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overeager overeater
Oct 16, 2011

"The cosmonauts were transfixed with wonderment as the sun set - over the Earth - there lucklessly, untethered Comrade Todd on fire."

Can the torch during Mira's stay in the cell be used for anything?

I was hoping to clock Morgryn with it, but I never got the option to do that.


Jan 16, 2008
Before she mends must sicken worse
I am very happy I stopped playing this after the first chapter

Nov 30, 2002

Finished. I just kinda clicked every choice that would maximize bloodshed in this episode, since I know better than to think any other choice will play out well. I don't even know what the hell the North Grove actually does.

Mira's dead, I ripped some dudes heart out, and killed a lot of people at Ironwrath.

Haha, I'm watching the epilogue, and I love how they have every show actor just talking about how terrible the Forrester house is.

I'm reading that if I had kept Rodrick alive, he chooses to sneak into the Whitehall camp and attack. That seems completely backwards. I'd expect Asher to sneak into camp and Rodrick to hold an ambush feast.

Max fucked around with this message at 03:54 on Nov 18, 2015

Roman Reigns
Aug 23, 2007

Max posted:

Haha, I'm watching the epilogue, and I love how they have every show actor just talking about how terrible the Forrester house is.

Probably my biggest problem with this series. I get that its based on a show/book that's pretty dark and takes a dump on happy endings, but getting kicked in the teeth from beginning to end relentlessly makes for an unfun and dismal experience.

Georgia Peach
Jan 7, 2005


Max posted:

Finished. I just kinda clicked every choice that would maximize bloodshed in this episode, since I know better than to think any other choice will play out well. I don't even know what the hell the North Grove actually does.

Mira's dead, I ripped some dudes heart out, and killed a lot of people at Ironwrath.

Haha, I'm watching the epilogue, and I love how they have every show actor just talking about how terrible the Forrester house is.

Nov 27, 2004

I am a mouth, and I must scream

So I had Mira marry that dude and let the coal boy get killed instead. Sounds like if I'd picked the other option, she'd have just been killed. So if you pick that option you spend all five or 6 or whatever episodes with her, achieve absolutely nothing to help your family whatsoever, and then die pointlessly in the last episode? lol

Spiky Ooze
Oct 27, 2005

Bernie Sanders is a friend to my planet (pictured)

click the shit outta^

Wafflecopper posted:

So I had Mira marry that dude and let the coal boy get killed instead. Sounds like if I'd picked the other option, she'd have just been killed. So if you pick that option you spend all five or 6 or whatever episodes with her, achieve absolutely nothing to help your family whatsoever, and then die pointlessly in the last episode? lol

Well you can let her die a Ned Stark-esque death where you can spit in the dude's face in the end and then say "Iron from ice!" as they kill you. It was kinda cool. I knew in the jail cell it was over. That shithole King's Landing had claimed another victim. The only escape option was not an escape, it was just helping the evil guy. So I let her go out like a bad rear end who had done it all to defend the Forresters. Also she helped the coal boy and Sara in my game.

Nov 27, 2004

I am a mouth, and I must scream

Spiky Ooze posted:

Well you can let her die a Ned Stark-esque death where you can spit in the dude's face in the end and then say "Iron from ice!" as they kill you. It was kinda cool. I knew in the jail cell it was over. That shithole King's Landing had claimed another victim. The only escape option was not an escape, it was just helping the evil guy. So I let her go out like a bad rear end who had done it all to defend the Forresters. Also she helped the coal boy and Sara in my game.

None of that helps the Forresters at all though. At least with the marriage option she might be able to kill or manipulate her husband somehow, and also his plan relies on all the Forrester males being killed off which they haven't yet.

Wafflecopper fucked around with this message at 05:29 on Nov 18, 2015

Jun 29, 2008

The beast we awoke hath been untamed
Eyes of fireth and wings of a flame

Wtf does this even mean?

Nov 30, 2002

What was the point of that key that Mira can steal?

Plebian Parasite
Oct 12, 2012

Roman Reigns posted:

Probably my biggest problem with this series. I get that its based on a show/book that's pretty dark and takes a dump on happy endings, but getting kicked in the teeth from beginning to end relentlessly makes for an unfun and dismal experience.

Part of what makes game of thrones good is that the good guys and bad guys get dumped on in somewhat equal share, because the world is chaotic and there are too many characters vying for the same small thing. The game chooses to just poo poo all over you though and does very little to stop blasting you with hot steamy plot turds at any point during the game.

Feb 4, 2012

Shocked I tell you

No Such Thing posted:

Part of what makes game of thrones good is that the good guys and bad guys get dumped on in somewhat equal share

Except for Ramsay.

Sep 6, 2007

MonsterEnvy posted:

Except for Ramsay.
Can't wait to read how GRRM's little pet ends up ruling the world because he's just such an invincible psychopath that can't simply fail.

Feb 17, 2011
There is something liberating about knowing that whatever you choose the difference will most likely be negligible. Also lol at the "previously on Game of Thrones: you killed the traitor!" Only not, because the traitor is still alive, oh well. And what limp?

As soon as the dinner scene fight started I knew there was nothing I could do: the first slash was a cut across the cheek, then he gets an axe in the back, then he gets thrown off his horse, and then he's... absolutely fine? Oh.

Also there are so many moments in which characters simply stand doing nothing while the circumstances call for action, it's excruciating.

And who was the bald spearwoman of the mercenaries? I feel like I should know her, since out of them all only she has any lines in this episode, but I can't even recall any of their names.

Szurumbur fucked around with this message at 09:42 on Nov 18, 2015

Aug 19, 2006

Vlad the Retailer posted:

Can the torch during Mira's stay in the cell be used for anything?

I was hoping to clock Morgryn with it, but I never got the option to do that.

Max posted:

What was the point of that key that Mira can steal?

What was the point of the contract that you steal from Tyrion's desk? Probably the same as everything else in this series: utterly pointless.

You know, aside from disliking cliffhangers in video games in general the ending probably wouldn't have been so bad and felt so incomplete if there was any hope that a second season would really address everything and continue from where they stopped but there's no way Telltale will be able to do that because too many characters are potentially dead and that creates too many branching paths.

In conclusion: play Tales from the Borderlands even if you dislike the actual Borderlands games. It's far, far better than GoT.

Senjuro fucked around with this message at 11:06 on Nov 18, 2015

Android Blues
Nov 22, 2008

The season ending on a cliffhanger is really bad, but it's pretty cool that Mira can actually die and doesn't get plot armoured out of there if you make the easy 'good' choice. Asher and Roderik having wildly different things to do is cool as well, it's a big narrative split. The issue is that the actual plot isn't self-contained and doesn't resolve within the space of six episodes when it really, really needed to.

Nov 16, 2010

Can someone just say it is worth playing through? I've basically spent the last three years playing Telltale's stuff the moment it came out and I can't even think of when I would bother trying to play this last episode I'm so checked out.

Nov 30, 2002

kater posted:

Can someone just say it is worth playing through? I've basically spent the last three years playing Telltale's stuff the moment it came out and I can't even think of when I would bother trying to play this last episode I'm so checked out.

This game constantly rubs your nose in poo poo and nothing you do can save you. If that sounds fun, then go ahead!

RBA Starblade
Apr 27, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Roman Reigns posted:

I don't know, I thought that part was pretty cool.

Everything else, especially Mira, was utter nonsense and this was a miserable train wreck to play through. Which makes it a true GoT game, since the show has basically devolved into that as well.

I'm playing it tonight but just to confirm nothing Mira did this entire season has mattered in any way, right?

I like that the plot is a sinking ship you can't save but Telltale really dropped the ball on it.

RBA Starblade fucked around with this message at 14:03 on Nov 18, 2015

Nov 30, 2002

RBA Starblade posted:

I'm playing it tonight but just to confirm nothing Mira did this entire season has mattered in any way, right?

I like that the plot is a sinking ship you can't save but Telltale really dropped the ball on it.

Zero. She has absolutely no connection with the other plots in any way.

I think there is a way to have a game where the plot is a sinking ship and still make it enjoyable to play. As it is, you are presented with an illusion of choice where no matter what, the game kicks you in the stomach over and over again, and then laughs at you for it, which is honestly not a fun experience.

I want to just assume that the non-standard game over in episode 3 where you kill everyone in whitehall is my canon ending, because that was far more enjoyable.

Max fucked around with this message at 15:32 on Nov 18, 2015

Roman Reigns
Aug 23, 2007

RBA Starblade posted:

I'm playing it tonight but just to confirm nothing Mira did this entire season has mattered in any way, right?


Android Blues
Nov 22, 2008

Actually, she did prevent Lord Andros from obtaining mercenaries for the Whitehills.

Nov 27, 2004

I am a mouth, and I must scream

Android Blues posted:

Actually, she did prevent Lord Andros from obtaining mercenaries for the Whitehills.

And what difference did that make? The Whitehills still have way too many troops for you to fight in the final episode.

Nov 30, 2002

Really, Mira's story is just [Insert interaction with canon characters here] personified. Like, they devoted a whole section to being forced to talk with Tyrion last episode that has 100%, zero bearing on the story.

I honestly think Asher and Beskha were the best characters in this game and they should have just focused on them.

Aug 1, 2006

I hope Malcolm feels just awful.

Android Blues
Nov 22, 2008

Wafflecopper posted:

And what difference did that make? The Whitehills still have way too many troops for you to fight in the final episode.

Sure, but you may as well say that Roderik and Asher's efforts don't make a difference either, in that case. Asher's whole quest to hire a mercenary army has a similar result! Mira does do something. The real culprit is Gared, who is pure dead weight on the story as a whole, has zero relevance to any of it apart from the prologue, and spends most of his time trudging around in the snow in what feels like a thinned out simulacrum of a Walking Dead episode. I think if you cut Gared's entire plot after the opening and used the time to focus on the rest of the characters more, that would help some of the issues the game has.

Like, trying to focus on the White Walker/winter is coming plot in the confines of a story like this just seems foolish. Game of Thrones the show has many concurrent plotlines designed to unfold over the course of seasons: having characters in vastly different parts of the world going through different storylines is fine there. This game apart from the Gared stuff is very focused on one specific conflict, Whitehills vs. Foresters, and as it becomes increasingly clear that Gared won't do anything this season that's relevant at all to that plot, the more dull it gets to spend time running from zombies as him.

Spiky Ooze
Oct 27, 2005

Bernie Sanders is a friend to my planet (pictured)

click the shit outta^

Max posted:

Really, Mira's story is just [Insert interaction with canon characters here] personified. Like, they devoted a whole section to being forced to talk with Tyrion last episode that has 100%, zero bearing on the story.

I mean I think she was more of a stand-in just to get a taste of how King's Landing is one big Kafkaesque death trap for anyone drawn to using its power

Just like the whole Forrester family are blatant stand-ins for the Starks. It seemed to me that it became pretty impossible for them to use the real cast, so the series is more like "here's a recreation with different characters to at least give you the experience of being in the world, and yes most of them will die too

Nov 30, 2002

Android Blues posted:

Sure, but you may as well say that Roderik and Asher's efforts don't make a difference either, in that case. Asher's whole quest to hire a mercenary army has a similar result! Mira does do something. The real culprit is Gared, who is pure dead weight on the story as a whole, has zero relevance to any of it apart from the prologue, and spends most of his time trudging around in the snow in what feels like a thinned out simulacrum of a Walking Dead episode. I think if you cut Gared's entire plot after the opening and used the time to focus on the rest of the characters more, that would help some of the issues the game has.

Like, trying to focus on the White Walker/winter is coming plot in the confines of a story like this just seems foolish. Game of Thrones the show has many concurrent plotlines designed to unfold over the course of seasons: having characters in vastly different parts of the world going through different storylines is fine there. This game apart from the Gared stuff is very focused on one specific conflict, Whitehills vs. Foresters, and as it becomes increasingly clear that Gared won't do anything this season that's relevant at all to that plot, the more dull it gets to spend time running from zombies as him.

This is absolutely true. Every time the game cut to Gared's story, I got unimaginably bored. I had no idea why the North Grove was important or what it would do to help the much more interesting plot happening back at Ironwrath.

Oct 11, 2012
So next season will have Beshka and Ryon doing a The Hound and Arya thing I guess? can't wait for them to gently caress that up

Jul 27, 2010

I'm still not sure what the point of the North Grove is.

So someone can command maybe like 10 people at once? Why does that need to be protected, and how is it going to help anything? Did Gregor want to relocate the Forresters to the grove for protection through isolation, or did he want Gared to bring back that lame posse to fight against the Whitehills?

Android Blues
Nov 22, 2008

Frankston posted:

I'm still not sure what the point of the North Grove is.

So someone can command maybe like 10 people at once? Why does that need to be protected, and how is it going to help anything? Did Gregor want to relocate the Forresters to the grove for protection through isolation, or did he want Gared to bring back that lame posse to fight against the Whitehills?

Gregor probably had no idea that his house was gonna get randomly targeted by Ramsay Bolton for jokes and was just like, "listen, winter is coming, so you have to make sure this place is still all good and ready for that". That's my guess - Duncan interpreting this as "there's a magical trump card there to protect our house" was just a wild, incorrect stab in the dark.

May 24, 2012
It's crazy that Telltale release their best game since TWD season 1 right next to this trainwreck.

Jan 24, 2004


Definitely feel like I backed the wrong horse in that regard
On the other hand who could have figured that something with Borderlands in the title would actually be good?

Oct 23, 2014

"It's okay. There are other Terminators! Just give us this one!"

Sakurazuka posted:

Definitely feel like I backed the wrong horse in that regard
On the other hand who could have figured that something with Borderlands in the title would actually be good?

I did because Borderlands is good.

...I could never get anyone to try Tales though. :negative: There seems to be a general air that it sold badly. Until it went on a Humble Bundle for pennies I couldn't find anyone else who played it period.

mycot fucked around with this message at 18:50 on Nov 18, 2015

Nov 30, 2002

mycot posted:

I did because Borderlands is good.

...I could never get anyone to try Tales though. :negative: There seems to be a general air that it sold badly. Until it went on a Humble Bundle for pennies I couldn't find anyone else who played it period.

I may try it during the inevitable holiday sale.

Jan 24, 2004


If you have a PS4 the first episode is free on the US PSN.

Jan 24, 2004


Well, that was pointless

Best part of episode 6 was a random dude at the feast having a blood splash coming out of him the whole time way before everything kicked off

Or the credits listing 'object 65345' as Producer

Sep 15, 2004

Also that if you go through the detailed choices thing it gives you Xbox controls (I am on PS4).

This felt like the studio got in serious trouble to meet their deadline and had to cut things.

Mira and Asher's plots proved pointless due to choices I made. Asher has gone from superhero fighter to lousy average nothing guy. Some things occur that are just utterly unbelievable and incongruous with what has come before. Gared's tale is utterly unresolved - I make a binary choice at the end and get like an unvoiced 10 second clip with no sound effects.

It is disappointing because the first 5 episodes were great. I really, really enjoyed them and waited so long for this short, rushed, utterly disappointing and yes, pointless, finale. This seems like they rushed it out the door unfinished. I mean, there are x box controls appearing on screen, terrible frame rate and skipping in parts with what feels like uncompleted storylines. It's shorter than the others (or felt so) and there's some writing and events that occur that are seriously, jarringly implausible, making it just all too wtf.

Wafflecopper posted:

So I had Mira marry that dude and let the coal boy get killed instead. Sounds like if I'd picked the other option, she'd have just been killed. So if you pick that option you spend all five or 6 or whatever episodes with her, achieve absolutely nothing to help your family whatsoever, and then die pointlessly in the last episode? lol

Exactly this. loving lazy, pointless bullshit. The gutwrenching Game of Thrones endings/horrible turn of events outcomes etc just were not conveyed here. If they were hoping to end on some crazy gasp-inspiring season finale having us chomping at the bit for a season 2, they have achieved the opposite.

kater posted:

Can someone just say it is worth playing through? I've basically spent the last three years playing Telltale's stuff the moment it came out and I can't even think of when I would bother trying to play this last episode I'm so checked out.
I loved eps 1-5. Ep 6 is appalling. I've retracted recommendations to friends telling them they should get it based on this finale.

All in all, a horrific conclusion to an excellent series. Possibly they're trying to set up another season for the game but I think was trouble in the studio before this was released and they had to cut content...

BadAstronaut fucked around with this message at 22:17 on Nov 18, 2015

Jul 27, 2010

Anyone else not care what the show characters had to say about your choices at the end? Was kinda just eye-rolling my way through that. gently caress off daenarys, forever and always.


Roman Reigns
Aug 23, 2007

No but I was legitimately pissed when Jon Snow talked. Everything he complained about was something that none of us had any control over.

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