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Sep 23, 2005

Bina posted:

You should check out her tumblr.

No joke, Katya is the kind of man I want to marry. Mrs. Kasha Davis is hot, but Katya is goddamn batty and I seriously want to wake up to that kind of energy every morning (and he's also hot.)

PostsYouCanDanceTo fucked around with this message at 09:32 on Apr 9, 2015


Mouse Dresser
Sep 3, 2002

This isn't Middle Earth, Quentin. There aren't enough noble quests to go around.

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

No joke, Katya is the kind of man I want to marry. Mrs. Kasha Davis is hot, but Katya is goddamn batty and I seriously want to wake up to that kind of energy every morning (and he's also hot.)

I love Katya so much.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 17, 2004

So I've seen the Katya RuGrets videos linked, but the thumbnails made it look like yet another lovely WowPresents series so I passed on them. I pulled my head out of my rear end and just now watched all 6 and love Katya even more. I don't think it even matters if Katya goes home next week at this point; that's the queen from this season with star power a la Willam.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

I'm guessing Katya MUST be in the top three considering the effort she's putting into the social media aspect, she's really building up a base who could drop a decent voting chunk by the final episode that really doesn't ultimately matter because it's all Ru, but still.

Or I just really want Katya to win. I hope it's both. :allears:

Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

I spent last night watching Katya's youtube videos, and most of today going through her Tumblr. I can't stop laughing and I really want this queen to win. I can't think of any other queen with this kind of social media presence from previous seasons other than possibly Willam; am I wrong?

Vertigo Ambrosia
May 25, 2004
Heretic, please.

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

Watched the last two episodes back-to-back: boo to MKD's sashay; Miss Fame's acceptance speech was actually pretty funny (she needs to stop overthinking it); yay to Katya's win; Ginger is too good a competitor to get into these little bitchfests; Max is growing on me even if she as pwecious as a hummel figurine; Violet might not be long for this competition; Jaidynn gave a great lipsync and I'm pulling full her to realize her true and cosmic fabulosity; As of this moment I want a Ginger/Katya/Jaidynn final 3 with Katya winning, or maybe Jaidynn not be a finalist so she can win miss congeniality.

Katya is amazing and she must be taught to the schoolchildren.

Why do you think Violet's going soon? She's rarely severely criticized, especially for runway looks, and since there have been so many drat acting challenges I doubt there'll be another one for her to fail at anytime soon.

Oct 14, 2006

Vertigo Ambrosia posted:

Why do you think Violet's going soon? She's rarely severely criticized, especially for runway looks, and since there have been so many drat acting challenges I doubt there'll be another one for her to fail at anytime soon.

Yeah, I'd be EXTREMELY surprised if she didn't make top 3.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Vertigo Ambrosia posted:

Why do you think Violet's going soon? She's rarely severely criticized, especially for runway looks, and since there have been so many drat acting challenges I doubt there'll be another one for her to fail at anytime soon.
I think Snatch Game is going to sink Violet and Kennedy. Possibly Miss Fame, but Miss Fame is finally showing her true form as an insane maniac and I would hate to see her leave.

I just loaded up the preview on the Logo app and for fuckssakes, Max brought the umbrella back. That might be worse than Mrs. Kasha Davis pulling out her catchphrase at the end of Untucked.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Snatch game changes EVERYTHING.

You'd be surprised if people are sandbagging.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

caligulamprey posted:

I'm guessing Katya MUST be in the top three considering the effort she's putting into the social media aspect

I also have my fingers crossed for Katya, if only because, regardless of when you go, it's a goddamn brilliant move to be releasing content online every single week the show is airing, to the point where it feels so freakin' obvious in retrospect. Let's face it, once the show is over every queen is living on borrowed minutes of fame, and they should be be doing everything possible to grab the spotlight while they're still on TV. Dropping a single when you sashay as a one-time thing just isn't enough if you really want to launch your star in a major way. Katya's clearly got the thing they should add onto the end of the Charisma-Uniqueness-Nerve-and-Talent catchphrase: Smarts.

Bina posted:

Snatch game changes EVERYTHING.

I think Snatch Game is especially idolized because it represents this major rubicon for the show. After Snatch Game, things always start to go crazy, in challenge difficulty and grading, and the queens' nerves really start to fray. I can't wait. :allears:

Dec 26, 2006


Bina posted:

(Also, I can make gifs of things, lemme know if anyone wants something Season 7 related or whatever.)

Can I please please please get a gif of Max saying "I'm going to whip them into shape" toward the beginning of the most recent episode? :shobon: It's between the 8:20-8:30 mark I think...

Dec 2, 2005

Did I misread all the signs?
How long is it between each challenge/episode taping? I'm curious if the show tapes over just a few weeks total or more like a month or so.

Sep 2, 2011

what a humorous anecdote.

Combed Thunderclap posted:

Katya's clearly got the thing they should add onto the end of the Charisma-Uniqueness-Nerve-and-Talent catchphrase: Smarts.

I like this one better than what All Stars gave us, can we get Ru to change Synergy to smarts?

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Combed Thunderclap posted:

Let's face it, once the show is over every queen is living on borrowed minutes of fame, and they should be be doing everything possible to grab the spotlight while they're still on TV.
Max selling his runway outfits on eBay after every week is diabolical, utterly brilliant and kind of gross.

EDIT: Hell, there's no way Max stays all that much longer considering he's selling poo poo on eBay, right? That's not a long con move, that's a get it while the gettin's good move.

caligulamprey fucked around with this message at 06:45 on Apr 10, 2015

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Legislacerator posted:

Can I please please please get a gif of Max saying "I'm going to whip them into shape" toward the beginning of the most recent episode? :shobon: It's between the 8:20-8:30 mark I think...

Dec 26, 2006



Wax Lion
Aug 23, 2009

If Ginger wins this whole thing I will set fire to the rain.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Some gifs of Katya. I will upload the other episode gifs later.

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4

Bina fucked around with this message at 09:06 on Apr 10, 2015

Mar 23, 2004

As in her big fat ass.
Reddit found some cracked out upcoming episode descriptions on Lifetime's site. Probably fake but who knows:

Feb 20, 2003


angerbeet posted:

Reddit found some cracked out upcoming episode descriptions on Lifetime's site. Probably fake but who knows:

from that link: former Drag Race panelist Santino Rice guest judge.

gently caress you, television, you PROMISED :mad:

Sep 23, 2005

Vertigo Ambrosia posted:

Why do you think Violet's going soon? She's rarely severely criticized, especially for runway looks, and since there have been so many drat acting challenges I doubt there'll be another one for her to fail at anytime soon.

This is gut feeling, and I fully reserve my right to be wrong, but my thinking goes like this: Pearl and Violet occupy the same drag slot: the young glamour girl; as such, they are engaged in a smaller meta-competition within the show. And in that competition, Violet 'wins' in the sense that she is easily on par with Raja for most fashionable queens ever on the show. Pearl ain't no slouch, but she ain't no Violet either.

BUT, Ru has been nurturing Pearl and praising her ability to get out of her head and her performance in the challenges. Meanwhile, Ru has been assessing Violet much more critically, noting how poorly she plays with others and how little she gives in her performances. Pearl's redemption arc is very blatantly manufactured and with far less ROI than Adore's last season, but that don't change the fact that lately Pearl has been framed in the positive and Violet in the negative.

And while I hope to God that there are no more acting challenges, I don't see Violet being able to stand on her own either. Pearl's methadone-haze personality may not have much potential, but I think it has more promise than Violet's low-key narcissism when it comes to responding to a challenge and putting on a show. Ultimately, that could make Pearl the stronger competitor and a better pick in Ru's eyes.

And after typing all this up, I realized I completely forgot about Miss Fame, who is also a glamour girl and could flame out before them or outlast them, I don't know. She tries hard, and you can see the gears working, but she's also insecure and spastic. I do know she needs to go full Alyssa and embrace her dorkiness (because it's seriously endearing).

Grape Juice Vampire
Aug 1, 2009

caligulamprey posted:

I think Snatch Game is going to sink Violet and Kennedy. Possibly Miss Fame, but Miss Fame is finally showing her true form as an insane maniac and I would hate to see her leave.

I just loaded up the preview on the Logo app and for fuckssakes, Max brought the umbrella back. That might be worse than Mrs. Kasha Davis pulling out her catchphrase at the end of Untucked.

If Jaidynn goes through with Raven Symone she's sunk. Even though I don't particularly care for Violet, I have a feeling she'll surprise us all this week.

Nov 17, 2004

broof roof roof
"Katya, how do you feel about your first win?"

"Well, it was a long battle with leukemia, but at least I was surrounded by friends and family."

Like, I know the Jinkx documentary is probably very artsy and a "good" movie, but holy poo poo, I just want a camera to follow Katya around for a few days and make a Truman show.

Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

Bina posted:

Some gifs of Katya. I will upload the other episode gifs later.

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4

This is a gift; thank you!

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

Capsaicin posted:

Like, I know the Jinkx documentary is probably very artsy and a "good" movie, but holy poo poo, I just want a camera to follow Katya around for a few days and make a Truman show.
This, basically. I finally started following her on Twitter/etc and holy poo poo.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Katya's weird influences are out of left field and seem completely alien in the drag world (well, the drag world as presented to us by RuPaul), which is why if she doesn't win, I'm duct taping a crown together and mailing it to her.

Also didn't have sex until he was THIRTY. Rugrets dropping bombs.

Nov 17, 2004

broof roof roof

caligulamprey posted:

Katya's weird influences are out of left field and seem completely alien in the drag world (well, the drag world as presented to us by RuPaul), which is why if she doesn't win, I'm duct taping a crown together and mailing it to her.

Also didn't have sex until he was THIRTY. Rugrets dropping bombs.

"full on penetrative sex"

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Capsaicin posted:

"full on penetrative sex"
If only there were an even worse and more technical way to describe it.

caligulamprey fucked around with this message at 19:40 on Apr 10, 2015

Stroop There It Is
Mar 11, 2012

:stroop: :gaysper: :stroop:

Katya is definitely my favorite. Boston queens represent!

(It's just been him and Juju so far, right?)

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


Katya does seem awesome from those gifs. More fun than than the low-screentime edit she's getting so far.

Hopefully visa issues can open up a spot among the American Apparel Ad Girls lineup, or Courtney can just be moved to the category of backup singer.

Dec 26, 2006

Katya is my favorite drag-related shitposter. Her twitter is everything to me. I want to be her friend.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

This is gut feeling, and I fully reserve my right to be wrong, but my thinking goes like this: Pearl and Violet occupy the same drag slot: the young glamour girl; as such, they are engaged in a smaller meta-competition within the show. And in that competition, Violet 'wins' in the sense that she is easily on par with Raja for most fashionable queens ever on the show. Pearl ain't no slouch, but she ain't no Violet either.

BUT, Ru has been nurturing Pearl and praising her ability to get out of her head and her performance in the challenges.

Normally I would say this gives Pearl the clear advantage, but then I remember Trinity K Bonet. The danger of the redemption storyline is having it come too soon, because once Mama Ru thinks there's nowhere more for you to grow on the show, you get the boot.

On the other hand, TKB was definitely more busted and insecure than Pearl, so we'll see. But being one of Ru's pet projects only means you stick around until Ru deems the project done, not necessarily that you make it all the way.

Violet, Pearl, and Max actually all occupy the same slot as the 22/23-year old hyper-fashionable artiste, it's just easy to forget that Max is freakin' 22 years old. But Violet and Pearl are still battling it out for an even more specific slot as the young glamour girl who wears black lingerie. :haw: (Advantage Violet: Ru and the producers would die to make this season into a reenactment of Wicked and Max is the perfect Glinda, insufferability and all.)


caligulamprey posted:

Max selling his runway outfits on eBay after every week is diabolical, utterly brilliant and kind of gross.

EDIT: Hell, there's no way Max stays all that much longer considering he's selling poo poo on eBay, right? That's not a long con move, that's a get it while the gettin's good move.

Only up-front Professional Hos like Willam can pull that off without making it gross and desperate. And Max ripping off a part of the front page of his newspaper when Fame only ripped off one of the blank inside pages is definitely diabolical, brilliant, and gross. Makes me wonder if Kennedy's gossip in Untucked about Max being different when the cameras are off is more than just shade.

curiousTerminal posted:

I like this one better than what All Stars gave us, can we get Ru to change Synergy to smarts?

I forget that was a thing.

Which means I forgot All Stars.

I'm free. I'm finally free.

Combed Thunderclap fucked around with this message at 21:24 on Apr 10, 2015

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
We're all free should have been a Raven/Juju double-elimination dammit of that ridiculous season now...

In other news, new Shangela! (With appearances by most of this year's cast.)

do u believe in marigolds
Sep 13, 2007

Pinwiz11 posted:

We're all free should have been a Raven/Juju double-elimination dammit of that ridiculous season now...

In other news, new Shangela! (With appearances by most of this year's cast.)

The four models upstaged her and that blonde wig looks like a shelf.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Pinwiz11 posted:

In other news, new Shangela! (With appearances by most of this year's cast.)

Get your hands ON my crotch. :q:

Bina fucked around with this message at 05:42 on Apr 11, 2015

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:

Bina posted:

Get your hands ON my crotch. :q:

Yeah, that's pretty much why I posted the video.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Amen. :allears:

Mar 23, 2004

As in her big fat ass.
Katya is just a delight

Miz Kriss
Mar 17, 2009

It's only an avatar if the Cubs get swept.
I like that Logo decided to have a marathon of JUST Snatch Game episodes today before tonight's episode. :yayclod:


Aug 16, 2008

Trixie's coming back tonight, right? Right?!? :ohdear:

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