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overeager overeater
Oct 16, 2011

"The cosmonauts were transfixed with wonderment as the sun set - over the Earth - there lucklessly, untethered Comrade Todd on fire."

For the ending, can you get any other title than Ethan the Brave?


Jan 16, 2008
Before she mends must sicken worse

Jul 30, 2005

I watched my friend play again last night, and he chose to meet Ramsay at the gate, and then only let him and Whitehill in. But then Ramsay still had 20 soldiers walk through the door. How did they get in? I'm pretty sure the gate closed after only those two came in.

Mar 20, 2006

Spikeguy posted:

I watched my friend play again last night, and he chose to meet Ramsay at the gate, and then only let him and Whitehill in. But then Ramsay still had 20 soldiers walk through the door. How did they get in? I'm pretty sure the gate closed after only those two came in.

In typical Telltale fashion there's no way to change the outcome, even though it's somewhat ridiculous from a plot development point of view.

I liked the first episode but it felt like it couldn't step out of the shadow of the main show.

For example the whole Forrester family just seems to recycle the starks character for character. You have the stern noble mom who will probably make bad decisions in the future or the noble dad who obviously picked the wrong side of the conflict.

etalian fucked around with this message at 17:23 on Dec 7, 2014

Jun 1, 2010

Never give an inch! Hnnnghhhhhh!

etalian posted:

In typical Telltale fashion there's no way to change the outcome, even though it's somewhat ridiculous from a plot development point of view.

I liked the first episode but it felt like it couldn't step out of the shadow of the main show.

For example the whole Forrester family just seems to recycle the starks character for character. You have the stern noble mom who will probably make bad decisions in the future or the noble dad who obviously picked the wrong side of the conflict.

Yeah this is what irks me about it. Would love to play through a unique story set in this world. Not really inclined to see fall of the Starks v2, seems like lazy writing to me.

monster on a stick
Apr 29, 2013

Aishan posted:

The Red Wedding was about more than just the Starks; pretty much all the Northern houses sent the majority of their armies south with Robb and were present around The Twins when Frey and Bolton made their play. If they didn't ally with Bolton, then they were most likely wiped out and all they'd have left are the old, infirm and young back home. Houses like Forrester would effectively be crippled militarily after the wedding massacres.

The Karstarks would be a notable exception; they should still have all their forces since they left Robb's army before the Red Wedding. They've obviously no love for Robb, but probably not the Boltons either since they were still a cadet branch of the Starks.

emanresu tnuocca
Sep 2, 2011

by Athanatos
Creating a new original story in the ASOIAF-verse was always going to be tricky. Compare TWD with ASOIAF for instance, in TWD it's pretty much a given that the main survivor group led by Rick is not the center of the world and doesn't have a particular role to play in the way things would play out for other groups of survivors, so it's pretty trivial to create any number of stories in that franchise.

In ASOIAF not only are events intertwined with one another, there is a central story where the show/novel protagonists have roles to play which are expected to affect the fact of the world, on top of that you have rich lore and histories going back hundreds of years, parts of which have been flashed out thoroughly by GRRM with his prequel novellas. So, wherever you try to cram in an additional untold story it's going to feel insignificant cause you can't really screw around too much with the canonical story, on top of that, to maximize the 'show tie in' effect they really had to create as many opportunities for the main cast to make an appearance, there really isn't that much wiggle room.

Jun 18, 2010
an alternate history approach would be best imho, let me kill ramsay and mail his head to his dad

Mar 20, 2006

Eggnogium posted:

Yeah this is what irks me about it. Would love to play through a unique story set in this world. Not really inclined to see fall of the Starks v2, seems like lazy writing to me.

Yeah the whole new cast just feels like a fan fiction that copied the better known characters in the series.

Mar 1, 2001

Tiny animals under glass... Smaller than sand...

The voice acting is really solid for the new guys though, even the non-Peter Dinklages of the cast are nailing it. Ethan particularly is spot on, he's still a kid who's trying really hard to step up to his role, but he just doesn't quite have the maturity or experience to pull it off yet, and that's reflected in the acting.

Roman Reigns
Aug 23, 2007

Elissa is really the only one that feels like a copy to me. I get how some people think some of the cast are stand-ins for people on the main show, but I thought the characters were pretty distinguished in their own personalities.

Jun 1, 2010

Never give an inch! Hnnnghhhhhh!

Roman Reigns posted:

Elissa is really the only one that feels like a copy to me. I get how some people think some of the cast are stand-ins for people on the main show, but I thought the characters were pretty distinguished in their own personalities.

It's not so blatant that they are literal analogues of Stark characters, but the premise of an honorable Northern house becoming besieged on all sides by dishonorable enemies, causing the children to be scattered all over the world and have to fend for themselves is a bit too close to what we've already seen. Obviously that kind of framework has some virtues on its own, especially an easy way to run down all the different setpieces in Westeros, but I still think that could have been accomplished in a more original way.

Of course it is only the first episodes so things might diverge wildly in which case I'll be happy to eat my words.

Oct 23, 2008


Most of them actually are literal analogues of Stark characters, and the general thrust of their stories has matched that. But yeah, the first episode was very clearly keen to lean on the show in hopes of bringing in people through the tie-in. Hopefully that'll ease off in future episodes.

Generation Internet
Jan 18, 2009

Where angels and generals fear to tread.
The only really egregious part of the Stark-Forrester parallel is how much the Lady character looks like Catelyn, really couldn't shake that for the whole episode. I mean, I appreciate that fashion for ladies is probably universal across the kingdom, but she really did look like a carbon-copy.

veni veni veni
Jun 5, 2005

I felt like the guy who played Ramsay was the only noticeably good VA from the show. I like Dinklage, but between this and Destiny I'm starting to think he's just not cut out for voice acting. Margaery wasn't bad either I guess. Tyrion and Cersai just seemed really flat though.

Mar 20, 2006

Not to mention trying to cram a similar format as the show in terms of trying to tell multiple plotlines.

Basically working out to be 3/4 different plotlines in 6 episodes.

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

so this was good, maybe not as rock loving solid as tales from the borderlands, but good

telltale really needs to look into another "stash" animation because every player character in every game just stuffs poo poo down the back of their pants

Sep 12, 2008

Well ain't that precious?

NESguerilla posted:

I felt like the guy who played Ramsay was the only noticeably good VA from the show. I like Dinklage, but between this and Destiny I'm starting to think he's just not cut out for voice acting. Margaery wasn't bad either I guess. Tyrion and Cersai just seemed really flat though.

Dinklage was doing garbage lines for a garbage game, and lines for a tie-in game, its not exactly surprising he phoned it in.

Roman Reigns
Aug 23, 2007

IShallRiseAgain posted:

Dinklage was doing garbage lines for a garbage game, and lines for a tie-in game, its not exactly surprising he phoned it in.

Interesting enough both games written by the same guy (although Bungie supposedly gutted what he wrote for them)

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

Roman Reigns posted:

Interesting enough both games written by the same guy (although Bungie supposedly gutted what he wrote for them)

Now I wish there were dialogue in this game along the lines of that wizard such and such.

Fidel Cuckstro
Jul 2, 2007

Spikeguy posted:

In my first playthrough I was all about bringing him back home, but then his mom made him sound like a murder machine who won't know when to think. So I changed my mind. In retrospect, I think I need a murder machine to deal with Snow and the Whitehills.

But I'm guessing Ramsay Snow won't be killed by Asher since Ramsay's in the series...which feels kind-of anti-climatic.

Oct 23, 2014

"It's okay. There are other Terminators! Just give us this one!"
Well massive anticlimaxes kinda comes with the property.

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

mycot posted:

Well massive anticlimaxes kinda comes with the property.

you never know. the forresters were in dance with dragons

Jan 16, 2008
Before she mends must sicken worse
Whitehill is a non-book character who is also a giant douche-canoe. And I hope he gets an arrow to the throat.

Fidel Cuckstro
Jul 2, 2007

BlueBayou posted:

Whitehill is a non-book character who is also a giant douche-canoe. And I hope he gets an arrow to the throat.

yeah he seems like the proxy for letting the players get some killing on without messing up the continuity.

Nov 27, 2004

I am a mouth, and I must scream

On the other hand it's Game of Thrones, Whitehill will probably be rolling around in piles of gold and ironwood while you play the last surviving Forrester scrubbing the poo poo out of his toilet bowls.

Nov 1, 2012

by Lowtax
Played about 30-45 minutes of this game so far and it has been really boring. Not very big on Game of Thrones in the first place but I never heard of Wolf Among Us either and liked it a lot.

Dec 9, 2007

Who wants some waffles?

I laughed a lot when someone claimed that Ned Stark was smart.

That maester seems shady as hell, he's totally up to something. I think he knows something about the Ironwood and will betray the Forresters for it.

Jun 6, 2011

I think the opposite actually. Honoring your lords last wishes and not telling the Maester is totally the sort of thing that comes back to bite you in the rear end in this setting.

Sep 18, 2007

Everything is in my control
Lipstick Apathy
The parallels between the Forresters in this story and the Starks in the main story are pretty obvious, but it doesn't come across as lazy writing to me at all; I appreciated being put in similar situations as the Stark kids and making the decisions I would have made.

Fidel Cuckstro
Jul 2, 2007

timp posted:

The parallels between the Forresters in this story and the Starks in the main story are pretty obvious, but it doesn't come across as lazy writing to me at all; I appreciated being put in similar situations as the Stark kids and making the decisions I would have made.

Yeah looking back it is pretty obvious how the stories parallel, but while playing I was too caught up in trying to figure out what options to pick to notice. I'm assuming few TTG's games have a ton of replay value, but for the play-through I did I really enjoyed being on edge with wondering if I was making the smart choice to keep the characters alive and also keep the Forresters in control and so on.

Roman Reigns
Aug 23, 2007

Pwnstar posted:

I laughed a lot when someone claimed that Ned Stark was smart.

That maester seems shady as hell, he's totally up to something. I think he knows something about the Ironwood and will betray the Forresters for it.

He does suggest giving up the Ironwood to the whitehills without negotiation. And he was suspiciously absent when Ramsay shows up. And someone did have to let those whitehill troops in...

Jan 16, 2008
Before she mends must sicken worse
I want to play as the Starks

Then I could be Robb and not marry Jeyne. Because of all decisions made, that one really fucks so many people over

Oct 23, 2008


BlueBayou posted:

I want to play as the Starks

Then I could be Robb and not marry Jeyne. Because of all decisions made, that one really fucks so many people over

That's easy. Play Crusader Kings 2's Game of Thrones mod and do exactly that. I did that, in fact, and went on to conquer King's Landing, execute all the Lannisters, hand the throne to Stannis and lived happily ever after in the North. After that it was just long decades of peace, while Rob fell in love with his wife and raised six kids, three of them geniuses, and tried to keep Edmure from messing up badly enough to lose the Riverlands. Stannis was too busy putting down rebellions across the rest of the kingdoms to care.

But things are never allowed to go well in Game of Thrones for sympathetic characters, so I expect the Forresters will lose it all (as well as a few more branches off the family tree) before the end. Although it would definitely be interesting if Roderick actually survived the Red Wedding and makes his way home a cripple.

Mar 20, 2006

It also loses points for not having any natalie dorner duckface scenes.

May 5, 2013

am0kgonzo posted:

an alternate history approach would be best imho, let me kill ramsay and mail his head to his dad

I dunno actually, I imagine tie-ins with the series will be pretty interesting to see if/when they happen.

Trash Trick
Apr 17, 2014

Dravinski posted:

I dunno actually, I imagine tie-ins with the series will be pretty interesting to see if/when they happen.

Never will.

Jan 30, 2009

#acolyte GM of 2014

Man the voice acting was pretty good on this episode, too bad my "choices" didn't really matter at all :argh:

Sep 18, 2007

Everything is in my control
Lipstick Apathy

Dravinski posted:

I dunno actually, I imagine tie-ins with the series will be pretty interesting to see if/when they happen.

I highly doubt GRRM or D.D would let a villain like Ramsey get killed off by some nobody house introduced in Book 5, but if there's one thing that's predictable about this series it's how unpredictable it can be. Also

mycot posted:

Well massive anticlimaxes kinda comes with the property.

But yeah, it would be pretty cool to see House Forrester pop up one way or another in either Season 5 or Book 6. But GRRM if you're reading this, if you didn't include them that's fine! Just keep writing whatever you're already writing, don't stop please. Just keep writing.

That's probably the worst part of this game: giving myself another ASoIaF thing to wait for. :smith:


May 5, 2013

a cop posted:

Never will.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting that to happen at all, I've just read a few posts today with people getting excited over it and it got me thinking. But, I guess stranger things have happened.

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