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the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

still impossibly crabby about what a waste last night's episode was. I simply can't condone myself right now.


Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch

the escape goat posted:

I simply can't condone myself right now.

Kennedy deserved to go home just for that.

the escape goat
Apr 16, 2008

Yodzilla posted:

Kennedy deserved to go home just for that.

she said it like, 12 times! I'm astonished nobody bothered to comment on that but it was so oddly infuriating.

Pan Dulce
Jan 4, 2011

Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure

Ding dong, the bitch is DEAD. Kennedy is finally gone and although I know it's not going to the queen who really deserved the crown (we all know that's Katya), you all know it's going to Pearl if fan's have ultimate decision. It seems the Flasaydah Queen is a fan favorite. I think Violet deserves it, as the more serious, well-rounded, more evolved throughout the competition, and overall loving fabulous queen should take it, but this season has been overly hosed, so I'm assuming the red troll under the bridge is going to take it because Ru's been chewing at the bit for a big girl to win and she always warns that the last decision is always her's to make, fan opinion or no.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

^^EDIT: I hope to God Ginger doesn't get it, because I actually like her as a person (if not necessarily her drag), and the backlash against her would just be downright nasty. :sigh:

Tendai posted:

EDIT: I hope Katya's future WoW Youtube show is some kind of Borat-esque drag hooker comes to America. She could swing it.

I instantly recognize Boston's South End and other New England-y things in a lot of her videos, so I've already been imagining this for most of RuFlections. It's a glorious mental image...the story of the one and only hooker no Bostonian will touch, until she meets her soul mate...Brian McCook.

Mouse Dresser posted:

AV Club summed it up with the line "We lost Katya for THIS?"

I got bored and stopped watching the episode halfway through, I'd rather look forward to the Finale/Ru-Union. Sucks that they forgot to give any of the top four girls any actual backstory before this episode but you gotta space that out, producers, this is like Reality TV 101 poo poo. Even Katya had to manufacture her own connection with the audience over goddamn YouTube (although the fact that they made her Season Narrator did help right up until she got the boot).

I promise I don't swear this much in real life or even in any other thread. This must be how sports fans feel.

Combed Thunderclap fucked around with this message at 18:54 on May 19, 2015

Mar 28, 2010

The part with the childhood photos felt so exploitative, as soon as it started I was like noooooooooooo :ohdear:
I feel dirty now :(

Anyway #TeamFrankie all the way

Edit: Welp. Time to get a twitter account.

CHiRAL fucked around with this message at 22:59 on May 19, 2015

Speed Crazy
Nov 7, 2011
Poor Pearl. It felt like Ru was seriously needling her to say exactly what happened in her childhood with both the lunch conversation and the photos during judging.

Jul 11, 2001

Meh season. I don't care much who wins as I think they all have strengths and weaknesses. There's no clear winner. If pressed to vote, I would say Ginger. Go Ginger...I guess? vOv


Aug 16, 2008

Coutney Act, April Carrion, and Milk react to Frankie

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

It was absolutely, undeniably, unquestionably Ru pulling Katya because RuPaul's been aiming for a big queen winner and, if by chance Katya ended up in the top 3, she would have taken it all, period. Scientific. Fact. I have charts and schematics. I have red thumbtacks stuck in a map of Russia and headshots connected to each other by yarn, nobody attempt to take this away from me. :cripes:

EDIT: I'm watching the newest episode right now and have come to the conclusion that Pearl is the Peter Sellers of drag - no discernable personality herself, yet a weird knack for doing characters. It's, like, I need to hear Pearl do the Big Ang voice outside of the Snatch Game because that poo poo was so ridiculous, it's hard to believe it's her.

And I'd like to point out that, being 34 I think Kennedy and Ginger are completely out of line... but not 100% wrong? If only because I want life to beat the poo poo out of Violet so she can become an actual person.

caligulamprey fucked around with this message at 04:36 on May 20, 2015

Ironic Twist
Aug 3, 2008

I'm bokeh, you're bokeh

caligulamprey posted:

It was absolutely, undeniably, unquestionably Ru pulling Katya because RuPaul's been aiming for a big queen winner and, if by chance Katya ended up in the top 3, she would have taken it all, period. Scientific. Fact. I have charts and schematics. I have red thumbtacks stuck in a map of Russia and headshots connected to each other by yarn, nobody attempt to take this away from me. :cripes:

There's a blog I read by Monkseal (the UK Apprentice guy) and he had a similar take on the subject, which I like: posted:

I find it odd that people, for all the scrutinising they do of how this show is manipulated, edited, and scripted, haven’t caught on en masse at this point to the fact that a fan favourite always finishes 5th/6th. Every season it’s the same shocking saddening elimination just before the final stretch. Ongina, Pandora, Shangela, Willam, Bender, and now Katya have all fallen at more or less exactly the same point, and various degrees of Internet Inferno have happened each time. People get led up by the edit to believe a particular queen cast-iron deserves a finals spot, then they don’t quite get it, then people meltdown, then the show heavily promotes them in the gay media in the run-up to the final, then they become a star in their own right (as much as anyone from this show does). Every year. And whilst I love all those queens (except Ben, who I think is talented but annoying, and Pandora who always was and will always remain fundementally useless) and would have had most of them make the final…this is the better path for them. It’s not worked out quite as well for the show this year, because all of the top 4 are pretty bitchy and flawed in terms of their personality, but I think it’s genuinely one of the smartest thing they do, in terms of ensuring their queens have a career after the show, and I wish that people who maybe think they’re pretty smart in terms of how this show is put together would notice it.

His blog is great in general (he just started covering RPDR in Season 6, but it's definitely worth a read).

Ironic Twist fucked around with this message at 04:29 on May 20, 2015

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Oh yeah! The Feast of Fun podcast with Katya that was a premium episode got posted in full to Youtube and is hilarious, gross, sad, ridiculous and completely alarming:

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


My hope is that Violet wins out of the remaining three. Someone needs to represent and inspire the massive demographic cohort of people who once did seedy low budget porn.

And if it can't Violet then and I'd rather it have been Kennedy. As Pearl plain sucks and I'm unsettled with her making six figures on the back of vocal fry as performance art. And it was disappointing to watch Ginger turn into a Disney evil queen with poor debating skills. At least Kennedy's reign would be amusing and fraught with self inflicted high drama.

Mar 23, 2004

As in her big fat ass.
Vocal fry is Alaska's whole thing though, how can you hate the 48'th state.

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


Sorry, your right, I meant to say 'only vocal fry' but gave up on the grammar. Alaska has so much more than the fry. There is her Laganja impression and her Gia Gunn impression. Also her pantomimed b-movie scream.

Actually, scratch even Kennedy, I'd gladly take an out of the blue Laganja or Gia popular uprising coup victory.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Girl, I still want Katya to win. :colbert:

Ginger and Kennedy are salty.

As for Frankie- drat. That's a penis.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer
Glad to be rid of Kennedy, but god drat Katya ought to be there. Honestly the best of the three remaining queens is worse than the worst of the top three last season. I'm still enjoying the show but god drat what a dip in quality.

May 19, 2011

After a long night of hooking, trade didn't like the session, so he had gutted me and set me on fire, but, you know, I didn't die. I had crystallized, and now I'm a glamazon bitch ready for the runway.
I was looking through pictures from DragCon, and I'm pretty sure I found the best picture ever:


Aug 11, 2004


caligulamprey posted:

It was absolutely, undeniably, unquestionably Ru pulling Katya because RuPaul's been aiming for a big queen winner and, if by chance Katya ended up in the top 3, she would have taken it all, period. Scientific. Fact. I have charts and schematics. I have red thumbtacks stuck in a map of Russia and headshots connected to each other by yarn, nobody attempt to take this away from me. :cripes:

I actually don't think so. I believe that Ru really believed at the time that Ginger, Pearl, and Violet deserved to be in the top three. Ru doesn't really know about all the drama backstage, nor does she see the talking heads until they begin editing the season. I mentioned it earlier, I'm pretty sure the reason why the season premiered two months later than it was supposed to because they realized how dull the season one, but miraculously they found that Katya made for some great comedy, so they really upped Katya's presence in the edit.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer
Watching Untucked, it always seems to me that despite Kennedy's old-drag-lady bitterness she occasionally has moments where she seems like an actual human being, like when she and Violet were talking about confidence issues towards the end. Ginger, on the other hand, I always feel like her efforts at being nice are too much "oh poo poo I need to make the other queens/the audience/the judges like me again."

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

If you're willing to wade through it, all the reunion gossip is going down on the reddit page.

Ru announces Katya as the winner to gently caress with the audience, which is pretty hilarious, but at least she walks away with $5,000 in Cash for Miss Congeniality (why am I even spoiling this? You knew it. I knew it. We all knew it). Sorry Bendela!

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Part of me deep down wants to see the reunion go down as the worst in herstory.

I want some new material, like when Tammy had her iconic moment "Walking children in nature". Willam's "Rupaulogize".

Queens losing thier poo poo.

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

I want Katya to own the stage and the return of the Ornacia dancers.

Mar 28, 2010

Meanwhile in DragCon...
warning: probably NSFW

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Say hello to Trish. :allears:

Aug 11, 2004


CHiRAL posted:

Meanwhile in DragCon...
warning: probably NSFW

Those girls at the end of that video were thirsty.

But so was I...

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Nihonniboku posted:

But so was I...
Tyler Morgan does porn if that's what you're looking for.

...'cause that's what I was just looking for

Jun 18, 2003

all them bitches can't handle my sassy ass mouth

Tendai posted:

Watching Untucked, it always seems to me that despite Kennedy's old-drag-lady bitterness she occasionally has moments where she seems like an actual human being, like when she and Violet were talking about confidence issues towards the end. Ginger, on the other hand, I always feel like her efforts at being nice are too much "oh poo poo I need to make the other queens/the audience/the judges like me again."

"SHE IS A GROWN rear end MAN!" has now made it into my vocabulary, thanks Kennedy.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer
"The struggle is real" has definitely become part of mine.

Sep 15, 2004

I believe it was the great American painter Bob Ross who said, "The key to a swollen vagina is... courage."
Kennedy and Ginger were both awful in Untucked. Kennedy especially. That whole pageant queens are the way to do it is so condescending. I really like Violets thoughts about drag being art and not wanting to constantly compete with others.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011


Kennedy and Ginger were both awful in Untucked. Kennedy especially. That whole pageant queens are the way to do it is so condescending. I really like Violets thoughts about drag being art and not wanting to constantly compete with others.

The Pageant Queen Who Just Hates All Other Forms of Drag And Then Gets What's Coming to Her vs. The Young Artiste Who is Just So Versatile and Amazing is this show's oldest, most cliché, and possibly even its stupidest trope, and I'd dearly like to see it go as soon as possible. Unfortunately, they seem to find people who are easily edited into its comforting molds at an astonishing rate.

RuPaul spent an entire segment during last season's finale talking about drag's diversity and every queen who ever insults another queen's form of drag instantly obtains Villain Who Will Soon Be Defeated Or Will Definitely Never Win It status, at this point if you don't know how to edit yourself you deserve fans' hate.

King of Foolians
Mar 16, 2006
Long live the King!


Kennedy and Ginger were both awful in Untucked. Kennedy especially. That whole pageant queens are the way to do it is so condescending. I really like Violets thoughts about drag being art and not wanting to constantly compete with others.

I agree. It's like the thought process for Kennedy and Ginger was "Doing pageants are how drag queens can learn poise and professionalism which is important when you are representing a brand like Rupaul -> Pearl and Violet have not done pageants -> Therefore, Pearl and Violet must not have any poise or professionalism, thus they are the wrong choice for Next Drag Superstar.'
Then they proceeded to tear Violet and Pearl down in the most unprofessional way possible. :rolleyes:

Also does anyone remember Violet doing anything particularly heinous this season at all? I know she was voted Shadiest Queen, but I thought that was mostly everyone assuming she was a bitch before getting to know her, but in the last episode Ginger especially laid it on thick that Violet had a short temper and was bad to be around, but I just don't remember her being that bad, unless they edited all that out.

Also speaking of Kennedy quotes, I've never liked Kennedy Davenport but I was cracking up watching Untucked when Ginger said something about "When this airs we're all gonna get talked about", and Kennedy responds with "Well they talked about Jesus, so I'm ready".

Aug 27, 2009

power wondering how to show this to ru paul

Sep 15, 2004

I believe it was the great American painter Bob Ross who said, "The key to a swollen vagina is... courage."
I think the shade was especially strong because with only for queens there was nothing to distract or change the topic so it was just over and over and over. And the Kennedy starts bitching at Ginger for trying to apologize to Pearl. :psyduck: So glad she went home.

Cardamommy Issues
Feb 16, 2005

I've waited around for more important things
Courtney Act would have dominated this season

King of Foolians
Mar 16, 2006
Long live the King!

Nimec posted:

Courtney Act would have dominated this season

Most of the top queens of seasons past would have as well. Every season so far has had 4-5 amazing standout queens, 4-5 middle of the pack, and 4-5 crap queens. This season it felt more like 4-5 crap queens, and everyone else was middle of the pack.
I think Katya was the biggest standout, but more from her social media savvy, not specifically for what she did on the show. And poor Ginger, she spent the first half of the season as one of the clear front runners, but little by little wiped away her good will by being a bitch and proving that she will say/do anything in front of the judges if it allows her to make it further in the competition. She had the opposite arc of Bianca Del Rio who came off as a huge bitch at first and slowly revealed a heart of gold.

Mar 22, 2009

King of Foolians posted:

Most of the top queens of seasons past would have as well. Every season so far has had 4-5 amazing standout queens, 4-5 middle of the pack, and 4-5 crap queens. This season it felt more like 4-5 crap queens, and everyone else was middle of the pack.
I think Katya was the biggest standout, but more from her social media savvy, not specifically for what she did on the show. And poor Ginger, she spent the first half of the season as one of the clear front runners, but little by little wiped away her good will by being a bitch and proving that she will say/do anything in front of the judges if it allows her to make it further in the competition. She had the opposite arc of Bianca Del Rio who came off as a huge bitch at first and slowly revealed a heart of gold.

As much as I love bianca I think she got a good edit because she was an 'inside' girl.

But this season still sucked with the minje and the mad Russian being the o my ones that were any good.

Chaotic Flame
May 31, 2009


notaspy posted:

As much as I love bianca I think she got a good edit because she was an 'inside' girl.

But this season still sucked with the minje and the mad Russian being the o my ones that were any good.

What does "inside girl" mean?

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

Chaotic Flame posted:

What does "inside girl" mean?
I assume it means she knew or had worked with people who make the decisions about these things, but I could be wrong.


Mar 28, 2010

Bianca worked close with Lady Bunny and I'd imagine she was one of the few contestants that knew RuPaul personally before the competition. There are a lot of well known queens in the scene outside of the show and she was high on that list to begin with.

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