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Aug 11, 2004


Not Today Satan posted:

Ginger really reminds me a lot of the southern women I've grown up around. They're not intentionally catty but they do have a knack for saying one thing and then turning around and saying another. Kinda like when Sasha came back and Ginger told her she was glad they got paired up, but in the talking head segment she admitted it was a lie. While it's shady it's just some weird southern thing where they feel like they have to diffuse the situation with kindness even if it isn't true. I've never understood it either, but I can see why people would get so turned off by it.

Yeah, I'm from Detroit, and moved to Washington, DC about 6 years ago. While a lot of southerners would cut you for calling DC the south, to me, it's the south. People say y'all here.

This sort of behavior really threw me for a loop when I first moved here. Everybody has a huge smile plastered on their face when they first meet you, feed you endless compliments, and talk about how you MUST get together soon. It took me a while to figure out when people were being genuine. Back in Michigan, you don't compliment someone unless you truly mean it. And the more time I spent here, the more I noticed these southerners bad mouthing everybody the second they walked away.

I have a lot of great friends now, but I know to take things with a grain of salt more often than I'm inclined to.


Jul 14, 2013

Grimey Drawer

aDecentCupOfTea posted:

We're you at Shade Newcastle by any chance?

I was indeed! I'm guessing you saw the show too?

On a related note, Willam, Alaska and Courtney are heading to Shade on May 11th and I am so bloody excited.

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider

This is goddamn bizarre and amazing.

Like "Top 3 episodes of drag race ever" amazing.

Edit: I'm probably going to be showing this to people as a first drag race episode instead of Float Your Boat

Double edit: Rich uncle skeleton is guest judging!

G-Mawwwwwww fucked around with this message at 01:29 on Apr 28, 2015

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
Katya is doing well, I'm happy.

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
I can't get enough Nasty Pig commercials.

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
I think some of them don't get what "worst dress" means...

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
Oh my God Ru's dress.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Pinwiz11 posted:

Katya is doing well, I'm happy.
I'm only able to swing in and catch the tail end of this live feed, but I spent the last few days fretting over the whole "Katya's not a singer, there's a good chance she's getting the boot tonight," but I'm happy to see things are going well.


Yodzilla posted:

Oh my God Ru's dress.

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider
Seriously, Ginger's performance was loving brilliant.

Edit: This is one of the worst lip syncs in the show's history.

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
Holy poo poo Pearl with a mediocre lip sync and she still completely demolished Miss Fame. What the gently caress what that.

CaptainScraps posted:

Double edit: Rich uncle skeleton is guest judging!

Yeah that was a great suit.

Jan 8, 2014

CaptainScraps posted:

Edit: This is one of the worst lip syncs in the show's history.

It really was, I expected a double sashay.

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
Did Fame really think that dress was ugly? And that it would be a good idea to not have an option to change it for the LSFYL?

Horrible lip sync, but it's too far into the season to do a double-elim.

Jul 16, 2006

After that crash and burn this episode, I think my prediction of a Violet/Pearl/Ginger F3 is looking a lot less likely.

I honestly thought it was going to be Trixie vs. Pearl 2 this episode.

Miz Kriss
Mar 17, 2009

It's only an avatar if the Cubs get swept.

Quinctia posted:

After that crash and burn this episode, I think my prediction of a Violet/Pearl/Ginger F3 is looking a lot less likely.

I honestly thought it was going to be Trixie vs. Pearl 2 this episode.

It felt to me like Trixie was playing it a bit too safe in the musical challenge tonight. I mean, she did alright, but she didn't go over the top like I thought she would (though I do agree that she got outshined by Ginger). The Violet/Fame/Pearl group was just god awful. I was really hoping for a 3-way lip synch battle because the whole thing was a disaster.

Mouse Dresser
Sep 3, 2002

This isn't Middle Earth, Quentin. There aren't enough noble quests to go around.
I liked Fame, but this really was her time to go. Kennedy & Katya's and Trixie & Ginger's scenes were amazing while the Poo scene was actually poo.

Jan 13, 2013

Nyeehg posted:

I was indeed! I'm guessing you saw the show too?

On a related note, Willam, Alaska and Courtney are heading to Shade on May 11th and I am so bloody excited.

I was! Small world.
Shade's my local drag club, detox is also coming to perform on the first of June!
If you went to Adore back in January I was the girl with the big blue wig dressed as Adore from her Hello I Love You video.

I can't comment on this episode yet, thanks to a broken computer I don't get to see it until Thursday! Let 4 days of avoiding spoilers commence!

Sep 12, 2012

Shhh... don't wake up the sleeping lion :3:

Worst LSFYL of the season. Like, almost Vivienne vs Honey level of bad. If I have to choose between them I'd actually choose Fame 'cause while she is understandably boring, she's trying to bring the right energy to the song, while Pearl rehashed her Blondie lipsync and just flailed her arms around.

Sep 23, 2005

Truth be told, I didn't think any of the dresses were ugly. In fact, I kinda loved them all except Kennedy's just cuz it was a basic old lady suit. These bitches should've been much more busted (which would probably be read for filth for taking it "too far" or some poo poo) I suspect they all correctly deduced that even "ugly" should still be glamorous, just a little loud. Also, that was my favorite Ru look ever.

blizzardvizard posted:

If I have to choose between them I'd actually choose Fame 'cause while she is understandably boring, she's trying to bring the right energy to the song, while Pearl rehashed her Blondie lipsync and just flailed her arms around.

Yes. She also tried to show an ugly dress. There was an idea there. Pearl's outfit was legit adorbs and came off like she didn't want to do the challenge at all. (Judging by this, I think it's also pretty clear she lucked into her first lip sync.) As for Miss Fames performance in the video? Too much is better than not enough. Yeah , the lipstick was already on the mirror, but she fought harder than Pearl, and that should be rewarded.

PostsYouCanDanceTo fucked around with this message at 10:37 on Apr 28, 2015

Feb 18, 2011

All comedy is derived from fear.
I'll miss Fame only because I loved her crazy chicken stories.

I will say, Rupaul, you missed the PERFECT Lipsync song for this episode/challenge, and I am disappointed.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer
"I love Steven Spielberg! :downs: :neckbeard:" Oh Katya I love you.

Fame's reading made me agree with Kennedy and I don't like doing that but ugh, come on, that was bad. Throughout the episode it feels like she's kind of just falling apart or losing interest.

Ginger deserved the win, Fame and Pearl deserved to be in the bottom two and I was kind of surprised Ru didn't just go "bitches, both of you just sashay, that was terrible" after that lovely lip sync.

This episode was amazing in all the right ways.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

That Fame/Pearl lip sync was such a wet fart. I was expecting something to happen, like Fame taking that mumu off and revealing a outfit underneath it, or Pearl doing more than exaggerated arm movement. Instead, nothing.

And I was gonna be mad at another acting group challenge, but this one wasn't that bad. Ginger and Katya were amazing.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

Fresh Like Zafo posted:

Fame taking that mumu off and revealing a outfit underneath it
That's one of the things that made me think she just kind of checked out in general. She's not so dumb that she couldn't have known her performance was bad in both the mini and main challenges so she should have been ready with something loving amazing under that smock-mumu. Even if she was sure she was one of the best she still should have, just in case.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Fame left right on schedule. I suspect Pearl or Kennedy will be next, but at this point it's easy enough for anyone to gently caress it up enough to justify sticking them in the bottom.

But if Katya goes I will riot.

Miz Kriss
Mar 17, 2009

It's only an avatar if the Cubs get swept.
I would like to see a Katya/Trixie/Ginger final 3.

Aphra Bane
Oct 3, 2013

Man, this week's Untucked was weirdly morose. But Katya continues to prove she's the best part of this entire season :allears: that cowardly lion had me in stitches.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

My favorite thing for the past two or so Untucked episodes is Kennedy trying to warn everyone else about Katya's talent as Katya does cartwheels in the foreground of the frame.

That actually brings up something that's missing from this season: nobody is arguing about what is and isn't drag. Even Jasmine's ranting about being an entertainer was pretty soft and reasonable compared to, say, Gia Gunn's insanity.

Feb 24, 2001

Uh! Double up Uh! Uh!

caligulamprey posted:

That actually brings up something that's missing from this season: nobody is arguing about what is and isn't drag. Even Jasmine's ranting about being an entertainer was pretty soft and reasonable compared to, say, Gia Gunn's insanity.
We had a little shade when Kennedy did Little Richard for Snatch Game, but yeah this year there's no Milk deciding to have a wizard beard or a pregnant belly for no reason, and no Vivacious being Vivacious.

Kennedy needs to go next, and then I won't really care who wins. The rest of the queens are pretty strong contenders.

Aug 11, 2004

I'm just loving the Ginger and Katya smoking breaks.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

Nihonniboku posted:

I'm just loving the Ginger and Katya smoking breaks.
This should be the first world of wonder youtube show that springs from this season

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Great episode with another excellent Untucked. Pearl's delivery on "There's no way the bitch isn't lipsyncing tonight" laid me out for some reason.

Mr. Owl
Jan 24, 2008

Tendai posted:

This should be the first world of wonder youtube show that springs from this season

I was thinking the same thing, it's almost a routine at this point. I think they should call it "the loading zone".

Echo Video
Jan 17, 2004

I just really want a show with all the eliminated queens hanging out in the hotel

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

Echo Video posted:

I just really want a show with all the eliminated queens hanging out in the hotel

Sep 23, 2005

I would love if we could somehow get Katya to team up with any combination of Guy Madden, David Lynch, David Cronenberg, Chloe Sevigny, Drew Droege as Chloe Sevigny, and/or Isabella Rossellini (which spell-checks to tortellini!).

Echo Video posted:

I just really want a show with all the eliminated queens hanging out in the hotel

This is a great idea.

Feb 20, 2003


Echo Video posted:

I just really want a show with all the eliminated queens hanging out in the hotel

Amazing Race used to (still does?) Do this way back in the day, but with a set of drag queens...yeah. Yeah.

Nov 17, 2004

broof roof roof

Did anyone post this video of Trixie as Ru for Snatch Game? I know her Anne Frank got posted, but didn't see this one at all.

The head movement is killing me.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

I would love if we could somehow get Katya to team up with any combination of Guy Madden
I initially read that as John Madden.

Still a great idea.

Sep 23, 2005

Tendai posted:

I initially read that as John Madden.

Still a great idea.

An even better idea!

Power of Pecota
Aug 3, 2007

Goodness no, now that wouldn't do at all!

Tendai posted:

"I love Steven Spielberg! :downs: :neckbeard:" Oh Katya I love you.

That was the hardest I've laughed all season - Katya's the absolute best.


Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

As if I needed more reason to be Team Katya she is a yoga goddess and proves it in her most recent RuFlections vid.

I could watch videos of her and Willam all day. :allears:

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