when he shows up and kills people I don't remember who are and then lets me choose to continue the cutscene are hilarious.

To be fair all of this was still better than what the actual show gave us with the Sand Snakes.

a cop posted:

Walking Dead season 1 hooked me on telltale games and every single one has subsequently been poo poo. What ahppened to those writers.

Walking Dead Season 2 started decent, went stupid, and got interesting in the last few minutes if only for the fact the final choice started massive internet arguments between people absolutely convinced of their selection.

For the record, Kenny owns, gently caress Jane and gently caress Telltale for not giving me a "shoot Jane" option several times during the ending. In fact I kind of thinking Walking Dead Season 2's only compelling thing was how much of a social experiment it was: Pick a guy who's not acting that out of line, and keep saying "HE'S OFF HIS HEAD! HE'S DANGEROUS!" - then steadily prove that character right - and see how many people side with said character, or just go with what the game keeps parroting.

The fact that the actual outcomes are what they makes me feel like this was absolutely intentional.

Blazing Ownager fucked around with this message at 14:59 on Aug 14, 2015

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