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Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Untucked rocked. Love the new look, it feels way more intimate.

Tempest DuJour, in the tradition of Kelly Mantle, had a YouTube video all ready to go for the occasion:

Another performance queen lost to a stupid fashion challenge. :sigh:


Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Tempest DuJour was a dead ringer for Fred Gwynne and it was weirding me out the entire time.

Munster realness.

Sep 12, 2012

Shhh... don't wake up the sleeping lion :3:

Aw. I like Tempest. We've never had a professor drag queen before so I was interested in what kind of perspective she would bring to the show.

It's amusing to see people starting to be drawn to Trixie, even those who were originally off-put by her. She's one of my favorites, so yay.

Nth-ing the sentiment that the new Untucked is fantastic. I like that now it actually shows the queens unwinding. (small talks, discussing the new judge, etc.) That it's actually set backstage probably helps - the Interior Illusions Lounge or whatever just felt like another kind of stage for the queens to perform on.

And Katya's tumblr is a riot :haw:

Apr 26, 2008

Each morning after Sunblest
Feel the benefit
Mental arithmetic
Tempest's runway look wasn't great, so I can see why she was in the bottom two, but I would have liked to see more of her. The reaction video of her being cast they showed on Untucked was cute as well.

The new Untucked format at least makes it appear less staged, so I'm all for it. I was actually really worried about that, Untucked is just as important as the main show to me!

Dec 26, 2009

Too fat to wear pink.

blizzardvizard posted:

Nth-ing the sentiment that the new Untucked is fantastic. I like that now it actually shows the queens unwinding. (small talks, discussing the new judge, etc.) That it's actually set backstage probably helps - the Interior Illusions Lounge or whatever just felt like another kind of stage for the queens to perform on.

It really makes the show feel like a behind-the-scenes documentary, rather than staged cat fights.

I especially love Ginger's spread out on the couch during Untucked. I couldn't help but laugh when it shows how she shaded the crotch of her bodysuit.

I wanted to cry over Tempest. She had such a good personality about the whole situation. It's hard not to empathize with her.

do u believe in marigolds
Sep 13, 2007
How did the other queen that was on bottom think that jaw contour was anything but a shadowy beard? And when they did touch ups during the Untucked episode it didn't look like she touched it as a sign of 'I'm listening' to Michelle.

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider

Oraculum Animi posted:

How did the other queen that was on bottom think that jaw contour was anything but a shadowy beard? And when they did touch ups during the Untucked episode it didn't look like she touched it as a sign of 'I'm listening' to Michelle.

I don't know but she turnt out that lip sync.

The interesting thing is on any other season, Tempest would have been thoroughly middle of the pack. People are definitely stepping it up.

Communist Q
Jul 13, 2009

Poor Tempest. I really wish we got to see more of her. I really felt that they completely screwed her on the lip sync for your life by giving a more booty shaking song than one you could really lip sync too especially after all the ageist comments by the younger queens.

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 17, 2004

Alaska and Bianca do commentary on Episode 1. Yes, all of it. :aaaaa:

Aug 11, 2004

So, I'm watching the episode again for a second time after work, and wow. Jasmine is definitely strong competition for the most unpolished queen to ever be on the show. It's great that she has such a positive attitude, because wow, everything else about her is just a mess.

Mouse Dresser
Sep 3, 2002

This isn't Middle Earth, Quentin. There aren't enough noble quests to go around.
I liked Tempest. :( Edit: Not just because I am a professor of costume design (but mostly because I am).

I'm a sucker for comedy queens over fishy queens. I really like Katya and Violet and Trixie; Miss Fame and Kandy Ho bore the hell out of me.

Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

Agreeing with all the chatter about the new Untucked format. I just wish it aired right after the show instead of making us wait to watch it the next day. Oh well, I can't be too mad, Drag Race is back!

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

Nihonniboku posted:

So, I'm watching the episode again for a second time after work, and wow. Jasmine is definitely strong competition for the most unpolished queen to ever be on the show. It's great that she has such a positive attitude, because wow, everything else about her is just a mess.

Dita Ritz 2.0

May 6, 2007


They may have gotten a new logo (no pun intended) but their player still sucks. I can't get this to even initialize.


Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
:drat: Untucked is good this season.

Speed Crazy
Nov 7, 2011
I love Katya.. I guess I'm just a sucker for quick witted queens like Willam and Jujubee. I'm also really digging Trixie for her commitment to her schtick, plus she comes across as very real and likable out of drag. I know Max is getting to be really popular across the internet, but I find that put-on accent and affect to be extremely grating.

And yeah, Untucked is really good.

Jun 13, 2001

At least Tempest came off really well in Untucked. Does anyone know if they're still doing official viewing parties? I want another Drag Race calendar.

Feb 18, 2004

do it
When did Untucked air? My channel guide for some reason had Drag Race listed as being 2 1/2 hours long, so I assumed that Untucked would just be included in that, but it was an odd BBC show with a guy comparing men in a grocery to phallic fruit.

Also, I can't believe that no-one's commented on the portraits in the second post. Their legs all look rotoscoped.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

criscodisco posted:

When did Untucked air?

World of Wonder seems to be playing hardball with Logo and will instead be putting Untucked up on their Youtube channel the day after the episode airs at 9 AM EST. Latest episode is here:

Also Logo's new logo looks like it's a Jenny Craig product

Nov 3, 2011

Lipumira posted:

They may have gotten a new logo (no pun intended) but their player still sucks. I can't get this to even initialize.


Same here. Anyone figure out how to kickstart this?

Carlton Banks Teller
Nov 17, 2004

CosmicCornflake posted:

Same here. Anyone figure out how to kickstart this?

For the Logo player I know they break it if you have an adblocker, so shut off all that. I also had to reload the page a couple of times before it played. It got bogged down again at the first ad break, but reloading and manually skipping ahead worked and it played fine for the rest of the episode. This was in Chrome, don't know if other browsers are shittier/better. In any case, I'm sure it'll be up on your favorite tracker in 24-48 hours.

Aug 11, 2004


Speed Crazy posted:

I love Katya.. I guess I'm just a sucker for quick witted queens like Willam and Jujubee.

Yeah, Katya is fantastic so far. Maybe not enough to win it all, but they need to keep her around until the final three for her quips alone.

Also, from Untucked, I don't know if I believe Pearl when she is shocked that the other queens find her cold. But if it's the truth, I find it to be kind of charming, although I could just be charmed by those "bedroom eyes" as she put it.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

Kandy Ho's painted on 5:00 shadow is so bad. It's almost Penny Tration level bad.

I'm hoping Katya goes all the way, along with Ginger Minge. Those two are my favorites so far. Pearl looks like Robin Thick out of drag and it's kinda distracting. I really enjoyed the first episode and the breath of fresh air that is not hearing Santino's voice was welcomed.

Feb 20, 2003

I liked Tempest, too. Bad matchup in the Lipsync, too.

It's cool and good that I can watch Untucked in HD while Comcast still won't throw me Logo HD. :mad:

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.
Wow, yeah, the new Untucked format is great. I love how much more human and sympathetic it makes them all feel. Untucked was usually entertaining but I it always felt at best a little exploitative...

Anyway I love this batch of queens a lot. Trixie and Pearl out of draaag. :kimchi:

May 26, 2012

This is what America's next drag super star does...

She works for a living.
Yeah, this new Untucked format is great. Now if only it would air after the show.

I'm really liking Trixie, which surprised me, and Katya. I'm also hoping Kennedy goes far because she's a local queen. The only one who really annoys me is Jasmine. I think she should have been in the bottom and gone home instead of Tempest.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

I'm pretty sure they shifted Untucked to day-after-on-youtube just so RuPaul could say "See you next tuesday" during the end credits.

Sep 23, 2005

Violet irritates me but I can't deny that she brought it on the fashion front. Those looks really were fantastic.

Tempest legit hosed up; and now that's three seasons in a row where an older, comedy queen went home first (but I suspect she knew she didn't have a fighting chance in the lip sync; she seemed defeated). Sorry to see her go; I'll always prefer a camp queen over a fishy queen. And her meet the queens video was genuinely funny.

Ginger, Katya :love:, and Trixie are shaping up to be the breakout stars; Jasmine is the breakout mess.

As much as I don't think it will happen, I'd love to see an actual bearded queen on the show. In other news, it seems Kandy should change her name to Nasty.

I thought Carson and Ross did a good job.

PostsYouCanDanceTo fucked around with this message at 06:07 on Mar 4, 2015

Sep 2, 2011

what a humorous anecdote.
Throwing my hat in the Katya/Ginger/Untucked changes love ring. I'm surprised nobody read Max for using the walking sticks, but I suppose if she can't deliver on challenges in the future, they will.
I wanted to like Kandy based on her MTQ video (plus I wanted another PR queen to get far) but yeesh.

Mar 28, 2010

WOW Presents decided to milk Untucked like they did with the Marco Marco show and there are no complaints this time. Hotel Arrival and Before entering the Workroom are the two up so far. Expect them daily (and don't forget your proxies :/)

Also more Katya for everyone! :dance:

Dec 26, 2006

One of my friends hangs out with Violet pretty regularly so I'm interested to see what kind response her edits get. Regardless, I kinda want to root for her for being twice removed in friendship or something. :shrug: Also, she's gorgeous.

But I'm definitely living for Trixie right now.

Mar 22, 2009

Are we going to ignore Kandy's bull neck? Bitch can step off. I usually like the Puerto Rican queens but Kandy is just straight up unlikeable.

Sep 15, 2004

I believe it was the great American painter Bob Ross who said, "The key to a swollen vagina is... courage."
Yeah, I don't like Kandy. I really like Katya so far but feel like I gotta root for Kennedy cause I'm a Dallas girl too. Also she seems pretty awesome :3:

Deus Ex Macklemore
Jul 2, 2004

Zelensky's Zealots
Loved the commentary by Bianca and Alaska and I hope they keep that up.

Who was the bearded person sitting next to Alaska during the first challenge?

Sep 15, 2004

I believe it was the great American painter Bob Ross who said, "The key to a swollen vagina is... courage."
Mathu Andersen

BIG CITY LAWYER fucked around with this message at 14:08 on Mar 5, 2015

Sep 23, 2005

If you haven't heard this, it's hilarious:

spite house
Apr 28, 2009


Yeah, I don't like Kandy. I really like Katya so far but feel like I gotta root for Kennedy cause I'm a Dallas girl too. Also she seems pretty awesome :3:
Reports from the promo tour indicate that Kennedy absolutely killed it. She's a real pro, seems pretty unflappable, and I pity whoever has to lipsync against her. Potential sleeper.

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider

spite house posted:

Reports from the promo tour indicate that Kennedy absolutely killed it. She's a real pro, seems pretty unflappable, and I pity whoever has to lipsync against her. Potential sleeper.

From the amazon leak, word is that in the next episode, Katya lip syncs and just. loving. kills it with splits and cartwheels and flips and poo poo.

Oct 14, 2006

CaptainScraps posted:

From the amazon leak, word is that in the next episode, Katya lip syncs and just. loving. kills it with splits and cartwheels and flips and poo poo.

Having seen it, I can confirm. She kills it dead.


Aug 11, 2004

I suspect that Katya is already doing videos for World of Wonder means that she is going to be sticking around for a bit, or at least making a lasting impression.

Here's to hoping that since Jasmine has done nothing but releasing a transphobic video followed up by a deletion of said video and then an apology video means that she is not for long.

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