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Mouse Dresser
Sep 3, 2002

This isn't Middle Earth, Quentin. There aren't enough noble quests to go around.
I'm bummed about Trixie. :smith:

Who are your Top 3 guesses? I'm going with Katya, Ginger, and Violet.


Dec 26, 2006

Katya, Violet and Pearl are my new dream Top 3, but it is more realistically Ginger, Violet, Katya....
Max is already gone so my true Top 3 will never be... :negative:

-If Katya doesn't end up in the top 3 I'm gonna sue Ru. ...Somehow. She was amazing this episode. Even if the pre-dance edits really set it up for failure, Violet and Katya were hands-down the most put together of the little acts there. drat, girls.
-Also I am also sooOOOooooOOoOooo over Ginger. Like. We get it, you have nerves just like everyone else. If LaGanja's tears couldn't float her to the top, neither should yours! imkidding
-Trixie was great and idk whats wrong with the judges this season.
-Kennedy was kinda blah for me this time around but I still haven't watched Untucked so we will see.
-Pearl is a drop dead gorgeous man and I regret being born a woman.
-Violet. Girl. drat.

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


Its going to be between Katya and Violet with Kennedy in the Courtney Act slot.

May 26, 2012

This is what America's next drag super star does...

She works for a living.

Yodzilla posted:

Whaaat Pearl's runway look was top three easily if not second best.

Yeah but going off what the judges said, I felt like they were harsher on Pearl than on Trixie. And runway only matters half the time. After watching Untucked, I definitely think the decision to judge in pairs was deliberate to get the outcome we got. But, like I said, even if I don't really think Trixie deserved to be in the bottom for that challenge (and I personally think she won the lip synch) I'd rather see Pearl and Ginger continue in the competition. I love Trixie but for whatever reason she shined more outside of the challenges and in confessionals as opposed to where it really counted.

My dream top 3 is Katya, Pearl and Violet with Katya winning. If it's Ginger, Pearl and Violet, which it seems like it will be, I want Pearl to win but I think it will go to Ginger.

Jul 11, 2005

psycho killer
qu'est-ce que c'est?
Trixie seems really insufferable and full of herself in untucked I'm glad she's gone again

it's one thing to be confident but when your output is so super boring it's just :rolleyes:

May 19, 2011

After a long night of hooking, trade didn't like the session, so he had gutted me and set me on fire, but, you know, I didn't die. I had crystallized, and now I'm a glamazon bitch ready for the runway.
My favorites at this point are Katya, Violet and Pearl, but I don't think Pearl will be in the top 3.

I'm hoping for a joint win between Katya and Violet. They both really deserve it and they're so different that I think having both as winners would work.

Honestly, though, I'll just be happy if Katya is in the top 3 (and very sad if she's not!).

Legislacerator posted:

-Pearl is a drop dead gorgeous man and I regret being born a woman.


Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

We're getting to the point where I don't want to see anyone go anymore. I'm really hoping for Katya and Violet in the top 3 while Pearl and Ginger duke it out for the 3rd spot. Can't wait to get home and see this week's Untucked.

Mouse Dresser
Sep 3, 2002

This isn't Middle Earth, Quentin. There aren't enough noble quests to go around.
Next week is going to either be Kennedy or Pearl who's sashayed. Probably Pearl, because they already have their vaguely bitchy runway queen picked for the final 3.

Aug 11, 2004

While I want Katya to win, I suspect we're going to be seeing our first plus size queen in a Ginger win.

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
I wouldn't mind a Ginger win but I wouldn't be surprised if she goes in the next two weeks. She's had to LYFYL twice, one more time and she's gone (unless she's paired against Pearl).

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Just saw it. UGH, the red dwarf stayed. Damnit. I enjoy the show and the queens, but I'm not enjoying RuPaul and her poo poo calls anymore.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

I was all set to be bummed about Trixie leaving again, but she went out in kind of a nasty, petulant way so I'm not too upset and also have probably been manipulated by the edit. Oh well, that's what we sign up for with this show.

I legitimately like everyone who's left. This is going to get painful.

Legislacerator posted:

-Pearl is a drop dead gorgeous man and I regret being born a woman.
I haven't been feeling the hype about boy Pearl being so fine -- he's too transparent and wispy for my taste -- but with facial hair, hot drat. Not bad at all.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

I love the fact that Katya's point of reference for the Tango is True Lies.

EDIT: Watching Untucked now and they cut back to Violet doing Alyssa Edwards on the Snatch Game, and there's a point when she slams her hand on the table and a nail goes loving sailing into the air and it's the funniest goddamn thing.

DOUBLE EDIT: Goddamn, Kennedy in full dickpig mode on Untucked is pure entertainment. This Untucked is fantastic because everything is up in the air and everyone is expecting to lipsync except Trixie.

caligulamprey fucked around with this message at 03:14 on May 6, 2015

Sep 15, 2004

I believe it was the great American painter Bob Ross who said, "The key to a swollen vagina is... courage."
Violet also seemed much more warm and human in untucked. Trixie had super door grapes on her way out. Ugh.

Mouse Dresser
Sep 3, 2002

This isn't Middle Earth, Quentin. There aren't enough noble quests to go around.

caligulamprey posted:

I love the fact that Katya's point of reference for the Tango is True Lies.

I actually said "YAAASSSS KATYA YAAASSSSSS!" when she brought up True Lies. I loved Violet's very confused look, too.

Chaotic Flame
May 31, 2009


When this season started Katya wasn't ever on my radar, but now she's my favorite. :allears:

Aug 11, 2004


Mouse Dresser posted:

I actually said "YAAASSSS KATYA YAAASSSSSS!" when she brought up True Lies. I loved Violet's very confused look, too.

Ugh. Yea. I feel like Violet was born the year True Lies came out. So of course she has no point of reference to it. I'm sure she knows who Arnold is, but Jamie Lee Curtis might be a little a bit of a haze to her.

Mar 23, 2004

As in her big fat ass.
Trixie's been posting on reddit for the last few hours, it's kind of interesting to hear some of the backstage stuff.

Mar 30, 2003
From that reddit thread, some of Trixie's un-aired reads:


Katya: You're an alcoholic

Violet: You corset and cinch, but the only WAIST I see is a WASTE of time.
The Devil went down to Georgia... Then she put on a corset and went to Drag Race.

Pearl: The judges want you to "WAKE UP, Pearl." Is it because your look is tired or you sleep around?

Ginger: Ive seen you naked and the carpet matches the drapes. So why doesn't the foundation match the chest?

Kennedy: Your Do-Rag is a Don't-Rag.

Miss Fame: Your whole "brand" is wearing other peoples hair and costumes. I guess that makes you the most talented garment rack in the competition.

Eight Dollars
Nov 14, 2012

Pretty pictures in small frames
Well I guess there's a reason those were un-aired because zzzzzzz

God, that runway was fantastic all around. I thought Ginger's was the least unpolished but even hers was pretty great.

Kennedy on Untucked being super horned up all the time is so hilarious.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer
Trixie keeps making me swing towards "meh" or dislike on the actual show and then back to like when she makes comments like this one in that reddit AMA in response to gently caress/marry/kill with Katya/Ginger/Pearl:


I gently caress and Marry katya. We also have two kids and we get married on my Grandma's porch in June. We honeymoon in Russia and then Katya takes me to the Mattel vault and says "pick one, babe." and I pick the Russian Barbie and then Katya cries . And he looks even more beautiful when he cries.

Jun 13, 2001

I want to watch Pearl and Miss Fame make out while in half drag and this confuses me sexually

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider
Leak occurred.

You want to be depressed? I can make you depressed. Just mouse over this little black bar.

Goodbye, Mom.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

CaptainScraps posted:

Leak occurred.

You want to be depressed? I can make you depressed. Just mouse over this little black bar.

Goodbye, Mom.


Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Oh for tucks sakes.

EDIT: my cell phone autocorrect knows what thread I'm in.

Dec 2, 2005

Did I misread all the signs?
Another terrible decision. Kennedy's lipsink was just desperate flailing, and that's what wins you a lipsink apparently.

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:



(I thought you couldn't leave the stage after Mimi Imfurst's stunt.)

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Well, now you can at least vote for Miss Congeniality, so that might -

Oh Ru probably picks that poo poo anyway, too.

Sep 15, 2004

I believe it was the great American painter Bob Ross who said, "The key to a swollen vagina is... courage."

this is the first time a Queen I really liked went home, and I ADORED Katya. I could tell from the start of her designing her runway look that she was going to be in the bottom and once Kennedy started flailing around I knew she was done. My heart though, it breaks.

Dec 13, 2007

Rupaul needs to sashay away and hand the reigns to someone competent

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

I knew from day one that Katya was going to be my favorite and had a snowball's chance in hell of actually taking it all, but man it still hurts so bad.

This season has been one big, weird, evil rollercoaster.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

gently caress this bullshit.

The number of completely crazy calls that have been made this season is seriously unreal.

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
That was a good episode but a hot loving garbage fart sync decision.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

I have no idea what Ru is thinking. Is he so over this show that he's basically shooting flaming arrows at the funeral barge? That's the only explanation that makes sense.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

EDIT: ^ I just don't think Ru's really paying attention after 7 seasons of a serious cash cow that's cemented his superstardom. The incentive's just gone.

graynull posted:

Another terrible decision. Kennedy's lipsink was just desperate flailing, and that's what wins you a lipsink apparently.

No, it's when you really feel the song that it counts, like in Trixie versus Pearl, right?


In case no one's noticed, any sense of internal logic or consistency for this show beyond the plotline has completely vanished.

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider
Who am I going to cheer for now?

Cardamommy Issues
Feb 16, 2005

I've waited around for more important things
That was some serious flailing. Kennedy seemed to be doing the drops randomly and stomping around more than trying to match the song. Katya did a much better job and Ru hosed up hard. I don't even care much about the final winner now.

Also, learn to sew and plan your Snatch Game if you're going to be on Drag Race. This is not rocket science.

Mar 23, 2004

As in her big fat ass.
I don't really care who wins now... Pearl I guess?

Also that's some bullshit jumping off stage.

Cardamommy Issues
Feb 16, 2005

I've waited around for more important things
Top Four?

More like Top Snore


Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

angerbeet posted:

Also that's some bullshit jumping off stage.
The reunion episode features RuPaul disqualifying Kennedy and Ginger for jumping off the stage/crawling through a contestant's legs unexpectedly and bringing in Katya and Trixie. There are rules that must be followed.

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