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Dec 14, 2004

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

NESguerilla posted:

It's always funny seeing people play a Telltale game for the first time and watching them act shocked at how little your decisions matter in regards to how the story pans out.

I doubt they'd be complaining if they had played any other Telltale game (maybe Walking Dead?), but as far as they go this is by far the one with the least amount of gameplay I've seen and I'm a huge Telltale fan. Telltale games are linear stories punctuated by puzzles. The only interaction in this game is a binary win/loss condition in the form of QTEs.

I enjoyed the presentation and I'm willing to give Telltale the benefit of doubt but yea, when you have no gameplay and a completely linear story (which is expected) then you're left with a 3D movie that >might< be a bit more immersive because you're in it. Might be a good movie, sure, but I'm hopeful they'll fix/add the gameplay next chapter.

whalestory posted:

If you get the same out of it as you would if you had watched a youtube video of someone playing it, then just don't play any other telltale games it ain't for you!

This is pretty silly. The Sam & Max and Monkey Island games might have completely linear stories but they have very enjoyable puzzles to figure out. Telltale's "ascension" was because they managed to make actual point and click adventure games that have intuitive and fun puzzles. They tend to err to the side of easy (especially Puzzle Agent) but unless you're a super hardcore fan of the old-school genre they're all very fun games to play.

Elentor fucked around with this message at 13:51 on Jan 4, 2015


Jan 17, 2008

I saw into the alternate realities. We would have lost if Likely were in because Harbaugh's two point conversion would have failed. But in the other alternate reality where I really do become John Harbaugh I would have sent it to overtime and we would have won then on a Nate Wiggins pick 6. :D
Yeah I was kind of confused by this. It tells you stuff like "your actions change the story" but then I played through it again and it's all the same even if you're silent the whole time. They could have at least had changes like maybe change how Ethan dies depending on your choices even if the story will wind up the same.

The only "major" change I saw was that You get this scene where Margaery comes in and tells you that asking Joffrey to help her fails. And before that there's this part where you can steal stuff off the table. But if you don't ask Margaery for help, none of this happens at all. .

So I'll give this a further chance but at this point it reeks of a lazy cash-in.

Jan 22, 2013

Please be excited.

Yeah with Telltale games you don't ever really change the story in a major way. You mostly change the context of the events and characterization.

I wouldn't go as far as lazy cash in though. They do good work (even though Jurassic Park was proper poo poo).

Injun Greenberg
Sep 14, 2011
The key to this 'my choices affect nothing' business is to only play it once.

Feb 9, 2004

hey ya'll!


Elentor posted:

This is pretty silly. The Sam & Max and Monkey Island games might have completely linear stories but they have very enjoyable puzzles to figure out. Telltale's "ascension" was because they managed to make actual point and click adventure games that have intuitive and fun puzzles. They tend to err to the side of easy (especially Puzzle Agent) but unless you're a super hardcore fan of the old-school genre they're all very fun games to play.

Sorry i am actually referring only to the newer telltale games from the walking dead season 1 and on!

Nov 27, 2004

I am a mouth, and I must scream

Stargate posted:

The key to this 'my choices affect nothing' business is to only play it once.

The thing is most people play their first telltale game under the assumption that, as promised, your choices do actually matter. Then they do another play through because they want to see what happens when they make different choices and only then does the penny drop.

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

I mean, you can pretend that your choices matter and then not go back to verify with tons of story-games!

Apr 1, 2011

Ambassador to Moonlandia
Bought this and Tales From The Borderlands over the Steam sale and I have to say, I'm really enjoying it so far. I started as a slow burn, but the end had a nice crescendo. I'll admit it wasn't as strong as other Telltale games, I'm still pretty excited for the next episode, especially Asher and the yet unrevealed character you'll play as

All in all this first episode was alright, it just felt more like an extended prologue meant to immerse you in the world of Westeros and give you a sense of what this series is about. Normally this would annoy me, but since it looks like this series will be six game episodes instead of five, I'm okay with it.

Apr 29, 2013

If they keep the Forresters as complete copies of the starks, I'll lose interest in the series as it progresses.

But the ending of the first episode hints that those similarities will fade over time.

Antifa Spacemarine
Jan 11, 2011

Tzeentch can suck it.
So when is the next episode coming out anyway?

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Shaman Ooglaboogla posted:

So when is the next episode coming out anyway?

There's usually a 5-6ish week gap between episodes.

Feb 19, 2013


I am so on-board with the Asher-hype. I hope I get to play him as an ersatz Hound, a bitter killer driven by spite, hate and vengeance. Either that or as a swaggery, rough as a badger's arse sellsword like Bronn. I played Ethan as Hardbastard McBlusterguts, because godsdammit power never takes a step back and we'll never fold to those Whitehill bastards and by all the gods, both old and new, the man who passes the sentence shall swing the sword! Myra I played as a frightened and naive appeaser who's just learning the game, putting all my chips on the coalboy and Margaery. Whatever the less vapid than Jon Snow but only just character was called, well I played it heroic - "Aye, you'll have the loving sword" - and doled out all the mercy I could and saved my whiny mate when the Freys showed the world the inner cuntiness that lay hiding beneath their thin outer crust of wankery. No-one but Uncle Milquetoast knows about the north grove, because the maester was a creepy douche. Ser Royland put me in mind of the Mannis, so I gave the friendship bracelet to him and did all I could to gain his respect.

Lord Whitehill got thoroughly loving unmanned in my court, Ramsey waited at the gate like a caged animal while I taunted him. My choices didn't matter? We haven't seen even half the consequences yet, but I know one thing: It was bloody satisfying to talk to rotten bastards like they were rotten bastards, dole out justice in true northern fashion and die a noble death protecting my twin from the predations of a sneering rapist.

"Ethan the Brave?" Ethan the Metal-as-gently caress. And big bro Asher's coming, axe a-swingin', cos that boy was more man than Victarion Greyjoy, cut down in his gods-damned prime before he could grow into a hard-but-fair, finely-tuned killing machine, warrior-poet motherfucker with balls the size of space-hoppers. :black101:

So yeah, I liked the game and I believe the choices mattered in how I got to frame the story. It invested me in the characters, because whatever little agency they had allowed me to contextualise the bad poo poo that inevitably will happen to them.

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

I tried to find a middle ground between standing firm and being diplomatic. I mean obviously a tiny house that is sitting on some prime natural resources but has very few men and is lead by a little kid isn't going to stand much of a chance against the Boltons in an open fight but that doesn't mean you you have to bend over and take it.

Feb 16, 2007
It never fails
Not the place for it I know, but having played this, the walking dead series, and tales from the borderlands, I'm curious about the Sam & Max series they've had going. Should I go straight for Devil's Playhouse, or would checking out the preceding seasons be a good idea to do first? I'm not super into Sam & Max but if there's any humor like in Tales from the Borderlands I'm on that like flies on poo poo.

Jan 22, 2013

Please be excited.

murphyslaw posted:

Not the place for it I know, but having played this, the walking dead series, and tales from the borderlands, I'm curious about the Sam & Max series they've had going. Should I go straight for Devil's Playhouse, or would checking out the preceding seasons be a good idea to do first? I'm not super into Sam & Max but if there's any humor like in Tales from the Borderlands I'm on that like flies on poo poo.

If you don't have to pay much for them, check out the first two seasons first for sure. They're good little puzzle games.

If they cost anything more than a couple of quid go straight to Devils Playhouse. You don't really lose anything except some in-jokes and it's far closer to the style of their later games. Do bear in mind that all three are far more gameplay and puzzle heavy and less narrative than anything they've done since then.

EDIT: I'm also not sure how closely the comedy lines up with Borderlands either. They're both wacky batshit shenanigans, but Sam & Max certainly has a drier style.

Feb 16, 2007
It never fails

Steve2911 posted:

Good stuff

Cheers! Might as well support the buggers since I like their games so much so I got the whole series, was like 30 bucks.

Apr 24, 2008

The Baron's daughter is missing, and you are the man to find her. No problem. With your inexhaustible arsenal of hard-boiled similes, there is nothing you can't handle.
Grimey Drawer
My main problem with the Telltale games I've played so far, this one and TWAU, isn't the lack of impact from your choices, but the almost complete lack of any exploration. I wouldn't mind that my choices don't matter if I could just walk around a bit, discover cool details and feel like I'm present in the GoT world. I find environmental storytelling to be a much more interesting use of interactivity than Making Important Choices anyway. As it is, I have to wonder why they even bother to implement WASD movement when you are pretty much never allowed to move more than 5 feet from the origin. Dreamfall: Chapters managed to have a large explorable cyberpunk city on a relatively modest budget, so it's not like letting the player explore larger areas of Ironrath would be an insurmountable task.

Nov 5, 2002

Yeah I think they treat each screen as a "shot". you might interact with the stuff in varied order, or not, but they want it to be pretty homogenous across players apart from choices. I'm cool with it but agree it would add something well-welcomed.

I like TT but I'm that guy who's gonna point to alpha protocol and say "I know you guys played this". Maybe when they get their formula fleshed out more they will try to evolve instead of refining.

Apr 29, 2013

I tried to get into Alpha Protocol but generally dislike games with heavy rpg elements.

In terms of environmental storytelling, I really wish we would get more scenes like investigating Toad's apartment in the wolf among us' first episode. No spoilers, but you're basically testing a person's alibi and using the environment to figure out what really happened. It is AWESOME and does a better job making you feel like a detective than the whole of LA Noire.

Jun 6, 2011


Narcissus1916 posted:

I tried to get into Alpha Protocol but generally dislike games with heavy rpg elements.

In terms of environmental storytelling, I really wish we would get more scenes like investigating Toad's apartment in the wolf among us' first episode. No spoilers, but you're basically testing a person's alibi and using the environment to figure out what really happened. It is AWESOME and does a better job making you feel like a detective than the whole of LA Noire.

There's a recent indie-game called Consortium that does something like that. It's basically a murder mystery on a plane, and you go around questioning the crew and ultimately have to decide which among them is the most likely suspect to pursue further.

I'd say it does it even better since it isn't made obvious when you make the right connection. It just dumps information on you and lets you sort out which alibis hold up. Then you choose among all possible suspects which one to investigate further, with the consequences of that becoming apparent even later. (And this is all while wrangling with the results of your ability to maintain the 4th wall in front the crew)

Slashrat fucked around with this message at 13:20 on Jan 7, 2015

Nov 4, 2009

As fitting as the schedule on this thing slipping would be, aren't they aiming to have it all done by the time the show starts up again?

Apr 26, 2008

Arbite posted:

As fitting as the schedule on this thing slipping would be, aren't they aiming to have it all done by the time the show starts up again?

Pfft, no. Season 5 will be long finished before this does. If it's one every two months as per usual then this'll be done December 2015.

May 28, 2007

It's a pipe bomb!
Doesn't that last blacked out silhouette on the main menu look like Rodrik?

Sep 18, 2007

Everything is in my control
Lipstick Apathy
Today marked 7 weeks since the release of the first episode...there's no way we don't get Episode 2 next week, right?

May 5, 2002

Bury my body down by the highwayside, so that my old evil spirit can get a Greyhound bus and ride
Usually they give about a week heads up, so probably not.

Generic American
Mar 15, 2012

I love my Peng

It's also worth considering that Tales from the Borderlands came out first, and that it's running on the same schedule. Telltale likes to alternate releases, so unless the Tales team is imploding like what happened with The Wolf Among Us, we probably won't hear a peep on this until the second episode is already out for Borderlands.

Apr 26, 2008

Generic American posted:

It's also worth considering that Tales from the Borderlands came out first, and that it's running on the same schedule. Telltale likes to alternate releases, so unless the Tales team is imploding like what happened with The Wolf Among Us, we probably won't hear a peep on this until the second episode is already out for Borderlands.

Martin decides he wants to use the Forresters in an upcoming book and renders Telltales work non-canon and they have to reboot from episode 1 with a new cast and story.

Generic American
Mar 15, 2012

I love my Peng

Generic American posted:

It's also worth considering that Tales from the Borderlands came out first, and that it's running on the same schedule. Telltale likes to alternate releases, so unless the Tales team is imploding like what happened with The Wolf Among Us, we probably won't hear a peep on this until the second episode is already out for Borderlands.
Allow me to quote myself for posterity, because apparently, I am an rear end in a top hat who knows nothing.

Dec 20, 2006

by Cyrano4747

Szmitten posted:

Martin decides he wants to use the Forresters in an upcoming book and renders Telltales work non-canon and they have to reboot from episode 1 with a new cast and story.

Lol you think GRRM will finish another book.

Sep 13, 2007

But how does it taste? Yummy!
Dinosaur Gum

Generic American posted:

Allow me to quote myself for posterity, because apparently, I am an rear end in a top hat who knows nothing.

Do me a favor and post again about a week after episode 2...maybe you can trigger 3's release too.

Nov 3, 2009

So it'll probably be out next week?

Accordion Man
Nov 7, 2012


Hakkesshu posted:

So it'll probably be out next week?
That's how Telltale's been doing their trailers for some time now, so yeah.

Feb 9, 2004

hey ya'll!

Oh yeah here it is

Generic American
Mar 15, 2012

I love my Peng

I am so loving pumped to play Asher. :black101:

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

Dongattack posted:

Lol you think GRRM will finish another book.

He'll finish the last two and then do a whole book series on the history of the Targaryen dynasty. He won't be finished with ASOIF until 2048 but he'll get there eventually.

Oct 23, 2014

"It's okay. There are other Terminators! Just give us this one!"
Actual date for the next episode: February 3rd.

May 28, 2007

It's a pipe bomb!

Generic American posted:

I am so loving pumped to play Asher. :black101:

I think I'll just contantly pick any option that allows me to swear at/hit/kill whatever is in his way.

Jan 22, 2013

Please be excited.

I love that they made the Osha/Asha/Yara thing just a little bit sillier but naming a character Asher.

Oct 23, 2008


From that preview video's description: "Meanwhile, an unexpected source of hope returns to the Forresters, but Ironrath is no place for the weak." Name of the episode is "Lost Lords". Roderick's going to turn up alive and crippled.


Jan 25, 2015

Bought the game a week ago, I enjoyed my two hour conversations with schemers and psychopaths, and I'm looking forward to the next episode, though mainly for Asher. The engines showing its age but I didn't see any serious graphic failures or experience any glitches. Though I did have trouble getting it to play in full screen at first. I played on my creaky old laptop that's held together with electrical tape so I usually have more trouble then most fiddling with the settings to get a post 08 game to run.

Apart from Asher I think I'm most looking forward to seeing Mira's storyline progressing. I think hers has the most wiggle room for the game despite being most tightly anchored to the shows characters.

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