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Not Today Satan
Apr 18, 2007

She does get props for finding a loaf of bread to use during the mini-challenge though. Like seriously, where did she find that? That's pretty much the only nice thing I have to say about Jasmine.


Mar 27, 2013

slug life
I hope Ginger makes it as far as the Snatch Game, because I know she'll do Adele and I know she'll be flawless.

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

Not Today Satan posted:

She does get props for finding a loaf of bread to use during the mini-challenge though. Like seriously, where did she find that? That's pretty much the only nice thing I have to say about Jasmine.
RuPaul's Drag Race 2015: Where did you find a loaf of bread?

Mar 23, 2004

the dlob days of summer

Not Today Satan posted:

She does get props for finding a loaf of bread to use during the mini-challenge though. Like seriously, where did she find that? That's pretty much the only nice thing I have to say about Jasmine.

Apparently she had a bag packed with bread, cold cuts, and a giant bottle of hot sauce. According to gossip from one of the viewing parties with Ginger.

You can see the hot sauce in the episode!

Mar 29, 2010

Also according to Ginger Ru asked to turn the cameras off and just tore into them for 20 minutes. Katya confirms Ru was loving pissed in her tumblr.
It sounds like what we got to see wasn't even the worst of it :ohdear:

Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
Goddamn I wish I could see that.

Aug 11, 2004


angerbeet posted:

Apparently she had a bag packed with bread, cold cuts, and a giant bottle of hot sauce. According to gossip from one of the viewing parties with Ginger.

You can see the hot sauce in the episode!

Yeah. It sounds like Ru tries to starve her queens to make everybody hungry and ornery, for the drama. Other queens in the past have complained about the pathetic excuses for food they were given. Sharon is a vegetarian, and said she ate nothing but mayonnaise sandwiches the whole time she was there because the crew simply would not give her anything vegetarian.

So, filling a suitcase with food was probably the one smart thing that Jasmine did this season. Good riddance such a nasty, bitter queen was sent home packing. When it was revealed in Untucked that she was seriously planning on just standing there and refusing to lip sync before Kandy talked her out of it, she just lost any ounce of pity or respect that I had left for her, of which there was very little to begin with.

Mar 22, 2009

Not going to see this for a couple of days... What happened?

Vertigo Ambrosia
May 26, 2004
Heretic, please.

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

I mean besides the fact that she's stuck-up and circlejerking with Jasmine (and Kasha and Ginger, which disappointed me).

It's weird because when Ginger talked about the 'bitter old ladies club' I feel like she's just sort of playing around, whereas Jasmine and Kennedy were dead serious. I just can't imagine her making GBS threads on people like they did.

Nihonniboku posted:

Good riddance such a nasty, bitter queen was sent home packing. When it was revealed in Untucked that she was seriously planning on just standing there and refusing to lip sync before Kandy talked her out of it, she just lost any ounce of pity or respect that I had left for her, of which there was very little to begin with.

That was some giant defense mechanism bullshit. Didn't they say she was packing her bags before the actual performance when she heard it was an acting challenge? Did she think the show was just going to be lip synching and being sour as gently caress and nothing that she'd struggle at? It's especially ridiculous because Jaidynn had a sudden freakout in the middle of their performance and she pulled her poo poo together really quick; Jasmine just took one look at something vaguely out of her comfort zone and just gave up so she could pretend like she was going out with honor or some poo poo.

Aug 11, 2004


notaspy posted:

Not going to see this for a couple of days... What happened?

There is an older queens alliance consisting of Kennedy, Kasha, Jasmine, and Ginger. They hate the younger queens.

They dressed up as old women and did a dance off to determine who would lead the teams: Kennedy and Max.

Max's team performed Romy and Juliet. Kennedy's did Macbitch.

Pearl has never heard of Macbeth.

Max's team did fairly well. Jayden had a breakdown, but Max talked her through it and pulled it off.

Kennedy's team was a disaster because they didn't practice. Kennedy was also trying to take out Violet by giving her the part of the ghetto queen, but that backfired when Jasmine couldn't pull off bitchy in the title role of Macbitch. Turns out Jasmine couldn't pull off ghetto either. Pearl came off as cold and flat, surprise, surprise.

During this insanity, Ru let loose on the queens, screaming at them to pull their poo poo together.

For the runway, the queens wore ballgowns and beards. Jasmine for some reason refused to wear a beard claiming she would get acne and would have to go to the hospital. She painted one on instead. It looked terrible, although her dress was pretty sick.

When Jasmine and Violet were giving excuses for their performances, Ru lost it on them again and told them she was sick of their excuses.

Max won, deservedly. She was hilarious in the challenge, and her bearded look was great.

Kennedy and Jasmine lip synced, and Jasmine was sent packing.

Nihonniboku fucked around with this message at 23:28 on Mar 17, 2015

Aug 11, 2004


Vertigo Ambrosia posted:

That was some giant defense mechanism bullshit. Didn't they say she was packing her bags before the actual performance when she heard it was an acting challenge? Did she think the show was just going to be lip synching and being sour as gently caress and nothing that she'd struggle at? It's especially ridiculous because Jaidynn had a sudden freakout in the middle of their performance and she pulled her poo poo together really quick; Jasmine just took one look at something vaguely out of her comfort zone and just gave up so she could pretend like she was going out with honor or some poo poo.

Yea, it reeked of Magnolia Crawford last season, who after getting eliminated "first", claimed she never wanted to be on the show in the first place.

Dec 29, 2011
I think Max is going for a 'Continental'/Transatlantic accent, not a British accent. That would fit more with her old Hollywood schtick, and would also explain why her accent sounds slightly (but not quite) British. But I agree with whoever said she needed to really commit to the 'weirdness' without taking it too seriously.

JollityFarm fucked around with this message at 02:21 on Mar 18, 2015

Mar 16, 2007

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Grimey Drawer

Nihonniboku posted:

There is an older queens alliance consisting of Kennedy, Kasha, Jasmine, and Ginger. They hate the younger queens.

Max's team did fairly well. Jayden had a breakdown, but Max talked her through it and pulled it off.
I am disappointed in Ginger for this though she seemed waaaay less serious about it than the other cranky older queens.

Jayden and Max were just great. Jayden for getting her poo poo together and Max for being such a cool person and helping.

Sep 23, 2005

Vertigo Ambrosia posted:

It's weird because when Ginger talked about the 'bitter old ladies club' I feel like she's just sort of playing around, whereas Jasmine and Kennedy were dead serious. I just can't imagine her making GBS threads on people like they did.

I think so too, but she really has her stealth bitch moments. At the start of this weeks untucked, when Trixie asks "have we not all thought been thinking, since the beginning, max was amazing?", GInger's response was shady. She talks about how she didn't get Max's drag and that she was worried for Max in this challenge; but not in a supportive, "I don't want to see you fail" sort of way but rather a "I expected you to fail" sort of way. She hides her shade in the unspoken parenthetical statements -- it's all very "You exceeded my expectations (because I expected you to suck)"She did the same thing last week with Trixie and Pearl, though to a lesser extent, last week.

I mean, I'm not gonna hold it against her - drag queens in a competition and all that - and besides, nothing Ginger said was mean or anything, but those little compliments-with-an-asterisk that she's been giving out are unnecessary, and if she's ever in the bottom I fully expect the claws to come out. In any case I'm still team minj.

I suspect it's really less age than aesthetic that divides these girls. Ginger, kasha and Kennedy have much more classic drag looks to violet, pearl and fame's runway fashion approach, with Max's look a little too conceptual to consider classic.

Nov 17, 2004

broof roof roof
Is there a preview up for episode 4? The promo, not the app preview?

rare bird
Jun 19, 2013

JollityFarm posted:

I think Max is going for a 'Continental'/Transatlantic accent, not a British accent. That would fit more with her old Hollywood schtick, and would also explain why her accent sounds slightly (but not quite) British. But I agree with whoever said she needed to really commit to the 'weirdness' without taking it too seriously.

she's my favorite queen, and i am a huge cinephile/fan of Old Hollywood, but wow is this ever annoying.

Mar 29, 2010

So anyway, Pearl is the best thing ever.

Jun 22, 2007

"As a rule, I never touch anything more sophisticated and delicate than myself."
Usually they can edit even terrible performances to be bearable but holy poo poo I had to watch MacBitch through the cracks of my fingers.

Someone had made the comparison between Max and Jinx last week and I just groaned. The whole feigned underdog act when she was clearly getting a winner's edit was absolutely tedious to sit through that season. Max's come into her own, though. That said, I'm riding the Katya train until the goddamn wheels fall off.

Speaking of goddammit, Willam's back from her cruise tour with a new Beatdown!

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.

CHiRAL posted:

So anyway, Pearl is the best thing ever.

I'm really happy I'm not the only one who noticed this. For some reason all I could think of was

Nov 17, 2004

broof roof roof
Is there a gif of her dropping behind the set slowly?

Vote Katya 2016

Mar 29, 2010

Fun with friends

Feb 16, 2010
Sasha Belle wants to help you learn good dental hygiene:

Aug 11, 2004

Jiggly Caliente guest starred on Broad City tonight as the shop keeper at a wig shop.

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

Nihonniboku posted:

Jiggly Caliente guest starred on Broad City tonight as the shop keeper at a wig shop.
This is amazing.

Also: I can watch the Shakesqueer videos over and over again in comparison to the Chaz Bono interview challenge from last season, which I've only watched one time because it makes me hide under a blanket, completely mortified for Trinity K. Bonet. When Ru said this acting challenge was the worst debacle in Drag Race history, I immediately thought about the whole Chaz/Chad thing.

And then cringed for five minutes straight at the memory.

Speed Crazy
Nov 7, 2011

Capsaicin posted:

Is there a gif of her dropping behind the set slowly?


Apr 29, 2005

Now who looks even dumber?

Beef Witch
I really don't understand drag queens who have absolutely no acting ability whatsoever. I get if you can't sing or can't dance or are bad at comedy because all that poo poo is tough and takes practice and talent. But isn't putting on an outfit and creating a character what drag is all about at its core? Do some of these girls just expect to show up, throw on a dress, and smile and they think that's good enough? I don't even see how you'd get a local gig doing that because the drag acts I've seen have all been very much about putting on a show, not just looking pretty.

Trig Discipline
Jun 3, 2008

Please leave the room if you think this might offend you.
Grimey Drawer

Yodzilla posted:

Do some of these girls just expect to show up, throw on a dress, and smile and they think that's good enough?

They do, and it astonishes me. I can see that for the first season or two, maybe, but how can anyone who's seen a single season of Drag Race still entertain the notion that looking good is going to be enough to win? Every season starts with three or four queens who seem to think they look so good that they don't have to actually do anything well, and they just drop like flies.

Aug 11, 2004


Trig Discipline posted:

They do, and it astonishes me. I can see that for the first season or two, maybe, but how can anyone who's seen a single season of Drag Race still entertain the notion that looking good is going to be enough to win? Every season starts with three or four queens who seem to think they look so good that they don't have to actually do anything well, and they just drop like flies.

Even stranger are the queens who can't act tend to really hate on those who can, and who lately have inevitably gone on to win the whole thing.

Sep 28, 2008

by reading this post you have agreed to form a gay socialist micronation.
This happens on every reality show - after like 10 seasons of Top Chef, there is invariably one person who is loving stunned that they might, as a contestant on a cooking show, be expected to make a dessert. I get that baking a cake is different than cooking, but it's just bizarre to get to the level of being on a show like this and not even think about covering your bases.

Dec 28, 2011

Love Deluxe
Can they have a Drag Race charm school, or even a Project Runway for drag queens? (I know they had a drag challenge on PR, but still)

shadow puppet of a
Jan 10, 2007


Bad Girls Club vs Drag Race Divas would be some pretty wonderful television. Imagine the reads dropped on the Natalie Nunns of the world.

Mar 22, 2009

Watched last night, thank god that hateful woman has gone!

Next is Kennedy and pearl does need to sharpen up quick along with fame.

I'm digging Max's methord acting thing.

But gently caress me how bad do you have to be that RU had to unload like that, it was painful. I never thought I would see RU break character but its understandable when a load of queens arw making GBS threads all over your product.

Sep 23, 2005

It may never get further than twitter, but longtime drag superstar Jackie Beat wants a legends of drag season full of veteran queens

I would love this.

Mar 22, 2009

Jesus, the back chat would be outrageous

Jan 26, 2009

I'm becom-, I'm becom-,
I'm becoming
Tana in, Tana in my mind.

Not that anyone is surprised, but the show got renewed for another season.

e: And Willam is Kickstarting Season Three of the Beatdown!!!!! Get on this.

Pinwiz11 fucked around with this message at 17:17 on Mar 20, 2015

Jan 23, 2007

It never stops.

notaspy posted:

But gently caress me how bad do you have to be that RU had to unload like that, it was painful.
I want the full 20 minutes of Ru tearing into the queens more than I want the missing Watergate tapes.

Aug 11, 2004

On the latest episode of Gayest of All Time with Jonny McGovern (formerly Gay Pimpin' with Jonny McGovern), they were discussing RuPaul's Drag Race, and two of their regulars have strong connections with the show.

First is Lady Red, a drag queen who is actually drag cousins (I'm guessing their drag mothers were drag sisters) with Jasmine Masters. When Jonny asked Lady Red if she was her favorite, she paused, and replied very diplomatically, "I am glad that she is on the show." Beyond that, she commented that Jasmine is a pro at throwing shade, something that I think we can all attest to.

Todd Masterson, a comedian, actually worked on the show. It sounds like he helped design the challenges, and maybe even helps write the jokes. He said they wanted the show to feel very fresh, so that's why they got an all new pit crew, why Untucked looks so different, and why they didn't do a photoshoot as the first challenge this season. They were originally going to have an actual drag ball with a live studio audience, but they nixed that last second because they were afraid of spoilers getting out of who was actually on the show. When asked who his favorite queen was, he refused to comment because he felt that would give away that they were going to be on the show for a while.

Also, if it wasn't obvious, they knew they wanted to do a stewardess challenge, but weren't sure how to do it until they saw that Virgin Airlines inflight safety video, and they took their inspiration from that.

Jan 31, 2003

My LPth are Hot Garbage
Biscuit Hider

Pinwiz11 posted:

Not that anyone is surprised, but the show got renewed for another season.

e: And Willam is Kickstarting Season Three of the Beatdown!!!!! Get on this.

gently caress it. Gonna buy the fast food date with Warner.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

CaptainScraps posted:

gently caress it. Gonna buy the fast food date with Warner.
If you get to pick the Arby's, insist on the Gower Gulch Arby's. It's like an obligation.


Zinc Teeth
Jul 11, 2008

CaptainScraps posted:

gently caress it. Gonna buy the fast food date with Warner.

Jesus Christ, moneybags.

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