11 Secrets (74 words) Slowly I pick you up and carry you to bed laying you down gently. I feel the soft skin of your legs and thighs. I'm ravenous for you. I feel your flesh between my lips, you surrender your secrets to me in the throws of passion. Your wetness dribbles down my chin. Looking down your moistness has stained the sheets. I grab a wet wipe and toss the leftover bone back into the bucket. Edit: How did I miss the no food part? Idiot! Ol Sweepy fucked around with this message at 21:35 on Mar 9, 2015 |
# ? Mar 9, 2015 10:55 |
# ? Jan 18, 2025 17:36 |
misread it as "superhero" Night Claws words: 100 They spoil this cityhome, these vermin. The criminal scum, who think they can take everything away with their tiny paws. This cityhome calls to me. I breathe it in, I understand it. The smell of cheesebread left in boxes. The sound of citizens making nightly trips to their humanlitter. But some sounds, some smells, are not so innocent. I know where to move so that I am cloaked in shadow. I know how to move silently. I strike at the heart of the little furry thieves. My calling card is their blood, and by day I am Mr. Fuzzypaws again.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 14:39 |
# ? Mar 9, 2015 17:12 |
# ? Mar 9, 2015 19:55 |
Muffinterprompt Not Taken Gnocchi stared at the closed door in the empty apartment. "I don't know where you are," he said, his jowls rippling. "If you are looking for patience, I can tell you I don't have any. What I do have are a particular set of skills. Skills that make me a nightmare for masters like you. If you come home now, that'll be the end of it. If you don't, I will look for things, I will find them, and I will destroy them.” After another minute he pulled the wedding album off the coffee table and went to town.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 20:40 |
LOU BEGAS MUSTACHE posted:inteprompt: Two sheets of paper yearned to rub against one another for eternity. Ink bled through one, filling her pores with deep, passionate red, until each became full and spilled over into the next. What was written was not important, it didn't matter to the inkless paper who watched the pen brush over his lover with soft, delicate strokes. He liked to watch. Watch the other paper be abused like the naughty pulp she was. The paper filled to the brim with red ink, and she loved every second of it, edging closer to the end. The inkless paper sat on the desk, its surface covered with graphite scrawlings. Ink paper knew her mother would never approve of her dating such a bad piece of paper, but it was exactly that thrill that made her long for him. His doodles of geometric shapes and random sine waves gave a hearty "gently caress you" to the conventions of society. She turned her nose up at the proper papers, with writing in neat, ordered rows. Finally when she thought she could take it no longer, the hand of fate picked her up and laid her on top of the rebellious cellulose. "I hope you like things rough," he said, pressing himself into her so hard it hurt. "Take me," she moaned. The two pieces of paper slipped between the strong arms of the stapler, and the piercing was quick. She let out a small gasp, and trembled with pleasure. "We are together now, you and I." "This is the happiest moment of my life," she said. *** Billy squirmed in his seat waiting for his test back. The teacher had stapled a rubrick with their grade. "D+. See me after class," it said in an insulting red mark. Billy crumbled his test up and threw it away.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 21:40 |
Wattage "I'm sorry," he whispers as he slowly unscrews his old flame, surface too hot to touch for more than fractions of a second at a time. "You were too bright for this world." He caresses her curves, and her skin cools in his hands. Gently he lays her down beside him. Then he reaches over her to the young replacement. No tasteful curves here, but perfectly engineered thin sticks. He screws the new one in, and feels nothing. Later that evening he goes to the hospital and claims he fell over in a coincidental fashion.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 22:35 |
this is love 131w Wild clumps of human bush lined the mouth of the hole. This, Rod thought, is how you show a woman you really love her. As he worked his tool deeper into the hole, clots of unidentifiable matter stuck to its length. He had to use all his leverage to force it deeper, until her hair wrapped around his pipe snake like seaweed. A foul odor filled the room as he pumped; in and out, in and out. But love was his nose plug, and he was nearly finished. Finally, with a grunt and a final, rough thrust, Rod wrenched his tool from the hole. A fat wad of hair, skin, and slime arced across the room and hit the wall with an organic splut. “Shower’s clear, love,” he called.
# ? Mar 9, 2015 23:07 |
Sitting Here posted:this is love I just puked
# ? Mar 9, 2015 23:13 |
Sitting Here posted:this is love
# ? Mar 9, 2015 23:33 |
# ? Mar 9, 2015 23:35 |
I literally haven't even started reading. I'm just about to leave work. So keep makin' them gifs.
# ? Mar 10, 2015 00:00 |
yes sir
# ? Mar 10, 2015 00:26 |
Pre-emptive In for next week.
# ? Mar 10, 2015 02:05 |
Capntastic posted:Pre-emptive In for next week. stop doing that.
# ? Mar 10, 2015 02:18 |
# ? Mar 10, 2015 02:46 |
Djeser posted:URGENT BLOODQUEEN MEMORANDUM im dynig lol
# ? Mar 10, 2015 02:55 |
crabrock posted:stop doing that. (The demeanor of this fun little creature, cheerful and snarky, is about as accurate and honest as I can be, with SA's bountiful emoticon system)
# ? Mar 10, 2015 02:56 |
Capntastic posted:
thats a suezo from monster rancher and he fights by spitting at you
# ? Mar 10, 2015 03:47 |
Capntastic posted:
# ? Mar 10, 2015 05:28 |
If you want to see the future of Thunderdome, imagine a stomping on a face forever.
# ? Mar 10, 2015 07:48 |
thunderdome is like
# ? Mar 10, 2015 07:53 |
Week 135 Judgment: Everybody Dies Frustrated and Sad....And That is Beautiful Except when it is happening to me, while reading your stories. Now is time to pass on that beloved torch of misery. Winner: GrizzledPatriarch -- congratulations. Everything right is wrong again, at least for you. Because now you have to judge. Welcome to the throne, may somebody scream "Kiss me, Son of God" as you sit there in all your majesty. More probably it will be like people trying to change your mind by hitting it with a rock. HAVE FUN! HMs: SadisTech -- Reminded me of Rural Rental boys, but a good enough voice to be okay. Benny Profane -- you had a good joke with just enough dedication to move our cold, bitter souls. Ironic Twist -- I was actually curious and cared about what happened, kind of. Good job? DMs: Ancient Blades: -- this story was all like "lol mustaches and the noble savage and also DRUGS" Bompacho -- you win the award for "first story I stopped reading because it was so loving boring" Loser: J. A. B. C. -- I have no loving clue what was happening here. I dare you to say "You just don't get it." I loving DARE YOU. General Note: There was way too much description, passive voice, and people dying this week.
# ? Mar 10, 2015 08:11 |
# ? Mar 10, 2015 09:18 |
# ? Mar 10, 2015 09:37 |
Open invitation - crit me or brawl me Anyone want to throw down?
# ? Mar 10, 2015 12:51 |
anime was right fucked around with this message at 05:52 on Oct 27, 2015 |
# ? Mar 10, 2015 15:04 |
edit: never mind
# ? Mar 10, 2015 15:10 |
LOU BEGAS MUSTACHE posted:yup that was my story no, that was all the stories. ALL OF THEM
# ? Mar 10, 2015 15:18 |
anime was right fucked around with this message at 05:52 on Oct 27, 2015 |
# ? Mar 10, 2015 15:34 |
Schneider Heim rolls a Critical Strike! To start things off, I listened to the song. Upbeat, cheerful, not terribly weird by TMBG standards, and maybe something to do with a reunion. I've got my preconceptions, so now let's do the stream-of-consciousness. A decent start that's got me thinking already, but you've really pulled me in with the shopkeeper's first line. Now the situation is novel. A little world-building exposition with Mina's thoughts, but it's endearing. The use of the word "twisting" pulls me out of the story and back to the song -- I realize this only takes place to someone who has just listened to the song before reading the story, but that's somewhat your target audience. I've now written more about a coincidentally distracting word choice than the rest of the tale. The dialogue feels a little bit stilted / contrived, and the phrase "I can tell you're hurting" especially makes me wince. Then there's Telling afterward, which is jarringly descriptive given the context of the rest of the piece. The spoken and written words about the extra dinner feel forced. More so the what's-your-name from Mina. Ah, the embarrassed ghost sentence is good again. ", but I loved her?" is not a question. Even if his voice raises in retroactive reconsideration at the end, I still don't think it should be punctuated as such. I also don't buy Adrian's situation as drastic enough to warrant suicide unless he's got strong personality traits that he's not exhibiting presently. I suppressed my responses at this point, since I'm still doing a line-by-line, but the whole thing felt forced and unnatural; like you had the beats, then each character had to jump from point to point so things logically made sense. But they didn't make sense emotionally -- I don't buy that most of those characters would've said/done the things they did because there isn't enough time/extremity for them to feel like they should do those things. I have spare macaroni. You like macaroni and happen to be nearby? Live with me! Schneider Heim posted:Remorseful Lives When the dialogue didn't feel stilted, it felt like the characters were just drifting aimlessly. Oh, I'm dead. Sure, revive me. Yeah, no problem. Want to live with me? I've got the Blue Box Blues. I like your premise and maybe half your characterization of Mina, but there are too many emotional contradictions and either non-sequitur or non-event actions for me to much enjoy this piece. I probably would like it after a (some) rewrite(s), so at least the foundations are solid.
# ? Mar 10, 2015 16:28 |
CancerCakes posted:Open invitation - crit me or brawl me EDIT: I'll do both, just to be sporting.
# ? Mar 10, 2015 16:43 |
Benny the Snake posted:If her Majesty the Blood Queen will allow it, then I'm down Baby-Cakes Jesus CHRIST what kind of namby-pamby gentleman's "brawl" is this? I swear you guys don't even hate each other You're lucky I've been itching to judge a brawl lately. Yes I will even take on this ridiculous exercise in mutual cocksucking. Benny the Cake vs. CancerSnakes BRAWL Oh no! The mad inventor has created something he can't control! Additional rules: There must be a resolution that isn't "everyone dies". There must be a massive explosion. Scoring will be partially dependent on how well this is described. CancerCakes I hope you're planning to step up with a Deadline: March 20th, 9pm GMT. You get longer if I forget or am otherwise delayed - but are you prepared to risk it? Wordcount: 800 Maugrim fucked around with this message at 00:44 on Mar 11, 2015 |
# ? Mar 10, 2015 17:35 |
Benny the Snake posted:If her Majesty the Blood Queen will allow it, then I'm down Baby-Cakes ill allow it
# ? Mar 10, 2015 19:16 |
Crits for Sebmojo Entenzahn and Screaming Idiot https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ukbIq5yP_9u44Aurs_A3BgkfDzATGMbErerN6DFIQ1M/edit?usp=sharing Overall, thank you for not writing horrible stories, and consider my fulfilled also
# ? Mar 10, 2015 19:58 |
Huge thanks to DrK for filling in for this prompt. I didn't get home til 10pm last night, and couldn't really process the stories further than "ugh stop describing stuff already and get to the conflict." If she hadn't agreed to take over, then you would have been looking at some drat late results. A slightly smaller thanks (but still pretty big) to sebmojo, who did some gude judgin'. Thanks you two
# ? Mar 10, 2015 21:40 |
Five Years Later: prompt
# ? Mar 11, 2015 00:02 |
also thanks for the crit broenheim and prompt. prompt prompt prompty prompt
# ? Mar 11, 2015 00:03 |
Alright, alright, unshart your jorts you gibbering ingrates. Thunderdome Week CXXXVI: Famous Last Words I don't know where this picture is from but it sums things up nicely, I think. This week, you are going to write me some (pseudo) historical fiction! But not just any historical fiction: I want you to show me the last day in the life of someone famous. Some things to keep in mind: Your story does not have to center around, or even feature, the actual death. Feel free to leave things on a high note, or simply imply what's coming next. Your story does have to have some sort of conflict. If you write me a story about some old person dying in their bed, it had better be heart-wrenching as hell. Stick to the historical record, or don't. I don't care! Create an alternate history where Slobodan Milosevic chokes on a hoagie instead of dying of a heart attack in prison. Do you want to write a story about Elvis and Tupac engaging in a bat'leth duel inside a scale replica of the USS Enterprise? Go for it! In fact, your famous person or persons do not even have to be dead yet! They do, however, have to be famous; if I can't figure out who they are after a cursory Google search, they aren't famous. Word Count: 1400 Words Sign-Ups Close: Midnight EST on Friday, March 13th (spooky!) Entries Close: Midnight EST on Sunday, March 15th Rules: No erotica, no fanfic. Judges: Yours Truly curlingiron Tyrannosaurus Word Criminals: Maugrim Broenheim SadisTech Capntastic Ancient Blades newtestleper Noah sebmojo contagonist Bompacho SurreptitiousMuffin Jitzu_the_Monk Screaming Idiot crabrock Benny Profane Ironic Twist Paladinus Entenzahn PeteZah DXH Grizzled Patriarch fucked around with this message at 20:45 on Mar 16, 2015 |
# ? Mar 11, 2015 00:39 |
# ? Jan 18, 2025 17:36 |
# ? Mar 11, 2015 00:41 |