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Chaotic Flame
May 31, 2009


caligulamprey posted:

Aw man. I can listen to Alyssa doing bits all day. She might be the one person in existence who started out unintentionally funny but managed to stay funny after gaining self awareness (unlike, say, Gia Gunn or Tommy Wiseau).

Another good podcast pick: The Dollop is not a gay podcast, it's a weird history podcast where a comedian tells other comedian strange news stories. The Newport Sex Scandal episode recounts the U.S. Navy's attempt to infiltrate the gay lifestyle in 1919 by... Forcing Navy officials to have lots of hot gay sex. :allears:

The Gay Agenda in action.


Mar 28, 2010

Yip Yip, bitch.
I did watch this season all the way through, and felt really ... flazedah about it. I feel like Pearl's attitude was the feeling I had while watching it all. Like, I never enjoyed the screaming matches that went down, where the queens would rip each other apart. I found it uncomfortable and awkward. What I did enjoy was the subtle poo poo, or the confessional shade. That was actually funny. It's why I loved watching Bianca so much. Yes, she'd make fun of you to your face and in the confession room, but it wasn't ever like ... an attacky attack. It was more like how friends would bullshit each other after a long day at work, and it never felt mean. It's why I was happy when the seriously mean ones didn't get the win, because their personality was such that I felt like they didn't deserve to win.

This season, however, was just hella bland. Maybe part of it was because the ethnic spread was white people from the north, white people from the south, white people from the midwest, a puerto rican queen, and three black girls. The age spread was for poo poo. Two older womens, and the rest in their 20s. That whole manufactured "bitter old queens" thing got old really quick, seeing as how they're all in their loving 20s.

Also, Katya, where the HELL was that Russian prostitute character during Drag Race? That poo poo would have /slayed/ all throughout. She would have quite handily won that crown.

Initially, I didn't give Kennedy much credit, because I felt like she was a bit too one-note. Then her Snatch Game persona came out, and I was laughing so hard. That's when I felt like her personality started to shine through, and her sense of humour began to show.

Also, gently caress group challenges. I hate them. They bore me.

May 19, 2011

After a long night of hooking, trade didn't like the session, so he had gutted me and set me on fire, but, you know, I didn't die. I had crystallized, and now I'm a glamazon bitch ready for the runway.
Logo just uploaded the finale with commentary by Katya and Violet!

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
You betta vote!

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

Yeah just take the current top twelve and run with it afaic.

Aug 11, 2004


Trig Discipline posted:

Yeah just take the current top twelve and run with it afaic.

I'd knock Milk and Ivy Winters out of there, and give the duo of Raven and Jujubee a third shot. They're just too awesome together.

It's interesting to see who are the most hated queens are. Serena Chacha and Mimi Imfurst are obviously down there. But Milan is a bit of a surprise down there. But it's almost like someone has it out for Madame LaQueer and Phoenix. Nothing either one of them did warrants the amount of downvotes they're getting. Hell, Madame LaQueer won a challenge.

It'd be interesting to see one of the queens on there who have since come out as trans. Who do we have: Carmen Carrera, Kenya Michaels, Sonique, Porkchop, Monica Beverly Hillz. Anyone else?

But did they actually go with the fan vote for casting last season? I mean, they knocked out Willam for loving Mimi Imfurst. That was some bullshit.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

Nihonniboku posted:

I'd knock Milk and Ivy Winters out of there, and give the duo of Raven and Jujubee a third shot. They're just too awesome together.

Oh wait, yeah. Even better.

Mar 28, 2010


That page has been up for a couple of years now, it's not affiliated with the show in any way.
Willam and Alaska were at the top 2 spots last time I saw it, I wonder if Katya will still be #1 in a few months when the season hype wears off.

Aug 11, 2004


CHiRAL posted:

That page has been up for a couple of years now, it's not affiliated with the show in any way.
Willam and Alaska were at the top 2 spots last time I saw it, I wonder if Katya will still be #1 in a few months when the season hype wears off.

That would explain why some queens have 50,000 votes, and others have 4,000

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

New Alaska music video!

EDIT: Alternate/different, uncensored Vimeo video:

caligulamprey fucked around with this message at 04:23 on Jun 9, 2015

Aug 16, 2008


Nihonniboku posted:

I'd knock Milk and Ivy Winters out of there, and give the duo of Raven and Jujubee a third shot. They're just too awesome together.

And they can get 2nd and 3rd place, respectively, for the third time!

Comedy option: Honey Mahogany/Vivienne Pinay team

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.
So help me, if it's teams again I will break something.

Mar 28, 2010


caligulamprey posted:

New Alaska music video!

EDIT: Alternate/different, uncensored Vimeo video:
Stick around till the 5 minutes mark on the Vimeo version for a bonus song :swoon:

Oct 14, 2006

CHiRAL posted:

Stick around till the 5 minutes mark on the Vimeo version for a bonus song :swoon:

Uh, that song is way better than Hiieeeeee.

Mar 28, 2010


Elucidarius posted:

Uh, that song is way better than Hiieeeeee.

Sure, but performing Hiieeeeee in a club is much more.. Alaska live
just watch (I'd tell you to skip to 2:58 but why would you ever do that)


Dec 26, 2009

Too fat to wear pink.

PRAISE THE LORD! Mom has a new video series! It's called Don't Teach Yo' Momma How To Do Sex. She Knows.

"Horses don't like dick jokes. They're more cerebral."

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
I just got home from watching all of the Season 7 queens perform... great show, but OMG that was way too long. They were even doing a second round later, but my poor feet couldn't take it and I have to be nice to people in the morning...

Mar 28, 2010

What's the difference between peanut butter and jam?
Why you in boy drag tho? :michelle no:

Aug 16, 2008

I may have found Adore Delano on Jack'd. I kind of wanna say something but I'm shy. :ohdear:

Mar 23, 2004

As in her big fat ass.
Ask her if she washes her balls as often as her tights

Jun 21, 2007

"As a rule, I never touch anything more sophisticated and delicate than myself."

gandlethorpe posted:

I may have found Adore Delano on Jack'd. I kind of wanna say something but I'm shy. :ohdear:

You'll regret it if you don't. Worst thing that can happen is nothing.

Jul 16, 2006

Alaska's album Anus is out. You can stream it on, if you'd like.

And the video for This Is My Hair is pretty crazy, but that's expected after the last few she's made, right?

May 19, 2011

After a long night of hooking, trade didn't like the session, so he had gutted me and set me on fire, but, you know, I didn't die. I had crystallized, and now I'm a glamazon bitch ready for the runway.

Quinctia posted:

Alaska's album Anus is out. You can stream it on, if you'd like.

And the video for This Is My Hair is pretty crazy, but that's expected after the last few she's made, right?

I like the album! I've been listening to Everything Tonight a lot.

The video for This Is My Hair is amazing and increased my enjoyment of the song tenfold :allears:

EDIT: On a related note, Katya included a preview of her single Ravioli in her newest video, at about 6:21!

Fantastisk fucked around with this message at 18:50 on Jun 24, 2015

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe

Fantastisk posted:

I like the album! I've been listening to Everything Tonight a lot.

The video for This Is My Hair is amazing and increased my enjoyment of the song tenfold :allears:

EDIT: On a related note, Katya included a preview of her single Ravioli in her newest video, at about 6:21!

Everything Tonight was on the Today show in the background. :allears:

Dec 2, 2005

Did I misread all the signs?

Quinctia posted:

Alaska's album Anus is out. You can stream it on, if you'd like.

And the video for This Is My Hair is pretty crazy, but that's expected after the last few she's made, right?

As a straight guy, the gay music videos with the hyper-sexualized and "objectified" guys are always slightly surprising at first. Makes me think about how normalized it has become for women in entertainment. I always enjoy a good perspective flip, plus the song is quite good.

Aug 11, 2004


graynull posted:

As a straight guy, the gay music videos with the hyper-sexualized and "objectified" guys are always slightly surprising at first. Makes me think about how normalized it has become for women in entertainment. I always enjoy a good perspective flip, plus the song is quite good.

Yup. Also, consider this. You hear some people saying things like, "I'm okay with you being gay, just don't shove it in my face." Then think about how often straight sexuality is shoved in the faces of everybody all the time. It's just so normalized that you don't even think about it.

Hef Deezy
Jun 11, 2006

Show no fear. Show no emotion at all.
So Ru is having a crossover of sorts between his shows. The next episode of Skin Wars has the contestants painting drag queens. I very definitely saw Alyssa Edwards in the preview and I think Yara Sofia. A death drop naturally ensues on the reveal stage.

May 26, 2012

This is what America's next drag super star does...

She works for a living.

Hef Deezy posted:

So Ru is having a crossover of sorts between his shows. The next episode of Skin Wars has the contestants painting drag queens. I very definitely saw Alyssa Edwards in the preview and I think Yara Sofia. A death drop naturally ensues on the reveal stage.

I'm pretty sure I also saw Jessica Wild and Laganja.

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
Violet and Fame in Paris via TLo.

:drat: that's fierce.

Propaganda Machine
Jan 2, 2005

I also think I saw Carmen Carrera in a brief clip on John Oliver a week ago.

Toast Museum
Dec 3, 2005

30% Iron Chef

Propaganda Machine posted:

I also think I saw Carmen Carrera in a brief clip on John Oliver a week ago.

Yep, a cringeworthy bit of her Katie Couric interview was used in Oliver's trans segment.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

It's confirmed: All Stars Season 2 is the next season of Drag Race:

Along with Season 4 RuVealed starting July 31st. If it's like the Pop Up Video they did of Season 1, I will be delighted.

Toast Museum
Dec 3, 2005

30% Iron Chef

Season after next, it sounds like:


we now know Season 2 of the show is slated to premiere following the eighth season of RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Jan 26, 2009

L-O-V-E :love:

P-O-M :toot:
All Stars 2 had better be full length.

Fresh Like Zafo
May 31, 2012

No teams, please. That's all I ask for.

Mar 28, 2010

Season 8 is already filming and All Stars 2 is at the casting stage right now.
The bad news: Probably no Willam. Check his tumblr for more info, I haven't stalked it in a couple of days so maybe there's new news :shobon:
Good news: Willam will be releasing a book on Oct 2016 with all the juicy Tea you could ever hope for since the clause in his contract that forbids it just expired :D

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Toast Museum posted:

Season after next, it sounds like:
I thought it was strange they were promoting All Stars Season 2 before Season 8, hunh.

I figured it would be another small episode run of All Stars before the year was up and then Season 8 in 2016.

Mar 28, 2010

Yip Yip, bitch.

Fresh Like Zafo posted:

No teams, please. That's all I ask for.

Seriously, gently caress team challenges. They're as lovely to watch as I'm sure they are to participate in.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

As much as I don't want teams, I still pine for a Katya/Alaska duo.

And what the hell, bring back Pandora only to shiv her with the Fan Vote cast member, Laganja Estranja.


Sep 16, 2012

Clever Betty
I saw Mom on Sunday and it was amazing! She has such presence! I want to call it grace but um...well, whatever the Russian hooker version of gracefulness is, she had it!

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